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Stage 2A: Using Tarot Keys as a Meditation Aid After you have identified which name you wish to meditate on, copy the name on paper several times so you understand how the hebrew letters are formed. Sometimes it hard to understand and visualize the meaning of Fire Letters that spell out the Divine Names. Unlike the English Alphabet, each Hebrew letter generates a specific quality of the Divine Spirit. Nevertheless, we can express some generalities about how to work with Fire Letters. Most methods for understanding Fire Letters use the Wisdom Paths of the Qabala Tree of Life; and the Tarot Trumps . This is because Fire Letters Mantra and Re-Framing Scripts are a visual exercise, and need some sort of visual focus. This visual focus is provided by the images of the Tree of Life and Tarot Trumps This may surprise many people but the Tarot was never meant for divination. According to spiritual tradition the Tarot was developed for self-discovery. The Tarot was developed by a group of seekers who met regularly in the city of Fez, Morocco. After the destruction of the great Library at Alexander, Fez became the Center of Spiritual learning and attracted students from every part of the world. The students came together as a Brotherhood of Enlightened Men. They held conferences, compared notes and debated philosophies. However, communication was a problem. It must be remembered that these seekers came from all parts of the world and a common language was a barrier. However they were all familiar with visual archetypal patterns and the spiritual use of imagery. So they decided on a method that would use the most important themes or keys of their doctrines in a book of pictures that expressed the spiritual principles of cosmic consciousness. As the Chinese say “One picture is worth a thousand words.” However their picture book expressed ideas instead of words. To develop the book they chose the framework of the Western Mystery system of numbers and letters of the Qabala or Secret Wisdom of Israel which had been developed long ago in B.C and A.D. Therefore, in order to understand and use the cosmic triggers in the Tarot you had to have some understanding of the Qabala. During our Stargate Sessions you will be given an introduction to the practical Qabala. ![]() You can use the Tarot Keys to spell out words in the Hebrew (Fire Letter) to reveal the deeper meaning of divine and angelic names. This means by understanding how a Tarot Trump correlates to a Hebrew Letter, you have a better understanding of how the Divine Spirit manifests on Earth. The Tarot Major Arcade gives us a pictorial representation of the many Divine Qualities that the Hebrew letter is sending into us . Many words in the Old Testament, do reveal their deeper meaning when they are transposed into the corresponding Tarot Keys. This is particularly true of Angelic names, God names and Hebrew proper names such as Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel and so on. The names of the 12 Tribes of Israel spelled out in Tarot Key, offer many surprising suggestions. The most important use of the Tarot Keys is to evoke thought. The value of the images in the Keys is their ability to remind the user of knowledge and understanding that is pre-existing in his/her consciousness, but of which they are often unaware. The Tarot Keys bring this knowledge back into normal consciousness. Every one of the Keys corresponds to something in your make up. For example meditation with Key 1: The Magician will help you to develop a sharper power of concentration and attention. Meditation with Key 2: The High Priestess will improve your powers of recollection. Meditation with Key 3: The Empress, will develop your creative imagination. And so on, through all 22 cards. Try one Tarot Key daily and just look at it for 5 minutes. Take some time to think about the specific consciousness it is meant to evoke. Make a loose leaf notebook of your feeling and thoughts during your Tarot Key Mediation time. Often as you are looking at a Tarot Key, it will suggest some new idea, make a note of it immediately. The Tree of Life Focusing on a Fire Letter along with the appropriate Tarot symbolism triggers archetypal energy that will manifest into certain situations and experiences in our everyday life. The images of the Tarot cards are reflective of certain archetypical energies that have been fed by powerful thoughtform energies sent by metaphysical students throughout history. The usual attributions of the Trumps to the Paths is shown in the above diagram, but some occultist offer slightly different assignments. There are basically four systems that define how to make the Hebrew letter correlations to the Major Arcana. * Golden Dawn - where the letters follow again the order of the Major