Stage 9: Conference Call " What's the Problem?"
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In Stage 9 you are ready to set up a Conference Call with your Spiritual Guidance Team (SGT). You should have grounded, aligned, done protection., connected to the Angelic and Star Being Communication Network and Opened the Stargate.The difference between a Conference Call and a Transmission is that in a Conference Call there is no pre- determined script you follow or visualizations that you must image. You give the decree and your off and running. A Conference Call is a two way conversation. It's about talking with your SGT and asking them for help in solving your problem. Your SGT cannot help you unless you ask for their assistance and explain the problem. They always respect the Law of Free Will. You should talk to your SGT like they are real people. Talk to them as though you would a human team of counsellors or medical professionals .
Preparing for Conference Call
Before starting a conversation to talk about your problems, you should try to feel as if your connected to the Spiritual Realm. You can prepare for working with your Spiritual Guidance Team in many different ways. Some people use a progressive relaxation technique. We have included a Relaxation Exercise for you to try out. You will find that after you have done progressive relaxation for a while, you will be able to a connect to your SGT in less time.
Calling In SGT
At the beginning of the Conference you call in each of the members of your SGT by giving a short Decree using the Fire Letter Mantra:
"Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey".
Recite Decree:
In the name of Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey
I decree that I am bring in my Spiritual Guidance Team
The Fire Letter Mantra "Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey" is a general connection to your Higher Self or the Christ within you. This Mantra is similar to the area code in a telephone number. You might want to ask your Spiritual Guidance Team (SGT) to give you a symbol or name that represent your SGT. This is like the SGT Telephone Number that allows you to quickly connect with everyone on your team at the beginning of a Transmission. Most people use this identification code every time they open a Stargate and connect to the a Multi-Dimensional Communication Network. This Identification Code makes sure your connecting with your personal SGT and that they are aware that they will be working with you as a team to solve a specific issue in your life.
After you give the ID code for the SGT, each individual Team Member should be called in and thanked. You need to check to see if you are connected to the member either intuitively or with a Pendulum.
The Pendulum
Pendulums have been used for thousands of years-at least since Roman times, when they were used to forecast battles. A pendulum is a small solid object suspended from a chain or cord. . The cord is held between the thumb and first finger of the hand. If you are right handed, use your right hand. If your left handed use your left.
Start by holding the weight to stop the pendulum from swinging. Ask it which movement indicates "yes". Let go of the weight and see what the pendulum does. It will move in one of four ways. It may go from side to side, or towards or away from you. It may also move in a circular direction, either clockwise or counterclockwise.
Once you have the moment for "yes" you can ask which directions indicates "no". This still leaves two directions. You can use one for "I don't know" and the other for " I don't want to answer"
For work with the SGT, start out by asking if the one member of the SGT is fully connect to you. If the answer is positive, you can move on to test the next SGT member.
The major disadvantage of the pendulum is that, if your emotionally involved in the outcome, it will give you the answers you want. In these cases, you will get more accurate results by asking someone who has no emotional involvement in the outcome to hold the Pendulum and ask the question .
Sensations can help you to validate whether you have fully connected with your Spiritual Guidance Team. When you are connected you may feel a buzzing in your head or goose bumps on your arms. You can also smell or taste foods, drinks, smell flowers…something that after the session is over you would recognize as being associated with your SGT.
- Many individuals experience the Archangel Michael, with the smell rosemary, frangipani, and wisteria.
- Some experience their SGT members through the sense of touch.
-feeling a tingle on the arm,
-feel may warmth or coolness encircling them,
-tingling sensation in your toes or fingers,
-tingling sensation in the small of their back that rises up the spine into the neck, t
-their head feels like a fly is walking across it,
-you may feel the urge to scratch an area of the body repeatedly.
You can even direct members of your SGT to touch you in specific place and manner that you will always be able to identify that it is with you.
- Some experience the SGT as "Clear Knowing" or "Clear Feeling"
-sudden sense of knowing that the SGT member is present.
-feel a sense security, similar to the feeling you had when you were a child with your mother.
- feel a gentle loving touch on your shoulder or some other part of your body.
-feel emotions welling up inside of you.
-urge to laugh or cry , or do both.
-feel a sensation of wonderful love pervading every cell in your body.
After talking with people about their experience with their SGT, many have said they have felt the physical presence of the SGT intuitively or by sensations in their body. People will often experience the physical presence of their SGT through sensation in their bodies. Test each member of your SGT, if you are fully connected, you can move on to calling in the next member. Below is an example of calling in your SGT.
1. Recite:
"In the name of Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey
I call in my SGT________________(Symbol or Name)."
Visualize the symbol or state the name you have selected for your personal team.
Wait 10 seconds. Thank them for connecting
2. Call in your 10th Dimensional Higher Self
"I decree I now have a stronger connection with my 10th Dimensional Higher Self that allows solutions and changes to occur in all my Higher Selves in multiple dimensions over multiple timelines"
Wait 10 seconds
3. Call in the The Christ
"I call in the Christ " .
