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![]() The Earth has its own nerve system and arteries of circulation. Many cultures have developed systems for working with these energy lines. In Europe, research into ley lines began in England and Germany in the 1920’s and 30’s. The Chinese developed the art of Feng Shui. Australian Aborigines have their Song Lines. These lines have varying lengths and widths. In the human body there are microscopic blood vessels and the large aorta heart artery. Equivalent on the Earth to the aorta are the two great ley arteries which encircle the planet. On a flat map of the world these two circles form the image of an infinity symbol, or a figure-eight tipped on its side. These rivers of life connect many of the great continental sacred sites to each other. They flow over land and water, and are not obstructed by human boundaries. There are four great spinner wheels which resemble pulleys, around which the two leys move. The major chakras on these lines are known as Driver Wheels, as they drive the force in either direction along the Dragon paths. One Dragon is yin, or feminine – the Rainbow Serpent. This began to encircle the world at a higher volume of life-flow 22 April, 1984. The second Dragon circle is yang, or masculine, and is called the Plumed, Feathered or Quetzalcoatl, Serpent. It shifted into higher flow on 17 August, 1987. With both world arteries now active, all of the world earth chakras are able to expand to greater radii. The cardinal earth chakras and major sites included in this essay which are on these ley lines are: Rainbow Serpent path – Uluru and Kata Tjuta, Bali, Mt. Kailas, Sergiev Posad, Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, and Lake Titicaca. Quetzalcoatl Serpent path - El Tule Tree, Rio Grande Valley. Mt. Shasta, Mt. Fuji, Bali, and Lake Titcaca. Note that these two circles cross each other at Chakra Two, Lake Titicaca and at the world Purification Centre, Bali. Due it's location South Texas is being energized by a massive dose of Multi-dimensional energy.
South Texas and the Mega Vortex
South Texas is also located in one of the 12 Planetary Apostles or Mega Vortices that are bring in New Jerusalem energy. The New Jerusalem is a pattern of light frequencies that are grounding into the energetic blueprint of Mother Earth. The 12 Planetary Gateways act as receiving and transmitting stations to bring in the new keys and codes for the New Earth. Each of these 12 Planetary Gateways have a unique quality, or virtue, which contributes to the Earth and mankind's enlightenment. If there is discord (war, famine, poverty) in any of these regions around a Gateway the overall health of the planet becomes restricted. When the areas around the Gateways are healthy and balanced . . . Mother Earth can ascend to the next level. The combined energy from these 12 Planetary Gateways when activated will create a Planetary Messiah and create the New Jerusalem. This Planetary Messiah will assist the ascension of Mother Earth and Mankind, giving birth to a new way of life and civilization. There are only two Planetary Gateways bring in the new Jerusalem energy into the U.S.: The frequencies are brought into her consciousness, by 12 Mega Vortices called Planetary Gateways or the 12 Apostles. These Mega Vortices are equal spaced around the world with at least one on every continent. Listed below are the 12 Planetary Gateways and their locations. 1. Glastonbury-Shaftesbury, England: Earth Heart Chakra with geometric center at God's Hill just south of Castle Cary. Hadspen House also near this center. 2. Uluru-Kata Tjuta, Australia: Earth Solar Plexus Center. 3. Lake Titicaca, South America: Earth Sexual Chakra; Island of the Sun. 4. Bali: Earth Chakra for Purification; Gunung Agung, Batur, Batukau, and Bukit Petjatu. Center at midpoint of these four, near Tirta Empul, the sacred spring. 5. Mount Kailas, Tibet: Earth Crown Chakra in Tibet. 6. Mount Shasta, North America: Earth Base Chakra 7. Mexico & South Texas: Earth Chakra for Inner Balance and Androgyny 8. Mount Fuji, Japan: Earth Chakra Planetary Immortality and Beauty Center. Summit is focus. 