Arcana, save that the Fool has been numbered zero (thereby placed at the beginning), and Justice and Strength interchanged in their position and numbering; Crowley - in terms of Hebrew letter allocations, same as the Golden Dawn, save that the Emperor and Star cards inverse their Golden Dawn letter allocations Filipas - the letters follow the order of the cards, with the Fool, un-numbered, placed at the end of the sequence (as twenty-second card). This website uses a combined system of the Golden Dawn and the Crowley system. Click here to see a detailed chart of the Fire letter and Trump assignments to the Paths of Wisdom. How to Meditate with a Tarot Key: Method 1 Bring your attention to the Tarot card in front of you. Gaze softly at the Tarot card and take in five deep breaths. Again, if you notice any thoughts coming into your mind, just observe them and then imagine them floating away like clouds. Bring your attention back to your breath and the Tarot card in front of you. Imagine the card growing larger and larger until the figures and the imagery are almost life-size. See yourself stepping into the card. Look around you. What do you see? Who is in the card with you? What objects are present? What colours stand out to you? Take a moment to touch an object in the card and feel its texture. What do you hear? Take a deep breath in and smell the air. Is there something edible in the card? Taste it. Now, imagine yourself as one of the figures in the card. Become that person or that archetype. What does it feel like, being this person? What does this character think and feel? How do they move and behave? What is their attitude towards the present circumstances? Begin to speak as if you are that character. What do you have to say? What is your message? What advice do you have to offer? Take another look around you. What makes you feel good? What gives you energy? What, if anything, makes you feel anxious, concerned or upset? Notice any sensations in your body at this point and release any tension that may have formed. Look for the different objects and symbols in the card now. How can they be used? What are they here for? What is their symbolic meaning? Look around you one last time. What do you see now that you didn’t see before? Your work, now, is almost complete. Step out of the figure and then step out of the Tarot card. Watch as the card becomes smaller and smaller, returning to its normal size. Now meditate on the Hebrew Letter and what you learned from the Tarot Card and how it relates. Method 2 Practice visualizing the color and qualities of the scared fire that is generated by the Name and the symbolism related to one the Major Arcade Tarot Cards as defined by The Builders of the Adytum,Temple of Tarot and Holy Qabalah (BOTA). Use their website to define the meanings of the Cards and Fire Letter https://botaineurope.org/the-tarot/highlights-of-tarot Christ Mantra, Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey Each letter is related to a Tarot Picture that helps you to understand the power of the Fire Letter. Below are the Tarot Cards with the corresponding Hebrew Letters of the Christ Mantra with a summary of the BOTA meaning. This is not a complete interpretation of the BOTA symbolism in the Tarot Cards, but it will give you a basic idea of how the Cards combine with the Hebrew Letters. Click on the links below to read about each Key. Hebrew Letter: Yod Link: http://botaineurope.org/the-tarot/9-the-hermit Message: You need to have a Union with your Higher Self, I AM presence and experience the Intelligence of Will of Higher Self. Picture represents the Mystic experience, the man is standing alone on a mountain top, far above and he is holding the lateran to light the way for other seekers. Be alone and go within your physical body and connect to your I Am Presence Light and then help others to find their way to Universal truth. Hebrew Letter: Hey Link: http://botaineurope.org/the-tarot/17-the-star
Hebrew Letter: Shin link :http://botaineurope.org/the-tarot/20-judgement Hebrew Letter: Vau Link:http://botaineurope.org/the-tarot/5-hierophant Key Words: Initiation into mysteries, obedience to the higher, devotion, uncovering life purpose, reveal hidden talents, fertility, Something that joins the parts of a building, something that other things depend on, language and thought, assistance, personal consciousness nailed to universal consciousness, inner hearing, listening to the word of God, the power of overshadowing. Hebrew Letter: Hey Image: Fish Hook Link: http://botaineurope.org/the-tarot/17-the-star "When you have found the beginning of the way, the star of your soul will show its light" Tarot Keys to Understand Fire Letters Tarot Correspondence Tablesby Bill HeidrickCopyright © 1976 and 1989 by Bill Heidrick
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