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In this Transmission we will be working with the Sirius Stargate that recently opened and was activated in 2015. During the Final Blood Moon on September 27, 2015 all the South Texas, Mexico and Central American newly awakened Atlantean and Lemurian Temple sites that were located on the Feathered Serpent Leyline were connected vertically and horizontally. This event formed one South Texas-Mexico-Central America energetic current of Mahatma White Gold Fire Energy . This is called the "Head of the Dove Power Shift". A new energetic current was formed by this power shift called the Head of the Dove Leyline. This leyline runs from Lake Titicaca, Peru  to Tikal  Ruins, Guatemala  to Palenque,  Mexico to the East Cameron County in Rio Grande Valley,Texas  and ends at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas. Energy running through the leyline has opened Stargates along its path from South Texas to Central America.

The Stargates in East Cameron County, Texas  allow you to quickly draw in Multi-Dimensional energies from other dimensions, other universes or/and the cosmic fire that flows around and through the Ancient Atlantean and Lemurian Temples that were once located here.   This Stargate opens a clear channel for the Spiritual Hierarchy, Christ Centered ET's, Archangels and Ascended Masters to communicate directly with you, take you through activations, give you healings and meditations to do, or just send you love. This close contact is possible because the Stargate is pulling massive power from the Mexico-South American Temple Complexes once located on the "Head of the Dove Leyline" that feeds the Stargate.  This energy generates a higher frequency that allows a direct physical communication channel. In the past individuals would have to spend long hours learning how to open up higher chakras and projecting their energy bodies into an etheric Ascension Seat. Ascended Masters had only limited abilities to manifest directly on to the 3rd dimensional Plane.  This Stargate allow your spiritual guides to focus light and higher energies directly into your everyday consciousness called "Over Shadowing"  to help you awaken and to make the transition into a new earth cycle smother and easier. Higher dimensions are now merging into 3rd dimensional reality in a blink of the eye.

Each time you do a Transmission within this Stargate Energy Field your energy frequency changes and rearranges as a result of your experience. The more work you do, the more you upgrade your energy system. This upgraded energy systems results in: clear perception; aligning with our life missions; easier manifestation of physical needs; personal health; improved relationships based on attracting others with similar vibrations; adaptation to our changing external environment; and ability to experience the Fifth Dimension. After you open and activate the Stargate you can do several alignments with Stars Systems that are hard wired into the Stargate. This means you do not have to create your Communication Command Center to receive energy from them.

Step 1: Building the Antakarana

The first step in opening the Stargate is to create a stream of consciousness referred to as the Antakarana.This  bridges your personal energy with the Divine energy and merges them into one. The building of the Antakarana is a process of consciousness fusion. When this bridge is fully activated, you experience an unimpeded flow of consciousness to and from other dimensions and your Spiritual Source.

You create the Antakarana by visualizing a Tube of Light that connects you to the Unity Grid, Dimensional Portals and the Crystalline Grid. This Tube of Light creates a two-way communication line between you and the Earth's Grid System . Along this two-way communication line are Portals or Doorways that open into different dimensions that are the home to various spiritual guides and star beings. These Dimensional Portals allow you to receive messages and healing from your Spiritual Guidance Team  that exists in other dimensions. To begin the creation of your Antakarana recite the following decree and intone and visualize the Fire Letter Mantra below:
27Fire Letter Mantra: Tav(Indigo) Resh(Red)  Yod(Lime Green)

Meaning: I am a Partner with Light to create abundance

By the Power and Authority Yod Resh Tav
in the name  of Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey , the Christ within me
I decree that I am connected to the Earth's Grid System by my Tube of Light. This Tube of Light allows me to now merge my Light Force with the Divine Spirit and Mother Earth's Light Force. I am now a partner with the Light  to create abundance. 

Visualization and Energy Pattern:

  • Sit or stand. Take a few deep breaths, and calm your mind and body.  Bring your awareness to your Crown Chakra at the top of your head.
  • Visualize a small tube of light the circumference of your head connected to the Crown Chakra.    See this Tube extending upward connecting you to other dimensional portals above you, and connecting to the Unity Grid running all the way up to the Divine Spirit.  
  • Now visualize this same Tube of Light that connects to your Crown Chakra running downward through the center of your body,  through your 7 chakras and out your perineum. See the Tube of Light running between your legs downward, into the Earth  into the Crystalline Grid and the core of Mother Earth.
  • Bring this energy back up your Tube of Light. Visualize the energy flowing  through the Tube of Light, see the energy flowing up from the core of Mother Earth, through the Crystalline Grid,  through the layers of the Earth into your perineum center, up the front of your body, out your Crown Chakra, up through the Dimensional Portals, connecting to the Unity Grid and extending up to the Divine Spirit.
  • Repeat this cycle two or three times. When you feel the energy is flowing smoothly in and out your Crown Chakra imagine a Gauge that says "Low Flow" and  "High Flow'.  Turn the Gauge to "High Flow". The Low Flow is for normal daily activity. When you turn the Gauge to "High Flow"  you have the power to manifest.

Step 2: Create Pyramid of Light to Open Stargate

After you have created a two way energy flow beween your Spiriual Source and Mother Earth, you need to raise your frequency to match the Stargates. The Pyramid of Light is a unique energy amplifier and master alignment tool.  As higher frequencies are drawn up from the base or down from the Apex of the Pyramid the Aura begins to vibrate.  Thought forms, limiting beliefs and old emotional patterns cannot maintain their structure. Negative low frequency energy is dispersed, allowing higher frequency energy to come in. Higher frequencies are drawn in from the "Head of the Dove Leyline" enhancing and strengthens the Stargate vibrational seed pattern, promoting faster opening of the Stargate. While in the Pyramid your body is constantly pulling in energy from this leyline to align you with the Stargate Vibrational Seed Pattern. To completely merge with the Stargate frequency you will be intoning and envisioning the Fire Letter Mantra:

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

In this Transmission you will also be working with two higher energy chakra centers in your Aura: The Soul Star Chakra and the Stellar Chakra. These two chakras link you with your higher dimensional self and their function is to tune you into Multi-Dimensional reality.

The Soul Star Chakra
The Soul Star is located 6-8 inches above the head. This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. The Soul Star chakra center is the gateway to your Self as it expands past the planet. Because of this, this chakra is the last energy center that holds anything human within it. It becomes the temple of human cleansing and the releasing of patterns that are lifetimes old and outdated. These patterns are the last of what holds you to the reincarnation system and your humanness that keep you from uniting with higher powers, beings, and ideas.  The 8th chakra is an energy transference chakra. It is the chakra that is the interface for our relationship with the Universe. It captures and filters Cosmic energy received from the Stellar Gateway.

The Stellar Gateway
The Stellar Gateway is situated approximately 12 inches above the head.  The Stellar Gateway’s function is to receive, filter and harmonize you with the energy from the stars, planets, universes or other dimensions. It holds your monadic energy and contains the sum total of all your experiences. Your monad is your original divine spark and is  the true essence of who you are. Two Archangels oversee this chakra – Archangel Metatron who is helping humanity to rise in frequency and Seraphina, a Seraphim, who is forming the link with your monad and Divine Spirit.  This point is intimately connected with our Body of Light and with the Divine I AM Presence.

Energy Flow Pattern:

  • Sit or stand with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Feel the weight of your feet on the floor and relax your body. Activate Spiral Pillar of Light to establish sacred ground.
  • Imagine yourself standing inside a body size four sided 3D Pyramid. The top of the Pyramid is at the level of the Stellar Gateway (12" above your head). The floor to which you have your feet grounded now becomes the square which is the Base of the Pyramid connecting to four adjacent triangular walls.
  • The base of the Pyramid sits on the Earth and the Pyramid may be one color or multi-colored. What color is it for you?

  • The Base of the Pyramid is energetically connected to the "Head of Dove Leyline" that runs under the surface of the Earth.   Imagine the Leyline flowing from Lake Titicaca, Peru to the Tikal Ruins, Guatemala  to Palenque Mexico to East Cameron County in Rio Grande Valley, Texas and ends at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas.
  • See sparkling White Gold Liquid Fire flowing in a stream through the Leyline.  Imagine this Leyline as a pathway of crystalline White Gold Fire traveling underneath the surface of the Earth.
  • Focus on the Base of the Pyramid. Imagine Rays of light generating from the Base of the Pyramid.  See these Rays like the Roots of a Tree ...pushing through the ground to meet the "Head of the Dove Leyline"  underground.
  •  See the Roots sifting through the soil, creating a pathway to the Base of the Pyramid. You might see the Roots go straight down or you might want to turn them to the right or to the left to find the Leyline. 
  • Once the Roots have found the Leyline, send the Roots into the Leyline.  You will know that the Roots have connected to the Leyline when you suddenly feel "Plugged In" or intuitively know they are rooted in.  You may feel a surge of energy, some heat, tingling or pulsating in your body.
  • Send Love and Light into the Leyline and ask the Deva of the Leyline for help in bring up the White Gold Fire of the Sirius Stargate.
  • With your breath, pull the White Gold Fire up into the Roots. In your mind's eye see the Fire flowing up through the layers of the Earth.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire of Unconditional Love flowing up into the Base of the Pyramid.  As the Fire hits the Base see it lighting it up with White Gold Fire
  • Let the White Gold Fire flow up the four sides to the top of the Pyramid.  Each of the walls of your Pyramid is radiating with divine power, charging up your Pyramid in a force field of ancient power and protection . In your mind's eye see the entire Pyramid lighting up with White Gold Fire.
  • Imagine the Pyramid you are standing in starts to beam out rays of White Gold Liquid Fire towards your body.

  • Using your breath, intention and imagination draw the fire energy out from the top, sides and base of the Pyramid towards your body.
  • See the White Gold Fire forming  a Cocoon over the top of your head, under the bottom of your feet...spreading out 12 body lengths to completely enfold your aura in an energy Cocoon of swirling White Gold sparkling energy . Let the Cocoon spin around your body for 30 sec.
  •  To see if your Cocoon is working think:
    Cocoon Lights on…
    Cocoon 10% Light Boost please (Cocoon grows Brighter)
    Cocoon Lights off (Cocoon Lights Dim)
  • If your Cocoon isn't working, let it spin longer and faster
  • With your breathe, intention and imagination inhale and bring in part of the Cocoon's fire into your physical body, then your etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body.
  • The Cocoon's Fire is forming a Vortex within you.  See a Vortex of white gold fire forming along your Hara line. The Hara line is a golden tube extending downward from the Soul Star above the head, through the Higher Heart in the upper chest, through the Sacred Chakra  in the lower abdomen, and into the core of the earth.
  • This Vortex is drawing the White Gold Fire energy up through your chakras
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire from the Vortex into your the Soul Star located 6-8 inches above the head. See your Soul Star Chakra light up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Focus on your Stellar Gateway Chakra(12 ' above your head). Inhale and see this White Gold energy filling this chakra. This chakra is now sending this energy up into your higher dimensional chakras.
  • Visualize each of your 7 chakras as being empty, then each one filling up with the healing, loving White Gold Energy. Feel your body getting lighter and lighter as the White Gold frequency fills your Body.
  • Now see the White Gold fire start to spin in a counter clockwise direction inside and around your body.
  • Start to intone the Fire Letter Mantra  Vau Hey Vau, as the Cocoon spins faster and faster.
  •  Feel this Vortex spinning around you and through you. This spinning tornado is clearing all the physical, mental and emotional negative states of mind and troubling emotions that are not intune with the Stargate vibrational seed pattern.
  • See this whirlwind throwing out all the negative energy from your 4 body system (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). Visualize this negative energy as black smoke being lifted out of your body and aura. The negative energy is going up out of the top of the Pyramid into the Sky and up into the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth where it is transmuted back into positive energy.
  • Now let the White Gold Vortex change directions to spin in a clockwise direction around and through your body.
  • While continuously intoning  Vau Hey Vau bring in the White Gold Fire into your 4 body system. See and feel your body filling up with a higher frequency of White Gold Fire energy . 
  • Focus on your Crown Chakra, inhale and draw in the White Gold Fire into the top of your head and let it fill your Pineal Gland attuning it to the frequency of the Stargate . 
  • See your Pineal Gland light up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire Energy
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Pineal Gland
  • Now let the White Gold Fire spread to the rest of your brain. Focus on your Brain and see your Brain lighting  up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire down from your Brain into the top of your Spine. Let the White Gold Fire flow down your spine stopping at the bottom three vertebrae.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire flowing through and around the bottom three vertebra, opening your Spinal Pathway to the frequency of the Stargate.  See the three vertebra lightening up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of the three vertebra at the bottom of your spine.

  • Next see White Gold Fire entering your heart, open your heart to the frequency of the Stargate
  • Focus on your Heart and see your Heart lighting up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Heart
  •  Now let the Vortex  absorb and disappear into your physical body.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire from the Cocoon surrounding the outside of your body is being absorbed into all your chakras and aura and disappearing .
  • Take a few moments to feel the energy within you.
  •  Now inside your glowing white gold Pyramid imagine your Higher Self in a radiant shining light body.
  • Ask your Higher Self to come and stand in front of you.
  • When your Higher Self is standing in front of you, extend your hands with you’re palms facing away from your body and invite your higher self to connect with you palm to palm.
  • Allow energy from your Higher Self  to enter your body through the palms of your hands and arms. Give this energy a color. Just choose a color that feels right at this time .  Let the colored energy flow into your heart and fill up your 4 body system. Emotional, mental, physical, spiritual.
  • Now visualize the energy of Higher Self flowing up into your Third Eye Chakra and forming Triangle inside of it.
  • Imagine this Triangle as the same color as your Higher Self energy that is now running through your body. However the energy of the Triangle is intensified and electrified .  See this electric energy pulsing along the edges of the Triangle.  

  • The Third Eye Triangle is now fully activated and charged with Higher Self Energy. The Electrified Third Eye Triangle allows you to be open to Higher Self inspiration, communication, and heightened perception and so on. 

  • Drop the hand connection with your Higher Self .  And ask it to merge with you.  At this point you should feel a wave or surge of energy move from in front of you through your body to your back. You may feel more expansive, light, peaceful, joyful, filled with love, or just a general sense of wellbeing. 
  • If there is any part of your body in which the blending seems not to be occurring. Breathe into the area and relax it until you feel an energy shift as your Higher Self is able to blend with you there.
Step 3: Opening Stagate

To open the Stargate you will recite the Decree,  intone and visualize the three Fire Letters in your Body.

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

See the Fire Letter Vau(Red) written over your Third Eye
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) witten over your Sacred Chakra

See the Letter Vau (Red) in Left Hand Palm
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) in Right Hand Palm
This forms a Cross with "Hey(Violet)" as the center point.
Fold both hands over Heart.

Give Decree:
By the Authority of Vau Hey Vau,

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey,

I decree that the Sirius Stargate is open and activated through which all my higher self energy enters and leaves my Universe.   The Christ, Archangel Michael, the Sirian Council of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light including the Golden and Crystalline Dolphins are my guardians and the protectors into this Multi-Dimensional realm.  I feel their energy flowing around me and through me.

Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades
Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Once you have opened the Stargate, you can do an alignment with the Seven Stars of the Pleiades.  The Pleiades is hard wired into this Stargate. You do not have to open your Communication Command Center to align with this Star System.  In this session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the the Seven Stars of the Pleiades to upgrade your 4 body energy system to a 5th Dimensional Vibrational Seed Pattern.  The link up between your Chakra system and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades have been practiced in many civilization and timelines including: the Maya, the Cherokees and the ancient Egyptians. Linking the Pleiades to your chakra column The first thing that occurs with this link up is a massive increase in our capacity to hold light within our four body system.  This upgrades your  entire operating system. It's like upgrading from Human Consciousness 3.0 to Galactic Consciousness 12.0. 

The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart. In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation. Mastery over thought is a prerequisite. Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. There is no distinction between past, present or future. After you have practiced this Transmission for at least three or four times ...over several weeks you will have begun the process of attuning to a 5th Dimensional "enlightened reality".

You will be using the Fire Mantra below:


Fire Letter Mantra:Mem Ayin Chet
Meaning: Cosmic Circuitry for receiving energy from the Pleiades

Recite Decree:
By the Authority and Power of
Chet (amber) Ayin(blue)  Mem (blue)

in the name of the Christ within me,
Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey, 

I decree that I am aligning my energy system with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. This alignment has increased my capacity to hold light within my four body system.  This has upgraded my entire operating system and is attuning me into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness .
Energy Pattern

  • Envision a golden infinite symbol connecting one of your chakras to one of the planets that make up the Pleiades.

  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Maia to your Crown Chakra,
    Envision and Recite:  Chet Ayin Mem, I am connected to Maia
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Taygeta to your Third Eye
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Taygeta
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Celaeno to your Throat Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Celaeno
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Electra to your Heart Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Electra
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Alcyone to your Solar Plexus
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Alcyone
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Pleione to your Sacred Chakra
    Envision and  Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Pleione
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Merope to your Root Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Merope

Now relax for at least half an hour and feel the frequencies of the Stellar bodies as they penetrate deeper into your 4 body system

Arcturian Chakra Upgrade

In this Transmission you will be assisted by the Arcturians to attune your chakra system a 5th Dimensional Template.  The Arcturian healers in the soul room will send a series of energy balls out of the bottom of the Arcturian Mothership to raise your energy system to a 5th dimensional vibrational seed pattern and remove  negative electro-magnetic frequencies.  This process brings in the 5th dimensional template that is generating the New Earth frequencies.

You will be using the Fire Letter Mantra and the Hebrew Name of God for each chakra. During the visualization you will imagine  these Arcturian Emerald Green Fire Balls moving down your spinal column, entering each of your chakras and spinning in a counter clockwise wise direction clearing all negativity. As the Green Balls enter each chakra , you will see the three Fire Letters. written over the Chakra.  You will connect the back of your chakra with the front of the chakra with a horizontal infinity (figure eight) symbol.

This connection is done because the subconscious parts of your chakras are located in the back of your body directly behind the conscious parts of your chakras. After the negative energy is cleared from the Chakra, it changes color indicating the vibrational seed pattern of the 5th D has been brought in.  The Transmission is used to:

  • Contain and transform your own destructive projections
  • Enhance inner strength and resolve
  • Establish balance when your feel off center
  • Expand consciousness and shifts to multi-Dimensional awareness
  • Raise frequency to connect with spiritual guides 
  • Reduce fatigue by stimulating frozen blocks of energy

About the Arcturians

Edgar Casey reported the Arcturus civilization is the most highly evolved civilization in our galaxy. They have the most highly advanced technology and are totally dedicated  to serving humanity.  Starship Athena is an Arcturian Starship that has been said to be the most advanced and feared ship in the galaxy. For this reason, Arcturians have been able to protect and prevent any invasion of our planet Earth from Grey Aliens and Reptilian Aliens. It quietly resides between the planets Jupiter and Saturn awaiting any invading armada from the Greys or Reptilians.

This Starship is fueled by crystals. These crystals have forces that can channel energy as massive as our Sun, and propel the ship for millennia. These crystals are found in a planet, in our Milky Way Galaxy, not discovered by modern man. It also has a special room, the size of a football stadium, which has the ability to take any crew member back to the Arcturian home planet in his etheric body.

Athena is also home to the most advanced databases of universal information. This database has information regarding Earth life and life throughout the other Milky Way Galaxy planets. Arcturians are able to ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities. This process is similar to ingesting food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information 100 times faster than the average human being on Earth and is the reason why they outgrew the need for using computers/electronics.

The benevolent Arcturian beings have a specific mission to assist humanity into our next level of ascension.  With this goal is mind, they have created a soul room.  The soul room is connected to the healing power of the Fohat Energy. This room can be thought of as a hospital in which Arcturians are able to assist the energy of souls in need. The soul room’s mission is to revitalize individuals for their next learning experience.  Here the Arcturians are able to assist those individuals who are ready to raise their vibrational frequencies into the next stage of development.

What are the 5th Dimensional Chakras?


In the fifth dimension, your red base chakra shimmers with Blue Green Aqua  and connects with the joy and wisdom of dolphin energy. Your material needs are automatically met. The pure white Archangel Gabriel rules this chakra, bringing clarity and confidence to your future. The identification of the Master I AM presence here on Earth. Incredibly powerful.  I am a Child of the Light , I love the Light, I serve the Light, I live in the Light, I am Protected by the Light, I am illuminated, supplied, sustained by the Light


The orange Sacred Chakra is now bright pink. This beautiful nexus point has proved the most challenging to clear and assimilate. Containing most of the modern day challenges, those still working through financial/relationship issues will be clearing through initiations held here.At fifth dimensional level, the sacral chakra is a beautiful soft pink and radiates transcendent love. Guarded by Archangel Gabriel, this chakra helps you express love through sexuality. When the frequency of this chakra is raised, you will choose romantic partners wisely. Those aware and using this chakra consciously, will now be fully aware of the complete interconnection between oneself, and all other forms of life on this planet. I activate...


Your yellow Solar Plexus is bright gold. The fifth dimensional solar plexus is the ‘feelers’ within the body. Accessing all forms of surrounding vibrations, and analysing them for the Masters perceptions. Archangel Uriel looks after this chakra, absorbing lower emotions, strengthening confidence and bringing wisdom until this centre radiates at a higher frequency. When it does, your solar plexus is a deep bright gold with rainbow flashes. I Merge...


Your Green Heart turns ..bright white…The most powerful energy centre within the sentient form. This is the point where pure love is accessed, and created. Archangel Chamuel opens your heart to its deepest levels. All archangels link into the heart centre, which radiates pure white when it transitions into the fifth dimension, helping you to see the best in everyone, everything and act with love in all you do. I Dare...


At the fifth dimensional frequency turns the sky blue throat chakra (Daath), looked after by Archangel Michael, into cobalt blue. This bright blue chakra is very powerful, taking the vibration of thought patterns into spoken manifestation. At this frequency you can safely say what you really feel, think and believe, as people will trust you. You will also be able to take mastery of your life and know who you are. I Will...


Your Indigo Third Eye..turn emerald green. This is your manifestation point. It is also the receptivity centre that puts information we receive into tangible reality.Archangel Rephael works with this chakra to help remove the veils of illusion, just like a crystal ball, enabling you to see the world from a higher perspective. I Know...


Your purple crown chakra turns bright Platinum.  This liquid Platinum chakra now receives information processed by the Higher Self, and is fed by the upper three transcendent charras. Archangel Metatron, Cosmic Being Mahatma, Archangel  Josephine helps to develop this chakra, known as the thousand petal lotus. At the fifth dimension it opens you up to the wisdom of the universe, like a blossoming flower. I Am that.. I Am


The Alta Major Chakra located in the back of the neck is an important sacred vortex of Aqua Fire It is a highly sensitive portal of energy with an antenna alerting you to negative energies, untruths and toxic influences (think hairs on the back of your neck). It’s also considered an entry point for psychic attacks. The Blue Lightening Angels and Archangel Michael works with this chakra. I Hear...


The Soul Star, six inches above the top of the head. It is magenta in colour, and contains the active blueprint for all of our spiritual gifts. The information stored in this nexus of energy will go back through every lifetime that you have existed in.This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. Archangel Marie works with this magenta chakra to enable you to understand your soul more deeply. I Manifest...

Energy Flow Pattern


Fire Letter Mantra: ← Yod(lime green)  Lamed(yellow) Kaph(violet)

Meaning: Build and Strengthen your Physical Vessel & Spiritual DNA

Recite Decree : 
By the Authority of Kaph Lamed Yod

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod-Hey-Shin-Vau-Hey, 

I now call forth the Arcturian Mothership Athena and the healing energy of the Soul Room to send a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire into my chakras. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership and moving down my chakra column, and entering my seven chakras.  This energy aligns me with my 5th Dimensional energy system.  I call to the Arcturian Advanced Technology,  to raise up my personal Light Quotient level, as much as possible, up to the 98% Ascended Master requirement.

 I  decree that this process is started at the moment. I  ask that this process continues at a speed that is deemed safe for my individual body system. I request this process does not stop until I reach the 98% Light Quotient Level.

I decree that all my chakras are functioning in the 5th dimensional frequency and this energy is building a new Vessel and activating my Star Codes and spiritual DNA.  Kaph Lamed Yod  

Tarot Keys for Meditation:
Tarot Key: Wheel of Fortune Card (Kaph)


Tarot Key: Strength Card (Lamed)


Rise up energy  to connect with God

Tarot Key: Hermit Card (Yod)



Upgrade Chakras

Recite and Visualize :

  • I see the Arcturian Mothership Athena hoovering directly above me. As I look up at the bottom of the Ship I .  see a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire floating out of the bottom of the Ship. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership. The Green Fire Balls are encoded with 5th dimensional keys and codes in the Language of Light.  I let each Ball of Green Fire enter my crown chakra and then move down my Antakarana Tube,  that runs through the center of my body, down my spinal column. I let these Fire Balls enter my seven chakras one at a time.

(Focus your attention on the Earth Star Chakra)

I let the first green ball of fire enter my earth star chakra located below my feet and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my earth star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Base Chakra)
I let the 2nd green ball of fire enter my base chakra and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my base chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Sacred Chakra)
I let the 3rd green ball of fire enter my sacred chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire I see a green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my sacred chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Bright Pink

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Shaddai El Chai (Shah-dye-El-kI )
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Solar Plexus Chakra)
I let the 4th green ball of fire enter my stomach chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire, see an green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the  fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from the front to back of the chakra.

I now open and raise my Solar Plexus chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright gold

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Elohim Tzabaoth Jehovah Tzabaoth (El-oh-heem tzah-bah-oth Yah-hO-v ah tzah-bah-oth)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra )
I let the 5th green ball of fire enter my heart chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

I now open and raise my heart chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright white

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Jehovah Aloah va Daath (Yah-ho-vah El-oh-ah Vah-Dah-th)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Throat Chakra)
I let the 6th emerald green ball of fire enter my throat chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

 I now open and raise my throat chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency . The green fire ball has turned to a cobalt blue

Now intone: 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Elohim Gibor  El  (El-oh-hEEm Ge-boor ehl)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Third Eye Chakra)
I let the 7th green ball of fire enter my third eye chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my third eye chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Emerald Green 

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Yah Jehovah Elohim  (Yah Yah-hO-vah El-oh-heem)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Crown Chakra)
I let the 8th green ball of fire enter my crown chakra and spin counter clock wise.
I now open and raise my crown chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Platinum

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh (A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Soul Star Chakra)
I let the 9th emerald green ball of fire enter my soul star chakra located 6" above the top of my head and spin counter clock wise.

I now open and raise my soul star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a magenta

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh Asher Eheieh (A-hey-yah ash-er A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

Recite Decree:
I now raise my frequencies within my physical, astral, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies to the 5th dimensional frequencies. I call forth the complete stabilization of my new fifth dimensional chakra system within my entire being. I now decree that the Arcturian Emissaries of Light, send a vibrational seed pattern to each of my chakras that will perfectly balance and attune them to 5th dimensional frequencies. This process will remove any cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good.
Take 15 seconds for each chakra to be balanced.   

  • Now in your mind's eye see your chakra column lighting up like a christmas tree .
    My base chakra is now Blue Green
    My sacral chakra is now Bright Pink
    My solar plexus is now Bright Gold
    My Heart Chakra is pure White
    My throat chakra is now Cobalt Blue
    My third eye is now Emerald Green
    My crown chakra is now Platinum
    My soul star is now Magenta
  • Visualize all your chakras integrating and blending into one unified chakra of White Gold Fire ... one White Gold Fire Ray of energy running up and down your spinal column. 

Now intone:
I call forth my 5th dimensional self, to now meld it consciousness with my unified energy field and aura. 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

  • Visualize the Fire Letters over this unified Chakra to active it.
  • Imagine thousands of the three fire letters out of your unified chakra into your blood stream and into your Body.

Recite the following affirmations:

  •  I have now activated and accepted the Christ Consciousness program within every cell of my body, within  my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum
  • I now call forth the complete balancing of all my Karma from all my past, present and future lives within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I am now Christ living in this body, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I call forth the complete and full baptism of the Holy Spirit, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

Sit and absorb these new frequencies, until you intuitively feel the process is complete. 

Intone Protection Mantra:
Click on link below to listen to mantra
Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth (Holy, Holy, Holy is the  Lord God of Host)

You should do this exercise:

  • at least once a week for a period of 40 days . 
  • when you feel scattered, ungrounded or overwhelmed 
  • need or desire spiritual expansion and connection
Galactic Light Codes


Click here to return to Stage 8: Communication Command Center

In this Transmission you will be downloading Galactic Light Codes that contain information and wisdom from the seven primary star systems with which we most closely align: The Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra, Orion, Sirius, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda.  The codes will assist you in releasing outdated emotional, attitudinal and belief patterns so that you may bring in knowledge and wisdom from these star systems. This Star wisdom helps your new cricuitry formed in Stage 7 to connect properly.  To receive the Galactic Light Codes you will be intoning "Kaf Lamed Yod"  and envisioning the following Fire Letters :

Fire Letter MantraYod (lime green)  Lamed( yellow)  Kaf( purple) ←
Meaning: Build your new 5th dimensional vessel & awaken spiritual DNA for regeneration

The Galactic Light Codes are stored in the Earth's Grid System: the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid. Before you can bring in the Galactic Light Codes(GLC) your energy system must be attuned with the new GLC frequency. You attune to the new frequency by forming Triangular Energy Circuit between your Heart, and the two Galactic Transmitting Stations.   Each Transmitting Station condenses the GLC codes from the Sun Disc energy for a specific Hemisphere into one wave frequency. The Transmitting Station of the West is located in Moody Gardens Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston, Texas. It transmutes and transmits a unique Sun Disc GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission for the Western Hemisphere. The Transmitting Station of the East is located in the Giza Pyramid.  It transmutes and transmits a specific GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission of the of Eastern Hemisphere. When you merge your energy with these two Transmitting Stations you create an energy circuit that raises your frequency to match the GLC. This frequency creates an energy field that connects to the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid and releases the GLC.

What are the Sun Disc?

This new frequency of the GLC is being transmitted by the 12 Sun Disc located across the Planet. The vibrational seed pattern of the 12 Golden Sun Discs turns your Energy Body into a transmitting and receiving station for Galactic messages.  The 12 Golden Sun Discs are energy vortices that take in energy from the Grid and the Bermuda Triangle and then weaves it into a new energy. These Discs form a communication channel between mankind and the celestial realms. They are a perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies that are required for Earth’s ascension. The amphied energy from the Sun Disc are over riding programs and sequences from outdate morphogenetic fields and degenative gene codes. The Sun Disc energy is encoding your circuitry to substitute the new code for the old code. According to geologist and grid expert, James Tyberonn,

"These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field ~ of pure love, unconditional love ~ a light code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above. The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blueprint for the crystalline field, indeed for the Crystalline 144 Grid! Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, similar to the DNA of the Earth itself."

The Sun Discs are dimensional program stabilizers for the New Atlantis Energy. Click here to learn more about New Atlantis. Each of the 12 Disc carries a specific vibration that relates to its purpose and geographic location.  The Golden Sun Discs are for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: a composite library of the Perfection Blueprint. Each Disc contains a DNA code for the planet, and there are 12 composite frequencies that allows the Earth and mankind to regenerate itself.
Click here to learn more about the Sun Disc

All   'Sun Discs' are connected to one of two Transmitting Stations: one in Texas, the Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston  and one in Egypt, the Giza Pyramid .   Below are some interesting facts on the Transmitting Stations:

  • The Texas Transmitting Station is in a direct alignment to the Giza Transmitting Station. Both correlate to magnetic north and are attuned to the energies of the Yucatan Pyramids.
  • The Giza Transmitting Station is aligned to the Orion star system and the Texas Transmitting Station  is aligned to Sirius.
  • When approached with appropriate intent, the energy within these Transmitting Stations stores and transmits universal and multi-dimensional data similar to quartz. Due to how the Stations are aligned (terrestrial and celestial) they create electromagnetic anomalies that alters gravity and dimensional time.
    Click here to learn more...

The Two Transmitting Stations gather the wave frequencies of the Sun Discs in each of the respective hemisphere, steps down the energy  and transmits these coded vibrations across the planet to help us return to our original state of being. The Transmitting Stations are constantly bring in energy from the Sun Disc and stepping down the frequency. When you attune your energy system to the Sun Disc by way of both Transmitting Stations you are upgrading your vibrational Seed pattern to the divine energy field of Zero.  You take on some of the energy characteristics of the Sun Disc, a " perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies". These characteristics allow you to release and absorb the GLC from both the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid .

Energy Flow Pattern

  • Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra. Think about some one you love, a parent, brother, friend,  a dog or cat, or some place that you love to be at. Let the feeling of love grow in your heart. 
  • See this love as a ball of fire spinning clockwise in your heart chakra. The more you think about the love you have for this person, place, object or animal, the faster the fire ball spins. Recite:
    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"  as the Ball spins.
  • When you feel you heart is completely overflowing with the emotion of Love send the energy to the Texas Transmitting Station Pyramid at Moody Gardens
  • In your mind's eye visualize the Tri-Pyramid Complex of Moody Gardens located in Galveston,Texas next to the shining blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. See each of the Pyramid's Capstones radiating a high frequency Gold White Light. This Gold White Light contains the vibrational seed pattern of the GLC for the Western Hemisphere.
  • Focus on one of the three Pyramids. It does not matter which one you pick. From your Heart send out a ray of your Love to connect to the Capstone of this one Pyramid.  
  • Feel your heart pumping love and light into the Capstone. As you send this energy recite,
    Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod,
  • Use intention and breath to keep sending a stream of Love energy into the Capstone from your heart.
    The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Pyramid. See the Pyramid glowing Brighter and Brighter with your energy. 
  • Keep pumping your Love energy into the Pyramid, reciting  Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod, until you intuitively feel your energy has completely blended with the Pyramid's energy. 
  • Focus on the Capstone of the Pyramid and imagine it sending a ray of this blended energy to the Capstone of the Giza Pyramid. The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Giza Pyramid.  See the Giza Pyramid get brighter and brighter until the Capstone explodes, sending an energy stream back to your Heart Chakra. 
  • Repeat this energy pathway until you feel a smooth and constant energy circuit flowing between your heart, the Texas Pyramid, and the Giza Pyramid. Keep reciting "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod," as the energy goes through the circuit. Every time you complete a circuit feel the energy moving a little faster with a higher vibration.
  • You have now formed a triangular energy circuit from your Heart to the Texas Pyramid the Giza Pyramid  ...back to your Heart. As you send this energy around the circuit recite, "Love and Light, Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • Keep sending energy through the Triangular energy circuit, faster and faster. Pay attention to how you feel or what you see.  Does the color of the energy change as it moves faster through the energy pathway? How does you physical body feel after repeating the circuit? How does your mind feel as you move around the Triangular circuit?
  • Imagine that the energy is traveling so faster that the circuit starts to radiate energy out into the center of the Triangular Circuit, away for you.
  • This energy is forming column of energy in the center of your Triangular Circuit.
  • The column is changing shape to form an electrified blue triangle that reaches up to touch the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth. The Base is laying on the Crystalline Grid beneath the Earth surface.


  Crystalline Grid

  • Hold your the palms of your hands so they are facing the new blue energy pyramid now directly in front of you. Send energy from your heart, down your arms and out the palms of your hands into the Pyramid. Keep sending energy and saying outloud

    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • See it growing brighter and brighter, stronger and stronger until it explodes. Sending blue energy out the Top  into the Unity Grid and out the base into the Crystalline Grid. The energy disappears into the two Grids. 
  • As the energy disappears into the two Grids visualize sacred Galactic Light Codes being released from the Unity Grid above you and the Crystalline Grid below you.  You may see these codes as light, geometrical shapes, beings of light, voices or many other things.  See all these codes floating around you.   Let these codes descend over you and around you … and infusing your entire auric field.
  • Inhale these codes into the crown of your head and let them slowly absorb into the pours of your skin. Bring in this coded information into the cells of your body.  Feel these codes absorbing into your organs. Let the symbols and codes flow through your veins like water.
  • Let the GLC travel through your physical body, writing symbols, shapes and formulas over your body internally and externally.  See these codes written over your organs ...healing and transmuting the causes of disease within these organs, reversing negative spirals of degenerating and restoring positive spirals of regeneration.
  • Feel the codes saturating your memory written over your third eye… flushing out hurtful memories, painful records that replay through our mind.
  • You feel an enormous amount of light and energy flowing through your four body system. These codes are now a part of you and will be working through your four body system…raising your light quota … opening you up to the wisdom and knowledge of your star family.
  • The second after this happens you should feel a slight tingling sensation in your nervous system. This is 5th and 6th dimensional energy pouring into your chakras and energy fields. This is a special coating of geometric forms, key codes, fire letters and colors that are being placed inside you. Whenever any aspect of your selves  get off balanced, the codes activate and automatically put’s your whole program back in balance.

Recite out loud 3x:

Kaf Lamed Yod, I AM Universal Light
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Love
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Harmony
Kaf Lamed Yod,I Am Universal Balance
Kaf Lamed Yod, I Am one with my 5th Dimensional Rainbow Light Body

The Planets and your four body system must be aligned with the new Planetary energy coming in. In the past,  if you are giving a presentation, you would connect to Mercury for improved communications. If you are looking for inner strength, the Sun would be a good choice. What is not commonly known is that each planet is associated with vertebra and a chakra. Plus some planets have changed their energies and their associated chakra based on the new energies that have changed the Morphic field of our solar system. Below is the standard Planet guideline.

