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Complete Life Readings Now Available : I Ching + Tarot + Runes + Chakra Reading

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Now Available Complete Life Path Readings using Tarot + I Ching + Runes + Chakra Reading

Our Life Path Reading Sessions use multiple sources of data to dig deeper and fit together what is really happening in your life. We combine four readings into one. A session uses the I Ching, Celtic Runic Reading (Runes), the Dragon Tarot and a Chakra Reading with Resonant Field Imaging .  This Session uses the process of Triangulation by taking four different readings of the same situation.  Triangulating your data provides multiple perspectives and having multiple perspectives is essential to truly understanding your situation.   

This system allows you to see possibilities and options in your life that you may never have thought about. These techniques allow you to connect with your inner knowing and strengthen your core self. It often allows one to become more aware of his or her own intuition and make empowering choices to achieve one's goals.These sessions are designed to help you control your destiny, learn how to create a happy, prosperous, abundant, and fulfilling life, and help you make wise personal choices.  

Note: I Ching, Runic and Tarot can be done as a Long Distance Reading.  Chakra Reading must be done in person. 

Celtic Dragon Tarot Card ReadingDescription: Image result for celtic dragon tarot reading

In most people's minds, "Tarot card reading" means a magical  woman in a candlelit room contacting spirits. However, Tarot cards are  not even really meant to tell your fortune or future. According to The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, "The most powerful sources of information come from within; the Tarot aids in coming in contact with one's Higher Self. This reading works with the knowledge of the ancient Celts and ancient dragon energies. The Celtic Dragon Tarot is designed by D. J. Conway author Dancing with Dragons. The Tarot doesn't have the power to change future events, but it can help you anticipate them.

I Ching Reading

Description: Image result for I ching readings

The I Ching Reading gives you  a deeper level of understanding about any situation, dilemma, or relationship issue you may be dealing with at this moment in time. This is the oldest divination system in the world, and has helped people awaken to their own  intuition for over 3,000 years. The ancient oracle will help give you the clarity and guidance needed to get the best outcome.

Celtic Runes Image result for runes reading

Like the Tarot, runes are a tool to a better understanding of our lives. This magical alphabet was used by Nordic and Germanic tribes, Scandinavia and Britain.  The Runes, have much to teach us about a way of life that was more intimately related to the worlds of nature world, and spirit, than our own today.

Aura & Chakra Readings

We use Resonant Field Imaging to measure the energy fields of your Aura & Chakra centers to provide you with insight(s) regarding your mental, emotional and physical states. The information you gain helps facilitate letting go of blocks (emotional and mental) in problem areas of your life . .
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Should a Church be doing Life Path Readings?
Psychic Phenomena in the Scriptures

There are many who criticize those in the metaphysical, psychic and spiritual field as working with the devil or some other negative or unseen agency. However, these fundamentalist do not understand that all of these same phenomena were demonstrated by the Christ Jesus and were also repeated throughout the Old and New Testament. In the book " Occult Christ " by Ted Andrews is a listing of bible verses that back up psychic phenomena and validates our healing methods as biblical. 

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Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

Click here for Transmission Aids

Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

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