11. Great Pyramid-Mount Sinai-Mount of Olives: Earth Throat Chakra, 12 Table Mountain: Earth Chakra of Planetary Earth-Light. Near Capetown, South Africa The 13th Chakra: When the 12 chakras are opened so that the Heart-Highest Purpose Blessing of Gaia is freely flowing outward, then the 13th Chakra is activated in Russia The Gateways are fed by one of two powerful energy leylines called Dragon lines encompassing the Earth. One Dragon is yin, or feminine – the Rainbow Serpent. The Rainbow Serpent path energize these locations: Uluru and Kata Tjuta, Bali, Mt. Kailas, Sergiev Posad, Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, and Lake Titicaca. The second Dragon circle is yang, or masculine, and is called the Plumed, Feathered or Quetzalcoatl Serpent. The Feathered Serpent path includes: - El Tule Tree, South Texas , Mt. Shasta, Mt. Fuji, Bali, and Lake Titcaca. Note that these two circles cross each other at Chakra Two, Lake Titicaca and at the World Purification Centre, Bali. As an average, each of the 12 Planetary Gateways have a full radius of 777 miles. Who Created the Planetary Gateways ? One theory is that the Gateways were created by the Elohim or the Devic Kingdom. The Elohim are the builders of form. They carry the divine blueprint of what makes a pea plant different from a carrot plant. Elohim are the highest evolution of the Devic Kingdom. The term “Elohim” means “all that God is”. Elohim were referred to in the Old Testament over two thousand five hundred times as the “name of God.” In the Kabbalah, the Jewish book of mysticism, Elohim are referred to as the Divine Mother. Rudolph Steiner, the great German mystic, calls the Elohim the “spirits of form.” The Elohim and Archangels might be thought of as the left and right hands of God. This theory states that the Gateway's encoding were brought to Earth by the Elohim to create a paradise for all beings. Each Gateway carried a vibrational seed of what was to be locally and globally created through the Grid. The Elohim connected human consciousness to the Gateways and the Crystalline Grid. This was the model for enlightenment and paradise. The Elohim departed and left the Gateway and Grid system under the responsibility of the humans and elementals. Atlantis was the headquarters for the Gateway and Grid maintenance. After the collapse of Atlantis, the Druids maintained the Grid and Gateways and kept mankind and the Earth in balance. The Druids and the Atlanteans understood the reciprocal agreement. Mother Earth maintains mankind’s Spiritual development and health through the Grid and Gateways. Mankind maintains Mother Earth’s health through Grid and Gateway maintenance. South Texas Planetary Gateway The Planetary Gateway (Marked as Gateway 8 on Map above) performs a unique role. The Gateway's vortex in South Texas has a unique synchronicity with Mount Shasta Vortex in Washington, and the Lake Titicaca Vortex in South America, spinning in the same direction. South Texas is clockwise, Mt. Shasta is Clockwise, Titicaca is clockwise. This effect creates a direct communication channel , that indigenous Elders from the Mayan and Hopi have referred to as the 'Gateway of the Condor & Eagle'. The South Texas Planetary Gateway carries both a feminine and masculine energy. It is an energic marriage of both. It is this female/male balanced energy that Mother Earth ultimately seeks to project, not a predominantly male or female field. Each Planetary Gateway is linked to a different star system. For example: The South Texas Planetary Gateway forms a DSL Line to Sirius and when you are within this Gateway you are able to download information, key or codes for assisting you on your spiritual path. Sirius is the home of Christ conscious, sacred geometry, Melchizedek Conscious and the Avatar Golden Dolphins. They are members of the Galactic Federation of Light. The Galactic Federation of Light was founded over 4.5 million years ago to prevent inter-dimensional dark forces from dominating and exploiting this galaxy. Throughout the ages Sirius has been surrounded with a special status. Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, the two main figures associated with Theosophy, have both considered Sirius to be a source esoteric power. Blavatsky stated that the star Sirius exerts a mystic and direct influence over the entire living heaven and is linked with every great religion of antiquity. Alice Bailey sees the Dog Star as the true “Great White Lodge” and believes it to be the home of the “Spiritual Hierarchy”. For this reason she considers Sirius as the “star of initiation”. South Texas and Planetary Gateway Activation Click here to learn more about Stargates Futhermore, The South Texas Planetary Gateway has become an important geographic location for the rising of New Atlantis. Click here to find out more
