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The Process

Co-Creating with the Divine Spirit
Stargate Training for Activation and  Re-Alignment refers to the art of working within a Stargate
to change and charge your consciousness in order to accelerate your ability to rebuild, repair, or maintain aspects of your life and self.

Stargate Activation and Re-Alignment is a very unique method of teaching you how to use your personal, planetary, and universal energy from a Stargate for healing and evolution.  All energy follows thought. When we open a Stargate, attune with higher dimensional frequencies and give our intentions in vocalization and visualization, our intentions are given greater thrust toward manifesting. The more we link our mind and voice with higher dimensional energy the greater our own power in life. This link of mind and voice with higher dimensional frequencies establishes the Pattern of Divine Order in your body, mind and spirit.

The pattern of the Divine Order is found in everything in nature, every word we create, every sound that is manifested has a Divine order to it. The geometric pattern of Divine Order in your mind allows you to activate a two way communication channel with higher dimensional beings called a "Conference Call".  In the Conference Call  you set up a telepathic connection between YOU and the Angelic and Star Family Communication Network. This connection allows you to easily and swiftly manifest through a process called Co-Creation.  Co-Creation is part of the Divine Plan for helping humanity to work with Spiritual and Cosmic Beings to heal itself and the Planet. This requires a higher level of spiritual understanding that needs to be awoken.

The Awakening Process is done through Fire Letter Mantras and Creative Visualization that brings in a special Multi-Dimensional energy called Fohat through a Stargate. Fohat accelerates your ability to rebuild, repair, or maintain aspects of your life and self. Fohat is the key for clearing out all those issues that have become a personal stumbling block. By opening up a Stargate we can increase the flow of Fohat that has the power to burn away the thinking patterns that dictates problem behavior that hinders our ability to move forward in our life.

Each time you open a Stargate and work with Fohat your energy changes and rearranges as a result of your experience. The more work you do, the more you upgrade your energy system. This upgraded energy system results in:

  • opening energy channels and basic energy pathways of the pineal gland, aura and chakras;
  • shifting your perceptions to dissolve frozen blocks of energy and speeding up the healing process;
  • clear perception;
  • aligning with your life missions;
  • easier manifestation of physical needs;
  • personal health;
  • improved relationships based on attracting others with similar vibrations;
  • adaptation to your changing external environment;
  • and ability to experience the Fifth Dimension.
What is Fohat?
What is Fohat?

Fohat is a etheric, bio-electric consciousness from which all physical reality or matter is created. In effect Fohat is God consciousness that is the building material from which the tangible Universe is created. The entire Universe is simply  "Fohat materialized as a thoughtform" of the Divine Spirit. Fohat Energy is a powerful part of God Consciousness that provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.  How can Fohat help you? Some of its attributes include:

  • Once you connect to it, fohat will continue to work on resolving issues and healing problem areas spontaneously without you having to do anything
  • Healing is gentle and you hardly know it is happening
  • Works with relationship issues to bring harmony where there is conflict
  • Releases stress and brings in the sense of being loved
  • Spontaneously provides wisdom, knowledge and guidance to help you on your life path
  • Provides comfort and feelings of peace
  • It stabilizes a person's energy system and gives it an overall boost.
  • Awakens creativity. It can be used to correct a negative self image, lack of imagination, and an inability to initiate new things.  
  • Helps you to understand God’s messages that clears away confusion,  make the right life choices, and obtain the confidence you need to act on those choices including  communicating your choices effectively to other people.
  • Burns away addiction, negative attitudes such as arrogance or shame or unhealthy habits such as spending too much money and getting into debt or gossiping about others that are slowing down your spiritual growth.
  • Helps you develop the communication skills you need to speak,  write, and listen successfully. The result is that your personal relationships and your work on the job gets better because you can better understand what people are trying to communicate to you and they can better understand you .
  • If you’re working on an artistic project, fohat White Fire can motivate you  to create something that resonates in people’s souls when they see it.
  • If you’re trying to become a better parent, Fohat can bring in the wisdom and strength that you need to have to raise your children well.

History of Fohat

The  rishis, who sang the Vedic Hymns 5,000 to 7,000 years ago, devoted themselves to the Divine Fire... Agni.  Here is a quote from the book "On the way to Supermanhood" by Satprem that describes the fire: 
"Man has a self of fire in the center of his being, a little flame, a pure cry of being under the ruins of the machine. This fire is the one that clarifies. This fire is the one that sees. For it is a fire of truth in the center of the being, and there is one and the same fire everywhere, in all  beings and all things and all movements of the world and the stars, in this pebble beside the path and the winged seed wafted by the wind."