Planet Chakra Vertebra Quality/Planetary Trait
Sun Solar Plexus T5 Enhances sense of strength and motivation, self-identity, vitality and radiance and promotes enthusiasm, assertiveness, and determination.
Moon Sacral Plexus T4 Promotes emotional tranquility, softness, intuition, enhances feelings and the feminine, and a flowing flexibility with life.
Om Cosmic Earth Root Solar Plexus Sacrum Enhances deep security and safety of Mother Earth, the cosmic sound OM, and an ability to be grounded and centered.
Mercury Throat T3, T6 Enhances ability to cooperate through understanding and sharpens communication skills through reason, writing and speaking with confidence.
Venus Heart T2, T7 Enhances ability to feel and have love and close relationships with others, sense of creativity and artistry, ability to receive and share, increases our love of pleasure, harmony and self-appreciation.
Mars Root T1 Enhances strength and desire, motivates action, brings out decision making abilities and assertiveness, gives courage and strengthens sexual nature.
Jupiter Heart T9 Enhances openness, trust, optimism, good fortune, and brings out a jovial spirit of laughter. Allows one to be receptive to grace and the adventure in life.
Saturn 3rd Eye T10 Enhances ability to be disciplined and set limits with our self and others. Helps be more structured and organized and take responsibility for completing important tasks.
Uranus Throat Crown T11 Enhances ability to make life changes through inspiration and insight and freedom of expression without self-imposed limitations.
Neptune Sacral Plexus 3rd Eye T12 Enhances spiritual experiences and brings out ability to be compassionate and open to surrendering to creativity. Helps get in touch with and support the dream life, artistic nature, music, art, dance and creativity.
Pluto T8 Enhances ability to face our deepest secrets and bring light to the darkness. Through the energetic forces of Pluto, you can let go of

In our session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the planet Sirius,  Inner Earth,  our Sun, our Moon, and the Galactic Center of the Milky Way based on the new energies that have been drawn into the Planets.   Below is a brief review of the effects of linking your consciousness to each of these planets :

Sirius: Accelerates your ability to create multi-dimensional link-ups.  Also linking your Third Eye to Sirius attunes your inner vision to the frequency of 6th dimensional sacred geometry. This enhances your ability to create your own reality, to heal yourself, and to restructure your form to move through other dimensions and timelines.

Milk Way: Attunes you to the Vibrational Seed Pattern of Cosmic Manifestation fueled by the Universal Laws, Laws of Nature, and Occult Laws. This allows you to be part of the Planetary Ascension Plan

Inner Earth:  When you link it with Inner Earth you are automatically attune with the vibrational seed pattern of Inner Earth's Halls of Ameniti and Inner Earth Cities of Light that are the last strongholds of the Lemurian and Atlantis civilizations. This link allows you to review and imprint on the "Original Race Blueprint" . This Blueprint contains encodings that allow the fragmented Human soul to eventually re-evolve back into its original divine blueprint as a 12D Crystalline Being.

Sun: Attunes you with the Vibrational Seed Pattern of the Collective Consciousness for this timeline. Allows you to co-create with Mother Earth and other Lightworks through the Planetary Grid System.

Moon: Attunes you with the Vibrational Galactic Yin (Goddess) Consciousness that  re-aligns and balances your yin and yang pola

Step 2: Create Pyramid of Light to Open Stargate

After you have created a two way energy flow beween your Spiriual Source and Mother Earth, you need to raise your frequency to match the Stargates. The Pyramid of Light is a unique energy amplifier and master alignment tool.  As higher frequencies are drawn up from the base or down from the Apex of the Pyramid the Aura begins to vibrate.  Thought forms, limiting beliefs and old emotional patterns cannot maintain their structure. Negative low frequency energy is dispersed, allowing higher frequency energy to come in. Higher frequencies are drawn in from the "Head of the Dove Leyline" enhancing and strengthens the Stargate vibrational seed pattern, promoting faster opening of the Stargate. While in the Pyramid your body is constantly pulling in energy from this leyline to align you with the Stargate Vibrational Seed Pattern. To completely merge with the Stargate frequency you will be intoning and envisioning the Fire Letter Mantra:

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

In this Transmission you will also be working with two higher energy chakra centers in your Aura: The Soul Star Chakra and the Stellar Chakra. These two chakras link you with your higher dimensional self and their function is to tune you into Multi-Dimensional reality.

The Soul Star Chakra
The Soul Star is located 6-8 inches above the head. This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. The Soul Star chakra center is the gateway to your Self as it expands past the planet. Because of this, this chakra is the last energy center that holds anything human within it. It becomes the temple of human cleansing and the releasing of patterns that are lifetimes old and outdated. These patterns are the last of what holds you to the reincarnation system and your humanness that keep you from uniting with higher powers, beings, and ideas.  The 8th chakra is an energy transference chakra. It is the chakra that is the interface for our relationship with the Universe. It captures and filters Cosmic energy received from the Stellar Gateway.

The Stellar Gateway
The Stellar Gateway is situated approximately 12 inches above the head.  The Stellar Gateway’s function is to receive, filter and harmonize you with the energy from the stars, planets, universes or other dimensions. It holds your monadic energy and contains the sum total of all your experiences. Your monad is your original divine spark and is  the true essence of who you are. Two Archangels oversee this chakra – Archangel Metatron who is helping humanity to rise in frequency and Seraphina, a Seraphim, who is forming the link with your monad and Divine Spirit.  This point is intimately connected with our Body of Light and with the Divine I AM Presence.

Energy Flow Pattern:

  • Sit or stand with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Feel the weight of your feet on the floor and relax your body. Activate Spiral Pillar of Light to establish sacred ground.
  • Imagine yourself standing inside a body size four sided 3D Pyramid. The top of the Pyramid is at the level of the Stellar Gateway (12" above your head). The floor to which you have your feet grounded now becomes the square which is the Base of the Pyramid connecting to four adjacent triangular walls.
  • The base of the Pyramid sits on the Earth and the Pyramid may be one color or multi-colored. What color is it for you?

  • The Base of the Pyramid is energetically connected to the "Head of Dove Leyline" that runs under the surface of the Earth.   Imagine the Leyline flowing from Lake Titicaca, Peru to the Tikal Ruins, Guatemala  to Palenque Mexico to East Cameron County in Rio Grande Valley, Texas and ends at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas.
  • See sparkling White Gold Liquid Fire flowing in a stream through the Leyline.  Imagine this Leyline as a pathway of crystalline White Gold Fire traveling underneath the surface of the Earth.
  • Focus on the Base of the Pyramid. Imagine Rays of light generating from the Base of the Pyramid.  See these Rays like the Roots of a Tree ...pushing through the ground to meet the "Head of the Dove Leyline"  underground.
  •  See the Roots sifting through the soil, creating a pathway to the Base of the Pyramid. You might see the Roots go straight down or you might want to turn them to the right or to the left to find the Leyline. 
  • Once the Roots have found the Leyline, send the Roots into the Leyline.  You will know that the Roots have connected to the Leyline when you suddenly feel "Plugged In" or intuitively know they are rooted in.  You may feel a surge of energy, some heat, tingling or pulsating in your body.
  • Send Love and Light into the Leyline and ask the Deva of the Leyline for help in bring up the White Gold Fire of the Sirius Stargate.
  • With your breath, pull the White Gold Fire up into the Roots. In your mind's eye see the Fire flowing up through the layers of the Earth.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire of Unconditional Love flowing up into the Base of the Pyramid.  As the Fire hits the Base see it lighting it up with White Gold Fire
  • Let the White Gold Fire flow up the four sides to the top of the Pyramid.  Each of the walls of your Pyramid is radiating with divine power, charging up your Pyramid in a force field of ancient power and protection . In your mind's eye see the entire Pyramid lighting up with White Gold Fire.
  • Imagine the Pyramid you are standing in starts to beam out rays of White Gold Liquid Fire towards your body.

  • Using your breath, intention and imagination draw the fire energy out from the top, sides and base of the Pyramid towards your body.
  • See the White Gold Fire forming  a Cocoon over the top of your head, under the bottom of your feet...spreading out 12 body lengths to completely enfold your aura in an energy Cocoon of swirling White Gold sparkling energy . Let the Cocoon spin around your body for 30 sec.
  •  To see if your Cocoon is working think:
    Cocoon Lights on…
    Cocoon 10% Light Boost please (Cocoon grows Brighter)
    Cocoon Lights off (Cocoon Lights Dim)
  • If your Cocoon isn't working, let it spin longer and faster
  • With your breathe, intention and imagination inhale and bring in part of the Cocoon's fire into your physical body, then your etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body.
  • The Cocoon's Fire is forming a Vortex within you.  See a Vortex of white gold fire forming along your Hara line. The Hara line is a golden tube extending downward from the Soul Star above the head, through the Higher Heart in the upper chest, through the Sacred Chakra  in the lower abdomen, and into the core of the earth.
  • This Vortex is drawing the White Gold Fire energy up through your chakras
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire from the Vortex into your the Soul Star located 6-8 inches above the head. See your Soul Star Chakra light up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Focus on your Stellar Gateway Chakra(12 ' above your head). Inhale and see this White Gold energy filling this chakra. This chakra is now sending this energy up into your higher dimensional chakras.
  • Visualize each of your 7 chakras as being empty, then each one filling up with the healing, loving White Gold Energy. Feel your body getting lighter and lighter as the White Gold frequency fills your Body.
  • Now see the White Gold fire start to spin in a counter clockwise direction inside and around your body.
  • Start to intone the Fire Letter Mantra  Vau Hey Vau, as the Cocoon spins faster and faster.
  •  Feel this Vortex spinning around you and through you. This spinning tornado is clearing all the physical, mental and emotional negative states of mind and troubling emotions that are not intune with the Stargate vibrational seed pattern.
  • See this whirlwind throwing out all the negative energy from your 4 body system (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). Visualize this negative energy as black smoke being lifted out of your body and aura. The negative energy is going up out of the top of the Pyramid into the Sky and up into the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth where it is transmuted back into positive energy.
  • Now let the White Gold Vortex change directions to spin in a clockwise direction around and through your body.
  • While continuously intoning  Vau Hey Vau bring in the White Gold Fire into your 4 body system. See and feel your body filling up with a higher frequency of White Gold Fire energy . 
  • Focus on your Crown Chakra, inhale and draw in the White Gold Fire into the top of your head and let it fill your Pineal Gland attuning it to the frequency of the Stargate . 
  • See your Pineal Gland light up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire Energy
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Pineal Gland
  • Now let the White Gold Fire spread to the rest of your brain. Focus on your Brain and see your Brain lighting  up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire down from your Brain into the top of your Spine. Let the White Gold Fire flow down your spine stopping at the bottom three vertebrae.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire flowing through and around the bottom three vertebra, opening your Spinal Pathway to the frequency of the Stargate.  See the three vertebra lightening up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of the three vertebra at the bottom of your spine.

  • Next see White Gold Fire entering your heart, open your heart to the frequency of the Stargate
  • Focus on your Heart and see your Heart lighting up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Heart
  •  Now let the Vortex  absorb and disappear into your physical body.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire from the Cocoon surrounding the outside of your body is being absorbed into all your chakras and aura and disappearing .
  • Take a few moments to feel the energy within you.
  •  Now inside your glowing white gold Pyramid imagine your Higher Self in a radiant shining light body.
  • Ask your Higher Self to come and stand in front of you.
  • When your Higher Self is standing in front of you, extend your hands with you’re palms facing away from your body and invite your higher self to connect with you palm to palm.
  • Allow energy from your Higher Self  to enter your body through the palms of your hands and arms. Give this energy a color. Just choose a color that feels right at this time .  Let the colored energy flow into your heart and fill up your 4 body system. Emotional, mental, physical, spiritual.
  • Now visualize the energy of Higher Self flowing up into your Third Eye Chakra and forming Triangle inside of it.
  • Imagine this Triangle as the same color as your Higher Self energy that is now running through your body. However the energy of the Triangle is intensified and electrified .  See this electric energy pulsing along the edges of the Triangle.  

  • The Third Eye Triangle is now fully activated and charged with Higher Self Energy. The Electrified Third Eye Triangle allows you to be open to Higher Self inspiration, communication, and heightened perception and so on. 

  • Drop the hand connection with your Higher Self .  And ask it to merge with you.  At this point you should feel a wave or surge of energy move from in front of you through your body to your back. You may feel more expansive, light, peaceful, joyful, filled with love, or just a general sense of wellbeing. 
  • If there is any part of your body in which the blending seems not to be occurring. Breathe into the area and relax it until you feel an energy shift as your Higher Self is able to blend with you there.
  Step 3: Opening Stagate

To open the Stargate you will recite the Decree,  intone and visualize the three Fire Letters in your Body.

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

See the Fire Letter Vau(Red) written over your Third Eye
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) witten over your Sacred Chakra

See the Letter Vau (Red) in Left Hand Palm
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) in Right Hand Palm
This forms a Cross with "Hey(Violet)" as the center point.
Fold both hands over Heart.

Give Decree:
By the Authority of Vau Hey Vau,

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey,

I decree that the Sirius Stargate is open and activated through which all my higher self energy enters and leaves my Universe.   The Christ, Archangel Michael, the Sirian Council of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light including the Golden and Crystalline Dolphins are my guardians and the protectors into this Multi-Dimensional realm.  I feel their energy flowing around me and through me.

  Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades
Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Once you have opened the Stargate, you can do an alignment with the Seven Stars of the Pleiades.  The Pleiades is hard wired into this Stargate. You do not have to open your Communication Command Center to align with this Star System.  In this session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the the Seven Stars of the Pleiades to upgrade your 4 body energy system to a 5th Dimensional Vibrational Seed Pattern.  The link up between your Chakra system and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades have been practiced in many civilization and timelines including: the Maya, the Cherokees and the ancient Egyptians. Linking the Pleiades to your chakra column The first thing that occurs with this link up is a massive increase in our capacity to hold light within our four body system.  This upgrades your  entire operating system. It's like upgrading from Human Consciousness 3.0 to Galactic Consciousness 12.0. 

The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart. In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation. Mastery over thought is a prerequisite. Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. There is no distinction between past, present or future. After you have practiced this Transmission for at least three or four times ...over several weeks you will have begun the process of attuning to a 5th Dimensional "enlightened reality".

You will be using the Fire Mantra below:


Fire Letter Mantra:Mem Ayin Chet
Meaning: Cosmic Circuitry for receiving energy from the Pleiades

Recite Decree:
By the Authority and Power of
Chet (amber) Ayin(blue)  Mem (blue)

in the name of the Christ within me,
Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey, 

I decree that I am aligning my energy system with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. This alignment has increased my capacity to hold light within my four body system.  This has upgraded my entire operating system and is attuning me into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness .
Energy Pattern

  • Envision a golden infinite symbol connecting one of your chakras to one of the planets that make up the Pleiades.

  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Maia to your Crown Chakra,
    Envision and Recite:  Chet Ayin Mem, I am connected to Maia
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Taygeta to your Third Eye
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Taygeta
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Celaeno to your Throat Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Celaeno
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Electra to your Heart Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Electra
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Alcyone to your Solar Plexus
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Alcyone
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Pleione to your Sacred Chakra
    Envision and  Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Pleione
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Merope to your Root Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Merope

Now relax for at least half an hour and feel the frequencies of the Stellar bodies as they penetrate deeper into your 4 body system

  Arcturian Chakra Upgrade

In this Transmission you will be assisted by the Arcturians to attune your chakra system a 5th Dimensional Template.  The Arcturian healers in the soul room will send a series of energy balls out of the bottom of the Arcturian Mothership to raise your energy system to a 5th dimensional vibrational seed pattern and remove  negative electro-magnetic frequencies.  This process brings in the 5th dimensional template that is generating the New Earth frequencies.

You will be using the Fire Letter Mantra and the Hebrew Name of God for each chakra. During the visualization you will imagine  these Arcturian Emerald Green Fire Balls moving down your spinal column, entering each of your chakras and spinning in a counter clockwise wise direction clearing all negativity. As the Green Balls enter each chakra , you will see the three Fire Letters. written over the Chakra.  You will connect the back of your chakra with the front of the chakra with a horizontal infinity (figure eight) symbol.

This connection is done because the subconscious parts of your chakras are located in the back of your body directly behind the conscious parts of your chakras. After the negative energy is cleared from the Chakra, it changes color indicating the vibrational seed pattern of the 5th D has been brought in.  The Transmission is used to:

  • Contain and transform your own destructive projections
  • Enhance inner strength and resolve
  • Establish balance when your feel off center
  • Expand consciousness and shifts to multi-Dimensional awareness
  • Raise frequency to connect with spiritual guides 
  • Reduce fatigue by stimulating frozen blocks of energy

About the Arcturians

Edgar Casey reported the Arcturus civilization is the most highly evolved civilization in our galaxy. They have the most highly advanced technology and are totally dedicated  to serving humanity.  Starship Athena is an Arcturian Starship that has been said to be the most advanced and feared ship in the galaxy. For this reason, Arcturians have been able to protect and prevent any invasion of our planet Earth from Grey Aliens and Reptilian Aliens. It quietly resides between the planets Jupiter and Saturn awaiting any invading armada from the Greys or Reptilians.

This Starship is fueled by crystals. These crystals have forces that can channel energy as massive as our Sun, and propel the ship for millennia. These crystals are found in a planet, in our Milky Way Galaxy, not discovered by modern man. It also has a special room, the size of a football stadium, which has the ability to take any crew member back to the Arcturian home planet in his etheric body.

Athena is also home to the most advanced databases of universal information. This database has information regarding Earth life and life throughout the other Milky Way Galaxy planets. Arcturians are able to ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities. This process is similar to ingesting food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information 100 times faster than the average human being on Earth and is the reason why they outgrew the need for using computers/electronics.

The benevolent Arcturian beings have a specific mission to assist humanity into our next level of ascension.  With this goal is mind, they have created a soul room.  The soul room is connected to the healing power of the Fohat Energy. This room can be thought of as a hospital in which Arcturians are able to assist the energy of souls in need. The soul room’s mission is to revitalize individuals for their next learning experience.  Here the Arcturians are able to assist those individuals who are ready to raise their vibrational frequencies into the next stage of development.

What are the 5th Dimensional Chakras?


In the fifth dimension, your red base chakra shimmers with Blue Green Aqua  and connects with the joy and wisdom of dolphin energy. Your material needs are automatically met. The pure white Archangel Gabriel rules this chakra, bringing clarity and confidence to your future. The identification of the Master I AM presence here on Earth. Incredibly powerful.  I am a Child of the Light , I love the Light, I serve the Light, I live in the Light, I am Protected by the Light, I am illuminated, supplied, sustained by the Light


The orange Sacred Chakra is now bright pink. This beautiful nexus point has proved the most challenging to clear and assimilate. Containing most of the modern day challenges, those still working through financial/relationship issues will be clearing through initiations held here.At fifth dimensional level, the sacral chakra is a beautiful soft pink and radiates transcendent love. Guarded by Archangel Gabriel, this chakra helps you express love through sexuality. When the frequency of this chakra is raised, you will choose romantic partners wisely. Those aware and using this chakra consciously, will now be fully aware of the complete interconnection between oneself, and all other forms of life on this planet. I activate...


Your yellow Solar Plexus is bright gold. The fifth dimensional solar plexus is the ‘feelers’ within the body. Accessing all forms of surrounding vibrations, and analysing them for the Masters perceptions. Archangel Uriel looks after this chakra, absorbing lower emotions, strengthening confidence and bringing wisdom until this centre radiates at a higher frequency. When it does, your solar plexus is a deep bright gold with rainbow flashes. I Merge...


Your Green Heart turns ..bright white…The most powerful energy centre within the sentient form. This is the point where pure love is accessed, and created. Archangel Chamuel opens your heart to its deepest levels. All archangels link into the heart centre, which radiates pure white when it transitions into the fifth dimension, helping you to see the best in everyone, everything and act with love in all you do. I Dare...


At the fifth dimensional frequency turns the sky blue throat chakra (Daath), looked after by Archangel Michael, into cobalt blue. This bright blue chakra is very powerful, taking the vibration of thought patterns into spoken manifestation. At this frequency you can safely say what you really feel, think and believe, as people will trust you. You will also be able to take mastery of your life and know who you are. I Will...


Your Indigo Third Eye..turn emerald green. This is your manifestation point. It is also the receptivity centre that puts information we receive into tangible reality.Archangel Rephael works with this chakra to help remove the veils of illusion, just like a crystal ball, enabling you to see the world from a higher perspective. I Know...


Your purple crown chakra turns bright Platinum.  This liquid Platinum chakra now receives information processed by the Higher Self, and is fed by the upper three transcendent charras. Archangel Metatron, Cosmic Being Mahatma, Archangel  Josephine helps to develop this chakra, known as the thousand petal lotus. At the fifth dimension it opens you up to the wisdom of the universe, like a blossoming flower. I Am that.. I Am


The Alta Major Chakra located in the back of the neck is an important sacred vortex of Aqua Fire It is a highly sensitive portal of energy with an antenna alerting you to negative energies, untruths and toxic influences (think hairs on the back of your neck). It’s also considered an entry point for psychic attacks. The Blue Lightening Angels and Archangel Michael works with this chakra. I Hear...


The Soul Star, six inches above the top of the head. It is magenta in colour, and contains the active blueprint for all of our spiritual gifts. The information stored in this nexus of energy will go back through every lifetime that you have existed in.This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. Archangel Marie works with this magenta chakra to enable you to understand your soul more deeply. I Manifest...

Energy Flow Pattern


Fire Letter Mantra: ← Yod(lime green)  Lamed(yellow) Kaph(violet)

Meaning: Build and Strengthen your Physical Vessel & Spiritual DNA

Recite Decree : 
By the Authority of Kaph Lamed Yod

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod-Hey-Shin-Vau-Hey, 

I now call forth the Arcturian Mothership Athena and the healing energy of the Soul Room to send a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire into my chakras. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership and moving down my chakra column, and entering my seven chakras.  This energy aligns me with my 5th Dimensional energy system.  I call to the Arcturian Advanced Technology,  to raise up my personal Light Quotient level, as much as possible, up to the 98% Ascended Master requirement.

 I  decree that this process is started at the moment. I  ask that this process continues at a speed that is deemed safe for my individual body system. I request this process does not stop until I reach the 98% Light Quotient Level.

I decree that all my chakras are functioning in the 5th dimensional frequency and this energy is building a new Vessel and activating my Star Codes and spiritual DNA.  Kaph Lamed Yod  

Tarot Keys for Meditation:
Tarot Key: Wheel of Fortune Card (Kaph)


Tarot Key: Strength Card (Lamed)


Rise up energy  to connect with God

Tarot Key: Hermit Card (Yod)



Upgrade Chakras

Recite and Visualize :

  • I see the Arcturian Mothership Athena hoovering directly above me. As I look up at the bottom of the Ship I .  see a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire floating out of the bottom of the Ship. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership. The Green Fire Balls are encoded with 5th dimensional keys and codes in the Language of Light.  I let each Ball of Green Fire enter my crown chakra and then move down my Antakarana Tube,  that runs through the center of my body, down my spinal column. I let these Fire Balls enter my seven chakras one at a time.

(Focus your attention on the Earth Star Chakra)

I let the first green ball of fire enter my earth star chakra located below my feet and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my earth star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Base Chakra)
I let the 2nd green ball of fire enter my base chakra and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my base chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Sacred Chakra)
I let the 3rd green ball of fire enter my sacred chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire I see a green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my sacred chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Bright Pink

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Shaddai El Chai (Shah-dye-El-kI )
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Solar Plexus Chakra)
I let the 4th green ball of fire enter my stomach chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire, see an green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the  fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from the front to back of the chakra.

I now open and raise my Solar Plexus chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright gold

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Elohim Tzabaoth Jehovah Tzabaoth (El-oh-heem tzah-bah-oth Yah-hO-v ah tzah-bah-oth)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra )
I let the 5th green ball of fire enter my heart chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

I now open and raise my heart chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright white

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Jehovah Aloah va Daath (Yah-ho-vah El-oh-ah Vah-Dah-th)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Throat Chakra)
I let the 6th emerald green ball of fire enter my throat chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

 I now open and raise my throat chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency . The green fire ball has turned to a cobalt blue

Now intone: 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Elohim Gibor  El  (El-oh-hEEm Ge-boor ehl)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Third Eye Chakra)
I let the 7th green ball of fire enter my third eye chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my third eye chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Emerald Green 

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Yah Jehovah Elohim  (Yah Yah-hO-vah El-oh-heem)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Crown Chakra)
I let the 8th green ball of fire enter my crown chakra and spin counter clock wise.
I now open and raise my crown chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Platinum

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh (A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Soul Star Chakra)
I let the 9th emerald green ball of fire enter my soul star chakra located 6" above the top of my head and spin counter clock wise.

I now open and raise my soul star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a magenta

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh Asher Eheieh (A-hey-yah ash-er A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

Recite Decree:
I now raise my frequencies within my physical, astral, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies to the 5th dimensional frequencies. I call forth the complete stabilization of my new fifth dimensional chakra system within my entire being. I now decree that the Arcturian Emissaries of Light, send a vibrational seed pattern to each of my chakras that will perfectly balance and attune them to 5th dimensional frequencies. This process will remove any cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good.
Take 15 seconds for each chakra to be balanced.   

  • Now in your mind's eye see your chakra column lighting up like a christmas tree .
    My base chakra is now Blue Green
    My sacral chakra is now Bright Pink
    My solar plexus is now Bright Gold
    My Heart Chakra is pure White
    My throat chakra is now Cobalt Blue
    My third eye is now Emerald Green
    My crown chakra is now Platinum
    My soul star is now Magenta
  • Visualize all your chakras integrating and blending into one unified chakra of White Gold Fire ... one White Gold Fire Ray of energy running up and down your spinal column. 

Now intone:
I call forth my 5th dimensional self, to now meld it consciousness with my unified energy field and aura. 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

  • Visualize the Fire Letters over this unified Chakra to active it.
  • Imagine thousands of the three fire letters out of your unified chakra into your blood stream and into your Body.

Recite the following affirmations:

  •  I have now activated and accepted the Christ Consciousness program within every cell of my body, within  my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum
  • I now call forth the complete balancing of all my Karma from all my past, present and future lives within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I am now Christ living in this body, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I call forth the complete and full baptism of the Holy Spirit, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

Sit and absorb these new frequencies, until you intuitively feel the process is complete. 

Intone Protection Mantra:
Click on link below to listen to mantra
Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth (Holy, Holy, Holy is the  Lord God of Host)

You should do this exercise:

  • at least once a week for a period of 40 days . 
  • when you feel scattered, ungrounded or overwhelmed 
  • need or desire spiritual expansion and connection
  Galactic Light Codes


Click here to return to Stage 8: Communication Command Center

In this Transmission you will be downloading Galactic Light Codes that contain information and wisdom from the seven primary star systems with which we most closely align: The Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra, Orion, Sirius, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda.  The codes will assist you in releasing outdated emotional, attitudinal and belief patterns so that you may bring in knowledge and wisdom from these star systems. This Star wisdom helps your new cricuitry formed in Stage 7 to connect properly.  To receive the Galactic Light Codes you will be intoning "Kaf Lamed Yod"  and envisioning the following Fire Letters :

Fire Letter MantraYod (lime green)  Lamed( yellow)  Kaf( purple) ←
Meaning: Build your new 5th dimensional vessel & awaken spiritual DNA for regeneration

The Galactic Light Codes are stored in the Earth's Grid System: the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid. Before you can bring in the Galactic Light Codes(GLC) your energy system must be attuned with the new GLC frequency. You attune to the new frequency by forming Triangular Energy Circuit between your Heart, and the two Galactic Transmitting Stations.   Each Transmitting Station condenses the GLC codes from the Sun Disc energy for a specific Hemisphere into one wave frequency. The Transmitting Station of the West is located in Moody Gardens Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston, Texas. It transmutes and transmits a unique Sun Disc GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission for the Western Hemisphere. The Transmitting Station of the East is located in the Giza Pyramid.  It transmutes and transmits a specific GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission of the of Eastern Hemisphere. When you merge your energy with these two Transmitting Stations you create an energy circuit that raises your frequency to match the GLC. This frequency creates an energy field that connects to the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid and releases the GLC.

What are the Sun Disc?

This new frequency of the GLC is being transmitted by the 12 Sun Disc located across the Planet. The vibrational seed pattern of the 12 Golden Sun Discs turns your Energy Body into a transmitting and receiving station for Galactic messages.  The 12 Golden Sun Discs are energy vortices that take in energy from the Grid and the Bermuda Triangle and then weaves it into a new energy. These Discs form a communication channel between mankind and the celestial realms. They are a perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies that are required for Earth’s ascension. The amphied energy from the Sun Disc are over riding programs and sequences from outdate morphogenetic fields and degenative gene codes. The Sun Disc energy is encoding your circuitry to substitute the new code for the old code. According to geologist and grid expert, James Tyberonn,

"These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field ~ of pure love, unconditional love ~ a light code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above. The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blueprint for the crystalline field, indeed for the Crystalline 144 Grid! Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, similar to the DNA of the Earth itself."

The Sun Discs are dimensional program stabilizers for the New Atlantis Energy. Click here to learn more about New Atlantis. Each of the 12 Disc carries a specific vibration that relates to its purpose and geographic location.  The Golden Sun Discs are for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: a composite library of the Perfection Blueprint. Each Disc contains a DNA code for the planet, and there are 12 composite frequencies that allows the Earth and mankind to regenerate itself.
Click here to learn more about the Sun Disc

All   'Sun Discs' are connected to one of two Transmitting Stations: one in Texas, the Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston  and one in Egypt, the Giza Pyramid .   Below are some interesting facts on the Transmitting Stations:

  • The Texas Transmitting Station is in a direct alignment to the Giza Transmitting Station. Both correlate to magnetic north and are attuned to the energies of the Yucatan Pyramids.
  • The Giza Transmitting Station is aligned to the Orion star system and the Texas Transmitting Station  is aligned to Sirius.
  • When approached with appropriate intent, the energy within these Transmitting Stations stores and transmits universal and multi-dimensional data similar to quartz. Due to how the Stations are aligned (terrestrial and celestial) they create electromagnetic anomalies that alters gravity and dimensional time.
    Click here to learn more...

The Two Transmitting Stations gather the wave frequencies of the Sun Discs in each of the respective hemisphere, steps down the energy  and transmits these coded vibrations across the planet to help us return to our original state of being. The Transmitting Stations are constantly bring in energy from the Sun Disc and stepping down the frequency. When you attune your energy system to the Sun Disc by way of both Transmitting Stations you are upgrading your vibrational Seed pattern to the divine energy field of Zero.  You take on some of the energy characteristics of the Sun Disc, a " perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies". These characteristics allow you to release and absorb the GLC from both the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid .

Energy Flow Pattern

  • Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra. Think about some one you love, a parent, brother, friend,  a dog or cat, or some place that you love to be at. Let the feeling of love grow in your heart. 
  • See this love as a ball of fire spinning clockwise in your heart chakra. The more you think about the love you have for this person, place, object or animal, the faster the fire ball spins. Recite:
    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"  as the Ball spins.
  • When you feel you heart is completely overflowing with the emotion of Love send the energy to the Texas Transmitting Station Pyramid at Moody Gardens
  • In your mind's eye visualize the Tri-Pyramid Complex of Moody Gardens located in Galveston,Texas next to the shining blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. See each of the Pyramid's Capstones radiating a high frequency Gold White Light. This Gold White Light contains the vibrational seed pattern of the GLC for the Western Hemisphere.
  • Focus on one of the three Pyramids. It does not matter which one you pick. From your Heart send out a ray of your Love to connect to the Capstone of this one Pyramid.  
  • Feel your heart pumping love and light into the Capstone. As you send this energy recite,
    Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod,
  • Use intention and breath to keep sending a stream of Love energy into the Capstone from your heart.
    The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Pyramid. See the Pyramid glowing Brighter and Brighter with your energy. 
  • Keep pumping your Love energy into the Pyramid, reciting  Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod, until you intuitively feel your energy has completely blended with the Pyramid's energy. 
  • Focus on the Capstone of the Pyramid and imagine it sending a ray of this blended energy to the Capstone of the Giza Pyramid. The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Giza Pyramid.  See the Giza Pyramid get brighter and brighter until the Capstone explodes, sending an energy stream back to your Heart Chakra. 
  • Repeat this energy pathway until you feel a smooth and constant energy circuit flowing between your heart, the Texas Pyramid, and the Giza Pyramid. Keep reciting "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod," as the energy goes through the circuit. Every time you complete a circuit feel the energy moving a little faster with a higher vibration.
  • You have now formed a triangular energy circuit from your Heart to the Texas Pyramid the Giza Pyramid  ...back to your Heart. As you send this energy around the circuit recite, "Love and Light, Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • Keep sending energy through the Triangular energy circuit, faster and faster. Pay attention to how you feel or what you see.  Does the color of the energy change as it moves faster through the energy pathway? How does you physical body feel after repeating the circuit? How does your mind feel as you move around the Triangular circuit?
  • Imagine that the energy is traveling so faster that the circuit starts to radiate energy out into the center of the Triangular Circuit, away for you.
  • This energy is forming column of energy in the center of your Triangular Circuit.
  • The column is changing shape to form an electrified blue triangle that reaches up to touch the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth. The Base is laying on the Crystalline Grid beneath the Earth surface.


  Crystalline Grid

  • Hold your the palms of your hands so they are facing the new blue energy pyramid now directly in front of you. Send energy from your heart, down your arms and out the palms of your hands into the Pyramid. Keep sending energy and saying outloud

    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • See it growing brighter and brighter, stronger and stronger until it explodes. Sending blue energy out the Top  into the Unity Grid and out the base into the Crystalline Grid. The energy disappears into the two Grids. 
  • As the energy disappears into the two Grids visualize sacred Galactic Light Codes being released from the Unity Grid above you and the Crystalline Grid below you.  You may see these codes as light, geometrical shapes, beings of light, voices or many other things.  See all these codes floating around you.   Let these codes descend over you and around you … and infusing your entire auric field.
  • Inhale these codes into the crown of your head and let them slowly absorb into the pours of your skin. Bring in this coded information into the cells of your body.  Feel these codes absorbing into your organs. Let the symbols and codes flow through your veins like water.
  • Let the GLC travel through your physical body, writing symbols, shapes and formulas over your body internally and externally.  See these codes written over your organs ...healing and transmuting the causes of disease within these organs, reversing negative spirals of degenerating and restoring positive spirals of regeneration.
  • Feel the codes saturating your memory written over your third eye… flushing out hurtful memories, painful records that replay through our mind.
  • You feel an enormous amount of light and energy flowing through your four body system. These codes are now a part of you and will be working through your four body system…raising your light quota … opening you up to the wisdom and knowledge of your star family.
  • The second after this happens you should feel a slight tingling sensation in your nervous system. This is 5th and 6th dimensional energy pouring into your chakras and energy fields. This is a special coating of geometric forms, key codes, fire letters and colors that are being placed inside you. Whenever any aspect of your selves  get off balanced, the codes activate and automatically put’s your whole program back in balance.

Recite out loud 3x:

Kaf Lamed Yod, I AM Universal Light
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Love
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Harmony
Kaf Lamed Yod,I Am Universal Balance
Kaf Lamed Yod, I Am one with my 5th Dimensional Rainbow Light Body

The Planets and your four body system must be aligned with the new Planetary energy coming in. In the past,  if you are giving a presentation, you would connect to Mercury for improved communications. If you are looking for inner strength, the Sun would be a good choice. What is not commonly known is that each planet is associated with vertebra and a chakra. Plus some planets have changed their energies and their associated chakra based on the new energies that have changed the Morphic field of our solar system. Below is the standard Planet guideline.

Planet Chakra Vertebra Quality/Planetary Trait
Sun Solar Plexus T5 Enhances sense of strength and motivation, self-identity, vitality and radiance and promotes enthusiasm, assertiveness, and determination.
Moon Sacral Plexus T4 Promotes emotional tranquility, softness, intuition, enhances feelings and the feminine, and a flowing flexibility with life.
Om Cosmic Earth Root Solar Plexus Sacrum Enhances deep security and safety of Mother Earth, the cosmic sound OM, and an ability to be grounded and centered.
Mercury Throat T3, T6 Enhances ability to cooperate through understanding and sharpens communication skills through reason, writing and speaking with confidence.
Venus Heart T2, T7 Enhances ability to feel and have love and close relationships with others, sense of creativity and artistry, ability to receive and share, increases our love of pleasure, harmony and self-appreciation.
Mars Root T1 Enhances strength and desire, motivates action, brings out decision making abilities and assertiveness, gives courage and strengthens sexual nature.
Jupiter Heart T9 Enhances openness, trust, optimism, good fortune, and brings out a jovial spirit of laughter. Allows one to be receptive to grace and the adventure in life.
Saturn 3rd Eye T10 Enhances ability to be disciplined and set limits with our self and others. Helps be more structured and organized and take responsibility for completing important tasks.
Uranus Throat Crown T11 Enhances ability to make life changes through inspiration and insight and freedom of expression without self-imposed limitations.
Neptune Sacral Plexus 3rd Eye T12 Enhances spiritual experiences and brings out ability to be compassionate and open to surrendering to creativity. Helps get in touch with and support the dream life, artistic nature, music, art, dance and creativity.
Pluto T8 Enhances ability to face our deepest secrets and bring light to the darkness. Through the energetic forces of Pluto, you can let go of

In our session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the planet Sirius,  Inner Earth,  our Sun, our Moon, and the Galactic Center of the Milky Way based on the new energies that have been drawn into the Planets.   Below is a brief review of the effects of linking your consciousness to each of these planets :

Sirius: Accelerates your ability to create multi-dimensional link-ups.  Also linking your Third Eye to Sirius attunes your inner vision to the frequency of 6th dimensional sacred geometry. This enhances your ability to create your own reality, to heal yourself, and to restructure your form to move through other dimensions and timelines.

