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Stage 10: Conference with 10th D Higher Self

This Conference Call  shows you how to use the Pyramid of Light and Cocoon to consciously connect with your 10th Dimensional Higher Self to healing Soul Extension. Most people think they have just one Higher Self to call upon, but when you really think about your multidimensional self, it becomes clear that you have many Higher Selves. Your Higher Self is a aspect of your self that exist beyond your body from the fourth through the ninth dimension. In fact, you have a Higher Self for each of your dimensions. And since you have a total of 12 dimensions, that means you have 12 Higher Selves,  all there to support your evolutionary development.

Each dimension acts somewhat separately from every other dimension,  so each Higher Self is different from every other in its perspective and purpose. In other words, each Higher Self, corresponding to a particular dimension of you, provides you with the personal wisdom and guidance based on characteristics of that particular dimension. Therefore your 5th dimensional Higher Self will give you very different advice based on a 5th dimensional soul purpose and goals than will your 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th dimensional selves.

Your Higher Self is you in a different time and space. It is the self, that you perceive as being you, in the future. As time doesn't exist as we know it outside of our current dimension, this future self is thought of as existing simultaneously with your current earthly self. In fact, because there are several different dimensions of existence, each with it's own time and space, multiple selves (you) can exist simultaneously. 

Existing in a number of dimension 'simultaneously' means different levels of you are incarnate on different planets, worlds, and universes. Between incarnations, rest and healing is taken within higher vibrational planes such as our etheric plane. This is where we go when we die. For example, when a 'you' from the fifth dimension completes a life in a physical body from an alien planet, the soul rests on a higher vibrational plane. It's during this time of rest that your earthly self can make contact with the fifth dimensional self and ask for assistance, through a Conference Call . Therefore, you may request guidance not only from your Higher Self  in the 5th dimension, but also from selves from different dimensions in different space-times at different stages of progression. Contacting these Higher Selves is possible. Although the Higher Self cannot intervene in your life or effect your free will, it can provide guidance if asked. 

Click here for a good book called Quiet Mind: A Beginner's Guide to Meditation which can help you make contact 

When you decree for help from your Higher Self commonly you say:

By the Power and Authority of Aleph Kaf Aleph

7Meaning: Bring order into your life by connecting to all your Higher Self extensions

Fire Letter Mantra: ← Aleph Kaf Aleph ←

I decree for help from my Higher Self or Selves that can provide me with the most practical wisdom to answer my problems within this dimension . 

Generally, when you need information regarding your personal life,  call in your 4th dimensional Higher Self that is related to your connection with Ascended Masters, Saints and Ancestral Spirits. When you need information about your life mission, spiritual development, karmic or past life information, call on your 5th dimensional Higher Self that is related to your life with the Pleiadians and Acturians.

10th Dimensional Higher Self

Most frequently I call in my Master Soul or 1Oth dimensional self. The tenth dimension is the vertical axis that aligns the previous nine dimensions. It is the shaman's world tree, the Qabalistic Tree of Life, and the axis that is running through all nine dimensions. The 10th dimension is a single point that represents all the possible branches of every possible timeline of all the potential universes This is where a person’s consciousness is simultaneously aware in all nine dimensions of your higher selves equally.  Basically all dimensions 1 through 9 are separate,  distinct and represent a specific aspect of your self.  However in the 10th dimension you have the ability to connect to all of the lower aspects of self (1-9) all at the same time. It is the Master Soul as it can override any negative decision made by a lower self to bring it back in line with the Divine Plan. It has the Power to Intervene.  For example, some aspect of your multi-dimensional self may have “gone astray" and has gotten involved with Dark Forces.  They may set off in directions that is not in the best interests of your other selves. The Master Soul can order the dimensional selve to get back on the Path, whether they like it or not.

When you give a decree to bring in your Master Soul you are empowering it with the permission to override the free will of the other Higher Selves and bring them into alignment with the Divine Plan called the Great Work.

At this level,  you can contact all of the other aspects of self . Your Master Soul can organize and align them to a single intention. No other dimensional self below the 10th has this amount of power. As you heal your soul extensions you are healing your self.