The rishis called this fire the "Third Fire' , the one that is neither in flame nor in lightening: saura agni, the solar fire.

The Eastern Esoteric Science taught in Theosophy, defined Fohat as cosmic or universal electricity, vitality, energy, and life force. Just as every living human being is nourished and powered by the principle of Chi within them,  so the Universe itself is powered from within by Chi on the macrocosmic level, i.e. Universal Chi …and this is Fohat.    FOHAT appears throughout “The Secret Doctrine” by H.P. Blavatsky – and especially in the first volume titled ... “Cosmogenesis".  Fohat is the link between spirit and matter because it contains the molecular formulas to release the energies of the chakras to bring about manifestation, for a specific action or challenge.

Fohat and Quantum Physics
Fohat has been called the Fire of the Phoenix. The Phoenix burns as it dies and out of the ashes, a new Phoenix is born. This is one of the purpose of Fohat Fire... to burn away the old Lower Self Consciousness to make way for the birth the new Higher Self Consciousness. The flow of Fohat Fire through our neural pathways acts like Drain-o  or Liquid Plummer in a plugged up kitchen sink.  Fohat opens your neural pathways so you can start the Overshadowing Process with your Spiritual Guidance Team.  As this happens, your "view" of things changes dramatically.  You start to re-discover more of your Higher Self gifts and gain access of your true power to influence your realities.

Why can we use Fohat to transmute our negative energy and open Multi-Dimensional Communication Channels?  Because the human body is an energy system. This allows different energy frequencies of Fohat to interact with the functions of our physical system. Quantum Physics has helped us to understand the phenomenon of Life Force Energy. This research has found that Human existence is comprised of more than just physical energies and processes.  We know that our body is a bio-chemical, electro-magnetic energy system but our Life Force energy is the basic building block. The bio-chemical and the electro-magnetic processes are the physical expressions of our Life Force or Fohat .

Fohat is not an impersonal energy force…

Fohat is not an impersonal energy force… it has a will and a mind of its own.  You may find it strange to think of an impersonal Universal Electricity as a type of Entity. But Fohat is not only the container for the Universal Force, but it is a living, thinking and feeling Entity. This Entity responds to the "Spoken Word" and imposes it's will upon beings of cosmic, human and terrestrial origin.  Fohat has a cosmic consciousness operating at every “level” of the cosmos and links each plane to the other; spirit to mind and mind to matter. Madame Blavatsky sums up the complex story of Fohat very well when she states that,

It is through Fohat that the Ideas of the Universal Mind are impressed upon matter” (SD I:85).

Some have compared the Fohat experience to receiving the Holy Spirit. Many of the qualities of Fohat and the Holy Spirit are similar.

Not Reiki Energy
Fohat energy is different from Reiki energy or Christ Consciousness energy.  Reiki, the Universal Life Force Energy is called  "Christ Consciousness energy". This is a personal energy, a personal realization, "I am One with the God Force." "I am Godling”. This is Stage One of Ascension Process. After you become "Christ Consciousness' you can receive 'The Fohat Consciousness or God Consciousness".

The Fohat  Energy uses the energy from the I AM that I AM. It is one step beyond Christ Consciousness  that realizes that all life is interconnected.  Its the step beyond the thinking  that you are a part of the whole. It is the realization that you are the Whole, you are the Earth, you are Jesus Christ, you are God. The Tibetan Lamas and the tribes in the Serra Nevada  know this and they show it by how they care for the Planet.  We are not all connected, we are one.  You understand the "Force of One". None of us are going to ascended unless all of us ascended. What ever I do to you I do to my self.  Your inner self becomes your outer self and your outer self becomes your inner self.  You become  "community service oriented"  and use the awareness to assist others.

How do we Direct Fohat ?

Vocalization + Visualization + Sensation = Manifestation

Fohat Fire is a powerful force capable of bring about real changes in your life, if you use it the right way and do it consistently. After working with Fohat, you will see positive changes that will begin at the spiritual level, and from there will affect you on the mental, emotional and physical levels. Changes take place on the deepest level, in the cellular DNA. It actually creates transformation on your spiritual DNA level, changes that are manifested in your everyday life.  At STAR you will learn how to direct Fohat through a Stargate Activation Process so that you can take the ideal image in your mind and reproduce it as a concrete form. 

