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Helping to Heal the World Around Us Event: World Link Meditation
Potluck Supper, Please call to let us know what you are bring so we do not duplicate (956) 233-1629
The Power of the Grid The Grid can be activated and used to increase the flow of energy for healing and manifestation. It can be activated through the act of intention, will and visualization. These lines of energy can be made stronger through prayer, meditation and ceremony. Through intention and visualization you can merge your energy with the Grid to create a unified force field of love and light .For example, the South Texas Border area has constantly been a place experiencing lower vibrating frequencies of violence, poverty or fear. A protective shield can be created around both individuals and localities by connecting to the Grid using sacred geometry, sound, color and guided meditation. The Grid network not only reflects our thoughts and feeling but amplifies them creating a communication network between individuals, animals, plants, minerals and the Universal Mind. For example, each species of animals has its own Grid. This allows easy communication between animals. It is this Grid or Earth DSL Line that sends out the message to tell the salmon to travel upriver to spawn, to the monarch butterflies to fly to Mexico and is why the geese fly in perfect formation. In the Asian Tsunami very few animals died because they were informed through their grid that danger was coming. We realize that We are NOT powerless to make the needed changes when as a group we set our minds and hearts upon goals that support a shared vision. Power of the Group The effect of group meditations has been Proven by numerous studies. This effect, which has also been called the “Maharishi Effect,” has had over 600 scientific studies conducted in 33 countries and in over 250 independent research institutions. The evidence overwhelmingly correlates synchronized group prayer and meditation having extremely positive social, political and economic benefits to the world. Positive correlations for numerous health benefits to the individual were also observed and confirmed Why not do Global Healings over the Internet? This Community is open to anyone who is interested in stepping up to their role as creators of the world around them. The World link Meditation is Free: There are no dues to pay, no memberships to join and no leadership positions to occupy. We do accept Love Donations to cover our monthly expenses. For more information call Dr. Robyn Dahl. (956)233-1629 World link Meditation for Texas FloodFrom the children of the Sun Foundationhttps://childrenofthesun.org/invocation-benefit-texas-floods/