Pyramid of Light

This Conference uses the Pyramid of Light to allow you to consciously connect with your 10th D Higher Self in your physical body. The Pyramid of Light purifies your energy pathways so you have a clear communication channel with your Higher Self. It does this by creating an Energetic Cocoon  around you that serves as a protective container and as a generator to draw in your 10th D Higher Self vibrational wave pattern.  Basically, it allows you to release, upgrade, refresh and reboot to a new frequency. You may think of it like a dishwasher. You load in all your dirty energy just like with plates, glasses and cutlery. Turn on the Cocoon and the negative energy undergoes a rinse, wash and dry.  Open the washer door and everything comes out clean and sparkling.

After you have cleared your communication channels you will connect with your 10th Dimensional Higher Self. During this Stage your 10th Dimensional Higher Self first bonds with you by connecting with the palms of your hands and then on a chakra level. 

Next, your Higher Self connects with all of your chakras including the transpersonal and subpersonal hidden chakras  to upgrade them with a higher vibrational seed pattern.   Trans-personal (TP) and Sub-personal Chakras(SB) called the Hidden Chakras are located outside your body, above the head and below the body or feet. This energy connects and feeds into the regular chakras that are located within your body.  These chakras can connect you to energies from extremely high dimensions of reality. From the activation of these chakras you will eventually develop extremely powerful psychic powers, telepathy, and visions that  allows you to see into other cosmic dimensions and universes. Once the "Higher Self Chakra Blending Process"  is completed, your Higher Self merges into you .

Click on this link to return to "How it Works" page

As noted earlier the Fire Letter Mantra  you will use to connect with your 10th D Higher self is  shown below.

Fire Letter Mantra← Aleph - Kaf - Aleph  ←

Mantra Meaning: Bring order into your life by connecting to your 10 the D Higher Self

During this Conference Call you will be asking the Divine Spirit's quality of to help you to bring order into your life by connecting you to your 10th D Higher Self. You do this by intoning and envisioning the hebrew name of God:  Aleph Kaf Aleph.

Recite Decree:

By the Power and Authority of Aleph Kaf Aleph , in the name of the Christ within me, Yod-Hey-Shin-Vau-Hey

I decree that my Master Soul or 1Oth dimensional self connects to all of the lower aspects of my self (1-9) all at the same time. I give it permission to override any negative decision made by a lower self and to bring it back in line with the divine plan. It has the power to intervene, if some aspect of my multidimensional  self “has gone astray" and has gotten involved with the Dark Forces.  I am now bring order into my Life by merging with my 10th dimensional Higher Self and allowing it to re-align my 4 body system with the Divine Plan.

I  call upon the aspect of my 10th Dimensional Higher Self that has a full lightbody form. I decree that I am One with all aspects of it, there is no longer a sense of me and my 10th dimensional Higher Self, because they are a single consciousness. I give my permission for my 10th Dimensional Higher Self to work with me continually until I  have accomplished this goal of Oneness. I have re-established by connection to my 10th Dimensional Higher Self. This allows me to bring in all knowledge that I have rejected, ignored, and forgotten from all of my other dimensional selves. I decree that my 10th Dimensional Higher Self merges within me, to create a soulbraid, the weaving together other soul extensions of my oversoul into my present state of consciousness.

Energy Flow Pattern

  • Sit with a straight back in a cross legged position or in a chair with feet flat on the ground.  Activate the Pillar of Light to establish sacred space.
  • Visualize your higher chakras located above your head, such as your Soul Star and your Stellar Gateway chakra. These chakras are linked with your higher dimensional self and linked to multi-dimensional planes. Their function is to tune you into Multi-dimensional spiritual reality.
  • Imagine yourself sitting inside a body size four sided Pyramid with the top of the Pyramid, 6" above your head connected to your soul star chakra . The base of the pyramid sits on the Earth. The pyramid  can be any color.
  • The base of the Pyramid is energetically connected to the Crystalline Grid.   Imagine this Grid as a pathway of crystalline white gold fire traveling underneath the surface of the Earth. White Fire is an upgraded form of White Fire Energy that once existed in Atlantis  and Lemuria called Mahatma. 
  • See the white gold energy from the Crystalline Grid flowing around the Planet joining specific Stargates and Pyramids of South Texas-Mexico-Central America and South America that existed at the time of Lemuria and Atlantis.
  • Now activate the Pyramid by focusing on the base while holding the intention,
    "Aleph Kaf Aleph, I am merging with my 10th D higher self to bring order to my  life".  