The key element in directing Fohat energy for healing is programming.  In fact, did you know that the most dysfunctional behavior is the result of inappropriate programming. And that 80% of all illnesses are psychosomatic and can be healed with Creative Visualization and Scripts or self-talk. By speaking aloud and creative visualization, you cause a chemical reaction in the body that allows you to bypass the critical, conscious mind and deals with the emotional, subconscious mind.  This Process uses a combination of three procedures to direct Fohat to manifest your expected outcome:

  • The Spoken Word:  Fire Letter Mantras, Decrees, Re-Framing Scripts
  • Feeling and Moving Energy:  Energy Meditation
  • Creative Visualization

Intoning and Vocalization:.Fire Letter Mantras are Intoned (Chanted)  and Decrees in the form of a Script are spoken to open a Stargate that will establish a constant flow of Fohat Fire in the vibration seed pattern of the Divine Name that corresponds to your desired outcome. This process directs the Higher Self to manifest the intentions or qualities reflected in the Fire Letter Mantra. The Higher Self directs the re-organized Fohat to specific problem areas in your 4 body system (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual).  Fohat fire burns the negative disturbances, thoughts, emotions, entanglements and entity attachments, then is directed by Re-framing Script to generate the positive energy, thoughts, emotions, harmony and freedom.

Energy Meditation: Energy Meditation techniques are used to focus on your breathing, your body, and your feelings and/or physical sensations as you move Fohat energy through your 4 body system (Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual). Sensations are an indicator of whether the process is working properly and support the  Manifestation Process. Energy Meditation lets you take your decree and spend time every day sitting in the feeling of what it is that you desire. You let the thought inform the feeling and let the feeling take over your energy. The more you feel the feeling of what you desire, the more you believe it is on the way. From a metaphysical perspective, if you believe it then it is already here. So make time for contemplating, thinking, feeling and believing.

Creative Visualization is used to focus on specific images intended to bring about a specific result – this is is popular with the New Agers. The technique uses a Guided Meditation Script and is very similar to Contemplation, which is used to mentally focus on the qualities of the Divine Spirit, virtues of your Higher Self or your desired  outcome.  This technique is used in Christianity, but was also advocated by Plato. Examples of contemplation include contemplative prayer and centering prayer.

The Spoken Word: Voice Consciousness

Christianity and the Power of the Word
We always hear "Ask and You shall Receive", but how you ask is very important. All images, names and words have their own power, if we know how to use them. Speaking Decrees, intoning Mantras and reciting Reframing Scripts that use the "Power of the Name of God  "  to ask the Divine for certain favors are a special form of asking.  Christianity has an old tradition for using the power of the spoken word to invoke spiritual power. You are using the power of the word when you give the "Our Father", say the "Rosary" or sing many Christian songs. The same happens through the Gregorian chants, the reading of Scripture out loud or the recitation of other Christian prayers and rituals.

Word Magic
Everyday in commercials and advertisements, we experience the power of words and language . Wall Street and the advertising industry have created a new form of power  "Word Magic".  Language is used to manipulate our energies, emotions, and ideas. They have learned to penetrate any mental defectors we have put up. We are obsessed with being young and thin... we are convinced that material gain is the only way to happiness. Individuals in the Advertising business have learned to use the power of ordinary words to create tremendous effects. Imagine what you could do with the ancient mystical words of power to better the world.

Language is a magical power and speech is its delivery system.  The more we link the mind and the voice, the greater the power we have to manifest our desires in the World. The subconscious mind controls 90 percent of our actions.  It also responds literally to  every thought and word.  The more we think something and the more we expression the same thought in words, the stronger the effect will be.

Just as music is played externally, but felt within us, it is the same with words and language. Words and their sounds vibrate in different parts of the body, different chakras, different organs, different emotions, different mental process.  The Power of the Word depends on the meaning, how it is expressed, how we feel when we express it, and how illuminated the person is who expresses it.  Every word we speak creates a thoughtform in the etheric and astral plane. The more powerful the Words the stronger the thought form and the more powerful the effect. Mantras that comprise the seventh school of yoga have this power.

Mantras have a creative power to attract positive spiritual energy that can change a persons energy field for the better.  They also have the destructive power of being able to shatter or repel negative energy. Mantras use the power of words, phrases and/or sounds which carry power to effect changes in the mind, body, emotions or spirit of the individual.  It stimulates the energy inside of us and the energy that surrounds us and brings them into harmony on all levels. The vibrational seed pattern of a mantra can purify your energy field and expel negative energy that is being sent to you by other people. 