Milk Way: Attunes you to the Vibrational Seed Pattern of Cosmic Manifestation fueled by the Universal Laws, Laws of Nature, and Occult Laws. This allows you to be part of the Planetary Ascension Plan

Inner Earth:  When you link it with Inner Earth you are automatically attune with the vibrational seed pattern of Inner Earth's Halls of Ameniti and Inner Earth Cities of Light that are the last strongholds of the Lemurian and Atlantis civilizations. This link allows you to review and imprint on the "Original Race Blueprint" . This Blueprint contains encodings that allow the fragmented Human soul to eventually re-evolve back into its original divine blueprint as a 12D Crystalline Being.

Sun: Attunes you with the Vibrational Seed Pattern of the Collective Consciousness for this timeline. Allows you to co-create with Mother Earth and other Lightworks through the Planetary Grid System.

Moon: Attunes you with the Vibrational Galactic Yin (Goddess) Consciousness that  re-aligns and balances your yin and yang polarities.

Click here to do Planetary Chakra Alignment

Step 2: Create Pyramid of Light to Open Stargate

After you have created a two way energy flow beween your Spiriual Source and Mother Earth, you need to raise your frequency to match the Stargates. The Pyramid of Light is a unique energy amplifier and master alignment tool.  As higher frequencies are drawn up from the base or down from the Apex of the Pyramid the Aura begins to vibrate.  Thought forms, limiting beliefs and old emotional patterns cannot maintain their structure. Negative low frequency energy is dispersed, allowing higher frequency energy to come in. Higher frequencies are drawn in from the "Head of the Dove Leyline" enhancing and strengthens the Stargate vibrational seed pattern, promoting faster opening of the Stargate. While in the Pyramid your body is constantly pulling in energy from this leyline to align you with the Stargate Vibrational Seed Pattern. To completely merge with the Stargate frequency you will be intoning and envisioning the Fire Letter Mantra:

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

In this Transmission you will also be working with two higher energy chakra centers in your Aura: The Soul Star Chakra and the Stellar Chakra. These two chakras link you with your higher dimensional self and their function is to tune you into Multi-Dimensional reality.

The Soul Star Chakra
The Soul Star is located 6-8 inches above the head. This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. The Soul Star chakra center is the gateway to your Self as it expands past the planet. Because of this, this chakra is the last energy center that holds anything human within it. It becomes the temple of human cleansing and the releasing of patterns that are lifetimes old and outdated. These patterns are the last of what holds you to the reincarnation system and your humanness that keep you from uniting with higher powers, beings, and ideas.  The 8th chakra is an energy transference chakra. It is the chakra that is the interface for our relationship with the Universe. It captures and filters Cosmic energy received from the Stellar Gateway.

The Stellar Gateway
The Stellar Gateway is situated approximately 12 inches above the head.  The Stellar Gateway’s function is to receive, filter and harmonize you with the energy from the stars, planets, universes or other dimensions. It holds your monadic energy and contains the sum total of all your experiences. Your monad is your original divine spark and is  the true essence of who you are. Two Archangels oversee this chakra – Archangel Metatron who is helping humanity to rise in frequency and Seraphina, a Seraphim, who is forming the link with your monad and Divine Spirit.  This point is intimately connected with our Body of Light and with the Divine I AM Presence.

Energy Flow Pattern:

  • Sit or stand with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Feel the weight of your feet on the floor and relax your body. Activate Spiral Pillar of Light to establish sacred ground.
  • Imagine yourself standing inside a body size four sided 3D Pyramid. The top of the Pyramid is at the level of the Stellar Gateway (12" above your head). The floor to which you have your feet grounded now becomes the square which is the Base of the Pyramid connecting to four adjacent triangular walls.
  • The base of the Pyramid sits on the Earth and the Pyramid may be one color or multi-colored. What color is it for you?

  • The Base of the Pyramid is energetically connected to the "Head of Dove Leyline" that runs under the surface of the Earth.   Imagine the Leyline flowing from Lake Titicaca, Peru to the Tikal Ruins, Guatemala  to Palenque Mexico to East Cameron County in Rio Grande Valley, Texas and ends at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas.
  • See sparkling White Gold Liquid Fire flowing in a stream through the Leyline.  Imagine this Leyline as a pathway of crystalline White Gold Fire traveling underneath the surface of the Earth.
  • Focus on the Base of the Pyramid. Imagine Rays of light generating from the Base of the Pyramid.  See these Rays like the Roots of a Tree ...pushing through the ground to meet the "Head of the Dove Leyline"  underground.
  •  See the Roots sifting through the soil, creating a pathway to the Base of the Pyramid. You might see the Roots go straight down or you might want to turn them to the right or to the left to find the Leyline. 
  • Once the Roots have found the Leyline, send the Roots into the Leyline.  You will know that the Roots have connected to the Leyline when you suddenly feel "Plugged In" or intuitively know they are rooted in.  You may feel a surge of energy, some heat, tingling or pulsating in your body.
  • Send Love and Light into the Leyline and ask the Deva of the Leyline for help in bring up the White Gold Fire of the Sirius Stargate.
  • With your breath, pull the White Gold Fire up into the Roots. In your mind's eye see the Fire flowing up through the layers of the Earth.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire of Unconditional Love flowing up into the Base of the Pyramid.  As the Fire hits the Base see it lighting it up with White Gold Fire
  • Let the White Gold Fire flow up the four sides to the top of the Pyramid.  Each of the walls of your Pyramid is radiating with divine power, charging up your Pyramid in a force field of ancient power and protection . In your mind's eye see the entire Pyramid lighting up with White Gold Fire.
  • Imagine the Pyramid you are standing in starts to beam out rays of White Gold Liquid Fire towards your body.

  • Using your breath, intention and imagination draw the fire energy out from the top, sides and base of the Pyramid towards your body.
  • See the White Gold Fire forming  a Cocoon over the top of your head, under the bottom of your feet...spreading out 12 body lengths to completely enfold your aura in an energy Cocoon of swirling White Gold sparkling energy . Let the Cocoon spin around your body for 30 sec.
  •  To see if your Cocoon is working think:
    Cocoon Lights on…
    Cocoon 10% Light Boost please (Cocoon grows Brighter)
    Cocoon Lights off (Cocoon Lights Dim)
  • If your Cocoon isn't working, let it spin longer and faster
  • With your breathe, intention and imagination inhale and bring in part of the Cocoon's fire into your physical body, then your etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body.
  • The Cocoon's Fire is forming a Vortex within you.  See a Vortex of white gold fire forming along your Hara line. The Hara line is a golden tube extending downward from the Soul Star above the head, through the Higher Heart in the upper chest, through the Sacred Chakra  in the lower abdomen, and into the core of the earth.
  • This Vortex is drawing the White Gold Fire energy up through your chakras
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire from the Vortex into your the Soul Star located 6-8 inches above the head. See your Soul Star Chakra light up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Focus on your Stellar Gateway Chakra(12 ' above your head). Inhale and see this White Gold energy filling this chakra. This chakra is now sending this energy up into your higher dimensional chakras.
  • Visualize each of your 7 chakras as being empty, then each one filling up with the healing, loving White Gold Energy. Feel your body getting lighter and lighter as the White Gold frequency fills your Body.
  • Now see the White Gold fire start to spin in a counter clockwise direction inside and around your body.
  • Start to intone the Fire Letter Mantra  Vau Hey Vau, as the Cocoon spins faster and faster.
  •  Feel this Vortex spinning around you and through you. This spinning tornado is clearing all the physical, mental and emotional negative states of mind and troubling emotions that are not intune with the Stargate vibrational seed pattern.
  • See this whirlwind throwing out all the negative energy from your 4 body system (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). Visualize this negative energy as black smoke being lifted out of your body and aura. The negative energy is going up out of the top of the Pyramid into the Sky and up into the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth where it is transmuted back into positive energy.
  • Now let the White Gold Vortex change directions to spin in a clockwise direction around and through your body.
  • While continuously intoning  Vau Hey Vau bring in the White Gold Fire into your 4 body system. See and feel your body filling up with a higher frequency of White Gold Fire energy . 
  • Focus on your Crown Chakra, inhale and draw in the White Gold Fire into the top of your head and let it fill your Pineal Gland attuning it to the frequency of the Stargate . 
  • See your Pineal Gland light up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire Energy
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Pineal Gland
  • Now let the White Gold Fire spread to the rest of your brain. Focus on your Brain and see your Brain lighting  up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire down from your Brain into the top of your Spine. Let the White Gold Fire flow down your spine stopping at the bottom three vertebrae.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire flowing through and around the bottom three vertebra, opening your Spinal Pathway to the frequency of the Stargate.  See the three vertebra lightening up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of the three vertebra at the bottom of your spine.

  • Next see White Gold Fire entering your heart, open your heart to the frequency of the Stargate
  • Focus on your Heart and see your Heart lighting up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Heart
  •  Now let the Vortex  absorb and disappear into your physical body.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire from the Cocoon surrounding the outside of your body is being absorbed into all your chakras and aura and disappearing .
  • Take a few moments to feel the energy within you.
  •  Now inside your glowing white gold Pyramid imagine your Higher Self in a radiant shining light body.
  • Ask your Higher Self to come and stand in front of you.
  • When your Higher Self is standing in front of you, extend your hands with you’re palms facing away from your body and invite your higher self to connect with you palm to palm.
  • Allow energy from your Higher Self  to enter your body through the palms of your hands and arms. Give this energy a color. Just choose a color that feels right at this time .  Let the colored energy flow into your heart and fill up your 4 body system. Emotional, mental, physical, spiritual.
  • Now visualize the energy of Higher Self flowing up into your Third Eye Chakra and forming Triangle inside of it.
  • Imagine this Triangle as the same color as your Higher Self energy that is now running through your body. However the energy of the Triangle is intensified and electrified .  See this electric energy pulsing along the edges of the Triangle.  

  • The Third Eye Triangle is now fully activated and charged with Higher Self Energy. The Electrified Third Eye Triangle allows you to be open to Higher Self inspiration, communication, and heightened perception and so on. 

  • Drop the hand connection with your Higher Self .  And ask it to merge with you.  At this point you should feel a wave or surge of energy move from in front of you through your body to your back. You may feel more expansive, light, peaceful, joyful, filled with love, or just a general sense of wellbeing. 
  • If there is any part of your body in which the blending seems not to be occurring. Breathe into the area and relax it until you feel an energy shift as your Higher Self is able to blend with you there.
  Step 3: Opening Stagate

To open the Stargate you will recite the Decree,  intone and visualize the three Fire Letters in your Body.

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

See the Fire Letter Vau(Red) written over your Third Eye
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) witten over your Sacred Chakra

See the Letter Vau (Red) in Left Hand Palm
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) in Right Hand Palm
This forms a Cross with "Hey(Violet)" as the center point.
Fold both hands over Heart.

Give Decree:
By the Authority of Vau Hey Vau,

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey,

I decree that the Sirius Stargate is open and activated through which all my higher self energy enters and leaves my Universe.   The Christ, Archangel Michael, the Sirian Council of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light including the Golden and Crystalline Dolphins are my guardians and the protectors into this Multi-Dimensional realm.  I feel their energy flowing around me and through me.

  Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades
Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Once you have opened the Stargate, you can do an alignment with the Seven Stars of the Pleiades.  The Pleiades is hard wired into this Stargate. You do not have to open your Communication Command Center to align with this Star System.  In this session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the the Seven Stars of the Pleiades to upgrade your 4 body energy system to a 5th Dimensional Vibrational Seed Pattern.  The link up between your Chakra system and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades have been practiced in many civilization and timelines including: the Maya, the Cherokees and the ancient Egyptians. Linking the Pleiades to your chakra column The first thing that occurs with this link up is a massive increase in our capacity to hold light within our four body system.  This upgrades your  entire operating system. It's like upgrading from Human Consciousness 3.0 to Galactic Consciousness 12.0. 

The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart. In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation. Mastery over thought is a prerequisite. Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. There is no distinction between past, present or future. After you have practiced this Transmission for at least three or four times ...over several weeks you will have begun the process of attuning to a 5th Dimensional "enlightened reality".

You will be using the Fire Mantra below:


Fire Letter Mantra:Mem Ayin Chet
Meaning: Cosmic Circuitry for receiving energy from the Pleiades

Recite Decree:
By the Authority and Power of
Chet (amber) Ayin(blue)  Mem (blue)

in the name of the Christ within me,
Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey, 

I decree that I am aligning my energy system with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. This alignment has increased my capacity to hold light within my four body system.  This has upgraded my entire operating system and is attuning me into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness .
Energy Pattern

  • Envision a golden infinite symbol connecting one of your chakras to one of the planets that make up the Pleiades.

  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Maia to your Crown Chakra,
    Envision and Recite:  Chet Ayin Mem, I am connected to Maia
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Taygeta to your Third Eye
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Taygeta
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Celaeno to your Throat Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Celaeno
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Electra to your Heart Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Electra
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Alcyone to your Solar Plexus
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Alcyone
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Pleione to your Sacred Chakra
    Envision and  Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Pleione
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Merope to your Root Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Merope

Now relax for at least half an hour and feel the frequencies of the Stellar bodies as they penetrate deeper into your 4 body system

  Arcturian Chakra Upgrade

In this Transmission you will be assisted by the Arcturians to attune your chakra system a 5th Dimensional Template.  The Arcturian healers in the soul room will send a series of energy balls out of the bottom of the Arcturian Mothership to raise your energy system to a 5th dimensional vibrational seed pattern and remove  negative electro-magnetic frequencies.  This process brings in the 5th dimensional template that is generating the New Earth frequencies.

You will be using the Fire Letter Mantra and the Hebrew Name of God for each chakra. During the visualization you will imagine  these Arcturian Emerald Green Fire Balls moving down your spinal column, entering each of your chakras and spinning in a counter clockwise wise direction clearing all negativity. As the Green Balls enter each chakra , you will see the three Fire Letters. written over the Chakra.  You will connect the back of your chakra with the front of the chakra with a horizontal infinity (figure eight) symbol.

This connection is done because the subconscious parts of your chakras are located in the back of your body directly behind the conscious parts of your chakras. After the negative energy is cleared from the Chakra, it changes color indicating the vibrational seed pattern of the 5th D has been brought in.  The Transmission is used to:

  • Contain and transform your own destructive projections
  • Enhance inner strength and resolve
  • Establish balance when your feel off center
  • Expand consciousness and shifts to multi-Dimensional awareness
  • Raise frequency to connect with spiritual guides 
  • Reduce fatigue by stimulating frozen blocks of energy

About the Arcturians

Edgar Casey reported the Arcturus civilization is the most highly evolved civilization in our galaxy. They have the most highly advanced technology and are totally dedicated  to serving humanity.  Starship Athena is an Arcturian Starship that has been said to be the most advanced and feared ship in the galaxy. For this reason, Arcturians have been able to protect and prevent any invasion of our planet Earth from Grey Aliens and Reptilian Aliens. It quietly resides between the planets Jupiter and Saturn awaiting any invading armada from the Greys or Reptilians.

This Starship is fueled by crystals. These crystals have forces that can channel energy as massive as our Sun, and propel the ship for millennia. These crystals are found in a planet, in our Milky Way Galaxy, not discovered by modern man. It also has a special room, the size of a football stadium, which has the ability to take any crew member back to the Arcturian home planet in his etheric body.

Athena is also home to the most advanced databases of universal information. This database has information regarding Earth life and life throughout the other Milky Way Galaxy planets. Arcturians are able to ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities. This process is similar to ingesting food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information 100 times faster than the average human being on Earth and is the reason why they outgrew the need for using computers/electronics.

The benevolent Arcturian beings have a specific mission to assist humanity into our next level of ascension.  With this goal is mind, they have created a soul room.  The soul room is connected to the healing power of the Fohat Energy. This room can be thought of as a hospital in which Arcturians are able to assist the energy of souls in need. The soul room’s mission is to revitalize individuals for their next learning experience.  Here the Arcturians are able to assist those individuals who are ready to raise their vibrational frequencies into the next stage of development.

What are the 5th Dimensional Chakras?


In the fifth dimension, your red base chakra shimmers with Blue Green Aqua  and connects with the joy and wisdom of dolphin energy. Your material needs are automatically met. The pure white Archangel Gabriel rules this chakra, bringing clarity and confidence to your future. The identification of the Master I AM presence here on Earth. Incredibly powerful.  I am a Child of the Light , I love the Light, I serve the Light, I live in the Light, I am Protected by the Light, I am illuminated, supplied, sustained by the Light


The orange Sacred Chakra is now bright pink. This beautiful nexus point has proved the most challenging to clear and assimilate. Containing most of the modern day challenges, those still working through financial/relationship issues will be clearing through initiations held here.At fifth dimensional level, the sacral chakra is a beautiful soft pink and radiates transcendent love. Guarded by Archangel Gabriel, this chakra helps you express love through sexuality. When the frequency of this chakra is raised, you will choose romantic partners wisely. Those aware and using this chakra consciously, will now be fully aware of the complete interconnection between oneself, and all other forms of life on this planet. I activate...


Your yellow Solar Plexus is bright gold. The fifth dimensional solar plexus is the ‘feelers’ within the body. Accessing all forms of surrounding vibrations, and analysing them for the Masters perceptions. Archangel Uriel looks after this chakra, absorbing lower emotions, strengthening confidence and bringing wisdom until this centre radiates at a higher frequency. When it does, your solar plexus is a deep bright gold with rainbow flashes. I Merge...


Your Green Heart turns ..bright white…The most powerful energy centre within the sentient form. This is the point where pure love is accessed, and created. Archangel Chamuel opens your heart to its deepest levels. All archangels link into the heart centre, which radiates pure white when it transitions into the fifth dimension, helping you to see the best in everyone, everything and act with love in all you do. I Dare...


At the fifth dimensional frequency turns the sky blue throat chakra (Daath), looked after by Archangel Michael, into cobalt blue. This bright blue chakra is very powerful, taking the vibration of thought patterns into spoken manifestation. At this frequency you can safely say what you really feel, think and believe, as people will trust you. You will also be able to take mastery of your life and know who you are. I Will...


Your Indigo Third Eye..turn emerald green. This is your manifestation point. It is also the receptivity centre that puts information we receive into tangible reality.Archangel Rephael works with this chakra to help remove the veils of illusion, just like a crystal ball, enabling you to see the world from a higher perspective. I Know...


Your purple crown chakra turns bright Platinum.  This liquid Platinum chakra now receives information processed by the Higher Self, and is fed by the upper three transcendent charras. Archangel Metatron, Cosmic Being Mahatma, Archangel  Josephine helps to develop this chakra, known as the thousand petal lotus. At the fifth dimension it opens you up to the wisdom of the universe, like a blossoming flower. I Am that.. I Am


The Alta Major Chakra located in the back of the neck is an important sacred vortex of Aqua Fire It is a highly sensitive portal of energy with an antenna alerting you to negative energies, untruths and toxic influences (think hairs on the back of your neck). It’s also considered an entry point for psychic attacks. The Blue Lightening Angels and Archangel Michael works with this chakra. I Hear...


The Soul Star, six inches above the top of the head. It is magenta in colour, and contains the active blueprint for all of our spiritual gifts. The information stored in this nexus of energy will go back through every lifetime that you have existed in.This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. Archangel Marie works with this magenta chakra to enable you to understand your soul more deeply. I Manifest...

Energy Flow Pattern


Fire Letter Mantra: ← Yod(lime green)  Lamed(yellow) Kaph(violet)

Meaning: Build and Strengthen your Physical Vessel & Spiritual DNA

Recite Decree : 
By the Authority of Kaph Lamed Yod

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod-Hey-Shin-Vau-Hey, 

I now call forth the Arcturian Mothership Athena and the healing energy of the Soul Room to send a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire into my chakras. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership and moving down my chakra column, and entering my seven chakras.  This energy aligns me with my 5th Dimensional energy system.  I call to the Arcturian Advanced Technology,  to raise up my personal Light Quotient level, as much as possible, up to the 98% Ascended Master requirement.

 I  decree that this process is started at the moment. I  ask that this process continues at a speed that is deemed safe for my individual body system. I request this process does not stop until I reach the 98% Light Quotient Level.

I decree that all my chakras are functioning in the 5th dimensional frequency and this energy is building a new Vessel and activating my Star Codes and spiritual DNA.  Kaph Lamed Yod  

Tarot Keys for Meditation:
Tarot Key: Wheel of Fortune Card (Kaph)


Tarot Key: Strength Card (Lamed)


Rise up energy  to connect with God

Tarot Key: Hermit Card (Yod)



Upgrade Chakras

Recite and Visualize :

  • I see the Arcturian Mothership Athena hoovering directly above me. As I look up at the bottom of the Ship I .  see a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire floating out of the bottom of the Ship. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership. The Green Fire Balls are encoded with 5th dimensional keys and codes in the Language of Light.  I let each Ball of Green Fire enter my crown chakra and then move down my Antakarana Tube,  that runs through the center of my body, down my spinal column. I let these Fire Balls enter my seven chakras one at a time.

(Focus your attention on the Earth Star Chakra)

I let the first green ball of fire enter my earth star chakra located below my feet and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my earth star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Base Chakra)
I let the 2nd green ball of fire enter my base chakra and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my base chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Sacred Chakra)
I let the 3rd green ball of fire enter my sacred chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire I see a green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my sacred chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Bright Pink

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Shaddai El Chai (Shah-dye-El-kI )
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Solar Plexus Chakra)
I let the 4th green ball of fire enter my stomach chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire, see an green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the  fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from the front to back of the chakra.

I now open and raise my Solar Plexus chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright gold

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Elohim Tzabaoth Jehovah Tzabaoth (El-oh-heem tzah-bah-oth Yah-hO-v ah tzah-bah-oth)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra )
I let the 5th green ball of fire enter my heart chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

I now open and raise my heart chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright white

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Jehovah Aloah va Daath (Yah-ho-vah El-oh-ah Vah-Dah-th)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Throat Chakra)
I let the 6th emerald green ball of fire enter my throat chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

 I now open and raise my throat chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency . The green fire ball has turned to a cobalt blue

Now intone: 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Elohim Gibor  El  (El-oh-hEEm Ge-boor ehl)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Third Eye Chakra)
I let the 7th green ball of fire enter my third eye chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my third eye chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Emerald Green 

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Yah Jehovah Elohim  (Yah Yah-hO-vah El-oh-heem)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Crown Chakra)
I let the 8th green ball of fire enter my crown chakra and spin counter clock wise.
I now open and raise my crown chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Platinum

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh (A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Soul Star Chakra)
I let the 9th emerald green ball of fire enter my soul star chakra located 6" above the top of my head and spin counter clock wise.

I now open and raise my soul star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a magenta

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh Asher Eheieh (A-hey-yah ash-er A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

Recite Decree:
I now raise my frequencies within my physical, astral, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies to the 5th dimensional frequencies. I call forth the complete stabilization of my new fifth dimensional chakra system within my entire being. I now decree that the Arcturian Emissaries of Light, send a vibrational seed pattern to each of my chakras that will perfectly balance and attune them to 5th dimensional frequencies. This process will remove any cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good.
Take 15 seconds for each chakra to be balanced.   

  • Now in your mind's eye see your chakra column lighting up like a christmas tree .
    My base chakra is now Blue Green
    My sacral chakra is now Bright Pink
    My solar plexus is now Bright Gold
    My Heart Chakra is pure White
    My throat chakra is now Cobalt Blue
    My third eye is now Emerald Green
    My crown chakra is now Platinum
    My soul star is now Magenta
  • Visualize all your chakras integrating and blending into one unified chakra of White Gold Fire ... one White Gold Fire Ray of energy running up and down your spinal column. 

Now intone:
I call forth my 5th dimensional self, to now meld it consciousness with my unified energy field and aura. 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

  • Visualize the Fire Letters over this unified Chakra to active it.
  • Imagine thousands of the three fire letters out of your unified chakra into your blood stream and into your Body.

Recite the following affirmations:

  •  I have now activated and accepted the Christ Consciousness program within every cell of my body, within  my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum
  • I now call forth the complete balancing of all my Karma from all my past, present and future lives within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I am now Christ living in this body, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I call forth the complete and full baptism of the Holy Spirit, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

Sit and absorb these new frequencies, until you intuitively feel the process is complete. 

Intone Protection Mantra:
Click on link below to listen to mantra
Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth (Holy, Holy, Holy is the  Lord God of Host)

You should do this exercise:

  • at least once a week for a period of 40 days . 
  • when you feel scattered, ungrounded or overwhelmed 
  • need or desire spiritual expansion and connection
  Galactic Light Codes


Click here to return to Stage 8: Communication Command Center

In this Transmission you will be downloading Galactic Light Codes that contain information and wisdom from the seven primary star systems with which we most closely align: The Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra, Orion, Sirius, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda.  The codes will assist you in releasing outdated emotional, attitudinal and belief patterns so that you may bring in knowledge and wisdom from these star systems. This Star wisdom helps your new cricuitry formed in Stage 7 to connect properly.  To receive the Galactic Light Codes you will be intoning "Kaf Lamed Yod"  and envisioning the following Fire Letters :

Fire Letter MantraYod (lime green)  Lamed( yellow)  Kaf( purple) ←
Meaning: Build your new 5th dimensional vessel & awaken spiritual DNA for regeneration

The Galactic Light Codes are stored in the Earth's Grid System: the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid. Before you can bring in the Galactic Light Codes(GLC) your energy system must be attuned with the new GLC frequency. You attune to the new frequency by forming Triangular Energy Circuit between your Heart, and the two Galactic Transmitting Stations.   Each Transmitting Station condenses the GLC codes from the Sun Disc energy for a specific Hemisphere into one wave frequency. The Transmitting Station of the West is located in Moody Gardens Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston, Texas. It transmutes and transmits a unique Sun Disc GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission for the Western Hemisphere. The Transmitting Station of the East is located in the Giza Pyramid.  It transmutes and transmits a specific GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission of the of Eastern Hemisphere. When you merge your energy with these two Transmitting Stations you create an energy circuit that raises your frequency to match the GLC. This frequency creates an energy field that connects to the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid and releases the GLC.

What are the Sun Disc?

This new frequency of the GLC is being transmitted by the 12 Sun Disc located across the Planet. The vibrational seed pattern of the 12 Golden Sun Discs turns your Energy Body into a transmitting and receiving station for Galactic messages.  The 12 Golden Sun Discs are energy vortices that take in energy from the Grid and the Bermuda Triangle and then weaves it into a new energy. These Discs form a communication channel between mankind and the celestial realms. They are a perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies that are required for Earth’s ascension. The amphied energy from the Sun Disc are over riding programs and sequences from outdate morphogenetic fields and degenative gene codes. The Sun Disc energy is encoding your circuitry to substitute the new code for the old code. According to geologist and grid expert, James Tyberonn,

"These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field ~ of pure love, unconditional love ~ a light code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above. The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blueprint for the crystalline field, indeed for the Crystalline 144 Grid! Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, similar to the DNA of the Earth itself."

The Sun Discs are dimensional program stabilizers for the New Atlantis Energy. Click here to learn more about New Atlantis. Each of the 12 Disc carries a specific vibration that relates to its purpose and geographic location.  The Golden Sun Discs are for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: a composite library of the Perfection Blueprint. Each Disc contains a DNA code for the planet, and there are 12 composite frequencies that allows the Earth and mankind to regenerate itself.
Click here to learn more about the Sun Disc

All   'Sun Discs' are connected to one of two Transmitting Stations: one in Texas, the Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston  and one in Egypt, the Giza Pyramid .   Below are some interesting facts on the Transmitting Stations:

  • The Texas Transmitting Station is in a direct alignment to the Giza Transmitting Station. Both correlate to magnetic north and are attuned to the energies of the Yucatan Pyramids.
  • The Giza Transmitting Station is aligned to the Orion star system and the Texas Transmitting Station  is aligned to Sirius.
  • When approached with appropriate intent, the energy within these Transmitting Stations stores and transmits universal and multi-dimensional data similar to quartz. Due to how the Stations are aligned (terrestrial and celestial) they create electromagnetic anomalies that alters gravity and dimensional time.
    Click here to learn more...

The Two Transmitting Stations gather the wave frequencies of the Sun Discs in each of the respective hemisphere, steps down the energy  and transmits these coded vibrations across the planet to help us return to our original state of being. The Transmitting Stations are constantly bring in energy from the Sun Disc and stepping down the frequency. When you attune your energy system to the Sun Disc by way of both Transmitting Stations you are upgrading your vibrational Seed pattern to the divine energy field of Zero.  You take on some of the energy characteristics of the Sun Disc, a " perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies". These characteristics allow you to release and absorb the GLC from both the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid .

Energy Flow Pattern

  • Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra. Think about some one you love, a parent, brother, friend,  a dog or cat, or some place that you love to be at. Let the feeling of love grow in your heart. 
  • See this love as a ball of fire spinning clockwise in your heart chakra. The more you think about the love you have for this person, place, object or animal, the faster the fire ball spins. Recite:
    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"  as the Ball spins.
  • When you feel you heart is completely overflowing with the emotion of Love send the energy to the Texas Transmitting Station Pyramid at Moody Gardens
  • In your mind's eye visualize the Tri-Pyramid Complex of Moody Gardens located in Galveston,Texas next to the shining blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. See each of the Pyramid's Capstones radiating a high frequency Gold White Light. This Gold White Light contains the vibrational seed pattern of the GLC for the Western Hemisphere.
  • Focus on one of the three Pyramids. It does not matter which one you pick. From your Heart send out a ray of your Love to connect to the Capstone of this one Pyramid.  
  • Feel your heart pumping love and light into the Capstone. As you send this energy recite,
    Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod,
  • Use intention and breath to keep sending a stream of Love energy into the Capstone from your heart.
    The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Pyramid. See the Pyramid glowing Brighter and Brighter with your energy. 
  • Keep pumping your Love energy into the Pyramid, reciting  Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod, until you intuitively feel your energy has completely blended with the Pyramid's energy. 
  • Focus on the Capstone of the Pyramid and imagine it sending a ray of this blended energy to the Capstone of the Giza Pyramid. The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Giza Pyramid.  See the Giza Pyramid get brighter and brighter until the Capstone explodes, sending an energy stream back to your Heart Chakra. 
  • Repeat this energy pathway until you feel a smooth and constant energy circuit flowing between your heart, the Texas Pyramid, and the Giza Pyramid. Keep reciting "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod," as the energy goes through the circuit. Every time you complete a circuit feel the energy moving a little faster with a higher vibration.
  • You have now formed a triangular energy circuit from your Heart to the Texas Pyramid the Giza Pyramid  ...back to your Heart. As you send this energy around the circuit recite, "Love and Light, Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • Keep sending energy through the Triangular energy circuit, faster and faster. Pay attention to how you feel or what you see.  Does the color of the energy change as it moves faster through the energy pathway? How does you physical body feel after repeating the circuit? How does your mind feel as you move around the Triangular circuit?
  • Imagine that the energy is traveling so faster that the circuit starts to radiate energy out into the center of the Triangular Circuit, away for you.
  • This energy is forming column of energy in the center of your Triangular Circuit.
  • The column is changing shape to form an electrified blue triangle that reaches up to touch the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth. The Base is laying on the Crystalline Grid beneath the Earth surface.


  Crystalline Grid

  • Hold your the palms of your hands so they are facing the new blue energy pyramid now directly in front of you. Send energy from your heart, down your arms and out the palms of your hands into the Pyramid. Keep sending energy and saying outloud

    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • See it growing brighter and brighter, stronger and stronger until it explodes. Sending blue energy out the Top  into the Unity Grid and out the base into the Crystalline Grid. The energy disappears into the two Grids. 
  • As the energy disappears into the two Grids visualize sacred Galactic Light Codes being released from the Unity Grid above you and the Crystalline Grid below you.  You may see these codes as light, geometrical shapes, beings of light, voices or many other things.  See all these codes floating around you.   Let these codes descend over you and around you … and infusing your entire auric field.
  • Inhale these codes into the crown of your head and let them slowly absorb into the pours of your skin. Bring in this coded information into the cells of your body.  Feel these codes absorbing into your organs. Let the symbols and codes flow through your veins like water.
  • Let the GLC travel through your physical body, writing symbols, shapes and formulas over your body internally and externally.  See these codes written over your organs ...healing and transmuting the causes of disease within these organs, reversing negative spirals of degenerating and restoring positive spirals of regeneration.
  • Feel the codes saturating your memory written over your third eye… flushing out hurtful memories, painful records that replay through our mind.
  • You feel an enormous amount of light and energy flowing through your four body system. These codes are now a part of you and will be working through your four body system…raising your light quota … opening you up to the wisdom and knowledge of your star family.
  • The second after this happens you should feel a slight tingling sensation in your nervous system. This is 5th and 6th dimensional energy pouring into your chakras and energy fields. This is a special coating of geometric forms, key codes, fire letters and colors that are being placed inside you. Whenever any aspect of your selves  get off balanced, the codes activate and automatically put’s your whole program back in balance.

Recite out loud 3x:

Kaf Lamed Yod, I AM Universal Light
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Love
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Harmony
Kaf Lamed Yod,I Am Universal Balance
Kaf Lamed Yod, I Am one with my 5th Dimensional Rainbow Light Body

The Planets and your four body system must be aligned with the new Planetary energy coming in. In the past,  if you are giving a presentation, you would connect to Mercury for improved communications. If you are looking for inner strength, the Sun would be a good choice. What is not commonly known is that each planet is associated with vertebra and a chakra. Plus some planets have changed their energies and their associated chakra based on the new energies that have changed the Morphic field of our solar system. Below is the standard Planet guideline.

Planet Chakra Vertebra Quality/Planetary Trait
Sun Solar Plexus T5 Enhances sense of strength and motivation, self-identity, vitality and radiance and promotes enthusiasm, assertiveness, and determination.
Moon Sacral Plexus T4 Promotes emotional tranquility, softness, intuition, enhances feelings and the feminine, and a flowing flexibility with life.
Om Cosmic Earth Root Solar Plexus Sacrum Enhances deep security and safety of Mother Earth, the cosmic sound OM, and an ability to be grounded and centered.
Mercury Throat T3, T6 Enhances ability to cooperate through understanding and sharpens communication skills through reason, writing and speaking with confidence.
Venus Heart T2, T7 Enhances ability to feel and have love and close relationships with others, sense of creativity and artistry, ability to receive and share, increases our love of pleasure, harmony and self-appreciation.
Mars Root T1 Enhances strength and desire, motivates action, brings out decision making abilities and assertiveness, gives courage and strengthens sexual nature.
Jupiter Heart T9 Enhances openness, trust, optimism, good fortune, and brings out a jovial spirit of laughter. Allows one to be receptive to grace and the adventure in life.
Saturn 3rd Eye T10 Enhances ability to be disciplined and set limits with our self and others. Helps be more structured and organized and take responsibility for completing important tasks.
Uranus Throat Crown T11 Enhances ability to make life changes through inspiration and insight and freedom of expression without self-imposed limitations.
Neptune Sacral Plexus 3rd Eye T12 Enhances spiritual experiences and brings out ability to be compassionate and open to surrendering to creativity. Helps get in touch with and support the dream life, artistic nature, music, art, dance and creativity.
Pluto T8 Enhances ability to face our deepest secrets and bring light to the darkness. Through the energetic forces of Pluto, you can let go of

In our session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the planet Sirius,  Inner Earth,  our Sun, our Moon, and the Galactic Center of the Milky Way based on the new energies that have been drawn into the Planets.   Below is a brief review of the effects of linking your consciousness to each of these planets :

Sirius: Accelerates your ability to create multi-dimensional link-ups.  Also linking your Third Eye to Sirius attunes your inner vision to the frequency of 6th dimensional sacred geometry. This enhances your ability to create your own reality, to heal yourself, and to restructure your form to move through other dimensions and timelines.

Milk Way: Attunes you to the Vibrational Seed Pattern of Cosmic Manifestation fueled by the Universal Laws, Laws of Nature, and Occult Laws. This allows you to be part of the Planetary Ascension Plan

Inner Earth:  When you link it with Inner Earth you are automatically attune with the vibrational seed pattern of Inner Earth's Halls of Ameniti and Inner Earth Cities of Light that are the last strongholds of the Lemurian and Atlantis civilizations. This link allows you to review and imprint on the "Original Race Blueprint" . This Blueprint contains encodings that allow the fragmented Human soul to eventually re-evolve back into its original divine blueprint as a 12D Crystalline Being.

Sun: Attunes you with the Vibrational Seed Pattern of the Collective Consciousness for this timeline. Allows you to co-create with Mother Earth and other Lightworks through the Planetary Grid System.

Moon: Attunes you with the Vibrational Galactic Yin (Goddess) Consciousness that  re-aligns and balances your yin and yang polarities.