    Visualize a spiraling stream of White Gold Mahatma Fire coming up from the Crystalline Grid. 
  • See this white gold fire flowing into the Base and flowing up the four sides to the top of the Pyramid.
  • In your mind's eye see the entire outline of the Pyramid lighting up with White Gold Sacred Fire. 

  • Using your Breath, Intention and Imagination draw this White Gold fire out from the sides and base of the Pyramid towards your body and form a clock wise rotating vortex or Cocoon of Mahatma White Gold Fire around you. 
  • See the Cocoon forming over the top of your head under the bottom of your feet...spreading out six body length to completely enfold your aura in a Cocoon of White Gold Fire. 
  • Let the White Gold flames from the clockwise rotating Cocoon fill your physical body, then your etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body.
  • Visualize each of your 7 chakras as being empty, then each one filling up with the healing, loving White Gold Energy.
  • Imagine the Fire Letters of the Name of God  Aleph Kaf Aleph  
    written on the Cocoon's outer surface.
  • Ask your 10th Dimensional Higher Self to come and stand in front of you inside your White Gold Cocoon that is in the Pyramid. .
  • See your 10th D Higher Self in full light body form standing in front of you. The two of you are inside a vibrating Cocoon of White Gold Sacred Fire that you created in the last step. 
  • Now focus on your 10th D Higher Self standing in front of you. Bring your awareness to the energy that is being generated by your Higher Self's presence. Look into its eyes...these are your eyes.
  • As you look upon your Higher Self pay attention to what you experience? Are there specific colors? Fragrances? Is it carrying anything like a book, flowers, sword, or something else? Is it wearing a garment or clothes? Does it have wings? Do you feel a touch or tingling in any part of your body?
    Do you intuitively feel it is from some ancient civilization, Atlantis, Lemuria, Native American or some other? 
  • Ask your Higher Self to place the palms of it's hands on yours. See the palms of your hands connected with the palms of your Higher Self.
  • Intone “Aleph Kaf Aleph”  and breathe in the light of your 10th D Higher Self through the palms of your hands and up your arms to your Throat chakra.
  • Exhale letting the 10th D energy flow down from your throat chakra into your heart.
  • Continue breathing 10th D energy in from the palms and sending it to your heart chakra and continue intoning “Aleph Kaf Aleph”
  • Envision the name of God written in Fire Letters in your heart:
  • Continue to intone  "Aleph Kaf Aleph" and breathe in the light of your 10th D Higher Self in from your palms and exhale the light into your heart. When your heart chakra is full and overflowing, allow that love and light to fill your whole body.

    Cording Chakras
  • Drop your hand connection and ask your 10th D Higher Self to stand behind you.
  • Inhale through your Soul Star Chakra just above your head and ask your 10th D Higher Self to send a cord of white gold fire from its soul star chakra to yours. When you feel your soul star chakra is linked to your 10th D Higher Self's Soul Star Chakra recite and intone :

    Aleph  Kaf Aleph
    My Soul Star Chakra is balanced and activated in all Dimensions
  • Envision over your soul star chakra. Move to the next chakra.
  • Now inhale and focus on your crown chakra and ask your 10th D Higher Self to send a cord of white gold fire from its crown chakra to yours. When you feel the chakras are linked say:

    Aleph  Kaf Aleph, My Crown Chakra is balanced and activated in all Dimensions
  • Envision Fire Letter Mantra on your Crown Chakra. Move to the next chakra.
  • Inhale and focus on your third eye chakra and ask your 10th D Higher Self to send a cord of white gold fire from its third eye chakra to yours. When you feel the chakras are linked say:

