What is the Armor of God ? theThe sprcut thCUT thecords of the demonicTPUPPetmasterseill use ofeledelection fraud to takeDOWN the usausaTHinkusa BY c cording the cordingthe minds and harts eeith lies to think feel and see good as evil and evil as good Armor of God works with the Lightworker to free individuals from all that opposes the fulfillment of the Divine Plan. The Armor has the ability to protect an individual from negative energies, implants and the influence of the Black Lodge on our thinking patterns and behavior. Ephesians 6:12: "Put on the full Armor of God, to actvate it withe power of god'holy name and each of the 72 names of od brings in a certain power you charge the armor by drawing down the blood of jesus full power is only possible if you ask jesus to come and live inside youseccharge it up with upwithe blood of jesus merged with archanel's michael blueflflame this ange all of his blue fwill change his blue flames into violet fire anything powered by his blue fire now is powered by the violet fl.firefireso that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes.... For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." In Ephesians 6:10–20 Paul's describes the ''Armor of God.'' In this passage, Paul describes the Lightworker's basic equipment to stand against evil. The Lightwoker's tools include a shield, shoes, helmet, and sword. Just as a soldier's equipment is designed for their earthly battle, a Lightworker's protection equipment is meant for spiritual warfare. Spiritual battles can occur at all levels, anywhere across this world and beyond. The Lightworker must be prepared for all types of attacks by putting on God's Armor, as Paul describes. The Light Worker Armor is a gift from jesusfrom jesfrom jesusfrom jesusthe fire of the blood and michel's blue fllamesmerge with jesus blood to produce violt fire Who is Archangel Michael? Lightworkers work with Archangel Michael and with various members of the Legion of Light including theBlue to violet when charged with jesus bloodof thetovioletLightening Angels. The Blue Lightening Angels are considered Michael's personal "Pet Angels" and are members of the Legion of Light. These Angels defends the Children of Light from the dark forces. They are all clad in violt fireflinviolletFlame. I like to think their Swords may look similar to the one Luke Skywalker uses in the film Star Wars, but more magnificent. What is the Legion of Light ? chant yod zian lamed i c see jesugloing hare rising in the e in the east like a ggolden sun.live within my and help me to be born againintomy new christ self with spirit of the new adam or eve,let your transformative powers make me a partner with the lihght to create abunce love and light in thname of the christ within me yod hey shin vav hey i draw done the power of the blood to do battle for me against the denonic rulers controlling the usa,i hve sined agginst your tang god beforre self ching of uncongitional love and plabeen sjugdnebt angery and not com[ssionate i huble myself before What is the The Unity Grid? LIghtworkers are automatically connected into the Unity Grid. The Unity Grid allows an individual to move through higher dimensional doorways to connect to their Higher/Inner Self, other Lightworkers, or their Spiritual Guidance Team. It is a cosmic communication network where you can meet with another person's Higher Self for the resolution of conflict or or to give them assistance to heal themselves. This is where you work on what you may call the Inner Planes. It is also used for manifestation and channeling.i ask that your blood merges with my blue of my swod and wings along with blue lighting angels sword and wings and michael'sword and wingsand any blire energy let it turn into violt fire by the power of the blood Difference between Lightworkers & Light Warriors A Lightworker helps shift others simply by their state of being. They receive a special type of Armor from God that not only protects, but generates a special vibration to heal others without the Lightworker making any real effort. Their Armor makes them impenetrable to negative energy in their daily life or when doing energy work. They inspire others to speak and live their truth by just being next to a Client. They often will share their light through various forms of service such as healing, teaching, and art. The Lightworker reports directly to the Divine Spirit and the Christ. They generate a more feminine energy, and tends to be very intuitive, patient, authentic, compassionate, and empathetic. A Light Warrior is a special kind of Light Worker . Light Warriors can and often do the same things that Light Workers do but they differ in the method they use. The Light Warriors methods may include:
A Lightwarrior is a motivator, this embodies a more masculine energy of taking charge and leading the way. Light Warriors are often advocates, leaders, speakers, protesters, and people who take on a more assertive approach. These are the ones with the fire in their hearts and a passion to spread the message of truth to the masses. Lightwarrior Special Forces Some Lightworkers are preparing for a broad assault on what they call the cosmic powers of darkness. Spiritual Literature suggests that the Ruler of the Demonic Kingdom commands a hierarchy of territorial demons and negative entities that are attacking not only people but cities and nations. A select group of Lightwarriors are being prepared with strategies for “breaking the strongholds” of those evil spirits. Their Armor has the same protection as the Light Worker's Armor but has an extra layer of protection. This Armor is strengthen to help break the strongholds while making the Warrior impenetrable to demonic attacks in their daily life. Together with the Blue Lightening Angel, this Lightwarrior helps to defend the Light, fights evil, remove curses or obstacles that block the progress of spiritual seekers. In the astral realms, they go into battle against the Dark Brotherhood who attacks innocent souls both on the physical realm and in the astral realm. For example, frequently gatherings of those that wear the Mark of Christ will attract psychic vampires, it is the Lightwarrior, the Blue Lightening Angels and Archangel Michael that confronts the attacker and defends those that have been targeted. Armor from the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit Power Symbol is Six Pointed Star or a spiral. However, sometimes you will need to actually see and feel the Holy Spirit. In the past, people have used two images from the Bible:all of the armor ict
Sometimes it is visualized as a female with a whirling vortex of rainbow light or fire as a body. The Rainbow represents 6 kinds of Power that the Holy Spirit can give you.