Wait 10 seconds. Thank him for connecting
"Thank you Christ for connecting with me."
4. Call in Archangel Michael
"I call in Archangel Michael"
Wait 10 seconds. Thank him for connecting
"Thank you Michael for connecting with me"
Begin the Conversation:
When you’re ready, focus on a problem or issue that you want to transform or heal. Direct your attention to a symptom or problem that has been bothering you…your symptom can be a part of your body that needs healing, or a thought, feeling, or memory, maybe a physical or mental imbalance. Now begin to carry on a conversation in your mind and out loud with your SGT.
Resist the urge to self-diagnose. For example don't say "I have Shingles" or "I am Addicted". You might not have shingles or be a drug addict. You may have created a block by mental labeling your symptoms. You problem may be more complex than you think and once you label it the SGT will limit its focus. This could get in the way of what really is going on within you. Also you can ask your SGT which issue they think is most important and get an intuitive answer.
Multi-Dimensional beings are usually very literal. They do not understand idioms you use and there can be areas of misunderstanding in the meaning of words. They are not mind readers; but they do tune into strong emotions to get a sense of your problems, stated intentions and how to work closely with you
Be specific and go into a great deal. Don't just say you feel emotional, break it down by saying
"I feel teary eyed, vulnerable and easily irritated when people say certain things to me".
Then describe those things.
Don't just say you have a headache, instead say
"I have a sharp pain and pressure in the upper right side of my left eye and across the middle of my forehead".
Be very precise in your symptoms or problems. For example you might say:
“I have a sharp pain in my left knee .”
When asking to remove a blockage you should be specific . You might say:
"Please remove any blocks in my all body systems especially in regard to _________________".
In the blank, fill in any area of your life you want help with, such as:
- increasing positivity
- healing of pain or injury
- healthy vision
- clarity of mind
- clearing away scarcity mentality and coming into alignment with abundance
- success in your career
- shifting into the New Paradigm
- releasing ego traps
- better self-care
Common Experiences:
Below are some common experiences people have had during the Conference Call:
- Ringing in the ears or have heard faint music in the background like someone is playing a radio very softly during their session .
- Saw an extraordinary green color, almost fluorescent
- Had an awareness of SGT members coming into their energy field and leaving . Some times the exit of your team is abrupt and jarring.
- Feeling cold during sessions
- Goosebumps on arms and arm hair standing up
- Most people receive verbal(audible) or intuitive help
- Experience physical presence of SGT through sensation in their body.
- Experienced complete relaxation and a feeling of wholeness
- See colors
- Feel like they are filled with a bright shining light
- Sense of peace
Let it Go
Fear and doubt of the Star Beings and the Spiritual Kingdom is why we are kept from communicating and working with higher dimensional beings. The minute someone makes contact with an elemental or spirit guide they immediately go into fear mode “Oh God what I have done, I have a released some uncontrollable evil that is going to possess me.” Generation after generation we have been bombard by the media; books, movies, news, to mistrust and fear all supernatural beings from ET's to fairies. If you can just let these fears go, you will find most of these beings to be love and light. If you believe all of this is just a fantasy, you will never make contact. Disbelief stops the process immediately. These beings can pick this up and they will not make contact
Raise Your Vibration
Another reason why you can't see a Spiritual Guide is that we are vibrating at a much lower rate this makes us invisible to each other. It also makes sustaining communications very difficult. Encountering beings who are vibrating at a much higher rate than us can make us very tired and sometimes we even want to go to sleep.
To connect with you, your SGT has to lower their vibrational frequency to match yours. Thus, the more you increase your frequency, the clearer your connection will be. It is very similar to tuning your radio dial to match the frequency of the desired radio station, you will only hear static until the frequencies comes within range. Feelings of love and gratitude will increase your frequency.
There are some things you can do to raise your vibrations and strengthen your communication channel. Some foods are considered high vibrational foods. They raise the energy levels of the human body and thus assist us in perceiving the higher vibrations of the Spiritual Realm more easily. Fish, white meat, vegetables, pineapples, papaya, lemons, oranges are high vibrational foods.
It takes more energy to eat and digest food than anything else we do. If our energy is taken up with digesting food, we are less perceptive of the subtle energies surrounding us. Red meat is a lower vibrational food. It slows the metabolism and thus inhibits spirit perception. It can take anywhere from 6 to 36 hours to fully digest beef. It is also not good to eat within one hour of spiritual contact.
When we begin to work with high energy levels of Spiritual Guides we need to increase the water we drink. Water is a conductor of energy and it allows the connection to occur without becoming short circuited by higher vibration.
Reducing your salt intake is also beneficial. Much of your development of multi-dimensional contact is like the development of an electrical system. Just as salt corrodes an electrical line, it also inhibits the electrical impulses through the body. This makes your impressions of the spiritual realm less exact.