    Aleph  Kaf Aleph , My Third Eye Chakra is balanced and activated in all Dimensions
  • Envision Fire Letter Mantra on your Third Eye Chakra. Move to the next chakra.
  • Inhale and focus on your throat chakra and ask your 10th D Higher Self to send a cord of white gold fire from its throat chakra to yours. When you feel the chakras are linked say:
    Aleph  Kaf Aleph, My Throat  Chakra is balanced and activated in all Dimensions
  • Envision Fire Letter Mantra on your Throat Chakra. Move to the next chakra.
  • Inhale and focus on your heart chakra and ask your 10th D Higher Self to send a cord of white gold fire from its heart chakra to yours. When you feel the chakras are linked say:
    Aleph  Kaf Aleph,  My Heart Chakra is balanced and activated in all Dimensions
  • Envision Fire Letter Mantra on your Heart  Chakra. Move to the next chakra.
  • Inhale and focus on your solar plexus chakra and ask your 10th D Higher Self to send a cord of white gold fire from its solar plexus chakra to yours. When you feel the chakras are linked say:
    Aleph  Kaf Aleph, My Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced and activated in all Dimensions
  • Envision Fire Letter Mantra on your Solar Plexus. Move to the next chakra.
  • Inhale and focus on your Sacred Chakra and ask your 10th D Higher Self to send a cord of white gold fire from its Sacred Chakra to yours. When you feel the chakras are linked say:
    Aleph  Kaf Aleph, My Sacred Chakra is balanced and activated in all Dimensions
  • Envision Fire Letter Mantra on your Sacred Chakra. Move to the next chakra
  • Inhale and focus on your root chakra and ask your 10th D Higher Self to send a cord of white gold fire from its root chakra to yours. When you feel the chakras are linked say:
    Aleph  Kaf Aleph, My Root Chakra is balanced and activated in all Dimensions
  • Envision Fire Letter Mantra on your Root Chakra . Move to the next chakra.
  • Inhale and focus on your Earth Star Chakra located under your feet and ask your 10th D Higher Self to send a cord of white gold fire from its Earth Star chakra to yours. When you sense the connection say:
    Aleph  Kaf Aleph, My Earth Chakra is balanced and activated in all Dimensions
  • Envision Fire Letter Mantra on your Earth Chakra. Move to the next chakra.
  • Inhale and focus on your Dolphin Matrix Chakra located two hands under your feet and ask your 10th D Higher Self to send a cord of white gold fire from its Dolphin Matrix chakra to yours. When you sense the connection say:
    Aleph  Kaf Aleph, My Dolphin Matrix  Chakra is balanced and activated in all Dimensions
  • Envision Fire Letter Mantra on your Dolphin Matrix Chakra. Move on to the next chakra.
  • Inhale and focus on your Inner Earth Cities Chakra located three hands under your feet and ask your 10th D  Higher Self to send a cord of white gold fire from its Inner Earth Cities chakra to yours. When you sense the connection say:
    Aleph  Kaf Aleph, My Inner Earth Cities Chakra  is balanced and activated in all Dimensions
  • Envision Fire Letter Mantra on your Inner Earth Cities Chakra. Move to the  next chakra.
  • Inhale and focus on your Whale Matrix Chakra located four hands under your feet and ask your 10th D Higher Self to send a cord of white gold fire from its Whale Matrix chakra to yours. When you sense the connection say:
    Aleph  Kaf Aleph, My Whale Chakra  is balanced and activated in all Dimensions
  • Envision Fire Letter Mantra written on your Whale Chakra

  • Tell your 10D Higher Self that you wish to merge with it to become One, so there is no longer a sense of  two personalities... only a single consciousness. Ask it to work with you to accomplished this Merging and Blending Process and to let this process begin now. 
  • Feel waves of white gold fire energy coming from the Cocoon that is surrounding the two of you . This is forming a suction that is acting like a vacuum pulling the two of you together.
  • Visualize streams of white gold fire energy being pulled out of your 10th Dimensional Higher Self into you feel the Lightbody of your Higher Self moving into the back  of your body. Fully blending with you.
  • If there is any area of body not blending, just relax  and breathe into the area.  
  • This blending process is making you feel more expansive, softer, peaceful, a general feeling of well being and more fluid as the white gold fire pours into you.
  •  Feel your 10th D Higher Self energy filling your body.  Your heart is flooded with white gold fire energy,  it pours through your blood streaming entering every cell in your body from the tip of your head to the tips of your toes.  
  • Use your breath to consciously increase that bonding with your 10th D Higher Self until your entire body and aura are fully blended with the Higher Self's  lightbody and auric field.
  • Begin to carry on a conversation in your mind with this being? Understand this is you having a conversation with your higher you. Below are some questions you may ask, but be creative and ask anything you  need to know.

    Ask it what is your spiritual name... the name God gave you when you where created?