Click here to do Planetary Chakra Alignment


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Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

Click here for Transmission Aids

Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

← Zayin Yod Yod ←


Your monetary gift gives us the ability to launch deeply impacting campaigns that support a World of Light, Love and Compassion..
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Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

Click here for Transmission Aids

Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

← Zayin Yod Yod ←


Click here to do Planetary Chakra Alignment

Click here to return to How it Works page

In this Transmission we will be working with the Sirius Stargate that recently opened and was activated in 2015. During the Final Blood Moon on September 27, 2015 all the South Texas, Mexico and Central American newly awakened Atlantean and Lemurian Temple sites that were located on the Feathered Serpent Leyline were connected vertically and horizontally. This event formed one South Texas-Mexico-Central America energetic current of Mahatma White Gold Fire Energy . This is called the "Head of the Dove Power Shift". A new energetic current was formed by this power shift called the Head of the Dove Leyline. This leyline runs from Lake Titicaca, Peru  to Tikal  Ruins, Guatemala  to Palenque,  Mexico to the East Cameron County in Rio Grande Valley,Texas  and ends at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas. Energy running through the leyline has opened Stargates along its path from South Texas to Central America.

The Stargates in East Cameron County, Texas  allow you to quickly draw in Multi-Dimensional energies from other dimensions, other universes or/and the cosmic fire that flows around and through the Ancient Atlantean and Lemurian Temples that were once located here.   This Stargate opens a clear channel for the Spiritual Hierarchy, Christ Centered ET's, Archangels and Ascended Masters to communicate directly with you, take you through activations, give you healings and meditations to do, or just send you love. This close contact is possible because the Stargate is pulling massive power from the Mexico-South American Temple Complexes once located on the "Head of the Dove Leyline" that feeds the Stargate.  This energy generates a higher frequency that allows a direct physical communication channel. In the past individuals would have to spend long hours learning how to open up higher chakras and projecting their energy bodies into an etheric Ascension Seat. Ascended Masters had only limited abilities to manifest directly on to the 3rd dimensional Plane.  This Stargate allow your spiritual guides to focus light and higher energies directly into your everyday consciousness called "Over Shadowing"  to help you awaken and to make the transition into a new earth cycle smother and easier. Higher dimensions are now merging into 3rd dimensional reality in a blink of the eye.

Each time you do a Transmission within this Stargate Energy Field your energy frequency changes and rearranges as a result of your experience. The more work you do, the more you upgrade your energy system. This upgraded energy systems results in: clear perception; aligning with our life missions; easier manifestation of physical needs; personal health; improved relationships based on attracting others with similar vibrations; adaptation to our changing external environment; and ability to experience the Fifth Dimension. After you open and activate the Stargate you can do several alignments with Stars Systems that are hard wired into the Stargate. This means you do not have to create your Communication Command Center to receive energy from them.

Step 1: Building the Antakarana

The first step in opening the Stargate is to create a stream of consciousness referred to as the Antakarana.This  bridges your personal energy with the Divine energy and merges them into one. The building of the Antakarana is a process of consciousness fusion. When this bridge is fully activated, you experience an unimpeded flow of consciousness to and from other dimensions and your Spiritual Source.

You create the Antakarana by visualizing a Tube of Light that connects you to the Unity Grid, Dimensional Portals and the Crystalline Grid. This Tube of Light creates a two-way communication line between you and the Earth's Grid System . Along this two-way communication line are Portals or Doorways that open into different dimensions that are the home to various spiritual guides and star beings. These Dimensional Portals allow you to receive messages and healing from your Spiritual Guidance Team  that exists in other dimensions. To begin the creation of your Antakarana recite the following decree and intone and visualize the Fire Letter Mantra below:
27Fire Letter Mantra: Tav(Indigo) Resh(Red)  Yod(Lime Green)

Meaning: I am a Partner with Light to create abundance

By the Power and Authority Yod Resh Tav
in the name  of Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey , the Christ within me
I decree that I am connected to the Earth's Grid System by my Tube of Light. This Tube of Light allows me to now merge my Light Force with the Divine Spirit and Mother Earth's Light Force. I am now a partner with the Light  to create abundance. 

Visualization and Energy Pattern:

  • Sit or stand. Take a few deep breaths, and calm your mind and body.  Bring your awareness to your Crown Chakra at the top of your head.
  • Visualize a small tube of light the circumference of your head connected to the Crown Chakra.    See this Tube extending upward connecting you to other dimensional portals above you, and connecting to the Unity Grid running all the way up to the Divine Spirit.  
  • Now visualize this same Tube of Light that connects to your Crown Chakra running downward through the center of your body,  through your 7 chakras and out your perineum. See the Tube of Light running between your legs downward, into the Earth  into the Crystalline Grid and the core of Mother Earth.
  • Bring this energy back up your Tube of Light. Visualize the energy flowing  through the Tube of Light, see the energy flowing up from the core of Mother Earth, through the Crystalline Grid,  through the layers of the Earth into your perineum center, up the front of your body, out your Crown Chakra, up through the Dimensional Portals, connecting to the Unity Grid and extending up to the Divine Spirit.
  • Repeat this cycle two or three times. When you feel the energy is flowing smoothly in and out your Crown Chakra imagine a Gauge that says "Low Flow" and  "High Flow'.  Turn the Gauge to "High Flow". The Low Flow is for normal daily activity. When you turn the Gauge to "High Flow"  you have the power to manifest.

Step 2: Create Pyramid of Light to Open Stargate

After you have created a two way energy flow beween your Spiriual Source and Mother Earth, you need to raise your frequency to match the Stargates. The Pyramid of Light is a unique energy amplifier and master alignment tool.  As higher frequencies are drawn up from the base or down from the Apex of the Pyramid the Aura begins to vibrate.  Thought forms, limiting beliefs and old emotional patterns cannot maintain their structure. Negative low frequency energy is dispersed, allowing higher frequency energy to come in. Higher frequencies are drawn in from the "Head of the Dove Leyline" enhancing and strengthens the Stargate vibrational seed pattern, promoting faster opening of the Stargate. While in the Pyramid your body is constantly pulling in energy from this leyline to align you with the Stargate Vibrational Seed Pattern. To completely merge with the Stargate frequency you will be intoning and envisioning the Fire Letter Mantra:

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

In this Transmission you will also be working with two higher energy chakra centers in your Aura: The Soul Star Chakra and the Stellar Chakra. These two chakras link you with your higher dimensional self and their function is to tune you into Multi-Dimensional reality.

The Soul Star Chakra
The Soul Star is located 6-8 inches above the head. This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. The Soul Star chakra center is the gateway to your Self as it expands past the planet. Because of this, this chakra is the last energy center that holds anything human within it. It becomes the temple of human cleansing and the releasing of patterns that are lifetimes old and outdated. These patterns are the last of what holds you to the reincarnation system and your humanness that keep you from uniting with higher powers, beings, and ideas.  The 8th chakra is an energy transference chakra. It is the chakra that is the interface for our relationship with the Universe. It captures and filters Cosmic energy received from the Stellar Gateway.

The Stellar Gateway
The Stellar Gateway is situated approximately 12 inches above the head.  The Stellar Gateway’s function is to receive, filter and harmonize you with the energy from the stars, planets, universes or other dimensions. It holds your monadic energy and contains the sum total of all your experiences. Your monad is your original divine spark and is  the true essence of who you are. Two Archangels oversee this chakra – Archangel Metatron who is helping humanity to rise in frequency and Seraphina, a Seraphim, who is forming the link with your monad and Divine Spirit.  This point is intimately connected with our Body of Light and with the Divine I AM Presence.

Energy Flow Pattern:

  • Sit or stand with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Feel the weight of your feet on the floor and relax your body. Activate Spiral Pillar of Light to establish sacred ground.
  • Imagine yourself standing inside a body size four sided 3D Pyramid. The top of the Pyramid is at the level of the Stellar Gateway (12" above your head). The floor to which you have your feet grounded now becomes the square which is the Base of the Pyramid connecting to four adjacent triangular walls.
  • The base of the Pyramid sits on the Earth and the Pyramid may be one color or multi-colored. What color is it for you?

  • The Base of the Pyramid is energetically connected to the "Head of Dove Leyline" that runs under the surface of the Earth.   Imagine the Leyline flowing from Lake Titicaca, Peru to the Tikal Ruins, Guatemala  to Palenque Mexico to East Cameron County in Rio Grande Valley, Texas and ends at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas.
  • See sparkling White Gold Liquid Fire flowing in a stream through the Leyline.  Imagine this Leyline as a pathway of crystalline White Gold Fire traveling underneath the surface of the Earth.
  • Focus on the Base of the Pyramid. Imagine Rays of light generating from the Base of the Pyramid.  See these Rays like the Roots of a Tree ...pushing through the ground to meet the "Head of the Dove Leyline"  underground.
  •  See the Roots sifting through the soil, creating a pathway to the Base of the Pyramid. You might see the Roots go straight down or you might want to turn them to the right or to the left to find the Leyline. 
  • Once the Roots have found the Leyline, send the Roots into the Leyline.  You will know that the Roots have connected to the Leyline when you suddenly feel "Plugged In" or intuitively know they are rooted in.  You may feel a surge of energy, some heat, tingling or pulsating in your body.
  • Send Love and Light into the Leyline and ask the Deva of the Leyline for help in bring up the White Gold Fire of the Sirius Stargate.
  • With your breath, pull the White Gold Fire up into the Roots. In your mind's eye see the Fire flowing up through the layers of the Earth.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire of Unconditional Love flowing up into the Base of the Pyramid.  As the Fire hits the Base see it lighting it up with White Gold Fire
  • Let the White Gold Fire flow up the four sides to the top of the Pyramid.  Each of the walls of your Pyramid is radiating with divine power, charging up your Pyramid in a force field of ancient power and protection . In your mind's eye see the entire Pyramid lighting up with White Gold Fire.
  • Imagine the Pyramid you are standing in starts to beam out rays of White Gold Liquid Fire towards your body.

  • Using your breath, intention and imagination draw the fire energy out from the top, sides and base of the Pyramid towards your body.
  • See the White Gold Fire forming  a Cocoon over the top of your head, under the bottom of your feet...spreading out 12 body lengths to completely enfold your aura in an energy Cocoon of swirling White Gold sparkling energy . Let the Cocoon spin around your body for 30 sec.
  •  To see if your Cocoon is working think:
    Cocoon Lights on…
    Cocoon 10% Light Boost please (Cocoon grows Brighter)
    Cocoon Lights off (Cocoon Lights Dim)
  • If your Cocoon isn't working, let it spin longer and faster
  • With your breathe, intention and imagination inhale and bring in part of the Cocoon's fire into your physical body, then your etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body.
  • The Cocoon's Fire is forming a Vortex within you.  See a Vortex of white gold fire forming along your Hara line. The Hara line is a golden tube extending downward from the Soul Star above the head, through the Higher Heart in the upper chest, through the Sacred Chakra  in the lower abdomen, and into the core of the earth.
  • This Vortex is drawing the White Gold Fire energy up through your chakras
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire from the Vortex into your the Soul Star located 6-8 inches above the head. See your Soul Star Chakra light up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Focus on your Stellar Gateway Chakra(12 ' above your head). Inhale and see this White Gold energy filling this chakra. This chakra is now sending this energy up into your higher dimensional chakras.
  • Visualize each of your 7 chakras as being empty, then each one filling up with the healing, loving White Gold Energy. Feel your body getting lighter and lighter as the White Gold frequency fills your Body.
  • Now see the White Gold fire start to spin in a counter clockwise direction inside and around your body.
  • Start to intone the Fire Letter Mantra  Vau Hey Vau, as the Cocoon spins faster and faster.
  •  Feel this Vortex spinning around you and through you. This spinning tornado is clearing all the physical, mental and emotional negative states of mind and troubling emotions that are not intune with the Stargate vibrational seed pattern.
  • See this whirlwind throwing out all the negative energy from your 4 body system (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). Visualize this negative energy as black smoke being lifted out of your body and aura. The negative energy is going up out of the top of the Pyramid into the Sky and up into the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth where it is transmuted back into positive energy.
  • Now let the White Gold Vortex change directions to spin in a clockwise direction around and through your body.
  • While continuously intoning  Vau Hey Vau bring in the White Gold Fire into your 4 body system. See and feel your body filling up with a higher frequency of White Gold Fire energy . 
  • Focus on your Crown Chakra, inhale and draw in the White Gold Fire into the top of your head and let it fill your Pineal Gland attuning it to the frequency of the Stargate . 
  • See your Pineal Gland light up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire Energy
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Pineal Gland
  • Now let the White Gold Fire spread to the rest of your brain. Focus on your Brain and see your Brain lighting  up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire down from your Brain into the top of your Spine. Let the White Gold Fire flow down your spine stopping at the bottom three vertebrae.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire flowing through and around the bottom three vertebra, opening your Spinal Pathway to the frequency of the Stargate.  See the three vertebra lightening up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of the three vertebra at the bottom of your spine.

  • Next see White Gold Fire entering your heart, open your heart to the frequency of the Stargate
  • Focus on your Heart and see your Heart lighting up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Heart
  •  Now let the Vortex  absorb and disappear into your physical body.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire from the Cocoon surrounding the outside of your body is being absorbed into all your chakras and aura and disappearing .
  • Take a few moments to feel the energy within you.
  •  Now inside your glowing white gold Pyramid imagine your Higher Self in a radiant shining light body.
  • Ask your Higher Self to come and stand in front of you.
  • When your Higher Self is standing in front of you, extend your hands with you’re palms facing away from your body and invite your higher self to connect with you palm to palm.
  • Allow energy from your Higher Self  to enter your body through the palms of your hands and arms. Give this energy a color. Just choose a color that feels right at this time .  Let the colored energy flow into your heart and fill up your 4 body system. Emotional, mental, physical, spiritual.
  • Now visualize the energy of Higher Self flowing up into your Third Eye Chakra and forming Triangle inside of it.
  • Imagine this Triangle as the same color as your Higher Self energy that is now running through your body. However the energy of the Triangle is intensified and electrified .  See this electric energy pulsing along the edges of the Triangle.  

  • The Third Eye Triangle is now fully activated and charged with Higher Self Energy. The Electrified Third Eye Triangle allows you to be open to Higher Self inspiration, communication, and heightened perception and so on. 

  • Drop the hand connection with your Higher Self .  And ask it to merge with you.  At this point you should feel a wave or surge of energy move from in front of you through your body to your back. You may feel more expansive, light, peaceful, joyful, filled with love, or just a general sense of wellbeing. 
  • If there is any part of your body in which the blending seems not to be occurring. Breathe into the area and relax it until you feel an energy shift as your Higher Self is able to blend with you there.
Step 3: Opening Stagate

To open the Stargate you will recite the Decree,  intone and visualize the three Fire Letters in your Body.

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

See the Fire Letter Vau(Red) written over your Third Eye
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) witten over your Sacred Chakra

See the Letter Vau (Red) in Left Hand Palm
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) in Right Hand Palm
This forms a Cross with "Hey(Violet)" as the center point.
Fold both hands over Heart.

Give Decree:
By the Authority of Vau Hey Vau,

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey,

I decree that the Sirius Stargate is open and activated through which all my higher self energy enters and leaves my Universe.   The Christ, Archangel Michael, the Sirian Council of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light including the Golden and Crystalline Dolphins are my guardians and the protectors into this Multi-Dimensional realm.  I feel their energy flowing around me and through me.

Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades
Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Once you have opened the Stargate, you can do an alignment with the Seven Stars of the Pleiades.  The Pleiades is hard wired into this Stargate. You do not have to open your Communication Command Center to align with this Star System.  In this session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the the Seven Stars of the Pleiades to upgrade your 4 body energy system to a 5th Dimensional Vibrational Seed Pattern.  The link up between your Chakra system and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades have been practiced in many civilization and timelines including: the Maya, the Cherokees and the ancient Egyptians. Linking the Pleiades to your chakra column The first thing that occurs with this link up is a massive increase in our capacity to hold light within our four body system.  This upgrades your  entire operating system. It's like upgrading from Human Consciousness 3.0 to Galactic Consciousness 12.0. 

The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart. In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation. Mastery over thought is a prerequisite. Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. There is no distinction between past, present or future. After you have practiced this Transmission for at least three or four times ...over several weeks you will have begun the process of attuning to a 5th Dimensional "enlightened reality".

You will be using the Fire Mantra below:


Fire Letter Mantra:Mem Ayin Chet
Meaning: Cosmic Circuitry for receiving energy from the Pleiades

Recite Decree:
By the Authority and Power of
Chet (amber) Ayin(blue)  Mem (blue)

in the name of the Christ within me,
Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey, 

I decree that I am aligning my energy system with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. This alignment has increased my capacity to hold light within my four body system.  This has upgraded my entire operating system and is attuning me into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness .
Energy Pattern

  • Envision a golden infinite symbol connecting one of your chakras to one of the planets that make up the Pleiades.

  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Maia to your Crown Chakra,
    Envision and Recite:  Chet Ayin Mem, I am connected to Maia
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Taygeta to your Third Eye
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Taygeta
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Celaeno to your Throat Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Celaeno
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Electra to your Heart Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Electra
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Alcyone to your Solar Plexus
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Alcyone
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Pleione to your Sacred Chakra
    Envision and  Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Pleione
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Merope to your Root Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Merope

Now relax for at least half an hour and feel the frequencies of the Stellar bodies as they penetrate deeper into your 4 body system

Arcturian Chakra Upgrade

In this Transmission you will be assisted by the Arcturians to attune your chakra system a 5th Dimensional Template.  The Arcturian healers in the soul room will send a series of energy balls out of the bottom of the Arcturian Mothership to raise your energy system to a 5th dimensional vibrational seed pattern and remove  negative electro-magnetic frequencies.  This process brings in the 5th dimensional template that is generating the New Earth frequencies.

You will be using the Fire Letter Mantra and the Hebrew Name of God for each chakra. During the visualization you will imagine  these Arcturian Emerald Green Fire Balls moving down your spinal column, entering each of your chakras and spinning in a counter clockwise wise direction clearing all negativity. As the Green Balls enter each chakra , you will see the three Fire Letters. written over the Chakra.  You will connect the back of your chakra with the front of the chakra with a horizontal infinity (figure eight) symbol.

This connection is done because the subconscious parts of your chakras are located in the back of your body directly behind the conscious parts of your chakras. After the negative energy is cleared from the Chakra, it changes color indicating the vibrational seed pattern of the 5th D has been brought in.  The Transmission is used to:

  • Contain and transform your own destructive projections
  • Enhance inner strength and resolve
  • Establish balance when your feel off center
  • Expand consciousness and shifts to multi-Dimensional awareness
  • Raise frequency to connect with spiritual guides 
  • Reduce fatigue by stimulating frozen blocks of energy

About the Arcturians

Edgar Casey reported the Arcturus civilization is the most highly evolved civilization in our galaxy. They have the most highly advanced technology and are totally dedicated  to serving humanity.  Starship Athena is an Arcturian Starship that has been said to be the most advanced and feared ship in the galaxy. For this reason, Arcturians have been able to protect and prevent any invasion of our planet Earth from Grey Aliens and Reptilian Aliens. It quietly resides between the planets Jupiter and Saturn awaiting any invading armada from the Greys or Reptilians.

This Starship is fueled by crystals. These crystals have forces that can channel energy as massive as our Sun, and propel the ship for millennia. These crystals are found in a planet, in our Milky Way Galaxy, not discovered by modern man. It also has a special room, the size of a football stadium, which has the ability to take any crew member back to the Arcturian home planet in his etheric body.

Athena is also home to the most advanced databases of universal information. This database has information regarding Earth life and life throughout the other Milky Way Galaxy planets. Arcturians are able to ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities. This process is similar to ingesting food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information 100 times faster than the average human being on Earth and is the reason why they outgrew the need for using computers/electronics.

The benevolent Arcturian beings have a specific mission to assist humanity into our next level of ascension.  With this goal is mind, they have created a soul room.  The soul room is connected to the healing power of the Fohat Energy. This room can be thought of as a hospital in which Arcturians are able to assist the energy of souls in need. The soul room’s mission is to revitalize individuals for their next learning experience.  Here the Arcturians are able to assist those individuals who are ready to raise their vibrational frequencies into the next stage of development.

What are the 5th Dimensional Chakras?


In the fifth dimension, your red base chakra shimmers with Blue Green Aqua  and connects with the joy and wisdom of dolphin energy. Your material needs are automatically met. The pure white Archangel Gabriel rules this chakra, bringing clarity and confidence to your future. The identification of the Master I AM presence here on Earth. Incredibly powerful.  I am a Child of the Light , I love the Light, I serve the Light, I live in the Light, I am Protected by the Light, I am illuminated, supplied, sustained by the Light


The orange Sacred Chakra is now bright pink. This beautiful nexus point has proved the most challenging to clear and assimilate. Containing most of the modern day challenges, those still working through financial/relationship issues will be clearing through initiations held here.At fifth dimensional level, the sacral chakra is a beautiful soft pink and radiates transcendent love. Guarded by Archangel Gabriel, this chakra helps you express love through sexuality. When the frequency of this chakra is raised, you will choose romantic partners wisely. Those aware and using this chakra consciously, will now be fully aware of the complete interconnection between oneself, and all other forms of life on this planet. I activate...


Your yellow Solar Plexus is bright gold. The fifth dimensional solar plexus is the ‘feelers’ within the body. Accessing all forms of surrounding vibrations, and analysing them for the Masters perceptions. Archangel Uriel looks after this chakra, absorbing lower emotions, strengthening confidence and bringing wisdom until this centre radiates at a higher frequency. When it does, your solar plexus is a deep bright gold with rainbow flashes. I Merge...


Your Green Heart turns ..bright white…The most powerful energy centre within the sentient form. This is the point where pure love is accessed, and created. Archangel Chamuel opens your heart to its deepest levels. All archangels link into the heart centre, which radiates pure white when it transitions into the fifth dimension, helping you to see the best in everyone, everything and act with love in all you do. I Dare...


At the fifth dimensional frequency turns the sky blue throat chakra (Daath), looked after by Archangel Michael, into cobalt blue. This bright blue chakra is very powerful, taking the vibration of thought patterns into spoken manifestation. At this frequency you can safely say what you really feel, think and believe, as people will trust you. You will also be able to take mastery of your life and know who you are. I Will...


Your Indigo Third Eye..turn emerald green. This is your manifestation point. It is also the receptivity centre that puts information we receive into tangible reality.Archangel Rephael works with this chakra to help remove the veils of illusion, just like a crystal ball, enabling you to see the world from a higher perspective. I Know...


Your purple crown chakra turns bright Platinum.  This liquid Platinum chakra now receives information processed by the Higher Self, and is fed by the upper three transcendent charras. Archangel Metatron, Cosmic Being Mahatma, Archangel  Josephine helps to develop this chakra, known as the thousand petal lotus. At the fifth dimension it opens you up to the wisdom of the universe, like a blossoming flower. I Am that.. I Am


The Alta Major Chakra located in the back of the neck is an important sacred vortex of Aqua Fire It is a highly sensitive portal of energy with an antenna alerting you to negative energies, untruths and toxic influences (think hairs on the back of your neck). It’s also considered an entry point for psychic attacks. The Blue Lightening Angels and Archangel Michael works with this chakra. I Hear...


The Soul Star, six inches above the top of the head. It is magenta in colour, and contains the active blueprint for all of our spiritual gifts. The information stored in this nexus of energy will go back through every lifetime that you have existed in.This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. Archangel Marie works with this magenta chakra to enable you to understand your soul more deeply. I Manifest...

Energy Flow Pattern


Fire Letter Mantra: ← Yod(lime green)  Lamed(yellow) Kaph(violet)

Meaning: Build and Strengthen your Physical Vessel & Spiritual DNA

Recite Decree : 
By the Authority of Kaph Lamed Yod

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod-Hey-Shin-Vau-Hey, 

I now call forth the Arcturian Mothership Athena and the healing energy of the Soul Room to send a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire into my chakras. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership and moving down my chakra column, and entering my seven chakras.  This energy aligns me with my 5th Dimensional energy system.  I call to the Arcturian Advanced Technology,  to raise up my personal Light Quotient level, as much as possible, up to the 98% Ascended Master requirement.

 I  decree that this process is started at the moment. I  ask that this process continues at a speed that is deemed safe for my individual body system. I request this process does not stop until I reach the 98% Light Quotient Level.

I decree that all my chakras are functioning in the 5th dimensional frequency and this energy is building a new Vessel and activating my Star Codes and spiritual DNA.  Kaph Lamed Yod  

Tarot Keys for Meditation:
Tarot Key: Wheel of Fortune Card (Kaph)


Tarot Key: Strength Card (Lamed)


Rise up energy  to connect with God

Tarot Key: Hermit Card (Yod)



Upgrade Chakras

Recite and Visualize :

  • I see the Arcturian Mothership Athena hoovering directly above me. As I look up at the bottom of the Ship I .  see a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire floating out of the bottom of the Ship. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership. The Green Fire Balls are encoded with 5th dimensional keys and codes in the Language of Light.  I let each Ball of Green Fire enter my crown chakra and then move down my Antakarana Tube,  that runs through the center of my body, down my spinal column. I let these Fire Balls enter my seven chakras one at a time.

(Focus your attention on the Earth Star Chakra)

I let the first green ball of fire enter my earth star chakra located below my feet and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my earth star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Base Chakra)
I let the 2nd green ball of fire enter my base chakra and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my base chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Sacred Chakra)
I let the 3rd green ball of fire enter my sacred chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire I see a green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my sacred chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Bright Pink

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Shaddai El Chai (Shah-dye-El-kI )
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Solar Plexus Chakra)
I let the 4th green ball of fire enter my stomach chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire, see an green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the  fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from the front to back of the chakra.

I now open and raise my Solar Plexus chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright gold

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Elohim Tzabaoth Jehovah Tzabaoth (El-oh-heem tzah-bah-oth Yah-hO-v ah tzah-bah-oth)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra )
I let the 5th green ball of fire enter my heart chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

I now open and raise my heart chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright white

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Jehovah Aloah va Daath (Yah-ho-vah El-oh-ah Vah-Dah-th)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Throat Chakra)
I let the 6th emerald green ball of fire enter my throat chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

 I now open and raise my throat chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency . The green fire ball has turned to a cobalt blue

Now intone: 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Elohim Gibor  El  (El-oh-hEEm Ge-boor ehl)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Third Eye Chakra)
I let the 7th green ball of fire enter my third eye chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my third eye chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Emerald Green 

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Yah Jehovah Elohim  (Yah Yah-hO-vah El-oh-heem)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Crown Chakra)
I let the 8th green ball of fire enter my crown chakra and spin counter clock wise.
I now open and raise my crown chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Platinum

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh (A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Soul Star Chakra)
I let the 9th emerald green ball of fire enter my soul star chakra located 6" above the top of my head and spin counter clock wise.

I now open and raise my soul star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a magenta

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh Asher Eheieh (A-hey-yah ash-er A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

Recite Decree:
I now raise my frequencies within my physical, astral, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies to the 5th dimensional frequencies. I call forth the complete stabilization of my new fifth dimensional chakra system within my entire being. I now decree that the Arcturian Emissaries of Light, send a vibrational seed pattern to each of my chakras that will perfectly balance and attune them to 5th dimensional frequencies. This process will remove any cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good.
Take 15 seconds for each chakra to be balanced.   

  • Now in your mind's eye see your chakra column lighting up like a christmas tree .
    My base chakra is now Blue Green
    My sacral chakra is now Bright Pink
    My solar plexus is now Bright Gold
    My Heart Chakra is pure White
    My throat chakra is now Cobalt Blue
    My third eye is now Emerald Green
    My crown chakra is now Platinum
    My soul star is now Magenta
  • Visualize all your chakras integrating and blending into one unified chakra of White Gold Fire ... one White Gold Fire Ray of energy running up and down your spinal column. 

Now intone:
I call forth my 5th dimensional self, to now meld it consciousness with my unified energy field and aura. 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

  • Visualize the Fire Letters over this unified Chakra to active it.
  • Imagine thousands of the three fire letters out of your unified chakra into your blood stream and into your Body.

Recite the following affirmations:

  •  I have now activated and accepted the Christ Consciousness program within every cell of my body, within  my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum
  • I now call forth the complete balancing of all my Karma from all my past, present and future lives within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I am now Christ living in this body, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I call forth the complete and full baptism of the Holy Spirit, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

Sit and absorb these new frequencies, until you intuitively feel the process is complete. 

Intone Protection Mantra:
Click on link below to listen to mantra
Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth (Holy, Holy, Holy is the  Lord God of Host)

You should do this exercise:

  • at least once a week for a period of 40 days . 
  • when you feel scattered, ungrounded or overwhelmed 
  • need or desire spiritual expansion and connection
Galactic Light Codes


Click here to return to Stage 8: Communication Command Center

In this Transmission you will be downloading Galactic Light Codes that contain information and wisdom from the seven primary star systems with which we most closely align: The Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra, Orion, Sirius, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda.  The codes will assist you in releasing outdated emotional, attitudinal and belief patterns so that you may bring in knowledge and wisdom from these star systems. This Star wisdom helps your new cricuitry formed in Stage 7 to connect properly.  To receive the Galactic Light Codes you will be intoning "Kaf Lamed Yod"  and envisioning the following Fire Letters :

Fire Letter MantraYod (lime green)  Lamed( yellow)  Kaf( purple) ←
Meaning: Build your new 5th dimensional vessel & awaken spiritual DNA for regeneration

The Galactic Light Codes are stored in the Earth's Grid System: the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid. Before you can bring in the Galactic Light Codes(GLC) your energy system must be attuned with the new GLC frequency. You attune to the new frequency by forming Triangular Energy Circuit between your Heart, and the two Galactic Transmitting Stations.   Each Transmitting Station condenses the GLC codes from the Sun Disc energy for a specific Hemisphere into one wave frequency. The Transmitting Station of the West is located in Moody Gardens Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston, Texas. It transmutes and transmits a unique Sun Disc GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission for the Western Hemisphere. The Transmitting Station of the East is located in the Giza Pyramid.  It transmutes and transmits a specific GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission of the of Eastern Hemisphere. When you merge your energy with these two Transmitting Stations you create an energy circuit that raises your frequency to match the GLC. This frequency creates an energy field that connects to the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid and releases the GLC.

What are the Sun Disc?

This new frequency of the GLC is being transmitted by the 12 Sun Disc located across the Planet. The vibrational seed pattern of the 12 Golden Sun Discs turns your Energy Body into a transmitting and receiving station for Galactic messages.  The 12 Golden Sun Discs are energy vortices that take in energy from the Grid and the Bermuda Triangle and then weaves it into a new energy. These Discs form a communication channel between mankind and the celestial realms. They are a perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies that are required for Earth’s ascension. The amphied energy from the Sun Disc are over riding programs and sequences from outdate morphogenetic fields and degenative gene codes. The Sun Disc energy is encoding your circuitry to substitute the new code for the old code. According to geologist and grid expert, James Tyberonn,

"These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field ~ of pure love, unconditional love ~ a light code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above. The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blueprint for the crystalline field, indeed for the Crystalline 144 Grid! Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, similar to the DNA of the Earth itself."

The Sun Discs are dimensional program stabilizers for the New Atlantis Energy. Click here to learn more about New Atlantis. Each of the 12 Disc carries a specific vibration that relates to its purpose and geographic location.  The Golden Sun Discs are for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: a composite library of the Perfection Blueprint. Each Disc contains a DNA code for the planet, and there are 12 composite frequencies that allows the Earth and mankind to regenerate itself.
Click here to learn more about the Sun Disc

All   'Sun Discs' are connected to one of two Transmitting Stations: one in Texas, the Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston  and one in Egypt, the Giza Pyramid .   Below are some interesting facts on the Transmitting Stations:

  • The Texas Transmitting Station is in a direct alignment to the Giza Transmitting Station. Both correlate to magnetic north and are attuned to the energies of the Yucatan Pyramids.
  • The Giza Transmitting Station is aligned to the Orion star system and the Texas Transmitting Station  is aligned to Sirius.
  • When approached with appropriate intent, the energy within these Transmitting Stations stores and transmits universal and multi-dimensional data similar to quartz. Due to how the Stations are aligned (terrestrial and celestial) they create electromagnetic anomalies that alters gravity and dimensional time.
    Click here to learn more...

The Two Transmitting Stations gather the wave frequencies of the Sun Discs in each of the respective hemisphere, steps down the energy  and transmits these coded vibrations across the planet to help us return to our original state of being. The Transmitting Stations are constantly bring in energy from the Sun Disc and stepping down the frequency. When you attune your energy system to the Sun Disc by way of both Transmitting Stations you are upgrading your vibrational Seed pattern to the divine energy field of Zero.  You take on some of the energy characteristics of the Sun Disc, a " perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies". These characteristics allow you to release and absorb the GLC from both the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid .

Energy Flow Pattern

  • Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra. Think about some one you love, a parent, brother, friend,  a dog or cat, or some place that you love to be at. Let the feeling of love grow in your heart. 
  • See this love as a ball of fire spinning clockwise in your heart chakra. The more you think about the love you have for this person, place, object or animal, the faster the fire ball spins. Recite:
    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"  as the Ball spins.
  • When you feel you heart is completely overflowing with the emotion of Love send the energy to the Texas Transmitting Station Pyramid at Moody Gardens
  • In your mind's eye visualize the Tri-Pyramid Complex of Moody Gardens located in Galveston,Texas next to the shining blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. See each of the Pyramid's Capstones radiating a high frequency Gold White Light. This Gold White Light contains the vibrational seed pattern of the GLC for the Western Hemisphere.
  • Focus on one of the three Pyramids. It does not matter which one you pick. From your Heart send out a ray of your Love to connect to the Capstone of this one Pyramid.  
  • Feel your heart pumping love and light into the Capstone. As you send this energy recite,
    Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod,
  • Use intention and breath to keep sending a stream of Love energy into the Capstone from your heart.
    The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Pyramid. See the Pyramid glowing Brighter and Brighter with your energy. 
  • Keep pumping your Love energy into the Pyramid, reciting  Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod, until you intuitively feel your energy has completely blended with the Pyramid's energy. 
  • Focus on the Capstone of the Pyramid and imagine it sending a ray of this blended energy to the Capstone of the Giza Pyramid. The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Giza Pyramid.  See the Giza Pyramid get brighter and brighter until the Capstone explodes, sending an energy stream back to your Heart Chakra. 
  • Repeat this energy pathway until you feel a smooth and constant energy circuit flowing between your heart, the Texas Pyramid, and the Giza Pyramid. Keep reciting "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod," as the energy goes through the circuit. Every time you complete a circuit feel the energy moving a little faster with a higher vibration.
  • You have now formed a triangular energy circuit from your Heart to the Texas Pyramid the Giza Pyramid  ...back to your Heart. As you send this energy around the circuit recite, "Love and Light, Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • Keep sending energy through the Triangular energy circuit, faster and faster. Pay attention to how you feel or what you see.  Does the color of the energy change as it moves faster through the energy pathway? How does you physical body feel after repeating the circuit? How does your mind feel as you move around the Triangular circuit?
  • Imagine that the energy is traveling so faster that the circuit starts to radiate energy out into the center of the Triangular Circuit, away for you.
  • This energy is forming column of energy in the center of your Triangular Circuit.
  • The column is changing shape to form an electrified blue triangle that reaches up to touch the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth. The Base is laying on the Crystalline Grid beneath the Earth surface.


  Crystalline Grid

  • Hold your the palms of your hands so they are facing the new blue energy pyramid now directly in front of you. Send energy from your heart, down your arms and out the palms of your hands into the Pyramid. Keep sending energy and saying outloud

    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • See it growing brighter and brighter, stronger and stronger until it explodes. Sending blue energy out the Top  into the Unity Grid and out the base into the Crystalline Grid. The energy disappears into the two Grids. 
  • As the energy disappears into the two Grids visualize sacred Galactic Light Codes being released from the Unity Grid above you and the Crystalline Grid below you.  You may see these codes as light, geometrical shapes, beings of light, voices or many other things.  See all these codes floating around you.   Let these codes descend over you and around you … and infusing your entire auric field.
  • Inhale these codes into the crown of your head and let them slowly absorb into the pours of your skin. Bring in this coded information into the cells of your body.  Feel these codes absorbing into your organs. Let the symbols and codes flow through your veins like water.
  • Let the GLC travel through your physical body, writing symbols, shapes and formulas over your body internally and externally.  See these codes written over your organs ...healing and transmuting the causes of disease within these organs, reversing negative spirals of degenerating and restoring positive spirals of regeneration.
  • Feel the codes saturating your memory written over your third eye… flushing out hurtful memories, painful records that replay through our mind.
  • You feel an enormous amount of light and energy flowing through your four body system. These codes are now a part of you and will be working through your four body system…raising your light quota … opening you up to the wisdom and knowledge of your star family.
  • The second after this happens you should feel a slight tingling sensation in your nervous system. This is 5th and 6th dimensional energy pouring into your chakras and energy fields. This is a special coating of geometric forms, key codes, fire letters and colors that are being placed inside you. Whenever any aspect of your selves  get off balanced, the codes activate and automatically put’s your whole program back in balance.

Recite out loud 3x:

Kaf Lamed Yod, I AM Universal Light
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Love
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Harmony
Kaf Lamed Yod,I Am Universal Balance
Kaf Lamed Yod, I Am one with my 5th Dimensional Rainbow Light Body

The Planets and your four body system must be aligned with the new Planetary energy coming in. In the past,  if you are giving a presentation, you would connect to Mercury for improved communications. If you are looking for inner strength, the Sun would be a good choice. What is not commonly known is that each planet is associated with vertebra and a chakra. Plus some planets have changed their energies and their associated chakra based on the new energies that have changed the Morphic field of our solar system. Below is the standard Planet guideline.