Fasting occasionally is also beneficial to increase awareness of the Guide . It cleanses impurities from our system that can inhibit our perceptions. The healthier the body is the healthier and clearer is our Spirit Guide Connection .
Special baths can raise your vibration. A baking soda and epsom salt bath with a black tourmaline crystal eliminates toxins from the body and cleanses the aura. Use one cup Epsom salt and one cup baking soda. Place the crystal in the bath water with you to remove negative energy. This crystal will cleanse any astral entities that you have absorb that can hinder perception abilities. If the black tourmaline crystal is embedded with clear crystals the cleansing power is twice as effective.
Clothes that are made from cotton fabric has the great ability to protect one from negative energies. ... Due to the spiritual purity of cotton it attracts positive energy from the environment and by wearing clothes such as cotton and silk we can minimise the attacks by negative energies on our clothes and thereby on us. Natural fibers such as silk and cotton can attract, drink, and retain the divine frequencies of the atmosphere. Clothes made of artificial fiber fabrics such as nylon, terylene, rayon, and polyester do not possess the same capabilities.
The white, yellow, and blue colours are peaceful colours and those that most attract spiritual and positive vibrations. Patterns such as flowers, leaves, dots, and vines possess similar attributes. Clothes dyed with natural dyes and positive colours, without preconceived designs, in general, attract good vibrations.
General Tips for a Conference Call
- Be clear in what you want. Be sure you ask only one question at a time.
- Before the Conference Call list all the issues you'd like to work on with your SGT. Then, choose the most important issue to work on first and gradually work your way down the list in future Transmissions. You could ask your SGT what they recommend or pick a issue based on an intuitive hit.
- Talk to your SGT as if they know nothing about what is happening to you. Include everything that comes to your mind.
- After your Conference Call is over, be aware of any changes in your life. See if these changes are related to the things you talked about in the session. When you have your next Conference Call bring them up.
- Ask the questions out loud, as it forces you to frame the request in the form of a question.
- Always ask for what is for your highest good and the highest good of all involved.
- Your SGT cannot foretell the future, or do anything that will take you from the Life Path Contract you signed before you incarnated. That is against the Universal Laws. However, when asked, they can offer suggestions about choices to make that are most likely to bring the outcome you desire.
- During the Conference Call stay focused on one topic at a time.
- Make Notes before a Conference Call on the questions you will ask and use the notes when asking questions.
- During your first session ask the questions in a format that can easily be answered with a “yes,” “no” or “need more information” response. When you feel comfortable with the Overshadowing Process move to Opened Questions that require detailed answers.
- If you are asking for a specific solution, ask what steps will most likely help you to attain your goals. Set your parameters, including what is for your highest good and for the highest good of all involved. You can also set other practical parameters such as cost, size, effort, within certain time constraints, etc.
- When questions involve geographic issues, have a detailed map handy or create a rudimentary map. Using either a pendulum or my finger tip, you can locate the exact location the SGT is showing you. You can also break this map into grids or sections such as inches, yards, acres, states, countries or whatever is appropriate for your question.
- Do not do a Conference Call before sleeping or you may find you don't get a good night's sleep.
- Always Open and Close a Conference in the same manner .
- When you are doing a Conference for another person, whether they are physically present or not, it is best to have their permission first and it is mandatory to have the permission of their Higher Self. Otherwise, you may be requesting something that is not for their highest good.
- The Conference Call does not have to involve a problem. You may ask for spiritual gifts. For example you may ask the Archangel Gabriel for the Gift of Prophecy to keep you informed of future events.
- Many kinds of Incense can be used to strengthen the power of any healing or gift from your SGT. The scents you use should be related to your purpose. For seeking advice use: acacia, ambrette, ginger, lilac, lily, neroli. patchouli. rose, or sage.
- The Law of Attraction is always working. If you are thinking negative thoughts you will attract negative entities. Therefore, control your thoughtforms during the conference. Stay Positive.
- Limit Conference Calls to an hour, to prevent brain and physical drain which could jeopardize the validity of the information.
- At the end of an hour, request that you be given your code- a symbol, word or sensation that you can use to identify the SGT you have been working with during the session.
A great teacher never strives to explain her vision; she simply invites
you to stand beside her and see for yourself -The Rev. R. Inman
During a Healing Cocoon Conference Call you can ask for a healing or realignment. In this Conference Call you work with the Sirian Archangelic League of Light. You will ask to be placed inside a Pyramid of Light to create a Healing and Cellular Clearing Cocoon. This Energetic Cocoon serves as a protective container and as a generator to draw in the vibrational wave pattern that allows for self healing. You may use the Cocoon for any type of HealingAfter the Session you will ask to be placed in a protective and healing Crystalline Cocoon for the next 24 hours while you are integrating the experience. In this process you will be using the mantra:
