Protection (Room): Tetragrammaton Click on this link to return to "How it Works" page Click here to go to Transmissions Click here to go back to Protection page The one of most powerful Fire Letter Mantras is shown below : Some say that the Tetragammaton mantra reveals the inner essence of God. Through the vibration of this mantra Fohat works on programming and reprogramming rods of DNA and RNA according to the 72 qualities of the Divine Spirit. The Divine name is the 4-fold name of God expressed through the 4 elements of fire, water, air, and earth . We intone and envision the Divine name: This seals the room from negativity in six directions, up, down, forward (east), back (west) ,right side (south), left side (north). Energy Flow Close your eyes. Sit in your chair with feet flat on the ground. Now begin by doing some deep rhythmic breathing Imagine looking upward but keep your eyes closed. Above: Look above your head and seal this space with the letters Below: Look below and seal the space below you with the letters Forward: Look at forward and seal the space with the letters Backward: Look behind you and seal the space with the letters Right: Look to your right and seal the space with the letters Left: Look to your left and seal the space with the letters You have now sealed this room in six directions. |