Mantras power are based on four things:

  • A person's faith that the Mantra will work
  • The ability of the person to associate definite ideas with the sounds or words which intensifies our feelings and emotions
  • What the words mean and how this definition creates a mental thought for the individual
  • The sound alone, without reference to its meaning. For example the sound vibration of hebrew names of God or Sanscrit God names create changes in the function of the chakra system thereby affects the entire energy system.

The use of God names in rituals, prayers, affirmations and mantras have been practiced for centuries.  They can be used to attune to a specific energy of a divine quality. If we are in a crowd and we call out "Hey, You" anyone may turn around. If we call out "Hey Mary Jones"  we get the one special person we want to talk with. This is the same with energy. Generic words can bring in all sorts of energy, some maybe helpful ... others may not. All names and words have their own magic. God names and words of power can open up higher levels of consciousness that give us the power to manifest our hearts desire.  These words link us to thought forms of similar energies that we can use. By the Law of Attraction, Like attracts Like. This compounds the effects of the original words and sounds. These ancient divine names and words invoke and awaken fohat energies within us that are associated with them. Even though the energies maybe inherent, they still must be manifested and directed. When we intone the names of God in a mantra, we are aligning ourselves to that aspect of the divine quality represented by the name. When the name vibrates throughout our body and our consciousness, we bring our energy into harmony with the Fohat of the name and it awakes Fohat within us and attracts similar Fohat outside of us that can use and direct.

What is a Fire Letter Mantra?

Fire Letter Mantras are a very specific type of Mantra that resonate strongly for individuals with a Judeo Christian Background.  This Mantra involves the visualization and chanting of the Name of God using letters from the Hebrew Alphabet. The ancient Hebrew Names of God have been used throughout the ages in rituals and ceremonies.  Mantras can be used to attune to the specific Fohat energy represented by the Name. When chanted with the proper visualization, feeling and a specific intention called a decree, they will yield good results for healing and empowerment.

What are Fire Letters?

The Stargate Activation Process works with a specific kind of Fohat energy that is generated by Hebrew Fire Letters in the Name of God. According to the Qabala, the Hebrew letters were created before the formation of the Universe, and participated in the creation of each and every living thing. The Hebrew letters constitute the DNA of the Universe. Certain letter combinations carry higher energetic frequencies of Fohat than others, but they are all composed of the same basic ingredients - Fohat Fire...the sacred fire of the Divine Spirit...the Holy Spirit. Below is a picture of the Hebrew Fire Letters.

Fire Letters are composed of specific frequencies and vibrations that assists in RAPID consciousness expansion that allows Fohat to flow freely.  The sound of the Letters create a cosmic vibration that opens Stargates and intensifies the flow of Fohat.   Stargates allows you to travel into other dimensions to connect with your Higher Self. Stan Tenen, physicist, states that,

the ancient Hebrew alphabet is far more than an everyday toll for everyday communication or the transmission of sacred texts, the letter forms themselves have intrinsic geometric and mathematical properties that point us to a profound knowledge of life and the nature of human consciousness.”

We must keep in mind the fact that Fohat is not that which manifests, but the invisible electricity behind that manifested form.  Fohat is the Horse and Higher Self is the Rider. Fire Letter Mantras are the Road Map leading you to your destinations. Like a horse Fohat will transport you from one place to another...from one dimension to another. Your Road Map is written in an inter-dimensional language of a higher consciousness called the "Language of Light."  Fire Letters can be thought of as a computer software program for connecting with your Higher Self or Christ Self. They are NOT simply words, they are energy triggers of Light.  Dr. J.J. Hurtak author of "The Keys of Enoch", and "Pistis Sophia" describes mantras of divine names as:

A set of sound patterns and thought forms which can code consciousness into the consciousness of light.”  

A quotation in Dr J.J. Hurtak’s book ‘The Keys of Enoch’™ proposes that it is the frequency of the sacred words themselves that carries the power:

The energy words are to be used to code your body directly into the Light. They also provide the sound vibrations of greeting and protection…To place these ancient energy words into English, modern Indo-European languages or some other language, would deprive consciousness of a direct experience with the power of the sacred language. Transposing these words would cause them to lose their energy pulse, which is similar to the symphonic song of a musical masterpiece transposed out of its original key into a strange cacophony.”           

When the names of God are written in Fire Letters, they affect and activate every subatomic particle. This Language of Light carries with it a power to go from Human Intelligence to Higher Intelligence.  They activate our Light Body that allows us to travel into other dimensions to connect with our Higher Self. Each God Name carries unique qualities, designed to help us restore and cure the ills of the soul, body and mind, overcome crises, achieve abundance, joy and happiness.