Planet Chakra Vertebra Quality/Planetary Trait
Sun Solar Plexus T5 Enhances sense of strength and motivation, self-identity, vitality and radiance and promotes enthusiasm, assertiveness, and determination.
Moon Sacral Plexus T4 Promotes emotional tranquility, softness, intuition, enhances feelings and the feminine, and a flowing flexibility with life.
Om Cosmic Earth Root Solar Plexus Sacrum Enhances deep security and safety of Mother Earth, the cosmic sound OM, and an ability to be grounded and centered.
Mercury Throat T3, T6 Enhances ability to cooperate through understanding and sharpens communication skills through reason, writing and speaking with confidence.
Venus Heart T2, T7 Enhances ability to feel and have love and close relationships with others, sense of creativity and artistry, ability to receive and share, increases our love of pleasure, harmony and self-appreciation.
Mars Root T1 Enhances strength and desire, motivates action, brings out decision making abilities and assertiveness, gives courage and strengthens sexual nature.
Jupiter Heart T9 Enhances openness, trust, optimism, good fortune, and brings out a jovial spirit of laughter. Allows one to be receptive to grace and the adventure in life.
Saturn 3rd Eye T10 Enhances ability to be disciplined and set limits with our self and others. Helps be more structured and organized and take responsibility for completing important tasks.
Uranus Throat Crown T11 Enhances ability to make life changes through inspiration and insight and freedom of expression without self-imposed limitations.
Neptune Sacral Plexus 3rd Eye T12 Enhances spiritual experiences and brings out ability to be compassionate and open to surrendering to creativity. Helps get in touch with and support the dream life, artistic nature, music, art, dance and creativity.
Pluto T8 Enhances ability to face our deepest secrets and bring light to the darkness. Through the energetic forces of Pluto, you can let go of

In our session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the planet Sirius,  Inner Earth,  our Sun, our Moon, and the Galactic Center of the Milky Way based on the new energies that have been drawn into the Planets.   Below is a brief review of the effects of linking your consciousness to each of these planets :

Sirius: Accelerates your ability to create multi-dimensional link-ups.  Also linking your Third Eye to Sirius attunes your inner vision to the frequency of 6th dimensional sacred geometry. This enhances your ability to create your own reality, to heal yourself, and to restructure your form to move through other dimensions and timelines.

Milk Way: Attunes you to the Vibrational Seed Pattern of Cosmic Manifestation fueled by the Universal Laws, Laws of Nature, and Occult Laws. This allows you to be part of the Planetary Ascension Plan

Inner Earth:  When you link it with Inner Earth you are automatically attune with the vibrational seed pattern of Inner Earth's Halls of Ameniti and Inner Earth Cities of Light that are the last strongholds of the Lemurian and Atlantis civilizations. This link allows you to review and imprint on the "Original Race Blueprint" . This Blueprint contains encodings that allow the fragmented Human soul to eventually re-evolve back into its original divine blueprint as a 12D Crystalline Being.

Sun: Attunes you with the Vibrational Seed Pattern of the Collective Consciousness for this timeline. Allows you to co-create with Mother Earth and other Lightworks through the Planetary Grid System.

Moon: Attunes you with the Vibrational Galactic Yin (Goddess) Consciousness that  re-aligns and balances your yin and yang pola

Step 2: Create Pyramid of Light to Open Stargate

After you have created a two way energy flow beween your Spiriual Source and Mother Earth, you need to raise your frequency to match the Stargates. The Pyramid of Light is a unique energy amplifier and master alignment tool.  As higher frequencies are drawn up from the base or down from the Apex of the Pyramid the Aura begins to vibrate.  Thought forms, limiting beliefs and old emotional patterns cannot maintain their structure. Negative low frequency energy is dispersed, allowing higher frequency energy to come in. Higher frequencies are drawn in from the "Head of the Dove Leyline" enhancing and strengthens the Stargate vibrational seed pattern, promoting faster opening of the Stargate. While in the Pyramid your body is constantly pulling in energy from this leyline to align you with the Stargate Vibrational Seed Pattern. To completely merge with the Stargate frequency you will be intoning and envisioning the Fire Letter Mantra:

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

In this Transmission you will also be working with two higher energy chakra centers in your Aura: The Soul Star Chakra and the Stellar Chakra. These two chakras link you with your higher dimensional self and their function is to tune you into Multi-Dimensional reality.

The Soul Star Chakra
The Soul Star is located 6-8 inches above the head. This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. The Soul Star chakra center is the gateway to your Self as it expands past the planet. Because of this, this chakra is the last energy center that holds anything human within it. It becomes the temple of human cleansing and the releasing of patterns that are lifetimes old and outdated. These patterns are the last of what holds you to the reincarnation system and your humanness that keep you from uniting with higher powers, beings, and ideas.  The 8th chakra is an energy transference chakra. It is the chakra that is the interface for our relationship with the Universe. It captures and filters Cosmic energy received from the Stellar Gateway.

The Stellar Gateway
The Stellar Gateway is situated approximately 12 inches above the head.  The Stellar Gateway’s function is to receive, filter and harmonize you with the energy from the stars, planets, universes or other dimensions. It holds your monadic energy and contains the sum total of all your experiences. Your monad is your original divine spark and is  the true essence of who you are. Two Archangels oversee this chakra – Archangel Metatron who is helping humanity to rise in frequency and Seraphina, a Seraphim, who is forming the link with your monad and Divine Spirit.  This point is intimately connected with our Body of Light and with the Divine I AM Presence.

Energy Flow Pattern:

  • Sit or stand with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Feel the weight of your feet on the floor and relax your body. Activate Spiral Pillar of Light to establish sacred ground.
  • Imagine yourself standing inside a body size four sided 3D Pyramid. The top of the Pyramid is at the level of the Stellar Gateway (12" above your head). The floor to which you have your feet grounded now becomes the square which is the Base of the Pyramid connecting to four adjacent triangular walls.
  • The base of the Pyramid sits on the Earth and the Pyramid may be one color or multi-colored. What color is it for you?

  • The Base of the Pyramid is energetically connected to the "Head of Dove Leyline" that runs under the surface of the Earth.   Imagine the Leyline flowing from Lake Titicaca, Peru to the Tikal Ruins, Guatemala  to Palenque Mexico to East Cameron County in Rio Grande Valley, Texas and ends at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas.
  • See sparkling White Gold Liquid Fire flowing in a stream through the Leyline.  Imagine this Leyline as a pathway of crystalline White Gold Fire traveling underneath the surface of the Earth.
  • Focus on the Base of the Pyramid. Imagine Rays of light generating from the Base of the Pyramid.  See these Rays like the Roots of a Tree ...pushing through the ground to meet the "Head of the Dove Leyline"  underground.
  •  See the Roots sifting through the soil, creating a pathway to the Base of the Pyramid. You might see the Roots go straight down or you might want to turn them to the right or to the left to find the Leyline. 
  • Once the Roots have found the Leyline, send the Roots into the Leyline.  You will know that the Roots have connected to the Leyline when you suddenly feel "Plugged In" or intuitively know they are rooted in.  You may feel a surge of energy, some heat, tingling or pulsating in your body.
  • Send Love and Light into the Leyline and ask the Deva of the Leyline for help in bring up the White Gold Fire of the Sirius Stargate.
  • With your breath, pull the White Gold Fire up into the Roots. In your mind's eye see the Fire flowing up through the layers of the Earth.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire of Unconditional Love flowing up into the Base of the Pyramid.  As the Fire hits the Base see it lighting it up with White Gold Fire
  • Let the White Gold Fire flow up the four sides to the top of the Pyramid.  Each of the walls of your Pyramid is radiating with divine power, charging up your Pyramid in a force field of ancient power and protection . In your mind's eye see the entire Pyramid lighting up with White Gold Fire.
  • Imagine the Pyramid you are standing in starts to beam out rays of White Gold Liquid Fire towards your body.

  • Using your breath, intention and imagination draw the fire energy out from the top, sides and base of the Pyramid towards your body.
  • See the White Gold Fire forming  a Cocoon over the top of your head, under the bottom of your feet...spreading out 12 body lengths to completely enfold your aura in an energy Cocoon of swirling White Gold sparkling energy . Let the Cocoon spin around your body for 30 sec.
  •  To see if your Cocoon is working think:
    Cocoon Lights on…
    Cocoon 10% Light Boost please (Cocoon grows Brighter)
    Cocoon Lights off (Cocoon Lights Dim)
  • If your Cocoon isn't working, let it spin longer and faster
  • With your breathe, intention and imagination inhale and bring in part of the Cocoon's fire into your physical body, then your etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body.
  • The Cocoon's Fire is forming a Vortex within you.  See a Vortex of white gold fire forming along your Hara line. The Hara line is a golden tube extending downward from the Soul Star above the head, through the Higher Heart in the upper chest, through the Sacred Chakra  in the lower abdomen, and into the core of the earth.
  • This Vortex is drawing the White Gold Fire energy up through your chakras
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire from the Vortex into your the Soul Star located 6-8 inches above the head. See your Soul Star Chakra light up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Focus on your Stellar Gateway Chakra(12 ' above your head). Inhale and see this White Gold energy filling this chakra. This chakra is now sending this energy up into your higher dimensional chakras.
  • Visualize each of your 7 chakras as being empty, then each one filling up with the healing, loving White Gold Energy. Feel your body getting lighter and lighter as the White Gold frequency fills your Body.
  • Now see the White Gold fire start to spin in a counter clockwise direction inside and around your body.
  • Start to intone the Fire Letter Mantra  Vau Hey Vau, as the Cocoon spins faster and faster.
  •  Feel this Vortex spinning around you and through you. This spinning tornado is clearing all the physical, mental and emotional negative states of mind and troubling emotions that are not intune with the Stargate vibrational seed pattern.
  • See this whirlwind throwing out all the negative energy from your 4 body system (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). Visualize this negative energy as black smoke being lifted out of your body and aura. The negative energy is going up out of the top of the Pyramid into the Sky and up into the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth where it is transmuted back into positive energy.
  • Now let the White Gold Vortex change directions to spin in a clockwise direction around and through your body.
  • While continuously intoning  Vau Hey Vau bring in the White Gold Fire into your 4 body system. See and feel your body filling up with a higher frequency of White Gold Fire energy . 
  • Focus on your Crown Chakra, inhale and draw in the White Gold Fire into the top of your head and let it fill your Pineal Gland attuning it to the frequency of the Stargate . 
  • See your Pineal Gland light up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire Energy
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Pineal Gland
  • Now let the White Gold Fire spread to the rest of your brain. Focus on your Brain and see your Brain lighting  up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire down from your Brain into the top of your Spine. Let the White Gold Fire flow down your spine stopping at the bottom three vertebrae.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire flowing through and around the bottom three vertebra, opening your Spinal Pathway to the frequency of the Stargate.  See the three vertebra lightening up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of the three vertebra at the bottom of your spine.

  • Next see White Gold Fire entering your heart, open your heart to the frequency of the Stargate
  • Focus on your Heart and see your Heart lighting up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Heart
  •  Now let the Vortex  absorb and disappear into your physical body.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire from the Cocoon surrounding the outside of your body is being absorbed into all your chakras and aura and disappearing .
  • Take a few moments to feel the energy within you.
  •  Now inside your glowing white gold Pyramid imagine your Higher Self in a radiant shining light body.
  • Ask your Higher Self to come and stand in front of you.
  • When your Higher Self is standing in front of you, extend your hands with you’re palms facing away from your body and invite your higher self to connect with you palm to palm.
  • Allow energy from your Higher Self  to enter your body through the palms of your hands and arms. Give this energy a color. Just choose a color that feels right at this time .  Let the colored energy flow into your heart and fill up your 4 body system. Emotional, mental, physical, spiritual.
  • Now visualize the energy of Higher Self flowing up into your Third Eye Chakra and forming Triangle inside of it.
  • Imagine this Triangle as the same color as your Higher Self energy that is now running through your body. However the energy of the Triangle is intensified and electrified .  See this electric energy pulsing along the edges of the Triangle.  

  • The Third Eye Triangle is now fully activated and charged with Higher Self Energy. The Electrified Third Eye Triangle allows you to be open to Higher Self inspiration, communication, and heightened perception and so on. 

  • Drop the hand connection with your Higher Self .  And ask it to merge with you.  At this point you should feel a wave or surge of energy move from in front of you through your body to your back. You may feel more expansive, light, peaceful, joyful, filled with love, or just a general sense of wellbeing. 
  • If there is any part of your body in which the blending seems not to be occurring. Breathe into the area and relax it until you feel an energy shift as your Higher Self is able to blend with you there.
  Step 3: Opening Stagate

To open the Stargate you will recite the Decree,  intone and visualize the three Fire Letters in your Body.

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

See the Fire Letter Vau(Red) written over your Third Eye
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) witten over your Sacred Chakra

See the Letter Vau (Red) in Left Hand Palm
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) in Right Hand Palm
This forms a Cross with "Hey(Violet)" as the center point.
Fold both hands over Heart.

Give Decree:
By the Authority of Vau Hey Vau,

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey,

I decree that the Sirius Stargate is open and activated through which all my higher self energy enters and leaves my Universe.   The Christ, Archangel Michael, the Sirian Council of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light including the Golden and Crystalline Dolphins are my guardians and the protectors into this Multi-Dimensional realm.  I feel their energy flowing around me and through me.

  Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades
Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Once you have opened the Stargate, you can do an alignment with the Seven Stars of the Pleiades.  The Pleiades is hard wired into this Stargate. You do not have to open your Communication Command Center to align with this Star System.  In this session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the the Seven Stars of the Pleiades to upgrade your 4 body energy system to a 5th Dimensional Vibrational Seed Pattern.  The link up between your Chakra system and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades have been practiced in many civilization and timelines including: the Maya, the Cherokees and the ancient Egyptians. Linking the Pleiades to your chakra column The first thing that occurs with this link up is a massive increase in our capacity to hold light within our four body system.  This upgrades your  entire operating system. It's like upgrading from Human Consciousness 3.0 to Galactic Consciousness 12.0. 

The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart. In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation. Mastery over thought is a prerequisite. Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. There is no distinction between past, present or future. After you have practiced this Transmission for at least three or four times ...over several weeks you will have begun the process of attuning to a 5th Dimensional "enlightened reality".

You will be using the Fire Mantra below:


Fire Letter Mantra:Mem Ayin Chet
Meaning: Cosmic Circuitry for receiving energy from the Pleiades

Recite Decree:
By the Authority and Power of
Chet (amber) Ayin(blue)  Mem (blue)

in the name of the Christ within me,
Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey, 

I decree that I am aligning my energy system with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. This alignment has increased my capacity to hold light within my four body system.  This has upgraded my entire operating system and is attuning me into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness .
Energy Pattern

  • Envision a golden infinite symbol connecting one of your chakras to one of the planets that make up the Pleiades.

  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Maia to your Crown Chakra,
    Envision and Recite:  Chet Ayin Mem, I am connected to Maia
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Taygeta to your Third Eye
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Taygeta
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Celaeno to your Throat Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Celaeno
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Electra to your Heart Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Electra
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Alcyone to your Solar Plexus
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Alcyone
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Pleione to your Sacred Chakra
    Envision and  Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Pleione
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Merope to your Root Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Merope

Now relax for at least half an hour and feel the frequencies of the Stellar bodies as they penetrate deeper into your 4 body system

  Arcturian Chakra Upgrade

In this Transmission you will be assisted by the Arcturians to attune your chakra system a 5th Dimensional Template.  The Arcturian healers in the soul room will send a series of energy balls out of the bottom of the Arcturian Mothership to raise your energy system to a 5th dimensional vibrational seed pattern and remove  negative electro-magnetic frequencies.  This process brings in the 5th dimensional template that is generating the New Earth frequencies.

You will be using the Fire Letter Mantra and the Hebrew Name of God for each chakra. During the visualization you will imagine  these Arcturian Emerald Green Fire Balls moving down your spinal column, entering each of your chakras and spinning in a counter clockwise wise direction clearing all negativity. As the Green Balls enter each chakra , you will see the three Fire Letters. written over the Chakra.  You will connect the back of your chakra with the front of the chakra with a horizontal infinity (figure eight) symbol.

This connection is done because the subconscious parts of your chakras are located in the back of your body directly behind the conscious parts of your chakras. After the negative energy is cleared from the Chakra, it changes color indicating the vibrational seed pattern of the 5th D has been brought in.  The Transmission is used to:

  • Contain and transform your own destructive projections
  • Enhance inner strength and resolve
  • Establish balance when your feel off center
  • Expand consciousness and shifts to multi-Dimensional awareness
  • Raise frequency to connect with spiritual guides 
  • Reduce fatigue by stimulating frozen blocks of energy

About the Arcturians

Edgar Casey reported the Arcturus civilization is the most highly evolved civilization in our galaxy. They have the most highly advanced technology and are totally dedicated  to serving humanity.  Starship Athena is an Arcturian Starship that has been said to be the most advanced and feared ship in the galaxy. For this reason, Arcturians have been able to protect and prevent any invasion of our planet Earth from Grey Aliens and Reptilian Aliens. It quietly resides between the planets Jupiter and Saturn awaiting any invading armada from the Greys or Reptilians.

This Starship is fueled by crystals. These crystals have forces that can channel energy as massive as our Sun, and propel the ship for millennia. These crystals are found in a planet, in our Milky Way Galaxy, not discovered by modern man. It also has a special room, the size of a football stadium, which has the ability to take any crew member back to the Arcturian home planet in his etheric body.

Athena is also home to the most advanced databases of universal information. This database has information regarding Earth life and life throughout the other Milky Way Galaxy planets. Arcturians are able to ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities. This process is similar to ingesting food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information 100 times faster than the average human being on Earth and is the reason why they outgrew the need for using computers/electronics.

The benevolent Arcturian beings have a specific mission to assist humanity into our next level of ascension.  With this goal is mind, they have created a soul room.  The soul room is connected to the healing power of the Fohat Energy. This room can be thought of as a hospital in which Arcturians are able to assist the energy of souls in need. The soul room’s mission is to revitalize individuals for their next learning experience.  Here the Arcturians are able to assist those individuals who are ready to raise their vibrational frequencies into the next stage of development.

What are the 5th Dimensional Chakras?


In the fifth dimension, your red base chakra shimmers with Blue Green Aqua  and connects with the joy and wisdom of dolphin energy. Your material needs are automatically met. The pure white Archangel Gabriel rules this chakra, bringing clarity and confidence to your future. The identification of the Master I AM presence here on Earth. Incredibly powerful.  I am a Child of the Light , I love the Light, I serve the Light, I live in the Light, I am Protected by the Light, I am illuminated, supplied, sustained by the Light


The orange Sacred Chakra is now bright pink. This beautiful nexus point has proved the most challenging to clear and assimilate. Containing most of the modern day challenges, those still working through financial/relationship issues will be clearing through initiations held here.At fifth dimensional level, the sacral chakra is a beautiful soft pink and radiates transcendent love. Guarded by Archangel Gabriel, this chakra helps you express love through sexuality. When the frequency of this chakra is raised, you will choose romantic partners wisely. Those aware and using this chakra consciously, will now be fully aware of the complete interconnection between oneself, and all other forms of life on this planet. I activate...


Your yellow Solar Plexus is bright gold. The fifth dimensional solar plexus is the ‘feelers’ within the body. Accessing all forms of surrounding vibrations, and analysing them for the Masters perceptions. Archangel Uriel looks after this chakra, absorbing lower emotions, strengthening confidence and bringing wisdom until this centre radiates at a higher frequency. When it does, your solar plexus is a deep bright gold with rainbow flashes. I Merge...


Your Green Heart turns ..bright white…The most powerful energy centre within the sentient form. This is the point where pure love is accessed, and created. Archangel Chamuel opens your heart to its deepest levels. All archangels link into the heart centre, which radiates pure white when it transitions into the fifth dimension, helping you to see the best in everyone, everything and act with love in all you do. I Dare...


At the fifth dimensional frequency turns the sky blue throat chakra (Daath), looked after by Archangel Michael, into cobalt blue. This bright blue chakra is very powerful, taking the vibration of thought patterns into spoken manifestation. At this frequency you can safely say what you really feel, think and believe, as people will trust you. You will also be able to take mastery of your life and know who you are. I Will...


Your Indigo Third Eye..turn emerald green. This is your manifestation point. It is also the receptivity centre that puts information we receive into tangible reality.Archangel Rephael works with this chakra to help remove the veils of illusion, just like a crystal ball, enabling you to see the world from a higher perspective. I Know...


Your purple crown chakra turns bright Platinum.  This liquid Platinum chakra now receives information processed by the Higher Self, and is fed by the upper three transcendent charras. Archangel Metatron, Cosmic Being Mahatma, Archangel  Josephine helps to develop this chakra, known as the thousand petal lotus. At the fifth dimension it opens you up to the wisdom of the universe, like a blossoming flower. I Am that.. I Am


The Alta Major Chakra located in the back of the neck is an important sacred vortex of Aqua Fire It is a highly sensitive portal of energy with an antenna alerting you to negative energies, untruths and toxic influences (think hairs on the back of your neck). It’s also considered an entry point for psychic attacks. The Blue Lightening Angels and Archangel Michael works with this chakra. I Hear...


The Soul Star, six inches above the top of the head. It is magenta in colour, and contains the active blueprint for all of our spiritual gifts. The information stored in this nexus of energy will go back through every lifetime that you have existed in.This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. Archangel Marie works with this magenta chakra to enable you to understand your soul more deeply. I Manifest...

Energy Flow Pattern


Fire Letter Mantra: ← Yod(lime green)  Lamed(yellow) Kaph(violet)

Meaning: Build and Strengthen your Physical Vessel & Spiritual DNA

Recite Decree : 
By the Authority of Kaph Lamed Yod

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod-Hey-Shin-Vau-Hey, 

I now call forth the Arcturian Mothership Athena and the healing energy of the Soul Room to send a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire into my chakras. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership and moving down my chakra column, and entering my seven chakras.  This energy aligns me with my 5th Dimensional energy system.  I call to the Arcturian Advanced Technology,  to raise up my personal Light Quotient level, as much as possible, up to the 98% Ascended Master requirement.

 I  decree that this process is started at the moment. I  ask that this process continues at a speed that is deemed safe for my individual body system. I request this process does not stop until I reach the 98% Light Quotient Level.

I decree that all my chakras are functioning in the 5th dimensional frequency and this energy is building a new Vessel and activating my Star Codes and spiritual DNA.  Kaph Lamed Yod  

Tarot Keys for Meditation:
Tarot Key: Wheel of Fortune Card (Kaph)


Tarot Key: Strength Card (Lamed)


Rise up energy  to connect with God

Tarot Key: Hermit Card (Yod)



Upgrade Chakras

Recite and Visualize :

  • I see the Arcturian Mothership Athena hoovering directly above me. As I look up at the bottom of the Ship I .  see a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire floating out of the bottom of the Ship. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership. The Green Fire Balls are encoded with 5th dimensional keys and codes in the Language of Light.  I let each Ball of Green Fire enter my crown chakra and then move down my Antakarana Tube,  that runs through the center of my body, down my spinal column. I let these Fire Balls enter my seven chakras one at a time.

(Focus your attention on the Earth Star Chakra)

I let the first green ball of fire enter my earth star chakra located below my feet and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my earth star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Base Chakra)
I let the 2nd green ball of fire enter my base chakra and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my base chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Sacred Chakra)
I let the 3rd green ball of fire enter my sacred chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire I see a green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my sacred chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Bright Pink

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Shaddai El Chai (Shah-dye-El-kI )
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Solar Plexus Chakra)
I let the 4th green ball of fire enter my stomach chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire, see an green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the  fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from the front to back of the chakra.

I now open and raise my Solar Plexus chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright gold

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Elohim Tzabaoth Jehovah Tzabaoth (El-oh-heem tzah-bah-oth Yah-hO-v ah tzah-bah-oth)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra )
I let the 5th green ball of fire enter my heart chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

I now open and raise my heart chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright white

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Jehovah Aloah va Daath (Yah-ho-vah El-oh-ah Vah-Dah-th)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Throat Chakra)
I let the 6th emerald green ball of fire enter my throat chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

 I now open and raise my throat chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency . The green fire ball has turned to a cobalt blue

Now intone: 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Elohim Gibor  El  (El-oh-hEEm Ge-boor ehl)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Third Eye Chakra)
I let the 7th green ball of fire enter my third eye chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my third eye chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Emerald Green 

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Yah Jehovah Elohim  (Yah Yah-hO-vah El-oh-heem)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Crown Chakra)
I let the 8th green ball of fire enter my crown chakra and spin counter clock wise.
I now open and raise my crown chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Platinum

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh (A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Soul Star Chakra)
I let the 9th emerald green ball of fire enter my soul star chakra located 6" above the top of my head and spin counter clock wise.

I now open and raise my soul star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a magenta

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh Asher Eheieh (A-hey-yah ash-er A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

Recite Decree:
I now raise my frequencies within my physical, astral, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies to the 5th dimensional frequencies. I call forth the complete stabilization of my new fifth dimensional chakra system within my entire being. I now decree that the Arcturian Emissaries of Light, send a vibrational seed pattern to each of my chakras that will perfectly balance and attune them to 5th dimensional frequencies. This process will remove any cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good.
Take 15 seconds for each chakra to be balanced.   

  • Now in your mind's eye see your chakra column lighting up like a christmas tree .
    My base chakra is now Blue Green
    My sacral chakra is now Bright Pink
    My solar plexus is now Bright Gold
    My Heart Chakra is pure White
    My throat chakra is now Cobalt Blue
    My third eye is now Emerald Green
    My crown chakra is now Platinum
    My soul star is now Magenta
  • Visualize all your chakras integrating and blending into one unified chakra of White Gold Fire ... one White Gold Fire Ray of energy running up and down your spinal column. 

Now intone:
I call forth my 5th dimensional self, to now meld it consciousness with my unified energy field and aura. 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

  • Visualize the Fire Letters over this unified Chakra to active it.
  • Imagine thousands of the three fire letters out of your unified chakra into your blood stream and into your Body.

Recite the following affirmations:

  •  I have now activated and accepted the Christ Consciousness program within every cell of my body, within  my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum
  • I now call forth the complete balancing of all my Karma from all my past, present and future lives within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I am now Christ living in this body, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I call forth the complete and full baptism of the Holy Spirit, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

Sit and absorb these new frequencies, until you intuitively feel the process is complete. 

Intone Protection Mantra:
Click on link below to listen to mantra
Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth (Holy, Holy, Holy is the  Lord God of Host)

You should do this exercise:

  • at least once a week for a period of 40 days . 
  • when you feel scattered, ungrounded or overwhelmed 
  • need or desire spiritual expansion and connection
  Galactic Light Codes


Click here to return to Stage 8: Communication Command Center

In this Transmission you will be downloading Galactic Light Codes that contain information and wisdom from the seven primary star systems with which we most closely align: The Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra, Orion, Sirius, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda.  The codes will assist you in releasing outdated emotional, attitudinal and belief patterns so that you may bring in knowledge and wisdom from these star systems. This Star wisdom helps your new cricuitry formed in Stage 7 to connect properly.  To receive the Galactic Light Codes you will be intoning "Kaf Lamed Yod"  and envisioning the following Fire Letters :

Fire Letter MantraYod (lime green)  Lamed( yellow)  Kaf( purple) ←
Meaning: Build your new 5th dimensional vessel & awaken spiritual DNA for regeneration

The Galactic Light Codes are stored in the Earth's Grid System: the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid. Before you can bring in the Galactic Light Codes(GLC) your energy system must be attuned with the new GLC frequency. You attune to the new frequency by forming Triangular Energy Circuit between your Heart, and the two Galactic Transmitting Stations.   Each Transmitting Station condenses the GLC codes from the Sun Disc energy for a specific Hemisphere into one wave frequency. The Transmitting Station of the West is located in Moody Gardens Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston, Texas. It transmutes and transmits a unique Sun Disc GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission for the Western Hemisphere. The Transmitting Station of the East is located in the Giza Pyramid.  It transmutes and transmits a specific GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission of the of Eastern Hemisphere. When you merge your energy with these two Transmitting Stations you create an energy circuit that raises your frequency to match the GLC. This frequency creates an energy field that connects to the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid and releases the GLC.

What are the Sun Disc?

This new frequency of the GLC is being transmitted by the 12 Sun Disc located across the Planet. The vibrational seed pattern of the 12 Golden Sun Discs turns your Energy Body into a transmitting and receiving station for Galactic messages.  The 12 Golden Sun Discs are energy vortices that take in energy from the Grid and the Bermuda Triangle and then weaves it into a new energy. These Discs form a communication channel between mankind and the celestial realms. They are a perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies that are required for Earth’s ascension. The amphied energy from the Sun Disc are over riding programs and sequences from outdate morphogenetic fields and degenative gene codes. The Sun Disc energy is encoding your circuitry to substitute the new code for the old code. According to geologist and grid expert, James Tyberonn,

"These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field ~ of pure love, unconditional love ~ a light code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above. The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blueprint for the crystalline field, indeed for the Crystalline 144 Grid! Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, similar to the DNA of the Earth itself."

The Sun Discs are dimensional program stabilizers for the New Atlantis Energy. Click here to learn more about New Atlantis. Each of the 12 Disc carries a specific vibration that relates to its purpose and geographic location.  The Golden Sun Discs are for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: a composite library of the Perfection Blueprint. Each Disc contains a DNA code for the planet, and there are 12 composite frequencies that allows the Earth and mankind to regenerate itself.
Click here to learn more about the Sun Disc

All   'Sun Discs' are connected to one of two Transmitting Stations: one in Texas, the Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston  and one in Egypt, the Giza Pyramid .   Below are some interesting facts on the Transmitting Stations:

  • The Texas Transmitting Station is in a direct alignment to the Giza Transmitting Station. Both correlate to magnetic north and are attuned to the energies of the Yucatan Pyramids.
  • The Giza Transmitting Station is aligned to the Orion star system and the Texas Transmitting Station  is aligned to Sirius.
  • When approached with appropriate intent, the energy within these Transmitting Stations stores and transmits universal and multi-dimensional data similar to quartz. Due to how the Stations are aligned (terrestrial and celestial) they create electromagnetic anomalies that alters gravity and dimensional time.
    Click here to learn more...

The Two Transmitting Stations gather the wave frequencies of the Sun Discs in each of the respective hemisphere, steps down the energy  and transmits these coded vibrations across the planet to help us return to our original state of being. The Transmitting Stations are constantly bring in energy from the Sun Disc and stepping down the frequency. When you attune your energy system to the Sun Disc by way of both Transmitting Stations you are upgrading your vibrational Seed pattern to the divine energy field of Zero.  You take on some of the energy characteristics of the Sun Disc, a " perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies". These characteristics allow you to release and absorb the GLC from both the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid .

Energy Flow Pattern

  • Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra. Think about some one you love, a parent, brother, friend,  a dog or cat, or some place that you love to be at. Let the feeling of love grow in your heart. 
  • See this love as a ball of fire spinning clockwise in your heart chakra. The more you think about the love you have for this person, place, object or animal, the faster the fire ball spins. Recite:
    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"  as the Ball spins.
  • When you feel you heart is completely overflowing with the emotion of Love send the energy to the Texas Transmitting Station Pyramid at Moody Gardens
  • In your mind's eye visualize the Tri-Pyramid Complex of Moody Gardens located in Galveston,Texas next to the shining blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. See each of the Pyramid's Capstones radiating a high frequency Gold White Light. This Gold White Light contains the vibrational seed pattern of the GLC for the Western Hemisphere.
  • Focus on one of the three Pyramids. It does not matter which one you pick. From your Heart send out a ray of your Love to connect to the Capstone of this one Pyramid.  
  • Feel your heart pumping love and light into the Capstone. As you send this energy recite,
    Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod,
  • Use intention and breath to keep sending a stream of Love energy into the Capstone from your heart.
    The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Pyramid. See the Pyramid glowing Brighter and Brighter with your energy. 
  • Keep pumping your Love energy into the Pyramid, reciting  Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod, until you intuitively feel your energy has completely blended with the Pyramid's energy. 
  • Focus on the Capstone of the Pyramid and imagine it sending a ray of this blended energy to the Capstone of the Giza Pyramid. The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Giza Pyramid.  See the Giza Pyramid get brighter and brighter until the Capstone explodes, sending an energy stream back to your Heart Chakra. 
  • Repeat this energy pathway until you feel a smooth and constant energy circuit flowing between your heart, the Texas Pyramid, and the Giza Pyramid. Keep reciting "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod," as the energy goes through the circuit. Every time you complete a circuit feel the energy moving a little faster with a higher vibration.
  • You have now formed a triangular energy circuit from your Heart to the Texas Pyramid the Giza Pyramid  ...back to your Heart. As you send this energy around the circuit recite, "Love and Light, Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • Keep sending energy through the Triangular energy circuit, faster and faster. Pay attention to how you feel or what you see.  Does the color of the energy change as it moves faster through the energy pathway? How does you physical body feel after repeating the circuit? How does your mind feel as you move around the Triangular circuit?
  • Imagine that the energy is traveling so faster that the circuit starts to radiate energy out into the center of the Triangular Circuit, away for you.
  • This energy is forming column of energy in the center of your Triangular Circuit.
  • The column is changing shape to form an electrified blue triangle that reaches up to touch the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth. The Base is laying on the Crystalline Grid beneath the Earth surface.


  Crystalline Grid

  • Hold your the palms of your hands so they are facing the new blue energy pyramid now directly in front of you. Send energy from your heart, down your arms and out the palms of your hands into the Pyramid. Keep sending energy and saying outloud

    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • See it growing brighter and brighter, stronger and stronger until it explodes. Sending blue energy out the Top  into the Unity Grid and out the base into the Crystalline Grid. The energy disappears into the two Grids. 
  • As the energy disappears into the two Grids visualize sacred Galactic Light Codes being released from the Unity Grid above you and the Crystalline Grid below you.  You may see these codes as light, geometrical shapes, beings of light, voices or many other things.  See all these codes floating around you.   Let these codes descend over you and around you … and infusing your entire auric field.
  • Inhale these codes into the crown of your head and let them slowly absorb into the pours of your skin. Bring in this coded information into the cells of your body.  Feel these codes absorbing into your organs. Let the symbols and codes flow through your veins like water.
  • Let the GLC travel through your physical body, writing symbols, shapes and formulas over your body internally and externally.  See these codes written over your organs ...healing and transmuting the causes of disease within these organs, reversing negative spirals of degenerating and restoring positive spirals of regeneration.
  • Feel the codes saturating your memory written over your third eye… flushing out hurtful memories, painful records that replay through our mind.
  • You feel an enormous amount of light and energy flowing through your four body system. These codes are now a part of you and will be working through your four body system…raising your light quota … opening you up to the wisdom and knowledge of your star family.
  • The second after this happens you should feel a slight tingling sensation in your nervous system. This is 5th and 6th dimensional energy pouring into your chakras and energy fields. This is a special coating of geometric forms, key codes, fire letters and colors that are being placed inside you. Whenever any aspect of your selves  get off balanced, the codes activate and automatically put’s your whole program back in balance.

Recite out loud 3x:

Kaf Lamed Yod, I AM Universal Light
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Love
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Harmony
Kaf Lamed Yod,I Am Universal Balance
Kaf Lamed Yod, I Am one with my 5th Dimensional Rainbow Light Body

The Planets and your four body system must be aligned with the new Planetary energy coming in. In the past,  if you are giving a presentation, you would connect to Mercury for improved communications. If you are looking for inner strength, the Sun would be a good choice. What is not commonly known is that each planet is associated with vertebra and a chakra. Plus some planets have changed their energies and their associated chakra based on the new energies that have changed the Morphic field of our solar system. Below is the standard Planet guideline.

Planet Chakra Vertebra Quality/Planetary Trait
Sun Solar Plexus T5 Enhances sense of strength and motivation, self-identity, vitality and radiance and promotes enthusiasm, assertiveness, and determination.
Moon Sacral Plexus T4 Promotes emotional tranquility, softness, intuition, enhances feelings and the feminine, and a flowing flexibility with life.
Om Cosmic Earth Root Solar Plexus Sacrum Enhances deep security and safety of Mother Earth, the cosmic sound OM, and an ability to be grounded and centered.
Mercury Throat T3, T6 Enhances ability to cooperate through understanding and sharpens communication skills through reason, writing and speaking with confidence.
Venus Heart T2, T7 Enhances ability to feel and have love and close relationships with others, sense of creativity and artistry, ability to receive and share, increases our love of pleasure, harmony and self-appreciation.
Mars Root T1 Enhances strength and desire, motivates action, brings out decision making abilities and assertiveness, gives courage and strengthens sexual nature.
Jupiter Heart T9 Enhances openness, trust, optimism, good fortune, and brings out a jovial spirit of laughter. Allows one to be receptive to grace and the adventure in life.
Saturn 3rd Eye T10 Enhances ability to be disciplined and set limits with our self and others. Helps be more structured and organized and take responsibility for completing important tasks.
Uranus Throat Crown T11 Enhances ability to make life changes through inspiration and insight and freedom of expression without self-imposed limitations.
Neptune Sacral Plexus 3rd Eye T12 Enhances spiritual experiences and brings out ability to be compassionate and open to surrendering to creativity. Helps get in touch with and support the dream life, artistic nature, music, art, dance and creativity.
Pluto T8 Enhances ability to face our deepest secrets and bring light to the darkness. Through the energetic forces of Pluto, you can let go of

In our session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the planet Sirius,  Inner Earth,  our Sun, our Moon, and the Galactic Center of the Milky Way based on the new energies that have been drawn into the Planets.   Below is a brief review of the effects of linking your consciousness to each of these planets :

Sirius: Accelerates your ability to create multi-dimensional link-ups.  Also linking your Third Eye to Sirius attunes your inner vision to the frequency of 6th dimensional sacred geometry. This enhances your ability to create your own reality, to heal yourself, and to restructure your form to move through other dimensions and timelines.