     Do you belong to a certain soul family of Angelic, Deva, Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings or some other? 

    Ask it what gifts it can give you in this lifetime? 

    Ask any question that comes to mind? Don't force the answers let them come naturally.
  • Now ask it to remove or heal some problem or issue.  Relax and wait for the healing to come into your mind or body. You may or may not feel this healing.
  • Ask your Higher Self if their is anything it wants to tell you about this problem or issue?  Relax and wait for the message to come into your mind. You may or may not receive the message.
  • When you feel the communication is finished ask that this bonding remain permanent to whatever extent is possible even though you are not in a meditative state. 
  • Now create a symbol or image that reminds you that your 10th D Higher Self is along side of you throughout the day. Maybe its a light around your body, a dove flying over your head, it doesn't matter what you pick as long as the symbol or image gives you comfort, peace of mind, strength and power.
  • Now picture a traffic stop light in your head. Like a normal stop light it has three lights: Green, Yellow and Red. Ask your Higher Self if it agrees with this image to connect with it. Ask your Higher Self if it agrees with this contact symbol to light up the green light on the stop light, if not light up the red, if it doesn't matter light up the yellow.
  • If the Stop Light lites up green or yellow move on and use the symbol. If it lites up red make a new symbol. Keep trying until you get a green light.

Every morning when you get up, claim the power of your 10D Higher Self and commit yourself to be in control of your life.  Visualize the symbol or image created for your higher self and feel connected to it. Some Morning 

  • I am all powerful and centered at all times and I allow nothing in the external Universe to knock me off balance.
  • I am 100% invulnerable to other people's negative energy, it rolls off of me like water on a ducks back
  • I have 100% personal power and I never  give this power to my sub conscious mind or other people
  • I am guarded, guided and protected and 100% powerful in everything I a do.
  • God is with me where ever  I go.
  • God and Christ are my co-pilots

Now end the Conference Call and ground yourself.   During the next 40 days you should begin to experience the unique gifts of your Higher Self. 

  Talking to Higher Self

Most people receive verbal (audible) or Intuitive help via the Higher Self. The answer you will receive from your Higher Self will most likely come in form of "Overshadowing".  However, Higher Self  Energy can be directly downloaded into areas of your Physical Body that need to be healed. 

Most people expect to see or hear the Higher Self using their eyes and ears. In fact, this is a rarity.  Guides communicate with us through telepathy or spiritually. We may see it in our mind's eye as actual beings, colors, images or even symbols. It can be seen intuitively. This will vary according to the development level of your psychic ability. Therefore, you need to develop our spiritual vision to see it clearly.

Sometimes messages come through as a faint, feeling or intuition. Sensations can tell you if the Transmission is working. For example, if your doing a Transmission to Lift your Depression you should feel lighter and happier after the Transmission. During the Answer Process your attention should shift from the physical sensations to more inward energies, especially in the spine.  Focus  on cultivating the energy that your Higher Self is sending you.  Energy can be felt in many ways, and is felt differently by each person.  Sometimes you feel tingling in your hands, heat, and encircled with a flowing energy field, like a soft, warm wind is swirling around you in an oval or circular pattern. You may feel magnetism between your hands.

Many times a message from the Higher Self will seem exactly like your own thoughts and only later you will realize it was from the Guide.  If you are not open to receive messages from the Guide it will remain unheard. Just see what they say.  In time your connection will become stronger, and the information you get will be more accurate and applicable to your life. It just takes time and practice to be able to hear, see, or feel your Higher Self.  Here are some ways they will overshadow you.

Listen to your intuition, "the small still Voice" .  That little voice that tells you to “slow down” or “buy bread” or “take notice of the pretty woman in line in front of you” is a direct communication from your guides or higher self.  Try listening to your intuition during the Overshadowing Session.  Many people dismiss their intuition.   It’s not always pleasant.  Do not mistake your ego for your intuition, however.  If you’re hearing thoughts like, “Don’t bother asking her out, she’ll never go out with someone like you” then that’s your ego.  Flick him off your shoulder.

Listen to your gut.  Listening to your gut instinct is also a manner in which the Higher Self tries to direct you.  For example, let’s say you’re discussing a  business meeting with your Higher Self. You want to know if the people you are   involved with can be trusted to fulfill their end of the deal.  During the Discussion with your Higher Self you suddenly get a  gut feeling that says these people are going to fail to deliver and you’ll be stuck holding the bag.  Listen to that gut feeling.  It's your Higher Self telling you something doesn’t feel right. 

