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picture is from Robert Coon
Linking with Earth's Thirteen Chakras
Each of us has an energy connection to the Earth’s Chakra system. As we raise our consciousness and our vibration, we help Mother Earth to hold more energy and purify her planetary energy fields. During this Transmission you will connect with Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation to reground your Chakras to Mother Earth's Chakras, to help you align with the Earth's polarity, orbits, electromagnetic field and send protective energy to her. You will be using the Fire Letter Mantra:
Fire Letter Mantra: Kaf(purple) Hey(Violet) Tav(Purple)
Meaning: Remove negative energy - from yourself, others and Mother Earth
Energy Pattern:
- Take a few seconds to breathe deeply as this alignment is being made. Now bring your focus to the chakra at the bottommost point of your aura, your Earth Portal Chakra. From that chakra send a golden infinity symbol of light to the center of the vortex of Lake and Mountain Batur in Bali, Indonesia. (See Map above)
Recite Decree:
By the Power and Authority of Kaf Hey Tav
I decree that I am connected to Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation and this Star Connection has aligned my chakra with this Earth Chakra. This Earth Chakra is now placed in a protective blue flame of Archangel Michael, and the Protective Light Force of the Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command from this point forth. All black magic and negative control energies are permanently removed from this sacred site.
- Continue sending golden infinity symbols to each of the Earth chakras located on the Map from your chakras in the following order. Repeat the decree at each Earth Chakra once the infinity symbol link has been made. Link to:
a. Table Mountain, South Africa from the Earth Star chakra beneath your feet.
b. Uluru, formerly Ayer's Rock, Australia from your root chakra at the base of your spine.
c. Mt. Kilauea, Hawaii from your sacral chakra.
d. Delphi, Greece from your navel chakra.
e. Mt. Fuji, Japan from your solar plexus.
f. The Tor in Glastonbury, England from your heart chakra.
g. Rio Grande Valley Texas and Palenque, Mexico from your throat chakra.
h. The Great Pyramid of Giza from your third eye.
i. Mt. Denali, formerly Mt. McKinley, Alaska from your crown chakra.
j. Mt. Shasta, California from your Soul Star Chakra 6 inches above your head
k. Machu Picchu, Peru, South America from your Stellar Gateway at the topmost part of your aura.
l. Lake Titicaca, Peru and Bolivia, South America from just above your aura.