What are the 72 Names of God?

 Fire Letters Mantras are derived from magical uses of the Judeo-Christian Qabala.  The Qabala is a simple system of understanding yourself and of reconnecting with the Divine Spirit. Many have called the Qabala… the Yoga of the West. Qabala is not a religion per se. Qabala is defined as the secret, mystical, magical, philosophical and religious teachings developed by Jewish scholars.These sacred fire letter combinations of the 72 names of God are a direct link between the spiritual world and the physical world. Each one of the 72 God names opens a different channel that connects you to a specific quality of the Divine Spirit.

The "72 names of God" are encrypted in the book of Exodus, Chapter XIV, in the verses that tell the story of the parting of Red Sea. This Biblical story demonstrates the tremendous power of God and its capacity to perform miracles and wonders for his chosen people. In verses 19,20,21,  are encrypted with 72 letters in each verse. When written in three lines, one under the other, (verse 20 is written backwards), and read from top to bottom, they create 72 3-letter combinations. These are the 72 sacred names ascribed to the Creator. Assimilating the “72 Names” into your whole being - body, mind and spirit on a daily basis by using Fire Letter Mantras will create a deep transformation in your life. The high frequencies of the 72 Names will penetrate each cell of your body and create changes at the DNA level. All you need is to tune in and practice the assimilation process with full intent.

Why does chanting God's name in Fire Letter work in manifesting our wishes ?
It is important to remember that sound is a major contributing factor in our state of consciousness.  Fire Letters are specific signals to call upon qualities or aspects of the one Divine force in the Universe. During Fire Letter chanting, we vibrate at higher and purer frequency that draws in Fohat that can unstick and release negative energy. This allows the frequency of Fire Letters to return us to our natural state of resonance, effecting a cure.

Fire Letters Mantras are part of vibrational medicine that is based on the theory that everything is made of a vibration... this has been shown by a physics concept called the  "Superstring theory". Everything is in a state of vibration and when we are in a natural, resonant vibration, we are in a state of health. But if some part of the body begins to vibrate at a counter frequency, the energy becomes stuck and disease sets in.

Recent research has shown that sound has a powerful effect. Masuru Emoto of Japan demonstrated that water molecules are actually affected by sound and our intentions. Emoto had photographs of polluted water, which at first look like mud. After a priest chanted over this water, it is photographed again. This time, the water looks like a snowflake—the sound and intentionality had restored it to its natural pristine harmonious shape.

How does the Reframing Script Work with Fire Letter Mantras?

The Reframing Script directs your conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind to re-organize Fohat into the Fire Letter Vibrational Seed Pattern and then draws this energy into your personal energy field or into the energy field of the planet.  The Script directs your Higher Self to channel the Fohat to create a vibrational change in your thinking patterns that changes the space outside and inside of you. This vibrational change activates the Pineal Gland and Third Eye chakra that results in new neural pathways in your brain that connects you to other dimensions and allows multi-dimensional messages or healing energy to flow more easily into your brain or into your physical body. The Script and Mantras can direct your Higher Self to channel Fohat to form a high-frequency wave field around your physical body to give you spiritual protection. Or it can invoke a color of Fohat that will transform negative energy into a higher vibration.

Creative Visualization

An individual's level of skill in directing Fohat is based upon learning to use the abilities of the right hemisphere of your brain. Inside each of our skulls we have a double brain with two ways of learning.  On the left side (dominant in western culture) we do analysis, count, mark time, plan and view the world in a logical step by step process. It verbalizes, makes statements and draws conclusions based upon logic, using a linear approach to life.

The right hemisphere of your brain allows you to see an image or picture in your mind’s eye, hold it and work with it.  We see how things go together as a whole. We understand metaphors, dreams, create new combination of ideas tapping into our intuition and experiencing leaps of insight. The right brain is intuitive, subjective, and holistic in thinking.  Because of it's faculty to understand symbols and create powerful, visualization it has the power to create.

The success of the Stargate Process is dependent on learning the three basic Right Brain Skills of Creative Visualization:

  • Visualization: Your ability to create a clear mental picture that is as lifelike (color, texture, fragrance) as possible in your mind’s eye .
  • Concentration: Your ability to concentrate and focus on an image for a long period of time without your mind wandering off on other thoughts.
  • Imagination: Your ability to use controlled creative imagination to create images and scenes in a self directed action movie. This is similar to concentrated day-dreams or lucid night dreams.

