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What kind of energy do you take in during a walk?

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During all Labyrinth Walks you will be bring in and intregrate Fohat Fire from the Unity and Crysalline Grid. The Grid System is the reservior of the different colored rays of Fohat Fire that can heal, transmute, and upgrade your four body system The Eastern Esoteric Science taught in Theosophy, defined Fohat as cosmic or universal electricity, vitality, energy, and life force. Just as every living human being is nourished and powered by the principle of Chi within them,  so the Universe itself is powered from within by Chi on the macrocosmic level, i.e. Universal Chi …and this is Fohat.    FOHAT appears throughout “The Secret Doctrine” by H.P. Blavatsky – and especially in the first volume titled ... “Cosmogenesis".  Fohat is the link between spirit and matter because it contains the molecular formulas to release the energies of the chakras to bring about manifestation, for a specific action or challenge.

Fohat is a Living Entity

Fohat is not an impersonal energy force… it has a will and a mind of its own.  You may find it strange to think of an impersonal Universal Electricity as a type of Entity. But Fohat is not only the container for the Universal Force, but it is a living, thinking and feeling Entity. This Entity responds to the "Spoken Word" and imposes it's will upon beings of cosmic, human and terrestrial origin.  Fohat has a cosmic consciousness operating at every “level” of the cosmos and links each plane to the other; spirit to mind and mind to matter. Madame Blavatsky sums up the complex story of Fohat very well when she states that,

It is through Fohat that the Ideas of the Universal Mind are impressed upon matter” (SD I:85).

Some have compared the Fohat experience to receiving the Holy Spirit. Many of the qualities of Fohat and the Holy Spirit are similar. Learn more...

Fohat and Quantum Physics
Fohat has been called the Fire of the Phoenix. The Phoenix burns as it dies and out of the ashes, a new Phoenix is born. This is one of the purpose of Fohat Fire... to burn away the old Lower Self Consciousness to make way for the birth the new Higher Self Consciousness. The flow of Fohat Fire through our neural pathways acts like Drain-o  or Liquid Plummer in a plugged up kitchen sink.  Fohat opens your neural pathways so you can start the Overshadowing Process with your Spiritual Guidance Team.  As this happens, your "view" of things changes dramatically.  You start to discover more of your Higher Self gifts and gain access of your true power to influence your realities.

Why can we use Fohat to transmute our negative energy and open Multi-Dimensional Communication Channels?  Because the human body is an energy system. This allows different energy frequencies of Fohat to interact with the functions of our physical system. Quantum Physics has helped us to understand the phenomenon of Life Force Energy. This research has found that Human existence is comprised of more than just physical energies and processes.  We know that our body is a bio-chemical, electro-magnetic energy system but our Life Force energy is the basic building block. The bio-chemical and the electro-magnetic processes are the physical expressions of our Life Force or Fohat .


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Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

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Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

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