Activation of the South Texas Gateway Note: Due the special role the Planetary Gateway will play in the activation of our new DNA South Texas it has come under attack by the Dark Brotherhood which wishes to de-rail the evolutionary process . For this reason the South Texas Planetary Gateway is under the special protection of Christ, Archangel Michael and his Legion of Blue Lightening Angels operating from a 6D Crytalline City of Light hoovering over Cameron County Texas. Note: The Planetary New Jerusalem is a Vision of Planetary Evolution that was received by a mystic, Robert Coon of Glastonbury, England. Glastonbury is located in the Heart Chakra of Mother Earth. This vision reflects a planetary wave field of Universal Love, Universal Balance, Universal Light, and one with the Crystalline Grid of the Mother Earth. The full details of the vision were published by Glastonbury Circle in a book written by Robert, entitled Spheres of Destiny, in 1993. For more information go to Robert Coons website: worldalchemy.bravehost.com © www.worldalchemy.bravehost.com (Robert Coon www.earthchakras.org (Robert Coon) Effects of Gateway Click here to return to Gateways to the New Jerusalem page How will the New Jerusalem Cycle Begin? Is it Happening Today ? Since 1987 it has risen to 16.5. Time is speeding up! This demonstrates that the Earth itself is changing…she is literally speeding up! The following excerpt from channel and healer Malcolm Bell’s book ‘Rider in the Mist’ reinforces the idea of the intrinsic connection between human beings and Planet Earth:- “The human being is comprised of five bodies: the physical, the mental, the emotional, the spiritual, and the higher self. Any change in the earth’s energy field affects all five bodies, so all five have to be realigned – adjusted in increments according to the varying and ongoing energy fluctuations – and brought back into balance and harmony. In short, the symptoms that people were experiencing were the body’s response to the changing vibration. The body was struggling to adjust to the previously unknown, and never before encountered, elevated and newly patterned energy levels. Unknown to us at times such as this, the body searches through its ancient tribal and genetic memory bank imprints, in an attempt to find a pre-existing pattern to align with. Finding none, it now has to embark upon a critical program of developing and implementing a precise and compatible alternative energy-pattern match. In the process of doing so, all five bodies endure considerable discomfort and confusion.” Many symptoms that people have been experiencing over the past few years is a result of their bodies trying to align with new Planetary Energy. The symptoms have become so widespread that they have called ‘Ascension Symptoms’. Some of these symptoms include
Mother Earth is the cosmic 100th Monkey. When she enters the new consciousness...a domino effect will begin across other Worlds, Universes and distant Galaxies. The new consciousness will spread rapidly by unexplained means from one World to all related Worlds. This is why all the attention is focused today on the Earth and on Her Grid. This is why the Space Brothers are frequently being seen entering into our third dimension, why so much channelling from Ascended Masters and Angels is happening today. Everyone is waiting for us. How will the New Jerusalem Cycle Begin? Is it Happening Today ? Since 1987 it has risen to 16.5. Time is speeding up! This demonstrates that the Earth itself is changing…she is literally speeding up! The following excerpt from channel and healer Malcolm Bell’s book ‘Rider in the Mist’ reinforces the idea of the intrinsic connection between human beings and Planet Earth:- “The human being is comprised of five bodies: the physical, the mental, the emotional, the spiritual, and the higher self. Any change in the earth’s energy field affects all five bodies, so all five have to be realigned – adjusted in increments according to the varying and ongoing energy fluctuations – and brought back into balance and harmony. In short, the symptoms that people were experiencing were the body’s response to the changing vibration. The body was struggling to adjust to the previously unknown, and never before encountered, elevated and newly patterned energy levels. Unknown to us at times such as this, the body searches through its ancient tribal and genetic memory bank imprints, in an attempt to find a pre-existing pattern to align with. Finding none, it now has to embark upon a critical program of developing and implementing a precise and compatible alternative energy-pattern match. In the process of doing so, all five bodies endure considerable discomfort and confusion.” Many symptoms that people have been experiencing over the past few years is a result of their bodies trying to align with new Planetary Energy. The symptoms have become so widespread that they have called ‘Ascension Symptoms’. Some of these symptoms include
Mother Earth is the cosmic 100th Monkey. When she enters the new consciousness...a domino effect will begin across other Worlds, Universes and distant Galaxies. The new consciousness will spread rapidly by unexplained means from one World to all related Worlds. This is why all the attention is focused today on the Earth and on Her Grid. This is why the Space Brothers are frequently being seen entering into our third dimension, why so much channelling from Ascended Masters and Angels is happening today. Everyone is waiting for us. |
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