Creative Visualization is an intended or purposeful daydream in which all your senses are used: sights, sounds, tastes, smells and feeling.  During a session you will feel, see and sense various colours of the purifying flame of the Fohat Fire in, through and around you and everywhere else. Research has shown that imagery can heighten your immune system, lower fatigue, increase energy, alleviate depression, lower blood pressure, increase relaxation and reduce the perception of pain. This research suggests that our mind and body are not separate. The energy of images, thoughts and emotions can change the biochemistry of our bodies.

How to use Creative Visualization with Colors

Click here to see color chart  
One of the most effective way to restore balance to your body, mind and spirit is through the use of Color. Individual chakras and related organs and body systems will respond to specific colors of Fohat.  If their is an imbalance in your body, a certain color of Fohat fire will restore homeostasis (balance) to the chakra thereby effecting all the systems related to it. This applies also to emotional and mental imbalances that cause physical problems. During a session you will combine the individual Fire Letters with their specific colors. After you have visualized and chanted the Fire Letters in color for several minutes, you will be able to send out any color of Fohat fire to assist with different body, mind and spirit health factors.

The colors of Fohat Fire can create a unique field of high vibrational energy around any area of pain, stress, inflammation, or disease, and allows the body to entrain to the higher frequency, thus amplifying the body's ability to heal itself. You can also direct this energy into your home or loved ones. If there is an emotional or physical upset in your life, you can call upon a specific color of Fohat Fire to enter right into those conditions to purify and heal them from your life.

The most frustrating aspect of working with the Fohat Fire is deciding what color to use. The key to is to determine which colors are needed. But if you understand the corresponding colors of the Tarot Keys with the Hebrew Fire Letters and how the color of the Letters match the Chakras colors you can easily discern which color of Fohat Fire will be most beneficial.This website provides you with a chart and detailed description of the function of each of the most commonly used colors of Fohat Fire to help you with the selection process. When in doubt use a Gold White that contains all the Fire Colors.

White Fire, Learn More...
Red Fire, Learn More...
Pink Fire, Learn More...
Blue Fire, Learn More...
Green Fire, Learn More...
Gold Fire, Learn More...
Orange Fire, Learn More...
Violet Fire, Learn More...
Three Fold Flame, Learn More...
Platinum Fire, Learn More...
Green and Violet Transmutation Flame, Learn More...

Each of the Fohat Fire's colors are an aspect of the God Consciousness and have a specific purpose. You can visualize varying shades depending upon the purification, healing or information required.  Each Color of Fire works with an Archangel or Ascended Master that will support the healing process.


As Fohat energy flows through your thought patterns,  you must let the Idea of your Expected Outcome be established as a Master Thoughtform.  You must feed this thoughtform with the Light…the mighty I AM presence… you do this with the power of your imagination, body sensations and emotion.  With the proper use of imagination and sensation you “lock in” the idea. Let's take Job Satisfaction as an outcome.  In your mind, see yourself truly in enjoying your work. Being of service… Sketch it in every detail. Add color to it. Now feel it in your heart... Love it. Sense the joy of being in the Job you always wanted... let the waves of contentment roll over you. And it’s all here now. Don’t think about it happening at some later date.

The Love Force
Most people practice visualizing the energy before they actually learn to feel it.
During the Stargate Process you should feel and think about the energy that is coming into your body and/or images that are flowing into your mind. Fire Letter Mantras and Decrees work best when they are combined with feelings of the heart. We need to get into our heart center when we send out our Decrees and intentions. Love is what makes the decree process work. The major force for manifesting what we want is the " Love Force". The stronger the love force within a person the stronger the power of manifestation. 

Body Sensations

Energy can be felt in many ways, and is felt differently by each person.  Sometimes you feel tingling in your hands, heat, and encircled with a flowing energy field, like a soft, warm wind is swirling around you in an oval or circular pattern. You may  feel magnetism between your hands. You can also smell or taste foods, drinks, smell flowers…something familiar that you would recognize as being associated with a certain energy or spirit. This is especially common with friends or family members that have crossed over.

Sensations can help you to validate whether you have fully opened a Stargate and are connected with higher dimensional energy.  When you are connected you may feel a buzzing in your head or goose bumps on your arms.  Sensations also tell you if the Stargate Session is working. For example, if your doing a session to Lift your Depression you should feel lighter and happier after the session is over.


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Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

Click here for Transmission Aids

Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

← Zayin Yod Yod ←