Milk Way: Attunes you to the Vibrational Seed Pattern of Cosmic Manifestation fueled by the Universal Laws, Laws of Nature, and Occult Laws. This allows you to be part of the Planetary Ascension Plan

Inner Earth:  When you link it with Inner Earth you are automatically attune with the vibrational seed pattern of Inner Earth's Halls of Ameniti and Inner Earth Cities of Light that are the last strongholds of the Lemurian and Atlantis civilizations. This link allows you to review and imprint on the "Original Race Blueprint" . This Blueprint contains encodings that allow the fragmented Human soul to eventually re-evolve back into its original divine blueprint as a 12D Crystalline Being.

Sun: Attunes you with the Vibrational Seed Pattern of the Collective Consciousness for this timeline. Allows you to co-create with Mother Earth and other Lightworks through the Planetary Grid System.

Moon: Attunes you with the Vibrational Galactic Yin (Goddess) Consciousness that  re-aligns and balances your yin and yang polarities.

Click here to do Planetary Chakra Alignment

Step 2: Create Pyramid of Light to Open Stargate

After you have created a two way energy flow beween your Spiriual Source and Mother Earth, you need to raise your frequency to match the Stargates. The Pyramid of Light is a unique energy amplifier and master alignment tool.  As higher frequencies are drawn up from the base or down from the Apex of the Pyramid the Aura begins to vibrate.  Thought forms, limiting beliefs and old emotional patterns cannot maintain their structure. Negative low frequency energy is dispersed, allowing higher frequency energy to come in. Higher frequencies are drawn in from the "Head of the Dove Leyline" enhancing and strengthens the Stargate vibrational seed pattern, promoting faster opening of the Stargate. While in the Pyramid your body is constantly pulling in energy from this leyline to align you with the Stargate Vibrational Seed Pattern. To completely merge with the Stargate frequency you will be intoning and envisioning the Fire Letter Mantra:

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

In this Transmission you will also be working with two higher energy chakra centers in your Aura: The Soul Star Chakra and the Stellar Chakra. These two chakras link you with your higher dimensional self and their function is to tune you into Multi-Dimensional reality.

The Soul Star Chakra
The Soul Star is located 6-8 inches above the head. This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. The Soul Star chakra center is the gateway to your Self as it expands past the planet. Because of this, this chakra is the last energy center that holds anything human within it. It becomes the temple of human cleansing and the releasing of patterns that are lifetimes old and outdated. These patterns are the last of what holds you to the reincarnation system and your humanness that keep you from uniting with higher powers, beings, and ideas.  The 8th chakra is an energy transference chakra. It is the chakra that is the interface for our relationship with the Universe. It captures and filters Cosmic energy received from the Stellar Gateway.

The Stellar Gateway
The Stellar Gateway is situated approximately 12 inches above the head.  The Stellar Gateway’s function is to receive, filter and harmonize you with the energy from the stars, planets, universes or other dimensions. It holds your monadic energy and contains the sum total of all your experiences. Your monad is your original divine spark and is  the true essence of who you are. Two Archangels oversee this chakra – Archangel Metatron who is helping humanity to rise in frequency and Seraphina, a Seraphim, who is forming the link with your monad and Divine Spirit.  This point is intimately connected with our Body of Light and with the Divine I AM Presence.

Energy Flow Pattern:

  • Sit or stand with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Feel the weight of your feet on the floor and relax your body. Activate Spiral Pillar of Light to establish sacred ground.
  • Imagine yourself standing inside a body size four sided 3D Pyramid. The top of the Pyramid is at the level of the Stellar Gateway (12" above your head). The floor to which you have your feet grounded now becomes the square which is the Base of the Pyramid connecting to four adjacent triangular walls.
  • The base of the Pyramid sits on the Earth and the Pyramid may be one color or multi-colored. What color is it for you?

  • The Base of the Pyramid is energetically connected to the "Head of Dove Leyline" that runs under the surface of the Earth.   Imagine the Leyline flowing from Lake Titicaca, Peru to the Tikal Ruins, Guatemala  to Palenque Mexico to East Cameron County in Rio Grande Valley, Texas and ends at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas.
  • See sparkling White Gold Liquid Fire flowing in a stream through the Leyline.  Imagine this Leyline as a pathway of crystalline White Gold Fire traveling underneath the surface of the Earth.
  • Focus on the Base of the Pyramid. Imagine Rays of light generating from the Base of the Pyramid.  See these Rays like the Roots of a Tree ...pushing through the ground to meet the "Head of the Dove Leyline"  underground.
  •  See the Roots sifting through the soil, creating a pathway to the Base of the Pyramid. You might see the Roots go straight down or you might want to turn them to the right or to the left to find the Leyline. 
  • Once the Roots have found the Leyline, send the Roots into the Leyline.  You will know that the Roots have connected to the Leyline when you suddenly feel "Plugged In" or intuitively know they are rooted in.  You may feel a surge of energy, some heat, tingling or pulsating in your body.
  • Send Love and Light into the Leyline and ask the Deva of the Leyline for help in bring up the White Gold Fire of the Sirius Stargate.
  • With your breath, pull the White Gold Fire up into the Roots. In your mind's eye see the Fire flowing up through the layers of the Earth.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire of Unconditional Love flowing up into the Base of the Pyramid.  As the Fire hits the Base see it lighting it up with White Gold Fire
  • Let the White Gold Fire flow up the four sides to the top of the Pyramid.  Each of the walls of your Pyramid is radiating with divine power, charging up your Pyramid in a force field of ancient power and protection . In your mind's eye see the entire Pyramid lighting up with White Gold Fire.
  • Imagine the Pyramid you are standing in starts to beam out rays of White Gold Liquid Fire towards your body.

  • Using your breath, intention and imagination draw the fire energy out from the top, sides and base of the Pyramid towards your body.
  • See the White Gold Fire forming  a Cocoon over the top of your head, under the bottom of your feet...spreading out 12 body lengths to completely enfold your aura in an energy Cocoon of swirling White Gold sparkling energy . Let the Cocoon spin around your body for 30 sec.
  •  To see if your Cocoon is working think:
    Cocoon Lights on…
    Cocoon 10% Light Boost please (Cocoon grows Brighter)
    Cocoon Lights off (Cocoon Lights Dim)
  • If your Cocoon isn't working, let it spin longer and faster
  • With your breathe, intention and imagination inhale and bring in part of the Cocoon's fire into your physical body, then your etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body.
  • The Cocoon's Fire is forming a Vortex within you.  See a Vortex of white gold fire forming along your Hara line. The Hara line is a golden tube extending downward from the Soul Star above the head, through the Higher Heart in the upper chest, through the Sacred Chakra  in the lower abdomen, and into the core of the earth.
  • This Vortex is drawing the White Gold Fire energy up through your chakras
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire from the Vortex into your the Soul Star located 6-8 inches above the head. See your Soul Star Chakra light up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Focus on your Stellar Gateway Chakra(12 ' above your head). Inhale and see this White Gold energy filling this chakra. This chakra is now sending this energy up into your higher dimensional chakras.
  • Visualize each of your 7 chakras as being empty, then each one filling up with the healing, loving White Gold Energy. Feel your body getting lighter and lighter as the White Gold frequency fills your Body.
  • Now see the White Gold fire start to spin in a counter clockwise direction inside and around your body.
  • Start to intone the Fire Letter Mantra  Vau Hey Vau, as the Cocoon spins faster and faster.
  •  Feel this Vortex spinning around you and through you. This spinning tornado is clearing all the physical, mental and emotional negative states of mind and troubling emotions that are not intune with the Stargate vibrational seed pattern.
  • See this whirlwind throwing out all the negative energy from your 4 body system (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). Visualize this negative energy as black smoke being lifted out of your body and aura. The negative energy is going up out of the top of the Pyramid into the Sky and up into the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth where it is transmuted back into positive energy.
  • Now let the White Gold Vortex change directions to spin in a clockwise direction around and through your body.
  • While continuously intoning  Vau Hey Vau bring in the White Gold Fire into your 4 body system. See and feel your body filling up with a higher frequency of White Gold Fire energy . 
  • Focus on your Crown Chakra, inhale and draw in the White Gold Fire into the top of your head and let it fill your Pineal Gland attuning it to the frequency of the Stargate . 
  • See your Pineal Gland light up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire Energy
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Pineal Gland
  • Now let the White Gold Fire spread to the rest of your brain. Focus on your Brain and see your Brain lighting  up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire down from your Brain into the top of your Spine. Let the White Gold Fire flow down your spine stopping at the bottom three vertebrae.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire flowing through and around the bottom three vertebra, opening your Spinal Pathway to the frequency of the Stargate.  See the three vertebra lightening up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of the three vertebra at the bottom of your spine.

  • Next see White Gold Fire entering your heart, open your heart to the frequency of the Stargate
  • Focus on your Heart and see your Heart lighting up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Heart
  •  Now let the Vortex  absorb and disappear into your physical body.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire from the Cocoon surrounding the outside of your body is being absorbed into all your chakras and aura and disappearing .
  • Take a few moments to feel the energy within you.
  •  Now inside your glowing white gold Pyramid imagine your Higher Self in a radiant shining light body.
  • Ask your Higher Self to come and stand in front of you.
  • When your Higher Self is standing in front of you, extend your hands with you’re palms facing away from your body and invite your higher self to connect with you palm to palm.
  • Allow energy from your Higher Self  to enter your body through the palms of your hands and arms. Give this energy a color. Just choose a color that feels right at this time .  Let the colored energy flow into your heart and fill up your 4 body system. Emotional, mental, physical, spiritual.
  • Now visualize the energy of Higher Self flowing up into your Third Eye Chakra and forming Triangle inside of it.
  • Imagine this Triangle as the same color as your Higher Self energy that is now running through your body. However the energy of the Triangle is intensified and electrified .  See this electric energy pulsing along the edges of the Triangle.  

  • The Third Eye Triangle is now fully activated and charged with Higher Self Energy. The Electrified Third Eye Triangle allows you to be open to Higher Self inspiration, communication, and heightened perception and so on. 

  • Drop the hand connection with your Higher Self .  And ask it to merge with you.  At this point you should feel a wave or surge of energy move from in front of you through your body to your back. You may feel more expansive, light, peaceful, joyful, filled with love, or just a general sense of wellbeing. 
  • If there is any part of your body in which the blending seems not to be occurring. Breathe into the area and relax it until you feel an energy shift as your Higher Self is able to blend with you there.
  Step 3: Opening Stagate

To open the Stargate you will recite the Decree,  intone and visualize the three Fire Letters in your Body.

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

See the Fire Letter Vau(Red) written over your Third Eye
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) witten over your Sacred Chakra

See the Letter Vau (Red) in Left Hand Palm
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) in Right Hand Palm
This forms a Cross with "Hey(Violet)" as the center point.
Fold both hands over Heart.

Give Decree:
By the Authority of Vau Hey Vau,

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey,

I decree that the Sirius Stargate is open and activated through which all my higher self energy enters and leaves my Universe.   The Christ, Archangel Michael, the Sirian Council of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light including the Golden and Crystalline Dolphins are my guardians and the protectors into this Multi-Dimensional realm.  I feel their energy flowing around me and through me.

  Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades
Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Once you have opened the Stargate, you can do an alignment with the Seven Stars of the Pleiades.  The Pleiades is hard wired into this Stargate. You do not have to open your Communication Command Center to align with this Star System.  In this session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the the Seven Stars of the Pleiades to upgrade your 4 body energy system to a 5th Dimensional Vibrational Seed Pattern.  The link up between your Chakra system and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades have been practiced in many civilization and timelines including: the Maya, the Cherokees and the ancient Egyptians. Linking the Pleiades to your chakra column The first thing that occurs with this link up is a massive increase in our capacity to hold light within our four body system.  This upgrades your  entire operating system. It's like upgrading from Human Consciousness 3.0 to Galactic Consciousness 12.0. 

The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart. In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation. Mastery over thought is a prerequisite. Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. There is no distinction between past, present or future. After you have practiced this Transmission for at least three or four times ...over several weeks you will have begun the process of attuning to a 5th Dimensional "enlightened reality".

You will be using the Fire Mantra below:


Fire Letter Mantra:Mem Ayin Chet
Meaning: Cosmic Circuitry for receiving energy from the Pleiades

Recite Decree:
By the Authority and Power of
Chet (amber) Ayin(blue)  Mem (blue)

in the name of the Christ within me,
Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey, 

I decree that I am aligning my energy system with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. This alignment has increased my capacity to hold light within my four body system.  This has upgraded my entire operating system and is attuning me into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness .
Energy Pattern

  • Envision a golden infinite symbol connecting one of your chakras to one of the planets that make up the Pleiades.

  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Maia to your Crown Chakra,
    Envision and Recite:  Chet Ayin Mem, I am connected to Maia
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Taygeta to your Third Eye
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Taygeta
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Celaeno to your Throat Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Celaeno
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Electra to your Heart Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Electra
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Alcyone to your Solar Plexus
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Alcyone
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Pleione to your Sacred Chakra
    Envision and  Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Pleione
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Merope to your Root Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Merope

Now relax for at least half an hour and feel the frequencies of the Stellar bodies as they penetrate deeper into your 4 body system

  Arcturian Chakra Upgrade

In this Transmission you will be assisted by the Arcturians to attune your chakra system a 5th Dimensional Template.  The Arcturian healers in the soul room will send a series of energy balls out of the bottom of the Arcturian Mothership to raise your energy system to a 5th dimensional vibrational seed pattern and remove  negative electro-magnetic frequencies.  This process brings in the 5th dimensional template that is generating the New Earth frequencies.

You will be using the Fire Letter Mantra and the Hebrew Name of God for each chakra. During the visualization you will imagine  these Arcturian Emerald Green Fire Balls moving down your spinal column, entering each of your chakras and spinning in a counter clockwise wise direction clearing all negativity. As the Green Balls enter each chakra , you will see the three Fire Letters. written over the Chakra.  You will connect the back of your chakra with the front of the chakra with a horizontal infinity (figure eight) symbol.

This connection is done because the subconscious parts of your chakras are located in the back of your body directly behind the conscious parts of your chakras. After the negative energy is cleared from the Chakra, it changes color indicating the vibrational seed pattern of the 5th D has been brought in.  The Transmission is used to:

  • Contain and transform your own destructive projections
  • Enhance inner strength and resolve
  • Establish balance when your feel off center
  • Expand consciousness and shifts to multi-Dimensional awareness
  • Raise frequency to connect with spiritual guides 
  • Reduce fatigue by stimulating frozen blocks of energy

About the Arcturians

Edgar Casey reported the Arcturus civilization is the most highly evolved civilization in our galaxy. They have the most highly advanced technology and are totally dedicated  to serving humanity.  Starship Athena is an Arcturian Starship that has been said to be the most advanced and feared ship in the galaxy. For this reason, Arcturians have been able to protect and prevent any invasion of our planet Earth from Grey Aliens and Reptilian Aliens. It quietly resides between the planets Jupiter and Saturn awaiting any invading armada from the Greys or Reptilians.

This Starship is fueled by crystals. These crystals have forces that can channel energy as massive as our Sun, and propel the ship for millennia. These crystals are found in a planet, in our Milky Way Galaxy, not discovered by modern man. It also has a special room, the size of a football stadium, which has the ability to take any crew member back to the Arcturian home planet in his etheric body.

Athena is also home to the most advanced databases of universal information. This database has information regarding Earth life and life throughout the other Milky Way Galaxy planets. Arcturians are able to ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities. This process is similar to ingesting food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information 100 times faster than the average human being on Earth and is the reason why they outgrew the need for using computers/electronics.

The benevolent Arcturian beings have a specific mission to assist humanity into our next level of ascension.  With this goal is mind, they have created a soul room.  The soul room is connected to the healing power of the Fohat Energy. This room can be thought of as a hospital in which Arcturians are able to assist the energy of souls in need. The soul room’s mission is to revitalize individuals for their next learning experience.  Here the Arcturians are able to assist those individuals who are ready to raise their vibrational frequencies into the next stage of development.

What are the 5th Dimensional Chakras?


In the fifth dimension, your red base chakra shimmers with Blue Green Aqua  and connects with the joy and wisdom of dolphin energy. Your material needs are automatically met. The pure white Archangel Gabriel rules this chakra, bringing clarity and confidence to your future. The identification of the Master I AM presence here on Earth. Incredibly powerful.  I am a Child of the Light , I love the Light, I serve the Light, I live in the Light, I am Protected by the Light, I am illuminated, supplied, sustained by the Light


The orange Sacred Chakra is now bright pink. This beautiful nexus point has proved the most challenging to clear and assimilate. Containing most of the modern day challenges, those still working through financial/relationship issues will be clearing through initiations held here.At fifth dimensional level, the sacral chakra is a beautiful soft pink and radiates transcendent love. Guarded by Archangel Gabriel, this chakra helps you express love through sexuality. When the frequency of this chakra is raised, you will choose romantic partners wisely. Those aware and using this chakra consciously, will now be fully aware of the complete interconnection between oneself, and all other forms of life on this planet. I activate...


Your yellow Solar Plexus is bright gold. The fifth dimensional solar plexus is the ‘feelers’ within the body. Accessing all forms of surrounding vibrations, and analysing them for the Masters perceptions. Archangel Uriel looks after this chakra, absorbing lower emotions, strengthening confidence and bringing wisdom until this centre radiates at a higher frequency. When it does, your solar plexus is a deep bright gold with rainbow flashes. I Merge...


Your Green Heart turns ..bright white…The most powerful energy centre within the sentient form. This is the point where pure love is accessed, and created. Archangel Chamuel opens your heart to its deepest levels. All archangels link into the heart centre, which radiates pure white when it transitions into the fifth dimension, helping you to see the best in everyone, everything and act with love in all you do. I Dare...


At the fifth dimensional frequency turns the sky blue throat chakra (Daath), looked after by Archangel Michael, into cobalt blue. This bright blue chakra is very powerful, taking the vibration of thought patterns into spoken manifestation. At this frequency you can safely say what you really feel, think and believe, as people will trust you. You will also be able to take mastery of your life and know who you are. I Will...


Your Indigo Third Eye..turn emerald green. This is your manifestation point. It is also the receptivity centre that puts information we receive into tangible reality.Archangel Rephael works with this chakra to help remove the veils of illusion, just like a crystal ball, enabling you to see the world from a higher perspective. I Know...


Your purple crown chakra turns bright Platinum.  This liquid Platinum chakra now receives information processed by the Higher Self, and is fed by the upper three transcendent charras. Archangel Metatron, Cosmic Being Mahatma, Archangel  Josephine helps to develop this chakra, known as the thousand petal lotus. At the fifth dimension it opens you up to the wisdom of the universe, like a blossoming flower. I Am that.. I Am


The Alta Major Chakra located in the back of the neck is an important sacred vortex of Aqua Fire It is a highly sensitive portal of energy with an antenna alerting you to negative energies, untruths and toxic influences (think hairs on the back of your neck). It’s also considered an entry point for psychic attacks. The Blue Lightening Angels and Archangel Michael works with this chakra. I Hear...


The Soul Star, six inches above the top of the head. It is magenta in colour, and contains the active blueprint for all of our spiritual gifts. The information stored in this nexus of energy will go back through every lifetime that you have existed in.This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. Archangel Marie works with this magenta chakra to enable you to understand your soul more deeply. I Manifest...

Energy Flow Pattern


Fire Letter Mantra: ← Yod(lime green)  Lamed(yellow) Kaph(violet)

Meaning: Build and Strengthen your Physical Vessel & Spiritual DNA

Recite Decree : 
By the Authority of Kaph Lamed Yod

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod-Hey-Shin-Vau-Hey, 

I now call forth the Arcturian Mothership Athena and the healing energy of the Soul Room to send a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire into my chakras. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership and moving down my chakra column, and entering my seven chakras.  This energy aligns me with my 5th Dimensional energy system.  I call to the Arcturian Advanced Technology,  to raise up my personal Light Quotient level, as much as possible, up to the 98% Ascended Master requirement.

 I  decree that this process is started at the moment. I  ask that this process continues at a speed that is deemed safe for my individual body system. I request this process does not stop until I reach the 98% Light Quotient Level.

I decree that all my chakras are functioning in the 5th dimensional frequency and this energy is building a new Vessel and activating my Star Codes and spiritual DNA.  Kaph Lamed Yod  

Tarot Keys for Meditation:
Tarot Key: Wheel of Fortune Card (Kaph)


Tarot Key: Strength Card (Lamed)


Rise up energy  to connect with God

Tarot Key: Hermit Card (Yod)



Upgrade Chakras

Recite and Visualize :

  • I see the Arcturian Mothership Athena hoovering directly above me. As I look up at the bottom of the Ship I .  see a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire floating out of the bottom of the Ship. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership. The Green Fire Balls are encoded with 5th dimensional keys and codes in the Language of Light.  I let each Ball of Green Fire enter my crown chakra and then move down my Antakarana Tube,  that runs through the center of my body, down my spinal column. I let these Fire Balls enter my seven chakras one at a time.

(Focus your attention on the Earth Star Chakra)

I let the first green ball of fire enter my earth star chakra located below my feet and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my earth star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Base Chakra)
I let the 2nd green ball of fire enter my base chakra and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my base chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Sacred Chakra)
I let the 3rd green ball of fire enter my sacred chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire I see a green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my sacred chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Bright Pink

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Shaddai El Chai (Shah-dye-El-kI )
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Solar Plexus Chakra)
I let the 4th green ball of fire enter my stomach chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire, see an green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the  fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from the front to back of the chakra.

I now open and raise my Solar Plexus chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright gold

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Elohim Tzabaoth Jehovah Tzabaoth (El-oh-heem tzah-bah-oth Yah-hO-v ah tzah-bah-oth)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra )
I let the 5th green ball of fire enter my heart chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

I now open and raise my heart chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright white

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Jehovah Aloah va Daath (Yah-ho-vah El-oh-ah Vah-Dah-th)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Throat Chakra)
I let the 6th emerald green ball of fire enter my throat chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

 I now open and raise my throat chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency . The green fire ball has turned to a cobalt blue

Now intone: 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Elohim Gibor  El  (El-oh-hEEm Ge-boor ehl)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Third Eye Chakra)
I let the 7th green ball of fire enter my third eye chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my third eye chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Emerald Green 

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Yah Jehovah Elohim  (Yah Yah-hO-vah El-oh-heem)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Crown Chakra)
I let the 8th green ball of fire enter my crown chakra and spin counter clock wise.
I now open and raise my crown chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Platinum

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh (A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Soul Star Chakra)
I let the 9th emerald green ball of fire enter my soul star chakra located 6" above the top of my head and spin counter clock wise.

I now open and raise my soul star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a magenta

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh Asher Eheieh (A-hey-yah ash-er A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

Recite Decree:
I now raise my frequencies within my physical, astral, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies to the 5th dimensional frequencies. I call forth the complete stabilization of my new fifth dimensional chakra system within my entire being. I now decree that the Arcturian Emissaries of Light, send a vibrational seed pattern to each of my chakras that will perfectly balance and attune them to 5th dimensional frequencies. This process will remove any cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good.
Take 15 seconds for each chakra to be balanced.   

  • Now in your mind's eye see your chakra column lighting up like a christmas tree .
    My base chakra is now Blue Green
    My sacral chakra is now Bright Pink
    My solar plexus is now Bright Gold
    My Heart Chakra is pure White
    My throat chakra is now Cobalt Blue
    My third eye is now Emerald Green
    My crown chakra is now Platinum
    My soul star is now Magenta
  • Visualize all your chakras integrating and blending into one unified chakra of White Gold Fire ... one White Gold Fire Ray of energy running up and down your spinal column. 

Now intone:
I call forth my 5th dimensional self, to now meld it consciousness with my unified energy field and aura. 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

  • Visualize the Fire Letters over this unified Chakra to active it.
  • Imagine thousands of the three fire letters out of your unified chakra into your blood stream and into your Body.

Recite the following affirmations:

  •  I have now activated and accepted the Christ Consciousness program within every cell of my body, within  my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum
  • I now call forth the complete balancing of all my Karma from all my past, present and future lives within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I am now Christ living in this body, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I call forth the complete and full baptism of the Holy Spirit, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

Sit and absorb these new frequencies, until you intuitively feel the process is complete. 

Intone Protection Mantra:
Click on link below to listen to mantra
Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth (Holy, Holy, Holy is the  Lord God of Host)

You should do this exercise:

  • at least once a week for a period of 40 days . 
  • when you feel scattered, ungrounded or overwhelmed 
  • need or desire spiritual expansion and connection
  Galactic Light Codes


Click here to return to Stage 8: Communication Command Center

In this Transmission you will be downloading Galactic Light Codes that contain information and wisdom from the seven primary star systems with which we most closely align: The Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra, Orion, Sirius, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda.  The codes will assist you in releasing outdated emotional, attitudinal and belief patterns so that you may bring in knowledge and wisdom from these star systems. This Star wisdom helps your new cricuitry formed in Stage 7 to connect properly.  To receive the Galactic Light Codes you will be intoning "Kaf Lamed Yod"  and envisioning the following Fire Letters :

Fire Letter MantraYod (lime green)  Lamed( yellow)  Kaf( purple) ←
Meaning: Build your new 5th dimensional vessel & awaken spiritual DNA for regeneration

The Galactic Light Codes are stored in the Earth's Grid System: the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid. Before you can bring in the Galactic Light Codes(GLC) your energy system must be attuned with the new GLC frequency. You attune to the new frequency by forming Triangular Energy Circuit between your Heart, and the two Galactic Transmitting Stations.   Each Transmitting Station condenses the GLC codes from the Sun Disc energy for a specific Hemisphere into one wave frequency. The Transmitting Station of the West is located in Moody Gardens Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston, Texas. It transmutes and transmits a unique Sun Disc GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission for the Western Hemisphere. The Transmitting Station of the East is located in the Giza Pyramid.  It transmutes and transmits a specific GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission of the of Eastern Hemisphere. When you merge your energy with these two Transmitting Stations you create an energy circuit that raises your frequency to match the GLC. This frequency creates an energy field that connects to the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid and releases the GLC.

What are the Sun Disc?

This new frequency of the GLC is being transmitted by the 12 Sun Disc located across the Planet. The vibrational seed pattern of the 12 Golden Sun Discs turns your Energy Body into a transmitting and receiving station for Galactic messages.  The 12 Golden Sun Discs are energy vortices that take in energy from the Grid and the Bermuda Triangle and then weaves it into a new energy. These Discs form a communication channel between mankind and the celestial realms. They are a perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies that are required for Earth’s ascension. The amphied energy from the Sun Disc are over riding programs and sequences from outdate morphogenetic fields and degenative gene codes. The Sun Disc energy is encoding your circuitry to substitute the new code for the old code. According to geologist and grid expert, James Tyberonn,

"These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field ~ of pure love, unconditional love ~ a light code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above. The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blueprint for the crystalline field, indeed for the Crystalline 144 Grid! Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, similar to the DNA of the Earth itself."

The Sun Discs are dimensional program stabilizers for the New Atlantis Energy. Click here to learn more about New Atlantis. Each of the 12 Disc carries a specific vibration that relates to its purpose and geographic location.  The Golden Sun Discs are for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: a composite library of the Perfection Blueprint. Each Disc contains a DNA code for the planet, and there are 12 composite frequencies that allows the Earth and mankind to regenerate itself.
Click here to learn more about the Sun Disc

All   'Sun Discs' are connected to one of two Transmitting Stations: one in Texas, the Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston  and one in Egypt, the Giza Pyramid .   Below are some interesting facts on the Transmitting Stations:

  • The Texas Transmitting Station is in a direct alignment to the Giza Transmitting Station. Both correlate to magnetic north and are attuned to the energies of the Yucatan Pyramids.
  • The Giza Transmitting Station is aligned to the Orion star system and the Texas Transmitting Station  is aligned to Sirius.
  • When approached with appropriate intent, the energy within these Transmitting Stations stores and transmits universal and multi-dimensional data similar to quartz. Due to how the Stations are aligned (terrestrial and celestial) they create electromagnetic anomalies that alters gravity and dimensional time.
    Click here to learn more...

The Two Transmitting Stations gather the wave frequencies of the Sun Discs in each of the respective hemisphere, steps down the energy  and transmits these coded vibrations across the planet to help us return to our original state of being. The Transmitting Stations are constantly bring in energy from the Sun Disc and stepping down the frequency. When you attune your energy system to the Sun Disc by way of both Transmitting Stations you are upgrading your vibrational Seed pattern to the divine energy field of Zero.  You take on some of the energy characteristics of the Sun Disc, a " perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies". These characteristics allow you to release and absorb the GLC from both the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid .

Energy Flow Pattern

  • Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra. Think about some one you love, a parent, brother, friend,  a dog or cat, or some place that you love to be at. Let the feeling of love grow in your heart. 
  • See this love as a ball of fire spinning clockwise in your heart chakra. The more you think about the love you have for this person, place, object or animal, the faster the fire ball spins. Recite:
    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"  as the Ball spins.
  • When you feel you heart is completely overflowing with the emotion of Love send the energy to the Texas Transmitting Station Pyramid at Moody Gardens
  • In your mind's eye visualize the Tri-Pyramid Complex of Moody Gardens located in Galveston,Texas next to the shining blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. See each of the Pyramid's Capstones radiating a high frequency Gold White Light. This Gold White Light contains the vibrational seed pattern of the GLC for the Western Hemisphere.
  • Focus on one of the three Pyramids. It does not matter which one you pick. From your Heart send out a ray of your Love to connect to the Capstone of this one Pyramid.  
  • Feel your heart pumping love and light into the Capstone. As you send this energy recite,
    Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod,
  • Use intention and breath to keep sending a stream of Love energy into the Capstone from your heart.
    The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Pyramid. See the Pyramid glowing Brighter and Brighter with your energy. 
  • Keep pumping your Love energy into the Pyramid, reciting  Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod, until you intuitively feel your energy has completely blended with the Pyramid's energy. 
  • Focus on the Capstone of the Pyramid and imagine it sending a ray of this blended energy to the Capstone of the Giza Pyramid. The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Giza Pyramid.  See the Giza Pyramid get brighter and brighter until the Capstone explodes, sending an energy stream back to your Heart Chakra. 
  • Repeat this energy pathway until you feel a smooth and constant energy circuit flowing between your heart, the Texas Pyramid, and the Giza Pyramid. Keep reciting "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod," as the energy goes through the circuit. Every time you complete a circuit feel the energy moving a little faster with a higher vibration.
  • You have now formed a triangular energy circuit from your Heart to the Texas Pyramid the Giza Pyramid  ...back to your Heart. As you send this energy around the circuit recite, "Love and Light, Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • Keep sending energy through the Triangular energy circuit, faster and faster. Pay attention to how you feel or what you see.  Does the color of the energy change as it moves faster through the energy pathway? How does you physical body feel after repeating the circuit? How does your mind feel as you move around the Triangular circuit?
  • Imagine that the energy is traveling so faster that the circuit starts to radiate energy out into the center of the Triangular Circuit, away for you.
  • This energy is forming column of energy in the center of your Triangular Circuit.
  • The column is changing shape to form an electrified blue triangle that reaches up to touch the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth. The Base is laying on the Crystalline Grid beneath the Earth surface.


  Crystalline Grid

  • Hold your the palms of your hands so they are facing the new blue energy pyramid now directly in front of you. Send energy from your heart, down your arms and out the palms of your hands into the Pyramid. Keep sending energy and saying outloud

    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • See it growing brighter and brighter, stronger and stronger until it explodes. Sending blue energy out the Top  into the Unity Grid and out the base into the Crystalline Grid. The energy disappears into the two Grids. 
  • As the energy disappears into the two Grids visualize sacred Galactic Light Codes being released from the Unity Grid above you and the Crystalline Grid below you.  You may see these codes as light, geometrical shapes, beings of light, voices or many other things.  See all these codes floating around you.   Let these codes descend over you and around you … and infusing your entire auric field.
  • Inhale these codes into the crown of your head and let them slowly absorb into the pours of your skin. Bring in this coded information into the cells of your body.  Feel these codes absorbing into your organs. Let the symbols and codes flow through your veins like water.
  • Let the GLC travel through your physical body, writing symbols, shapes and formulas over your body internally and externally.  See these codes written over your organs ...healing and transmuting the causes of disease within these organs, reversing negative spirals of degenerating and restoring positive spirals of regeneration.
  • Feel the codes saturating your memory written over your third eye… flushing out hurtful memories, painful records that replay through our mind.
  • You feel an enormous amount of light and energy flowing through your four body system. These codes are now a part of you and will be working through your four body system…raising your light quota … opening you up to the wisdom and knowledge of your star family.
  • The second after this happens you should feel a slight tingling sensation in your nervous system. This is 5th and 6th dimensional energy pouring into your chakras and energy fields. This is a special coating of geometric forms, key codes, fire letters and colors that are being placed inside you. Whenever any aspect of your selves  get off balanced, the codes activate and automatically put’s your whole program back in balance.

Recite out loud 3x:

Kaf Lamed Yod, I AM Universal Light
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Love
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Harmony
Kaf Lamed Yod,I Am Universal Balance
Kaf Lamed Yod, I Am one with my 5th Dimensional Rainbow Light Body

The Planets and your four body system must be aligned with the new Planetary energy coming in. In the past,  if you are giving a presentation, you would connect to Mercury for improved communications. If you are looking for inner strength, the Sun would be a good choice. What is not commonly known is that each planet is associated with vertebra and a chakra. Plus some planets have changed their energies and their associated chakra based on the new energies that have changed the Morphic field of our solar system. Below is the standard Planet guideline.

Planet Chakra Vertebra Quality/Planetary Trait
Sun Solar Plexus T5 Enhances sense of strength and motivation, self-identity, vitality and radiance and promotes enthusiasm, assertiveness, and determination.
Moon Sacral Plexus T4 Promotes emotional tranquility, softness, intuition, enhances feelings and the feminine, and a flowing flexibility with life.
Om Cosmic Earth Root Solar Plexus Sacrum Enhances deep security and safety of Mother Earth, the cosmic sound OM, and an ability to be grounded and centered.
Mercury Throat T3, T6 Enhances ability to cooperate through understanding and sharpens communication skills through reason, writing and speaking with confidence.
Venus Heart T2, T7 Enhances ability to feel and have love and close relationships with others, sense of creativity and artistry, ability to receive and share, increases our love of pleasure, harmony and self-appreciation.
Mars Root T1 Enhances strength and desire, motivates action, brings out decision making abilities and assertiveness, gives courage and strengthens sexual nature.
Jupiter Heart T9 Enhances openness, trust, optimism, good fortune, and brings out a jovial spirit of laughter. Allows one to be receptive to grace and the adventure in life.
Saturn 3rd Eye T10 Enhances ability to be disciplined and set limits with our self and others. Helps be more structured and organized and take responsibility for completing important tasks.
Uranus Throat Crown T11 Enhances ability to make life changes through inspiration and insight and freedom of expression without self-imposed limitations.
Neptune Sacral Plexus 3rd Eye T12 Enhances spiritual experiences and brings out ability to be compassionate and open to surrendering to creativity. Helps get in touch with and support the dream life, artistic nature, music, art, dance and creativity.
Pluto T8 Enhances ability to face our deepest secrets and bring light to the darkness. Through the energetic forces of Pluto, you can let go of

In our session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the planet Sirius,  Inner Earth,  our Sun, our Moon, and the Galactic Center of the Milky Way based on the new energies that have been drawn into the Planets.   Below is a brief review of the effects of linking your consciousness to each of these planets :

Sirius: Accelerates your ability to create multi-dimensional link-ups.  Also linking your Third Eye to Sirius attunes your inner vision to the frequency of 6th dimensional sacred geometry. This enhances your ability to create your own reality, to heal yourself, and to restructure your form to move through other dimensions and timelines.

Milk Way: Attunes you to the Vibrational Seed Pattern of Cosmic Manifestation fueled by the Universal Laws, Laws of Nature, and Occult Laws. This allows you to be part of the Planetary Ascension Plan

Inner Earth:  When you link it with Inner Earth you are automatically attune with the vibrational seed pattern of Inner Earth's Halls of Ameniti and Inner Earth Cities of Light that are the last strongholds of the Lemurian and Atlantis civilizations. This link allows you to review and imprint on the "Original Race Blueprint" . This Blueprint contains encodings that allow the fragmented Human soul to eventually re-evolve back into its original divine blueprint as a 12D Crystalline Being.

Sun: Attunes you with the Vibrational Seed Pattern of the Collective Consciousness for this timeline. Allows you to co-create with Mother Earth and other Lightworks through the Planetary Grid System.

Moon: Attunes you with the Vibrational Galactic Yin (Goddess) Consciousness that  re-aligns and balances your yin and yang polarities.

Click here to do Planetary Chakra Alignment


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Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

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Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

← Zayin Yod Yod ←


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Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

Click here for Transmission Aids

Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

← Zayin Yod Yod ←


Click here to do Planetary Chakra Alignment

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In this Transmission we will be working with the Sirius Stargate that recently opened and was activated in 2015. During the Final Blood Moon on September 27, 2015 all the South Texas, Mexico and Central American newly awakened Atlantean and Lemurian Temple sites that were located on the Feathered Serpent Leyline were connected vertically and horizontally. This event formed one South Texas-Mexico-Central America energetic current of Mahatma White Gold Fire Energy . This is called the "Head of the Dove Power Shift". A new energetic current was formed by this power shift called the Head of the Dove Leyline. This leyline runs from Lake Titicaca, Peru  to Tikal  Ruins, Guatemala  to Palenque,  Mexico to the East Cameron County in Rio Grande Valley,Texas  and ends at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas. Energy running through the leyline has opened Stargates along its path from South Texas to Central America.