Knowing: You may all of sudden just know the answer or solution to your problem.  This is called  Claircognizance  and it is the physic ability of clear knowing.  People connected to the Higher Self this way will receive information through spontaneous ideas. Information received claircognizant is most often mentally, accompanied with the strong knowing sense that it is true… Despite the lack of any logical or physical evidence to point to.

Note: After the session your Higher Self  may use this method in a sort of “download”. Claircognizant information may  come in the form of little insights that happen in the moment, or as inspired ideas that pop up just at the right time.

Intuitive insight:  Your Higher Self can send you flashes of intuition which may sound like a voice in your head.  “Slow down!” Or “He’s cheating on you.”  These are thoughts that appear to come out of nowhere during a session but contain important information you’ll want to notice.  Many people tune out their intuition, but it’s a valuable source of information.

Journal:   A method I recommend to a lot of people is to write down some questions you’d like to ask your Higher Self  during the session.  Then write down the answers you hear during the session.  Keep going as if you’re having a conversation with them.  It may seem like you’re just writing answers from your imagination, but keep going.   When you get to a point where the answers you’re getting don’t feel like your own voice, take notice of what they say.

Using Communication Tools: During a Overshadowing you can use communication tools to help you in the the first couple times.  These are like training wheels on a bike. After you understand the bike and get your balance,  you are able to ride solo. The same is true for the Overshadowing Process. You will tools in the beginning but after a while your Higher Self images or messages will just pop into your head or you will just intuitively know what the answer is.

Pendulums: Pendulums have been used for thousands of years-at least since Roman times, when they were used to forecast battles. A pendulum is a small solid object suspended from a chain or string . Many people use wedding rings suspended from a length of cotton string. The string  is held between the thumb and first finger of the hand. If you are right handed, use your right hand. If your left handed use your left.

Start by holding the weight to stop the pendulum from swinging. Ask it which movement indicates "yes". Let go of the weight and see what the pendulum does. It will move in one of four ways. It may go from side to side, or towards or away from you. It may also move in a circular direction, either clockwise or counterclockwise. Once you have the moment for "yes" you can ask which directions indicates "no". This still leaves two directions. You can use one for "I don't know" and the other for " I don't want to answer"

You can use the method for making sure your connected with the  Higher Self . Start out by asking if the Higher Self is there and connected. If the answer is positive, you can start asking questions. The major disadvantage of the pendulum is that, if your emotionally involved in the outcome, it will give you the answers you want. In these cases, you will get more accurate results by asking someone who has no emotional involvement in the outcome to hold the Pendulum and ask the question .

Automatic Writing : Automatic writing is a means of communication using a pen and paper. The pen moves over the page directed by a power other than the conscious mind of the person holding it. You must relax and sit in a comfortable chair with your writing arm creating a ninety-degree angle at the elbow. The hand holding the pen or pencil should be comfortably resting on the paper. It is worth mentioning that some people have better responses using the hand that they normally do not write with.

Write down a question you want answered. After a while, the hand holding the pen will start to move. Resist the temptation to look at what is happening. Automatic writing is unconscious writing and any conscious interest will destroy the flow. You may be fortunate and find that you start writing in sentences and words. Most people start by drawing circles and ellipses. It makes no difference what your hand draws. As long as it creates something. However, you will on occasion, produce nothing, even after you have been doing it successfully for several months. Do not worry about this. Simply stop and try again at another time.

Practice regularly and your ability will increase. You will quickly find that your hand is moved by an outside power. You will be able to in this way for hours.  If you practice this long enough you will find that the answers come into your head before the pen writes. Soon you will not need the pen. This is a good training for direct contact with the Higher Self .

How do you know if you’re just imagining them?
You’ll know by the advice you get.  Does it resonate with you?  Do you feel like it’s coming from your Higher Self  and not you?  Does the advice make sense to you?  Do you get great results when you listen to their counsel?  Do it appear the same way every time?  If the answers to these questions are all “yes” then you are on the right track


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Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

Click here for Transmission Aids

Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

← Zayin Yod Yod ←