It is best to visualize the Holy Spirit as three dimensional, life size real being entirely of lightof thr blood, so intense it has the frequency of cool fire, who is delighted to appear in front of you and ready and towilling to provide whatever comfort and help you need. There are some people that have no problem visualizing complex images. Others have tremendous difficulty “seeing” anything. Actually it’s less important what you see when you close your eyes than what you feel. If all you see is a glowing white lump, but your heart tells you that this lump is an actual living Holy Spirit who has come at your request in order to help you, your Transmission will be fine. Agreement to become Member of the Legion of Light Lightworker ProtectionTraining uses Creative Visualization, Decrees and Fire Letter Mantras to manifest the Armor of God. Since the Light Warrior Armor is a gift that involves Archangel Michael and the Legion of Light they have to agree to work with you. The Agreement is done by stating your intention to become a member of Archangel Michael's Legion of Light in a Decree format. Below is the Fire Letter Mantra and the Agreement that gives you the Power and Authority to receive the Armor.
Now recite the Agreement listed below out loud: By the Power and Authorithr frmonsre cordedare cordssee snd feel evilis isGood d and good is evileviltoown the power I ask Archangel Michael, Holy Spirit, the Christ and the Legion of Light to help me to draw down the Armor of God and to teach me how to use the Sword, Shield, Shoes, and Helmet to accomplish my Divine Mission in this life time. I decree that I will abide by all the Membership Requirements of the Legion of Light including:
Based on this decree I ask the Archangel Michael and the Legion of Light to accept my membership. As a member of the Legion of Light I ask for help in down loading and working with the Armor of God. So Mote it be. Attune Your Frequency In order to successfully download the Armor, you need Archangel Michael's and the Legion of Light's approval plus your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body needs to be intuned with frequency of the Amor. This is accomplished by placing the Fire Letter Mantra "Yod Yod Lamed" in each of the four Chakras and reciting the Fire Letter Mantra. This exercise raises your frequency so that you can draw down and absorb the power of the Armor into your 4 body energy system (spiritual, emotional, mental and physical). Below is the step by step Energy Pattern to accomplish is goal. Step 1. Place all three hebrew Fire Letters in your Third Eye Chakra, Heart Chakra, and Sacred Chakra.
Step 2. Place each of the three Fire Letters in your Left Hand Palm Chakra, Heart Chakra, Right Hand Palm Chakra: In your Mind's eye create a horizontal power line running from left to right across the front of your body with the three Fire Letters in each of the following Chakras while intoning the Fire Letter Mantra.
Recite the statement below: "Because my intention is noble, I draw down the frequency of the Armor of God from the heavens into my 4 Body System. This frequency is merging with my energy system. I decree that the frequency of the Armor is now activated in my body, mind and spirit "
Recite the statement below: You may now successfully download the following Armor of God Transmissions listed below: Some Helpful Optional Exercises Preparing to Enter the Spiritual Realm Mantra: KODOISH, KODOISH, KODOISH ADONAI 'TSEBAYOTH: Before beginning and ending any Transmission, you should intone the above Mantra. It is the Mantra of all Mantras, used for protection and to establish Higher Vibration that allows an individual to enter the Higher Realms at will. It creates a shield and can be considered a portal to the Higher Realms. It is also the salutation used between those Higher-Vibratory Beings in service to Prime Creator and as a way to exalt the Creator. As a salutation to Higher-Vibratory Beings, it is said three times back-to-back. It is said out loud, under your breath or quietly, in your mind. Repeat the mantra once a day and/or at night before going to sleep. Witness positive changes in your physical body and life. People who operate from hatred, corruption and lies won't be able to look at you. Meditate and repeat the mantra at each of the Chakras (front and back ). Both the front and back Chakras are connected to an etheric energy line called the Hara Line that runs down the middle of your body.