The Stargates in East Cameron County, Texas  allow you to quickly draw in Multi-Dimensional energies from other dimensions, other universes or/and the cosmic fire that flows around and through the Ancient Atlantean and Lemurian Temples that were once located here.   This Stargate opens a clear channel for the Spiritual Hierarchy, Christ Centered ET's, Archangels and Ascended Masters to communicate directly with you, take you through activations, give you healings and meditations to do, or just send you love. This close contact is possible because the Stargate is pulling massive power from the Mexico-South American Temple Complexes once located on the "Head of the Dove Leyline" that feeds the Stargate.  This energy generates a higher frequency that allows a direct physical communication channel. In the past individuals would have to spend long hours learning how to open up higher chakras and projecting their energy bodies into an etheric Ascension Seat. Ascended Masters had only limited abilities to manifest directly on to the 3rd dimensional Plane.  This Stargate allow your spiritual guides to focus light and higher energies directly into your everyday consciousness called "Over Shadowing"  to help you awaken and to make the transition into a new earth cycle smother and easier. Higher dimensions are now merging into 3rd dimensional reality in a blink of the eye.

Each time you do a Transmission within this Stargate Energy Field your energy frequency changes and rearranges as a result of your experience. The more work you do, the more you upgrade your energy system. This upgraded energy systems results in: clear perception; aligning with our life missions; easier manifestation of physical needs; personal health; improved relationships based on attracting others with similar vibrations; adaptation to our changing external environment; and ability to experience the Fifth Dimension. After you open and activate the Stargate you can do several alignments with Stars Systems that are hard wired into the Stargate. This means you do not have to create your Communication Command Center to receive energy from them.

Step 1: Building the Antakarana

The first step in opening the Stargate is to create a stream of consciousness referred to as the Antakarana.This  bridges your personal energy with the Divine energy and merges them into one. The building of the Antakarana is a process of consciousness fusion. When this bridge is fully activated, you experience an unimpeded flow of consciousness to and from other dimensions and your Spiritual Source.

You create the Antakarana by visualizing a Tube of Light that connects you to the Unity Grid, Dimensional Portals and the Crystalline Grid. This Tube of Light creates a two-way communication line between you and the Earth's Grid System . Along this two-way communication line are Portals or Doorways that open into different dimensions that are the home to various spiritual guides and star beings. These Dimensional Portals allow you to receive messages and healing from your Spiritual Guidance Team  that exists in other dimensions. To begin the creation of your Antakarana recite the following decree and intone and visualize the Fire Letter Mantra below:
27Fire Letter Mantra: Tav(Indigo) Resh(Red)  Yod(Lime Green)

Meaning: I am a Partner with Light to create abundance

By the Power and Authority Yod Resh Tav
in the name  of Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey , the Christ within me
I decree that I am connected to the Earth's Grid System by my Tube of Light. This Tube of Light allows me to now merge my Light Force with the Divine Spirit and Mother Earth's Light Force. I am now a partner with the Light  to create abundance. 

Visualization and Energy Pattern:

  • Sit or stand. Take a few deep breaths, and calm your mind and body.  Bring your awareness to your Crown Chakra at the top of your head.
  • Visualize a small tube of light the circumference of your head connected to the Crown Chakra.    See this Tube extending upward connecting you to other dimensional portals above you, and connecting to the Unity Grid running all the way up to the Divine Spirit.  
  • Now visualize this same Tube of Light that connects to your Crown Chakra running downward through the center of your body,  through your 7 chakras and out your perineum. See the Tube of Light running between your legs downward, into the Earth  into the Crystalline Grid and the core of Mother Earth.
  • Bring this energy back up your Tube of Light. Visualize the energy flowing  through the Tube of Light, see the energy flowing up from the core of Mother Earth, through the Crystalline Grid,  through the layers of the Earth into your perineum center, up the front of your body, out your Crown Chakra, up through the Dimensional Portals, connecting to the Unity Grid and extending up to the Divine Spirit.
  • Repeat this cycle two or three times. When you feel the energy is flowing smoothly in and out your Crown Chakra imagine a Gauge that says "Low Flow" and  "High Flow'.  Turn the Gauge to "High Flow". The Low Flow is for normal daily activity. When you turn the Gauge to "High Flow"  you have the power to manifest.

Step 2: Create Pyramid of Light to Open Stargate

After you have created a two way energy flow beween your Spiriual Source and Mother Earth, you need to raise your frequency to match the Stargates. The Pyramid of Light is a unique energy amplifier and master alignment tool.  As higher frequencies are drawn up from the base or down from the Apex of the Pyramid the Aura begins to vibrate.  Thought forms, limiting beliefs and old emotional patterns cannot maintain their structure. Negative low frequency energy is dispersed, allowing higher frequency energy to come in. Higher frequencies are drawn in from the "Head of the Dove Leyline" enhancing and strengthens the Stargate vibrational seed pattern, promoting faster opening of the Stargate. While in the Pyramid your body is constantly pulling in energy from this leyline to align you with the Stargate Vibrational Seed Pattern. To completely merge with the Stargate frequency you will be intoning and envisioning the Fire Letter Mantra:

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

In this Transmission you will also be working with two higher energy chakra centers in your Aura: The Soul Star Chakra and the Stellar Chakra. These two chakras link you with your higher dimensional self and their function is to tune you into Multi-Dimensional reality.

The Soul Star Chakra
The Soul Star is located 6-8 inches above the head. This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. The Soul Star chakra center is the gateway to your Self as it expands past the planet. Because of this, this chakra is the last energy center that holds anything human within it. It becomes the temple of human cleansing and the releasing of patterns that are lifetimes old and outdated. These patterns are the last of what holds you to the reincarnation system and your humanness that keep you from uniting with higher powers, beings, and ideas.  The 8th chakra is an energy transference chakra. It is the chakra that is the interface for our relationship with the Universe. It captures and filters Cosmic energy received from the Stellar Gateway.

The Stellar Gateway
The Stellar Gateway is situated approximately 12 inches above the head.  The Stellar Gateway’s function is to receive, filter and harmonize you with the energy from the stars, planets, universes or other dimensions. It holds your monadic energy and contains the sum total of all your experiences. Your monad is your original divine spark and is  the true essence of who you are. Two Archangels oversee this chakra – Archangel Metatron who is helping humanity to rise in frequency and Seraphina, a Seraphim, who is forming the link with your monad and Divine Spirit.  This point is intimately connected with our Body of Light and with the Divine I AM Presence.

Energy Flow Pattern:

  • Sit or stand with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Feel the weight of your feet on the floor and relax your body. Activate Spiral Pillar of Light to establish sacred ground.
  • Imagine yourself standing inside a body size four sided 3D Pyramid. The top of the Pyramid is at the level of the Stellar Gateway (12" above your head). The floor to which you have your feet grounded now becomes the square which is the Base of the Pyramid connecting to four adjacent triangular walls.
  • The base of the Pyramid sits on the Earth and the Pyramid may be one color or multi-colored. What color is it for you?

  • The Base of the Pyramid is energetically connected to the "Head of Dove Leyline" that runs under the surface of the Earth.   Imagine the Leyline flowing from Lake Titicaca, Peru to the Tikal Ruins, Guatemala  to Palenque Mexico to East Cameron County in Rio Grande Valley, Texas and ends at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas.
  • See sparkling White Gold Liquid Fire flowing in a stream through the Leyline.  Imagine this Leyline as a pathway of crystalline White Gold Fire traveling underneath the surface of the Earth.
  • Focus on the Base of the Pyramid. Imagine Rays of light generating from the Base of the Pyramid.  See these Rays like the Roots of a Tree ...pushing through the ground to meet the "Head of the Dove Leyline"  underground.
  •  See the Roots sifting through the soil, creating a pathway to the Base of the Pyramid. You might see the Roots go straight down or you might want to turn them to the right or to the left to find the Leyline. 
  • Once the Roots have found the Leyline, send the Roots into the Leyline.  You will know that the Roots have connected to the Leyline when you suddenly feel "Plugged In" or intuitively know they are rooted in.  You may feel a surge of energy, some heat, tingling or pulsating in your body.
  • Send Love and Light into the Leyline and ask the Deva of the Leyline for help in bring up the White Gold Fire of the Sirius Stargate.
  • With your breath, pull the White Gold Fire up into the Roots. In your mind's eye see the Fire flowing up through the layers of the Earth.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire of Unconditional Love flowing up into the Base of the Pyramid.  As the Fire hits the Base see it lighting it up with White Gold Fire
  • Let the White Gold Fire flow up the four sides to the top of the Pyramid.  Each of the walls of your Pyramid is radiating with divine power, charging up your Pyramid in a force field of ancient power and protection . In your mind's eye see the entire Pyramid lighting up with White Gold Fire.
  • Imagine the Pyramid you are standing in starts to beam out rays of White Gold Liquid Fire towards your body.

  • Using your breath, intention and imagination draw the fire energy out from the top, sides and base of the Pyramid towards your body.
  • See the White Gold Fire forming  a Cocoon over the top of your head, under the bottom of your feet...spreading out 12 body lengths to completely enfold your aura in an energy Cocoon of swirling White Gold sparkling energy . Let the Cocoon spin around your body for 30 sec.
  •  To see if your Cocoon is working think:
    Cocoon Lights on…
    Cocoon 10% Light Boost please (Cocoon grows Brighter)
    Cocoon Lights off (Cocoon Lights Dim)
  • If your Cocoon isn't working, let it spin longer and faster
  • With your breathe, intention and imagination inhale and bring in part of the Cocoon's fire into your physical body, then your etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body.
  • The Cocoon's Fire is forming a Vortex within you.  See a Vortex of white gold fire forming along your Hara line. The Hara line is a golden tube extending downward from the Soul Star above the head, through the Higher Heart in the upper chest, through the Sacred Chakra  in the lower abdomen, and into the core of the earth.
  • This Vortex is drawing the White Gold Fire energy up through your chakras
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire from the Vortex into your the Soul Star located 6-8 inches above the head. See your Soul Star Chakra light up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Focus on your Stellar Gateway Chakra(12 ' above your head). Inhale and see this White Gold energy filling this chakra. This chakra is now sending this energy up into your higher dimensional chakras.
  • Visualize each of your 7 chakras as being empty, then each one filling up with the healing, loving White Gold Energy. Feel your body getting lighter and lighter as the White Gold frequency fills your Body.
  • Now see the White Gold fire start to spin in a counter clockwise direction inside and around your body.
  • Start to intone the Fire Letter Mantra  Vau Hey Vau, as the Cocoon spins faster and faster.
  •  Feel this Vortex spinning around you and through you. This spinning tornado is clearing all the physical, mental and emotional negative states of mind and troubling emotions that are not intune with the Stargate vibrational seed pattern.
  • See this whirlwind throwing out all the negative energy from your 4 body system (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). Visualize this negative energy as black smoke being lifted out of your body and aura. The negative energy is going up out of the top of the Pyramid into the Sky and up into the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth where it is transmuted back into positive energy.
  • Now let the White Gold Vortex change directions to spin in a clockwise direction around and through your body.
  • While continuously intoning  Vau Hey Vau bring in the White Gold Fire into your 4 body system. See and feel your body filling up with a higher frequency of White Gold Fire energy . 
  • Focus on your Crown Chakra, inhale and draw in the White Gold Fire into the top of your head and let it fill your Pineal Gland attuning it to the frequency of the Stargate . 
  • See your Pineal Gland light up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire Energy
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Pineal Gland
  • Now let the White Gold Fire spread to the rest of your brain. Focus on your Brain and see your Brain lighting  up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire down from your Brain into the top of your Spine. Let the White Gold Fire flow down your spine stopping at the bottom three vertebrae.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire flowing through and around the bottom three vertebra, opening your Spinal Pathway to the frequency of the Stargate.  See the three vertebra lightening up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of the three vertebra at the bottom of your spine.

  • Next see White Gold Fire entering your heart, open your heart to the frequency of the Stargate
  • Focus on your Heart and see your Heart lighting up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Heart
  •  Now let the Vortex  absorb and disappear into your physical body.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire from the Cocoon surrounding the outside of your body is being absorbed into all your chakras and aura and disappearing .
  • Take a few moments to feel the energy within you.
  •  Now inside your glowing white gold Pyramid imagine your Higher Self in a radiant shining light body.
  • Ask your Higher Self to come and stand in front of you.
  • When your Higher Self is standing in front of you, extend your hands with you’re palms facing away from your body and invite your higher self to connect with you palm to palm.
  • Allow energy from your Higher Self  to enter your body through the palms of your hands and arms. Give this energy a color. Just choose a color that feels right at this time .  Let the colored energy flow into your heart and fill up your 4 body system. Emotional, mental, physical, spiritual.
  • Now visualize the energy of Higher Self flowing up into your Third Eye Chakra and forming Triangle inside of it.
  • Imagine this Triangle as the same color as your Higher Self energy that is now running through your body. However the energy of the Triangle is intensified and electrified .  See this electric energy pulsing along the edges of the Triangle.  

  • The Third Eye Triangle is now fully activated and charged with Higher Self Energy. The Electrified Third Eye Triangle allows you to be open to Higher Self inspiration, communication, and heightened perception and so on. 

  • Drop the hand connection with your Higher Self .  And ask it to merge with you.  At this point you should feel a wave or surge of energy move from in front of you through your body to your back. You may feel more expansive, light, peaceful, joyful, filled with love, or just a general sense of wellbeing. 
  • If there is any part of your body in which the blending seems not to be occurring. Breathe into the area and relax it until you feel an energy shift as your Higher Self is able to blend with you there.
Step 3: Opening Stagate

To open the Stargate you will recite the Decree,  intone and visualize the three Fire Letters in your Body.

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

See the Fire Letter Vau(Red) written over your Third Eye
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) witten over your Sacred Chakra

See the Letter Vau (Red) in Left Hand Palm
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) in Right Hand Palm
This forms a Cross with "Hey(Violet)" as the center point.
Fold both hands over Heart.

Give Decree:
By the Authority of Vau Hey Vau,

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey,

I decree that the Sirius Stargate is open and activated through which all my higher self energy enters and leaves my Universe.   The Christ, Archangel Michael, the Sirian Council of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light including the Golden and Crystalline Dolphins are my guardians and the protectors into this Multi-Dimensional realm.  I feel their energy flowing around me and through me.

Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades
Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Once you have opened the Stargate, you can do an alignment with the Seven Stars of the Pleiades.  The Pleiades is hard wired into this Stargate. You do not have to open your Communication Command Center to align with this Star System.  In this session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the the Seven Stars of the Pleiades to upgrade your 4 body energy system to a 5th Dimensional Vibrational Seed Pattern.  The link up between your Chakra system and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades have been practiced in many civilization and timelines including: the Maya, the Cherokees and the ancient Egyptians. Linking the Pleiades to your chakra column The first thing that occurs with this link up is a massive increase in our capacity to hold light within our four body system.  This upgrades your  entire operating system. It's like upgrading from Human Consciousness 3.0 to Galactic Consciousness 12.0. 

The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart. In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation. Mastery over thought is a prerequisite. Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. There is no distinction between past, present or future. After you have practiced this Transmission for at least three or four times ...over several weeks you will have begun the process of attuning to a 5th Dimensional "enlightened reality".

You will be using the Fire Mantra below:


Fire Letter Mantra:Mem Ayin Chet
Meaning: Cosmic Circuitry for receiving energy from the Pleiades

Recite Decree:
By the Authority and Power of
Chet (amber) Ayin(blue)  Mem (blue)

in the name of the Christ within me,
Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey, 

I decree that I am aligning my energy system with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. This alignment has increased my capacity to hold light within my four body system.  This has upgraded my entire operating system and is attuning me into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness .
Energy Pattern

  • Envision a golden infinite symbol connecting one of your chakras to one of the planets that make up the Pleiades.

  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Maia to your Crown Chakra,
    Envision and Recite:  Chet Ayin Mem, I am connected to Maia
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Taygeta to your Third Eye
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Taygeta
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Celaeno to your Throat Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Celaeno
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Electra to your Heart Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Electra
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Alcyone to your Solar Plexus
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Alcyone
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Pleione to your Sacred Chakra
    Envision and  Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Pleione
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Merope to your Root Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Merope

Now relax for at least half an hour and feel the frequencies of the Stellar bodies as they penetrate deeper into your 4 body system

Arcturian Chakra Upgrade

In this Transmission you will be assisted by the Arcturians to attune your chakra system a 5th Dimensional Template.  The Arcturian healers in the soul room will send a series of energy balls out of the bottom of the Arcturian Mothership to raise your energy system to a 5th dimensional vibrational seed pattern and remove  negative electro-magnetic frequencies.  This process brings in the 5th dimensional template that is generating the New Earth frequencies.

You will be using the Fire Letter Mantra and the Hebrew Name of God for each chakra. During the visualization you will imagine  these Arcturian Emerald Green Fire Balls moving down your spinal column, entering each of your chakras and spinning in a counter clockwise wise direction clearing all negativity. As the Green Balls enter each chakra , you will see the three Fire Letters. written over the Chakra.  You will connect the back of your chakra with the front of the chakra with a horizontal infinity (figure eight) symbol.

This connection is done because the subconscious parts of your chakras are located in the back of your body directly behind the conscious parts of your chakras. After the negative energy is cleared from the Chakra, it changes color indicating the vibrational seed pattern of the 5th D has been brought in.  The Transmission is used to:

  • Contain and transform your own destructive projections
  • Enhance inner strength and resolve
  • Establish balance when your feel off center
  • Expand consciousness and shifts to multi-Dimensional awareness
  • Raise frequency to connect with spiritual guides 
  • Reduce fatigue by stimulating frozen blocks of energy

About the Arcturians

Edgar Casey reported the Arcturus civilization is the most highly evolved civilization in our galaxy. They have the most highly advanced technology and are totally dedicated  to serving humanity.  Starship Athena is an Arcturian Starship that has been said to be the most advanced and feared ship in the galaxy. For this reason, Arcturians have been able to protect and prevent any invasion of our planet Earth from Grey Aliens and Reptilian Aliens. It quietly resides between the planets Jupiter and Saturn awaiting any invading armada from the Greys or Reptilians.

This Starship is fueled by crystals. These crystals have forces that can channel energy as massive as our Sun, and propel the ship for millennia. These crystals are found in a planet, in our Milky Way Galaxy, not discovered by modern man. It also has a special room, the size of a football stadium, which has the ability to take any crew member back to the Arcturian home planet in his etheric body.

Athena is also home to the most advanced databases of universal information. This database has information regarding Earth life and life throughout the other Milky Way Galaxy planets. Arcturians are able to ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities. This process is similar to ingesting food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information 100 times faster than the average human being on Earth and is the reason why they outgrew the need for using computers/electronics.

The benevolent Arcturian beings have a specific mission to assist humanity into our next level of ascension.  With this goal is mind, they have created a soul room.  The soul room is connected to the healing power of the Fohat Energy. This room can be thought of as a hospital in which Arcturians are able to assist the energy of souls in need. The soul room’s mission is to revitalize individuals for their next learning experience.  Here the Arcturians are able to assist those individuals who are ready to raise their vibrational frequencies into the next stage of development.

What are the 5th Dimensional Chakras?


In the fifth dimension, your red base chakra shimmers with Blue Green Aqua  and connects with the joy and wisdom of dolphin energy. Your material needs are automatically met. The pure white Archangel Gabriel rules this chakra, bringing clarity and confidence to your future. The identification of the Master I AM presence here on Earth. Incredibly powerful.  I am a Child of the Light , I love the Light, I serve the Light, I live in the Light, I am Protected by the Light, I am illuminated, supplied, sustained by the Light


The orange Sacred Chakra is now bright pink. This beautiful nexus point has proved the most challenging to clear and assimilate. Containing most of the modern day challenges, those still working through financial/relationship issues will be clearing through initiations held here.At fifth dimensional level, the sacral chakra is a beautiful soft pink and radiates transcendent love. Guarded by Archangel Gabriel, this chakra helps you express love through sexuality. When the frequency of this chakra is raised, you will choose romantic partners wisely. Those aware and using this chakra consciously, will now be fully aware of the complete interconnection between oneself, and all other forms of life on this planet. I activate...


Your yellow Solar Plexus is bright gold. The fifth dimensional solar plexus is the ‘feelers’ within the body. Accessing all forms of surrounding vibrations, and analysing them for the Masters perceptions. Archangel Uriel looks after this chakra, absorbing lower emotions, strengthening confidence and bringing wisdom until this centre radiates at a higher frequency. When it does, your solar plexus is a deep bright gold with rainbow flashes. I Merge...


Your Green Heart turns ..bright white…The most powerful energy centre within the sentient form. This is the point where pure love is accessed, and created. Archangel Chamuel opens your heart to its deepest levels. All archangels link into the heart centre, which radiates pure white when it transitions into the fifth dimension, helping you to see the best in everyone, everything and act with love in all you do. I Dare...


At the fifth dimensional frequency turns the sky blue throat chakra (Daath), looked after by Archangel Michael, into cobalt blue. This bright blue chakra is very powerful, taking the vibration of thought patterns into spoken manifestation. At this frequency you can safely say what you really feel, think and believe, as people will trust you. You will also be able to take mastery of your life and know who you are. I Will...


Your Indigo Third Eye..turn emerald green. This is your manifestation point. It is also the receptivity centre that puts information we receive into tangible reality.Archangel Rephael works with this chakra to help remove the veils of illusion, just like a crystal ball, enabling you to see the world from a higher perspective. I Know...


Your purple crown chakra turns bright Platinum.  This liquid Platinum chakra now receives information processed by the Higher Self, and is fed by the upper three transcendent charras. Archangel Metatron, Cosmic Being Mahatma, Archangel  Josephine helps to develop this chakra, known as the thousand petal lotus. At the fifth dimension it opens you up to the wisdom of the universe, like a blossoming flower. I Am that.. I Am


The Alta Major Chakra located in the back of the neck is an important sacred vortex of Aqua Fire It is a highly sensitive portal of energy with an antenna alerting you to negative energies, untruths and toxic influences (think hairs on the back of your neck). It’s also considered an entry point for psychic attacks. The Blue Lightening Angels and Archangel Michael works with this chakra. I Hear...


The Soul Star, six inches above the top of the head. It is magenta in colour, and contains the active blueprint for all of our spiritual gifts. The information stored in this nexus of energy will go back through every lifetime that you have existed in.This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. Archangel Marie works with this magenta chakra to enable you to understand your soul more deeply. I Manifest...

Energy Flow Pattern


Fire Letter Mantra: ← Yod(lime green)  Lamed(yellow) Kaph(violet)

Meaning: Build and Strengthen your Physical Vessel & Spiritual DNA

Recite Decree : 
By the Authority of Kaph Lamed Yod

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod-Hey-Shin-Vau-Hey, 

I now call forth the Arcturian Mothership Athena and the healing energy of the Soul Room to send a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire into my chakras. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership and moving down my chakra column, and entering my seven chakras.  This energy aligns me with my 5th Dimensional energy system.  I call to the Arcturian Advanced Technology,  to raise up my personal Light Quotient level, as much as possible, up to the 98% Ascended Master requirement.

 I  decree that this process is started at the moment. I  ask that this process continues at a speed that is deemed safe for my individual body system. I request this process does not stop until I reach the 98% Light Quotient Level.

I decree that all my chakras are functioning in the 5th dimensional frequency and this energy is building a new Vessel and activating my Star Codes and spiritual DNA.  Kaph Lamed Yod  

Tarot Keys for Meditation:
Tarot Key: Wheel of Fortune Card (Kaph)


Tarot Key: Strength Card (Lamed)


Rise up energy  to connect with God

Tarot Key: Hermit Card (Yod)



Upgrade Chakras

Recite and Visualize :

  • I see the Arcturian Mothership Athena hoovering directly above me. As I look up at the bottom of the Ship I .  see a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire floating out of the bottom of the Ship. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership. The Green Fire Balls are encoded with 5th dimensional keys and codes in the Language of Light.  I let each Ball of Green Fire enter my crown chakra and then move down my Antakarana Tube,  that runs through the center of my body, down my spinal column. I let these Fire Balls enter my seven chakras one at a time.

(Focus your attention on the Earth Star Chakra)

I let the first green ball of fire enter my earth star chakra located below my feet and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my earth star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Base Chakra)
I let the 2nd green ball of fire enter my base chakra and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my base chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Sacred Chakra)
I let the 3rd green ball of fire enter my sacred chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire I see a green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my sacred chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Bright Pink

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Shaddai El Chai (Shah-dye-El-kI )
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Solar Plexus Chakra)
I let the 4th green ball of fire enter my stomach chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire, see an green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the  fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from the front to back of the chakra.

I now open and raise my Solar Plexus chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright gold

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Elohim Tzabaoth Jehovah Tzabaoth (El-oh-heem tzah-bah-oth Yah-hO-v ah tzah-bah-oth)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra )
I let the 5th green ball of fire enter my heart chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

I now open and raise my heart chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright white

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Jehovah Aloah va Daath (Yah-ho-vah El-oh-ah Vah-Dah-th)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Throat Chakra)
I let the 6th emerald green ball of fire enter my throat chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

 I now open and raise my throat chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency . The green fire ball has turned to a cobalt blue

Now intone: 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Elohim Gibor  El  (El-oh-hEEm Ge-boor ehl)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Third Eye Chakra)
I let the 7th green ball of fire enter my third eye chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my third eye chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Emerald Green 

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Yah Jehovah Elohim  (Yah Yah-hO-vah El-oh-heem)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Crown Chakra)
I let the 8th green ball of fire enter my crown chakra and spin counter clock wise.
I now open and raise my crown chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Platinum

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh (A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Soul Star Chakra)
I let the 9th emerald green ball of fire enter my soul star chakra located 6" above the top of my head and spin counter clock wise.

I now open and raise my soul star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a magenta

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh Asher Eheieh (A-hey-yah ash-er A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

Recite Decree:
I now raise my frequencies within my physical, astral, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies to the 5th dimensional frequencies. I call forth the complete stabilization of my new fifth dimensional chakra system within my entire being. I now decree that the Arcturian Emissaries of Light, send a vibrational seed pattern to each of my chakras that will perfectly balance and attune them to 5th dimensional frequencies. This process will remove any cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good.
Take 15 seconds for each chakra to be balanced.   

  • Now in your mind's eye see your chakra column lighting up like a christmas tree .
    My base chakra is now Blue Green
    My sacral chakra is now Bright Pink
    My solar plexus is now Bright Gold
    My Heart Chakra is pure White
    My throat chakra is now Cobalt Blue
    My third eye is now Emerald Green
    My crown chakra is now Platinum
    My soul star is now Magenta
  • Visualize all your chakras integrating and blending into one unified chakra of White Gold Fire ... one White Gold Fire Ray of energy running up and down your spinal column. 

Now intone:
I call forth my 5th dimensional self, to now meld it consciousness with my unified energy field and aura. 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

  • Visualize the Fire Letters over this unified Chakra to active it.
  • Imagine thousands of the three fire letters out of your unified chakra into your blood stream and into your Body.

Recite the following affirmations:

  •  I have now activated and accepted the Christ Consciousness program within every cell of my body, within  my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum
  • I now call forth the complete balancing of all my Karma from all my past, present and future lives within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I am now Christ living in this body, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I call forth the complete and full baptism of the Holy Spirit, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

Sit and absorb these new frequencies, until you intuitively feel the process is complete. 

Intone Protection Mantra:
Click on link below to listen to mantra
Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth (Holy, Holy, Holy is the  Lord God of Host)

You should do this exercise:

  • at least once a week for a period of 40 days . 
  • when you feel scattered, ungrounded or overwhelmed 
  • need or desire spiritual expansion and connection
Galactic Light Codes


Click here to return to Stage 8: Communication Command Center

In this Transmission you will be downloading Galactic Light Codes that contain information and wisdom from the seven primary star systems with which we most closely align: The Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra, Orion, Sirius, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda.  The codes will assist you in releasing outdated emotional, attitudinal and belief patterns so that you may bring in knowledge and wisdom from these star systems. This Star wisdom helps your new cricuitry formed in Stage 7 to connect properly.  To receive the Galactic Light Codes you will be intoning "Kaf Lamed Yod"  and envisioning the following Fire Letters :

Fire Letter MantraYod (lime green)  Lamed( yellow)  Kaf( purple) ←
Meaning: Build your new 5th dimensional vessel & awaken spiritual DNA for regeneration

The Galactic Light Codes are stored in the Earth's Grid System: the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid. Before you can bring in the Galactic Light Codes(GLC) your energy system must be attuned with the new GLC frequency. You attune to the new frequency by forming Triangular Energy Circuit between your Heart, and the two Galactic Transmitting Stations.   Each Transmitting Station condenses the GLC codes from the Sun Disc energy for a specific Hemisphere into one wave frequency. The Transmitting Station of the West is located in Moody Gardens Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston, Texas. It transmutes and transmits a unique Sun Disc GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission for the Western Hemisphere. The Transmitting Station of the East is located in the Giza Pyramid.  It transmutes and transmits a specific GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission of the of Eastern Hemisphere. When you merge your energy with these two Transmitting Stations you create an energy circuit that raises your frequency to match the GLC. This frequency creates an energy field that connects to the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid and releases the GLC.

What are the Sun Disc?

This new frequency of the GLC is being transmitted by the 12 Sun Disc located across the Planet. The vibrational seed pattern of the 12 Golden Sun Discs turns your Energy Body into a transmitting and receiving station for Galactic messages.  The 12 Golden Sun Discs are energy vortices that take in energy from the Grid and the Bermuda Triangle and then weaves it into a new energy. These Discs form a communication channel between mankind and the celestial realms. They are a perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies that are required for Earth’s ascension. The amphied energy from the Sun Disc are over riding programs and sequences from outdate morphogenetic fields and degenative gene codes. The Sun Disc energy is encoding your circuitry to substitute the new code for the old code. According to geologist and grid expert, James Tyberonn,

"These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field ~ of pure love, unconditional love ~ a light code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above. The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blueprint for the crystalline field, indeed for the Crystalline 144 Grid! Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, similar to the DNA of the Earth itself."

The Sun Discs are dimensional program stabilizers for the New Atlantis Energy. Click here to learn more about New Atlantis. Each of the 12 Disc carries a specific vibration that relates to its purpose and geographic location.  The Golden Sun Discs are for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: a composite library of the Perfection Blueprint. Each Disc contains a DNA code for the planet, and there are 12 composite frequencies that allows the Earth and mankind to regenerate itself.
Click here to learn more about the Sun Disc

All   'Sun Discs' are connected to one of two Transmitting Stations: one in Texas, the Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston  and one in Egypt, the Giza Pyramid .   Below are some interesting facts on the Transmitting Stations:

  • The Texas Transmitting Station is in a direct alignment to the Giza Transmitting Station. Both correlate to magnetic north and are attuned to the energies of the Yucatan Pyramids.
  • The Giza Transmitting Station is aligned to the Orion star system and the Texas Transmitting Station  is aligned to Sirius.
  • When approached with appropriate intent, the energy within these Transmitting Stations stores and transmits universal and multi-dimensional data similar to quartz. Due to how the Stations are aligned (terrestrial and celestial) they create electromagnetic anomalies that alters gravity and dimensional time.
    Click here to learn more...

The Two Transmitting Stations gather the wave frequencies of the Sun Discs in each of the respective hemisphere, steps down the energy  and transmits these coded vibrations across the planet to help us return to our original state of being. The Transmitting Stations are constantly bring in energy from the Sun Disc and stepping down the frequency. When you attune your energy system to the Sun Disc by way of both Transmitting Stations you are upgrading your vibrational Seed pattern to the divine energy field of Zero.  You take on some of the energy characteristics of the Sun Disc, a " perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies". These characteristics allow you to release and absorb the GLC from both the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid .

Energy Flow Pattern

  • Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra. Think about some one you love, a parent, brother, friend,  a dog or cat, or some place that you love to be at. Let the feeling of love grow in your heart. 
  • See this love as a ball of fire spinning clockwise in your heart chakra. The more you think about the love you have for this person, place, object or animal, the faster the fire ball spins. Recite:
    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"  as the Ball spins.
  • When you feel you heart is completely overflowing with the emotion of Love send the energy to the Texas Transmitting Station Pyramid at Moody Gardens
  • In your mind's eye visualize the Tri-Pyramid Complex of Moody Gardens located in Galveston,Texas next to the shining blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. See each of the Pyramid's Capstones radiating a high frequency Gold White Light. This Gold White Light contains the vibrational seed pattern of the GLC for the Western Hemisphere.
  • Focus on one of the three Pyramids. It does not matter which one you pick. From your Heart send out a ray of your Love to connect to the Capstone of this one Pyramid.  
  • Feel your heart pumping love and light into the Capstone. As you send this energy recite,
    Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod,
  • Use intention and breath to keep sending a stream of Love energy into the Capstone from your heart.
    The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Pyramid. See the Pyramid glowing Brighter and Brighter with your energy. 
  • Keep pumping your Love energy into the Pyramid, reciting  Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod, until you intuitively feel your energy has completely blended with the Pyramid's energy. 
  • Focus on the Capstone of the Pyramid and imagine it sending a ray of this blended energy to the Capstone of the Giza Pyramid. The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Giza Pyramid.  See the Giza Pyramid get brighter and brighter until the Capstone explodes, sending an energy stream back to your Heart Chakra. 
  • Repeat this energy pathway until you feel a smooth and constant energy circuit flowing between your heart, the Texas Pyramid, and the Giza Pyramid. Keep reciting "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod," as the energy goes through the circuit. Every time you complete a circuit feel the energy moving a little faster with a higher vibration.
  • You have now formed a triangular energy circuit from your Heart to the Texas Pyramid the Giza Pyramid  ...back to your Heart. As you send this energy around the circuit recite, "Love and Light, Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • Keep sending energy through the Triangular energy circuit, faster and faster. Pay attention to how you feel or what you see.  Does the color of the energy change as it moves faster through the energy pathway? How does you physical body feel after repeating the circuit? How does your mind feel as you move around the Triangular circuit?
  • Imagine that the energy is traveling so faster that the circuit starts to radiate energy out into the center of the Triangular Circuit, away for you.
  • This energy is forming column of energy in the center of your Triangular Circuit.
  • The column is changing shape to form an electrified blue triangle that reaches up to touch the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth. The Base is laying on the Crystalline Grid beneath the Earth surface.


  Crystalline Grid

  • Hold your the palms of your hands so they are facing the new blue energy pyramid now directly in front of you. Send energy from your heart, down your arms and out the palms of your hands into the Pyramid. Keep sending energy and saying outloud

    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • See it growing brighter and brighter, stronger and stronger until it explodes. Sending blue energy out the Top  into the Unity Grid and out the base into the Crystalline Grid. The energy disappears into the two Grids. 
  • As the energy disappears into the two Grids visualize sacred Galactic Light Codes being released from the Unity Grid above you and the Crystalline Grid below you.  You may see these codes as light, geometrical shapes, beings of light, voices or many other things.  See all these codes floating around you.   Let these codes descend over you and around you … and infusing your entire auric field.
  • Inhale these codes into the crown of your head and let them slowly absorb into the pours of your skin. Bring in this coded information into the cells of your body.  Feel these codes absorbing into your organs. Let the symbols and codes flow through your veins like water.
  • Let the GLC travel through your physical body, writing symbols, shapes and formulas over your body internally and externally.  See these codes written over your organs ...healing and transmuting the causes of disease within these organs, reversing negative spirals of degenerating and restoring positive spirals of regeneration.
  • Feel the codes saturating your memory written over your third eye… flushing out hurtful memories, painful records that replay through our mind.
  • You feel an enormous amount of light and energy flowing through your four body system. These codes are now a part of you and will be working through your four body system…raising your light quota … opening you up to the wisdom and knowledge of your star family.
  • The second after this happens you should feel a slight tingling sensation in your nervous system. This is 5th and 6th dimensional energy pouring into your chakras and energy fields. This is a special coating of geometric forms, key codes, fire letters and colors that are being placed inside you. Whenever any aspect of your selves  get off balanced, the codes activate and automatically put’s your whole program back in balance.

Recite out loud 3x:

Kaf Lamed Yod, I AM Universal Light
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Love
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Harmony
Kaf Lamed Yod,I Am Universal Balance
Kaf Lamed Yod, I Am one with my 5th Dimensional Rainbow Light Body

The Planets and your four body system must be aligned with the new Planetary energy coming in. In the past,  if you are giving a presentation, you would connect to Mercury for improved communications. If you are looking for inner strength, the Sun would be a good choice. What is not commonly known is that each planet is associated with vertebra and a chakra. Plus some planets have changed their energies and their associated chakra based on the new energies that have changed the Morphic field of our solar system. Below is the standard Planet guideline.

Planet Chakra Vertebra Quality/Planetary Trait
Sun Solar Plexus T5 Enhances sense of strength and motivation, self-identity, vitality and radiance and promotes enthusiasm, assertiveness, and determination.
Moon Sacral Plexus T4 Promotes emotional tranquility, softness, intuition, enhances feelings and the feminine, and a flowing flexibility with life.
Om Cosmic Earth Root Solar Plexus Sacrum Enhances deep security and safety of Mother Earth, the cosmic sound OM, and an ability to be grounded and centered.
Mercury Throat T3, T6 Enhances ability to cooperate through understanding and sharpens communication skills through reason, writing and speaking with confidence.
Venus Heart T2, T7 Enhances ability to feel and have love and close relationships with others, sense of creativity and artistry, ability to receive and share, increases our love of pleasure, harmony and self-appreciation.
Mars Root T1 Enhances strength and desire, motivates action, brings out decision making abilities and assertiveness, gives courage and strengthens sexual nature.
Jupiter Heart T9 Enhances openness, trust, optimism, good fortune, and brings out a jovial spirit of laughter. Allows one to be receptive to grace and the adventure in life.
Saturn 3rd Eye T10 Enhances ability to be disciplined and set limits with our self and others. Helps be more structured and organized and take responsibility for completing important tasks.
Uranus Throat Crown T11 Enhances ability to make life changes through inspiration and insight and freedom of expression without self-imposed limitations.
Neptune Sacral Plexus 3rd Eye T12 Enhances spiritual experiences and brings out ability to be compassionate and open to surrendering to creativity. Helps get in touch with and support the dream life, artistic nature, music, art, dance and creativity.
Pluto T8 Enhances ability to face our deepest secrets and bring light to the darkness. Through the energetic forces of Pluto, you can let go of

In our session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the planet Sirius,  Inner Earth,  our Sun, our Moon, and the Galactic Center of the Milky Way based on the new energies that have been drawn into the Planets.   Below is a brief review of the effects of linking your consciousness to each of these planets :

Sirius: Accelerates your ability to create multi-dimensional link-ups.  Also linking your Third Eye to Sirius attunes your inner vision to the frequency of 6th dimensional sacred geometry. This enhances your ability to create your own reality, to heal yourself, and to restructure your form to move through other dimensions and timelines.

Milk Way: Attunes you to the Vibrational Seed Pattern of Cosmic Manifestation fueled by the Universal Laws, Laws of Nature, and Occult Laws. This allows you to be part of the Planetary Ascension Plan

Inner Earth:  When you link it with Inner Earth you are automatically attune with the vibrational seed pattern of Inner Earth's Halls of Ameniti and Inner Earth Cities of Light that are the last strongholds of the Lemurian and Atlantis civilizations. This link allows you to review and imprint on the "Original Race Blueprint" . This Blueprint contains encodings that allow the fragmented Human soul to eventually re-evolve back into its original divine blueprint as a 12D Crystalline Being.

Sun: Attunes you with the Vibrational Seed Pattern of the Collective Consciousness for this timeline. Allows you to co-create with Mother Earth and other Lightworks through the Planetary Grid System.

Moon: Attunes you with the Vibrational Galactic Yin (Goddess) Consciousness that  re-aligns and balances your yin and yang pola

Step 2: Create Pyramid of Light to Open Stargate

After you have created a two way energy flow beween your Spiriual Source and Mother Earth, you need to raise your frequency to match the Stargates. The Pyramid of Light is a unique energy amplifier and master alignment tool.  As higher frequencies are drawn up from the base or down from the Apex of the Pyramid the Aura begins to vibrate.  Thought forms, limiting beliefs and old emotional patterns cannot maintain their structure. Negative low frequency energy is dispersed, allowing higher frequency energy to come in. Higher frequencies are drawn in from the "Head of the Dove Leyline" enhancing and strengthens the Stargate vibrational seed pattern, promoting faster opening of the Stargate. While in the Pyramid your body is constantly pulling in energy from this leyline to align you with the Stargate Vibrational Seed Pattern. To completely merge with the Stargate frequency you will be intoning and envisioning the Fire Letter Mantra:

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

In this Transmission you will also be working with two higher energy chakra centers in your Aura: The Soul Star Chakra and the Stellar Chakra. These two chakras link you with your higher dimensional self and their function is to tune you into Multi-Dimensional reality.

The Soul Star Chakra
The Soul Star is located 6-8 inches above the head. This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. The Soul Star chakra center is the gateway to your Self as it expands past the planet. Because of this, this chakra is the last energy center that holds anything human within it. It becomes the temple of human cleansing and the releasing of patterns that are lifetimes old and outdated. These patterns are the last of what holds you to the reincarnation system and your humanness that keep you from uniting with higher powers, beings, and ideas.  The 8th chakra is an energy transference chakra. It is the chakra that is the interface for our relationship with the Universe. It captures and filters Cosmic energy received from the Stellar Gateway.

The Stellar Gateway
The Stellar Gateway is situated approximately 12 inches above the head.  The Stellar Gateway’s function is to receive, filter and harmonize you with the energy from the stars, planets, universes or other dimensions. It holds your monadic energy and contains the sum total of all your experiences. Your monad is your original divine spark and is  the true essence of who you are. Two Archangels oversee this chakra – Archangel Metatron who is helping humanity to rise in frequency and Seraphina, a Seraphim, who is forming the link with your monad and Divine Spirit.  This point is intimately connected with our Body of Light and with the Divine I AM Presence.

Energy Flow Pattern:

  • Sit or stand with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Feel the weight of your feet on the floor and relax your body. Activate Spiral Pillar of Light to establish sacred ground.
  • Imagine yourself standing inside a body size four sided 3D Pyramid. The top of the Pyramid is at the level of the Stellar Gateway (12" above your head). The floor to which you have your feet grounded now becomes the square which is the Base of the Pyramid connecting to four adjacent triangular walls.
  • The base of the Pyramid sits on the Earth and the Pyramid may be one color or multi-colored. What color is it for you?

  • The Base of the Pyramid is energetically connected to the "Head of Dove Leyline" that runs under the surface of the Earth.   Imagine the Leyline flowing from Lake Titicaca, Peru to the Tikal Ruins, Guatemala  to Palenque Mexico to East Cameron County in Rio Grande Valley, Texas and ends at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas.
  • See sparkling White Gold Liquid Fire flowing in a stream through the Leyline.  Imagine this Leyline as a pathway of crystalline White Gold Fire traveling underneath the surface of the Earth.
  • Focus on the Base of the Pyramid. Imagine Rays of light generating from the Base of the Pyramid.  See these Rays like the Roots of a Tree ...pushing through the ground to meet the "Head of the Dove Leyline"  underground.
  •  See the Roots sifting through the soil, creating a pathway to the Base of the Pyramid. You might see the Roots go straight down or you might want to turn them to the right or to the left to find the Leyline. 
  • Once the Roots have found the Leyline, send the Roots into the Leyline.  You will know that the Roots have connected to the Leyline when you suddenly feel "Plugged In" or intuitively know they are rooted in.  You may feel a surge of energy, some heat, tingling or pulsating in your body.
  • Send Love and Light into the Leyline and ask the Deva of the Leyline for help in bring up the White Gold Fire of the Sirius Stargate.
  • With your breath, pull the White Gold Fire up into the Roots. In your mind's eye see the Fire flowing up through the layers of the Earth.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire of Unconditional Love flowing up into the Base of the Pyramid.  As the Fire hits the Base see it lighting it up with White Gold Fire
  • Let the White Gold Fire flow up the four sides to the top of the Pyramid.  Each of the walls of your Pyramid is radiating with divine power, charging up your Pyramid in a force field of ancient power and protection . In your mind's eye see the entire Pyramid lighting up with White Gold Fire.
  • Imagine the Pyramid you are standing in starts to beam out rays of White Gold Liquid Fire towards your body.

  • Using your breath, intention and imagination draw the fire energy out from the top, sides and base of the Pyramid towards your body.
  • See the White Gold Fire forming  a Cocoon over the top of your head, under the bottom of your feet...spreading out 12 body lengths to completely enfold your aura in an energy Cocoon of swirling White Gold sparkling energy . Let the Cocoon spin around your body for 30 sec.
  •  To see if your Cocoon is working think:
    Cocoon Lights on…
    Cocoon 10% Light Boost please (Cocoon grows Brighter)
    Cocoon Lights off (Cocoon Lights Dim)
  • If your Cocoon isn't working, let it spin longer and faster
  • With your breathe, intention and imagination inhale and bring in part of the Cocoon's fire into your physical body, then your etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body.
  • The Cocoon's Fire is forming a Vortex within you.  See a Vortex of white gold fire forming along your Hara line. The Hara line is a golden tube extending downward from the Soul Star above the head, through the Higher Heart in the upper chest, through the Sacred Chakra  in the lower abdomen, and into the core of the earth.
  • This Vortex is drawing the White Gold Fire energy up through your chakras
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire from the Vortex into your the Soul Star located 6-8 inches above the head. See your Soul Star Chakra light up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Focus on your Stellar Gateway Chakra(12 ' above your head). Inhale and see this White Gold energy filling this chakra. This chakra is now sending this energy up into your higher dimensional chakras.
  • Visualize each of your 7 chakras as being empty, then each one filling up with the healing, loving White Gold Energy. Feel your body getting lighter and lighter as the White Gold frequency fills your Body.
  • Now see the White Gold fire start to spin in a counter clockwise direction inside and around your body.
  • Start to intone the Fire Letter Mantra  Vau Hey Vau, as the Cocoon spins faster and faster.
  •  Feel this Vortex spinning around you and through you. This spinning tornado is clearing all the physical, mental and emotional negative states of mind and troubling emotions that are not intune with the Stargate vibrational seed pattern.
  • See this whirlwind throwing out all the negative energy from your 4 body system (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). Visualize this negative energy as black smoke being lifted out of your body and aura. The negative energy is going up out of the top of the Pyramid into the Sky and up into the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth where it is transmuted back into positive energy.
  • Now let the White Gold Vortex change directions to spin in a clockwise direction around and through your body.
  • While continuously intoning  Vau Hey Vau bring in the White Gold Fire into your 4 body system. See and feel your body filling up with a higher frequency of White Gold Fire energy . 
  • Focus on your Crown Chakra, inhale and draw in the White Gold Fire into the top of your head and let it fill your Pineal Gland attuning it to the frequency of the Stargate . 
  • See your Pineal Gland light up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire Energy
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Pineal Gland
  • Now let the White Gold Fire spread to the rest of your brain. Focus on your Brain and see your Brain lighting  up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire down from your Brain into the top of your Spine. Let the White Gold Fire flow down your spine stopping at the bottom three vertebrae.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire flowing through and around the bottom three vertebra, opening your Spinal Pathway to the frequency of the Stargate.  See the three vertebra lightening up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of the three vertebra at the bottom of your spine.

  • Next see White Gold Fire entering your heart, open your heart to the frequency of the Stargate
  • Focus on your Heart and see your Heart lighting up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Heart
  •  Now let the Vortex  absorb and disappear into your physical body.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire from the Cocoon surrounding the outside of your body is being absorbed into all your chakras and aura and disappearing .
  • Take a few moments to feel the energy within you.
  •  Now inside your glowing white gold Pyramid imagine your Higher Self in a radiant shining light body.
  • Ask your Higher Self to come and stand in front of you.
  • When your Higher Self is standing in front of you, extend your hands with you’re palms facing away from your body and invite your higher self to connect with you palm to palm.
  • Allow energy from your Higher Self  to enter your body through the palms of your hands and arms. Give this energy a color. Just choose a color that feels right at this time .  Let the colored energy flow into your heart and fill up your 4 body system. Emotional, mental, physical, spiritual.
  • Now visualize the energy of Higher Self flowing up into your Third Eye Chakra and forming Triangle inside of it.
  • Imagine this Triangle as the same color as your Higher Self energy that is now running through your body. However the energy of the Triangle is intensified and electrified .  See this electric energy pulsing along the edges of the Triangle.  

  • The Third Eye Triangle is now fully activated and charged with Higher Self Energy. The Electrified Third Eye Triangle allows you to be open to Higher Self inspiration, communication, and heightened perception and so on. 

  • Drop the hand connection with your Higher Self .  And ask it to merge with you.  At this point you should feel a wave or surge of energy move from in front of you through your body to your back. You may feel more expansive, light, peaceful, joyful, filled with love, or just a general sense of wellbeing. 
  • If there is any part of your body in which the blending seems not to be occurring. Breathe into the area and relax it until you feel an energy shift as your Higher Self is able to blend with you there.
  Step 3: Opening Stagate

To open the Stargate you will recite the Decree,  intone and visualize the three Fire Letters in your Body.

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

See the Fire Letter Vau(Red) written over your Third Eye
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) witten over your Sacred Chakra

See the Letter Vau (Red) in Left Hand Palm
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) in Right Hand Palm
This forms a Cross with "Hey(Violet)" as the center point.
Fold both hands over Heart.

Give Decree:
By the Authority of Vau Hey Vau,

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey,

I decree that the Sirius Stargate is open and activated through which all my higher self energy enters and leaves my Universe.   The Christ, Archangel Michael, the Sirian Council of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light including the Golden and Crystalline Dolphins are my guardians and the protectors into this Multi-Dimensional realm.  I feel their energy flowing around me and through me.

  Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades
Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Once you have opened the Stargate, you can do an alignment with the Seven Stars of the Pleiades.  The Pleiades is hard wired into this Stargate. You do not have to open your Communication Command Center to align with this Star System.  In this session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the the Seven Stars of the Pleiades to upgrade your 4 body energy system to a 5th Dimensional Vibrational Seed Pattern.  The link up between your Chakra system and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades have been practiced in many civilization and timelines including: the Maya, the Cherokees and the ancient Egyptians. Linking the Pleiades to your chakra column The first thing that occurs with this link up is a massive increase in our capacity to hold light within our four body system.  This upgrades your  entire operating system. It's like upgrading from Human Consciousness 3.0 to Galactic Consciousness 12.0. 

The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart. In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation. Mastery over thought is a prerequisite. Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. There is no distinction between past, present or future. After you have practiced this Transmission for at least three or four times ...over several weeks you will have begun the process of attuning to a 5th Dimensional "enlightened reality".

You will be using the Fire Mantra below:


Fire Letter Mantra:Mem Ayin Chet
Meaning: Cosmic Circuitry for receiving energy from the Pleiades

Recite Decree:
By the Authority and Power of
Chet (amber) Ayin(blue)  Mem (blue)

in the name of the Christ within me,
Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey, 

I decree that I am aligning my energy system with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. This alignment has increased my capacity to hold light within my four body system.  This has upgraded my entire operating system and is attuning me into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness .
Energy Pattern

  • Envision a golden infinite symbol connecting one of your chakras to one of the planets that make up the Pleiades.

  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Maia to your Crown Chakra,
    Envision and Recite:  Chet Ayin Mem, I am connected to Maia
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Taygeta to your Third Eye
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Taygeta
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Celaeno to your Throat Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Celaeno
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Electra to your Heart Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Electra
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Alcyone to your Solar Plexus
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Alcyone
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Pleione to your Sacred Chakra
    Envision and  Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Pleione
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Merope to your Root Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Merope

Now relax for at least half an hour and feel the frequencies of the Stellar bodies as they penetrate deeper into your 4 body system

  Arcturian Chakra Upgrade

In this Transmission you will be assisted by the Arcturians to attune your chakra system a 5th Dimensional Template.  The Arcturian healers in the soul room will send a series of energy balls out of the bottom of the Arcturian Mothership to raise your energy system to a 5th dimensional vibrational seed pattern and remove  negative electro-magnetic frequencies.  This process brings in the 5th dimensional template that is generating the New Earth frequencies.

You will be using the Fire Letter Mantra and the Hebrew Name of God for each chakra. During the visualization you will imagine  these Arcturian Emerald Green Fire Balls moving down your spinal column, entering each of your chakras and spinning in a counter clockwise wise direction clearing all negativity. As the Green Balls enter each chakra , you will see the three Fire Letters. written over the Chakra.  You will connect the back of your chakra with the front of the chakra with a horizontal infinity (figure eight) symbol.

This connection is done because the subconscious parts of your chakras are located in the back of your body directly behind the conscious parts of your chakras. After the negative energy is cleared from the Chakra, it changes color indicating the vibrational seed pattern of the 5th D has been brought in.  The Transmission is used to:

  • Contain and transform your own destructive projections
  • Enhance inner strength and resolve
  • Establish balance when your feel off center
  • Expand consciousness and shifts to multi-Dimensional awareness
  • Raise frequency to connect with spiritual guides 
  • Reduce fatigue by stimulating frozen blocks of energy

About the Arcturians

Edgar Casey reported the Arcturus civilization is the most highly evolved civilization in our galaxy. They have the most highly advanced technology and are totally dedicated  to serving humanity.  Starship Athena is an Arcturian Starship that has been said to be the most advanced and feared ship in the galaxy. For this reason, Arcturians have been able to protect and prevent any invasion of our planet Earth from Grey Aliens and Reptilian Aliens. It quietly resides between the planets Jupiter and Saturn awaiting any invading armada from the Greys or Reptilians.

This Starship is fueled by crystals. These crystals have forces that can channel energy as massive as our Sun, and propel the ship for millennia. These crystals are found in a planet, in our Milky Way Galaxy, not discovered by modern man. It also has a special room, the size of a football stadium, which has the ability to take any crew member back to the Arcturian home planet in his etheric body.

Athena is also home to the most advanced databases of universal information. This database has information regarding Earth life and life throughout the other Milky Way Galaxy planets. Arcturians are able to ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities. This process is similar to ingesting food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information 100 times faster than the average human being on Earth and is the reason why they outgrew the need for using computers/electronics.

The benevolent Arcturian beings have a specific mission to assist humanity into our next level of ascension.  With this goal is mind, they have created a soul room.  The soul room is connected to the healing power of the Fohat Energy. This room can be thought of as a hospital in which Arcturians are able to assist the energy of souls in need. The soul room’s mission is to revitalize individuals for their next learning experience.  Here the Arcturians are able to assist those individuals who are ready to raise their vibrational frequencies into the next stage of development.

What are the 5th Dimensional Chakras?


In the fifth dimension, your red base chakra shimmers with Blue Green Aqua  and connects with the joy and wisdom of dolphin energy. Your material needs are automatically met. The pure white Archangel Gabriel rules this chakra, bringing clarity and confidence to your future. The identification of the Master I AM presence here on Earth. Incredibly powerful.  I am a Child of the Light , I love the Light, I serve the Light, I live in the Light, I am Protected by the Light, I am illuminated, supplied, sustained by the Light


The orange Sacred Chakra is now bright pink. This beautiful nexus point has proved the most challenging to clear and assimilate. Containing most of the modern day challenges, those still working through financial/relationship issues will be clearing through initiations held here.At fifth dimensional level, the sacral chakra is a beautiful soft pink and radiates transcendent love. Guarded by Archangel Gabriel, this chakra helps you express love through sexuality. When the frequency of this chakra is raised, you will choose romantic partners wisely. Those aware and using this chakra consciously, will now be fully aware of the complete interconnection between oneself, and all other forms of life on this planet. I activate...


Your yellow Solar Plexus is bright gold. The fifth dimensional solar plexus is the ‘feelers’ within the body. Accessing all forms of surrounding vibrations, and analysing them for the Masters perceptions. Archangel Uriel looks after this chakra, absorbing lower emotions, strengthening confidence and bringing wisdom until this centre radiates at a higher frequency. When it does, your solar plexus is a deep bright gold with rainbow flashes. I Merge...


Your Green Heart turns ..bright white…The most powerful energy centre within the sentient form. This is the point where pure love is accessed, and created. Archangel Chamuel opens your heart to its deepest levels. All archangels link into the heart centre, which radiates pure white when it transitions into the fifth dimension, helping you to see the best in everyone, everything and act with love in all you do. I Dare...


At the fifth dimensional frequency turns the sky blue throat chakra (Daath), looked after by Archangel Michael, into cobalt blue. This bright blue chakra is very powerful, taking the vibration of thought patterns into spoken manifestation. At this frequency you can safely say what you really feel, think and believe, as people will trust you. You will also be able to take mastery of your life and know who you are. I Will...


Your Indigo Third Eye..turn emerald green. This is your manifestation point. It is also the receptivity centre that puts information we receive into tangible reality.Archangel Rephael works with this chakra to help remove the veils of illusion, just like a crystal ball, enabling you to see the world from a higher perspective. I Know...


Your purple crown chakra turns bright Platinum.  This liquid Platinum chakra now receives information processed by the Higher Self, and is fed by the upper three transcendent charras. Archangel Metatron, Cosmic Being Mahatma, Archangel  Josephine helps to develop this chakra, known as the thousand petal lotus. At the fifth dimension it opens you up to the wisdom of the universe, like a blossoming flower. I Am that.. I Am


The Alta Major Chakra located in the back of the neck is an important sacred vortex of Aqua Fire It is a highly sensitive portal of energy with an antenna alerting you to negative energies, untruths and toxic influences (think hairs on the back of your neck). It’s also considered an entry point for psychic attacks. The Blue Lightening Angels and Archangel Michael works with this chakra. I Hear...


The Soul Star, six inches above the top of the head. It is magenta in colour, and contains the active blueprint for all of our spiritual gifts. The information stored in this nexus of energy will go back through every lifetime that you have existed in.This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. Archangel Marie works with this magenta chakra to enable you to understand your soul more deeply. I Manifest...

Energy Flow Pattern


Fire Letter Mantra: ← Yod(lime green)  Lamed(yellow) Kaph(violet)

Meaning: Build and Strengthen your Physical Vessel & Spiritual DNA

Recite Decree : 
By the Authority of Kaph Lamed Yod

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod-Hey-Shin-Vau-Hey, 

I now call forth the Arcturian Mothership Athena and the healing energy of the Soul Room to send a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire into my chakras. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership and moving down my chakra column, and entering my seven chakras.  This energy aligns me with my 5th Dimensional energy system.  I call to the Arcturian Advanced Technology,  to raise up my personal Light Quotient level, as much as possible, up to the 98% Ascended Master requirement.

 I  decree that this process is started at the moment. I  ask that this process continues at a speed that is deemed safe for my individual body system. I request this process does not stop until I reach the 98% Light Quotient Level.

I decree that all my chakras are functioning in the 5th dimensional frequency and this energy is building a new Vessel and activating my Star Codes and spiritual DNA.  Kaph Lamed Yod  

Tarot Keys for Meditation:
Tarot Key: Wheel of Fortune Card (Kaph)


Tarot Key: Strength Card (Lamed)


Rise up energy  to connect with God

Tarot Key: Hermit Card (Yod)



Upgrade Chakras

Recite and Visualize :

  • I see the Arcturian Mothership Athena hoovering directly above me. As I look up at the bottom of the Ship I .  see a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire floating out of the bottom of the Ship. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership. The Green Fire Balls are encoded with 5th dimensional keys and codes in the Language of Light.  I let each Ball of Green Fire enter my crown chakra and then move down my Antakarana Tube,  that runs through the center of my body, down my spinal column. I let these Fire Balls enter my seven chakras one at a time.

(Focus your attention on the Earth Star Chakra)

I let the first green ball of fire enter my earth star chakra located below my feet and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my earth star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Base Chakra)
I let the 2nd green ball of fire enter my base chakra and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my base chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Sacred Chakra)
I let the 3rd green ball of fire enter my sacred chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire I see a green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my sacred chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Bright Pink

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Shaddai El Chai (Shah-dye-El-kI )
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Solar Plexus Chakra)
I let the 4th green ball of fire enter my stomach chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire, see an green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the  fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from the front to back of the chakra.

I now open and raise my Solar Plexus chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright gold

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Elohim Tzabaoth Jehovah Tzabaoth (El-oh-heem tzah-bah-oth Yah-hO-v ah tzah-bah-oth)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra )
I let the 5th green ball of fire enter my heart chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

I now open and raise my heart chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright white

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Jehovah Aloah va Daath (Yah-ho-vah El-oh-ah Vah-Dah-th)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Throat Chakra)
I let the 6th emerald green ball of fire enter my throat chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

 I now open and raise my throat chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency . The green fire ball has turned to a cobalt blue

Now intone: 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Elohim Gibor  El  (El-oh-hEEm Ge-boor ehl)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Third Eye Chakra)
I let the 7th green ball of fire enter my third eye chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my third eye chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Emerald Green 

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Yah Jehovah Elohim  (Yah Yah-hO-vah El-oh-heem)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Crown Chakra)
I let the 8th green ball of fire enter my crown chakra and spin counter clock wise.
I now open and raise my crown chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Platinum

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh (A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Soul Star Chakra)
I let the 9th emerald green ball of fire enter my soul star chakra located 6" above the top of my head and spin counter clock wise.

I now open and raise my soul star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a magenta

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh Asher Eheieh (A-hey-yah ash-er A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

Recite Decree:
I now raise my frequencies within my physical, astral, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies to the 5th dimensional frequencies. I call forth the complete stabilization of my new fifth dimensional chakra system within my entire being. I now decree that the Arcturian Emissaries of Light, send a vibrational seed pattern to each of my chakras that will perfectly balance and attune them to 5th dimensional frequencies. This process will remove any cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good.
Take 15 seconds for each chakra to be balanced.   

  • Now in your mind's eye see your chakra column lighting up like a christmas tree .
    My base chakra is now Blue Green
    My sacral chakra is now Bright Pink
    My solar plexus is now Bright Gold
    My Heart Chakra is pure White
    My throat chakra is now Cobalt Blue
    My third eye is now Emerald Green
    My crown chakra is now Platinum
    My soul star is now Magenta
  • Visualize all your chakras integrating and blending into one unified chakra of White Gold Fire ... one White Gold Fire Ray of energy running up and down your spinal column. 

Now intone:
I call forth my 5th dimensional self, to now meld it consciousness with my unified energy field and aura. 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

  • Visualize the Fire Letters over this unified Chakra to active it.
  • Imagine thousands of the three fire letters out of your unified chakra into your blood stream and into your Body.

Recite the following affirmations:

  •  I have now activated and accepted the Christ Consciousness program within every cell of my body, within  my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum
  • I now call forth the complete balancing of all my Karma from all my past, present and future lives within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I am now Christ living in this body, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I call forth the complete and full baptism of the Holy Spirit, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

Sit and absorb these new frequencies, until you intuitively feel the process is complete. 

Intone Protection Mantra:
Click on link below to listen to mantra
Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth (Holy, Holy, Holy is the  Lord God of Host)

You should do this exercise:

  • at least once a week for a period of 40 days . 
  • when you feel scattered, ungrounded or overwhelmed 
  • need or desire spiritual expansion and connection
  Galactic Light Codes


Click here to return to Stage 8: Communication Command Center

In this Transmission you will be downloading Galactic Light Codes that contain information and wisdom from the seven primary star systems with which we most closely align: The Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra, Orion, Sirius, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda.  The codes will assist you in releasing outdated emotional, attitudinal and belief patterns so that you may bring in knowledge and wisdom from these star systems. This Star wisdom helps your new cricuitry formed in Stage 7 to connect properly.  To receive the Galactic Light Codes you will be intoning "Kaf Lamed Yod"  and envisioning the following Fire Letters :

Fire Letter MantraYod (lime green)  Lamed( yellow)  Kaf( purple) ←
Meaning: Build your new 5th dimensional vessel & awaken spiritual DNA for regeneration

The Galactic Light Codes are stored in the Earth's Grid System: the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid. Before you can bring in the Galactic Light Codes(GLC) your energy system must be attuned with the new GLC frequency. You attune to the new frequency by forming Triangular Energy Circuit between your Heart, and the two Galactic Transmitting Stations.   Each Transmitting Station condenses the GLC codes from the Sun Disc energy for a specific Hemisphere into one wave frequency. The Transmitting Station of the West is located in Moody Gardens Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston, Texas. It transmutes and transmits a unique Sun Disc GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission for the Western Hemisphere. The Transmitting Station of the East is located in the Giza Pyramid.  It transmutes and transmits a specific GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission of the of Eastern Hemisphere. When you merge your energy with these two Transmitting Stations you create an energy circuit that raises your frequency to match the GLC. This frequency creates an energy field that connects to the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid and releases the GLC.

What are the Sun Disc?

This new frequency of the GLC is being transmitted by the 12 Sun Disc located across the Planet. The vibrational seed pattern of the 12 Golden Sun Discs turns your Energy Body into a transmitting and receiving station for Galactic messages.  The 12 Golden Sun Discs are energy vortices that take in energy from the Grid and the Bermuda Triangle and then weaves it into a new energy. These Discs form a communication channel between mankind and the celestial realms. They are a perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies that are required for Earth’s ascension. The amphied energy from the Sun Disc are over riding programs and sequences from outdate morphogenetic fields and degenative gene codes. The Sun Disc energy is encoding your circuitry to substitute the new code for the old code. According to geologist and grid expert, James Tyberonn,

"These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field ~ of pure love, unconditional love ~ a light code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above. The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blueprint for the crystalline field, indeed for the Crystalline 144 Grid! Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, similar to the DNA of the Earth itself."

The Sun Discs are dimensional program stabilizers for the New Atlantis Energy. Click here to learn more about New Atlantis. Each of the 12 Disc carries a specific vibration that relates to its purpose and geographic location.  The Golden Sun Discs are for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: a composite library of the Perfection Blueprint. Each Disc contains a DNA code for the planet, and there are 12 composite frequencies that allows the Earth and mankind to regenerate itself.
Click here to learn more about the Sun Disc

All   'Sun Discs' are connected to one of two Transmitting Stations: one in Texas, the Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston  and one in Egypt, the Giza Pyramid .   Below are some interesting facts on the Transmitting Stations:

  • The Texas Transmitting Station is in a direct alignment to the Giza Transmitting Station. Both correlate to magnetic north and are attuned to the energies of the Yucatan Pyramids.
  • The Giza Transmitting Station is aligned to the Orion star system and the Texas Transmitting Station  is aligned to Sirius.
  • When approached with appropriate intent, the energy within these Transmitting Stations stores and transmits universal and multi-dimensional data similar to quartz. Due to how the Stations are aligned (terrestrial and celestial) they create electromagnetic anomalies that alters gravity and dimensional time.
    Click here to learn more...

The Two Transmitting Stations gather the wave frequencies of the Sun Discs in each of the respective hemisphere, steps down the energy  and transmits these coded vibrations across the planet to help us return to our original state of being. The Transmitting Stations are constantly bring in energy from the Sun Disc and stepping down the frequency. When you attune your energy system to the Sun Disc by way of both Transmitting Stations you are upgrading your vibrational Seed pattern to the divine energy field of Zero.  You take on some of the energy characteristics of the Sun Disc, a " perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies". These characteristics allow you to release and absorb the GLC from both the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid .

Energy Flow Pattern

  • Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra. Think about some one you love, a parent, brother, friend,  a dog or cat, or some place that you love to be at. Let the feeling of love grow in your heart. 
  • See this love as a ball of fire spinning clockwise in your heart chakra. The more you think about the love you have for this person, place, object or animal, the faster the fire ball spins. Recite:
    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"  as the Ball spins.
  • When you feel you heart is completely overflowing with the emotion of Love send the energy to the Texas Transmitting Station Pyramid at Moody Gardens
  • In your mind's eye visualize the Tri-Pyramid Complex of Moody Gardens located in Galveston,Texas next to the shining blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. See each of the Pyramid's Capstones radiating a high frequency Gold White Light. This Gold White Light contains the vibrational seed pattern of the GLC for the Western Hemisphere.
  • Focus on one of the three Pyramids. It does not matter which one you pick. From your Heart send out a ray of your Love to connect to the Capstone of this one Pyramid.  
  • Feel your heart pumping love and light into the Capstone. As you send this energy recite,
    Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod,
  • Use intention and breath to keep sending a stream of Love energy into the Capstone from your heart.
    The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Pyramid. See the Pyramid glowing Brighter and Brighter with your energy. 
  • Keep pumping your Love energy into the Pyramid, reciting  Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod, until you intuitively feel your energy has completely blended with the Pyramid's energy. 
  • Focus on the Capstone of the Pyramid and imagine it sending a ray of this blended energy to the Capstone of the Giza Pyramid. The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Giza Pyramid.  See the Giza Pyramid get brighter and brighter until the Capstone explodes, sending an energy stream back to your Heart Chakra. 
  • Repeat this energy pathway until you feel a smooth and constant energy circuit flowing between your heart, the Texas Pyramid, and the Giza Pyramid. Keep reciting "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod," as the energy goes through the circuit. Every time you complete a circuit feel the energy moving a little faster with a higher vibration.
  • You have now formed a triangular energy circuit from your Heart to the Texas Pyramid the Giza Pyramid  ...back to your Heart. As you send this energy around the circuit recite, "Love and Light, Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • Keep sending energy through the Triangular energy circuit, faster and faster. Pay attention to how you feel or what you see.  Does the color of the energy change as it moves faster through the energy pathway? How does you physical body feel after repeating the circuit? How does your mind feel as you move around the Triangular circuit?
  • Imagine that the energy is traveling so faster that the circuit starts to radiate energy out into the center of the Triangular Circuit, away for you.
  • This energy is forming column of energy in the center of your Triangular Circuit.
  • The column is changing shape to form an electrified blue triangle that reaches up to touch the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth. The Base is laying on the Crystalline Grid beneath the Earth surface.


  Crystalline Grid

  • Hold your the palms of your hands so they are facing the new blue energy pyramid now directly in front of you. Send energy from your heart, down your arms and out the palms of your hands into the Pyramid. Keep sending energy and saying outloud

    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • See it growing brighter and brighter, stronger and stronger until it explodes. Sending blue energy out the Top  into the Unity Grid and out the base into the Crystalline Grid. The energy disappears into the two Grids. 
  • As the energy disappears into the two Grids visualize sacred Galactic Light Codes being released from the Unity Grid above you and the Crystalline Grid below you.  You may see these codes as light, geometrical shapes, beings of light, voices or many other things.  See all these codes floating around you.   Let these codes descend over you and around you … and infusing your entire auric field.
  • Inhale these codes into the crown of your head and let them slowly absorb into the pours of your skin. Bring in this coded information into the cells of your body.  Feel these codes absorbing into your organs. Let the symbols and codes flow through your veins like water.
  • Let the GLC travel through your physical body, writing symbols, shapes and formulas over your body internally and externally.  See these codes written over your organs ...healing and transmuting the causes of disease within these organs, reversing negative spirals of degenerating and restoring positive spirals of regeneration.
  • Feel the codes saturating your memory written over your third eye… flushing out hurtful memories, painful records that replay through our mind.
  • You feel an enormous amount of light and energy flowing through your four body system. These codes are now a part of you and will be working through your four body system…raising your light quota … opening you up to the wisdom and knowledge of your star family.
  • The second after this happens you should feel a slight tingling sensation in your nervous system. This is 5th and 6th dimensional energy pouring into your chakras and energy fields. This is a special coating of geometric forms, key codes, fire letters and colors that are being placed inside you. Whenever any aspect of your selves  get off balanced, the codes activate and automatically put’s your whole program back in balance.

Recite out loud 3x:

Kaf Lamed Yod, I AM Universal Light
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Love
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Harmony
Kaf Lamed Yod,I Am Universal Balance
Kaf Lamed Yod, I Am one with my 5th Dimensional Rainbow Light Body

The Planets and your four body system must be aligned with the new Planetary energy coming in. In the past,  if you are giving a presentation, you would connect to Mercury for improved communications. If you are looking for inner strength, the Sun would be a good choice. What is not commonly known is that each planet is associated with vertebra and a chakra. Plus some planets have changed their energies and their associated chakra based on the new energies that have changed the Morphic field of our solar system. Below is the standard Planet guideline.

Planet Chakra Vertebra Quality/Planetary Trait
Sun Solar Plexus T5 Enhances sense of strength and motivation, self-identity, vitality and radiance and promotes enthusiasm, assertiveness, and determination.
Moon Sacral Plexus T4 Promotes emotional tranquility, softness, intuition, enhances feelings and the feminine, and a flowing flexibility with life.
Om Cosmic Earth Root Solar Plexus Sacrum Enhances deep security and safety of Mother Earth, the cosmic sound OM, and an ability to be grounded and centered.
Mercury Throat T3, T6 Enhances ability to cooperate through understanding and sharpens communication skills through reason, writing and speaking with confidence.
Venus Heart T2, T7 Enhances ability to feel and have love and close relationships with others, sense of creativity and artistry, ability to receive and share, increases our love of pleasure, harmony and self-appreciation.
Mars Root T1 Enhances strength and desire, motivates action, brings out decision making abilities and assertiveness, gives courage and strengthens sexual nature.
Jupiter Heart T9 Enhances openness, trust, optimism, good fortune, and brings out a jovial spirit of laughter. Allows one to be receptive to grace and the adventure in life.
Saturn 3rd Eye T10 Enhances ability to be disciplined and set limits with our self and others. Helps be more structured and organized and take responsibility for completing important tasks.
Uranus Throat Crown T11 Enhances ability to make life changes through inspiration and insight and freedom of expression without self-imposed limitations.
Neptune Sacral Plexus 3rd Eye T12 Enhances spiritual experiences and brings out ability to be compassionate and open to surrendering to creativity. Helps get in touch with and support the dream life, artistic nature, music, art, dance and creativity.
Pluto T8 Enhances ability to face our deepest secrets and bring light to the darkness. Through the energetic forces of Pluto, you can let go of

In our session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the planet Sirius,  Inner Earth,  our Sun, our Moon, and the Galactic Center of the Milky Way based on the new energies that have been drawn into the Planets.   Below is a brief review of the effects of linking your consciousness to each of these planets :

Sirius: Accelerates your ability to create multi-dimensional link-ups.  Also linking your Third Eye to Sirius attunes your inner vision to the frequency of 6th dimensional sacred geometry. This enhances your ability to create your own reality, to heal yourself, and to restructure your form to move through other dimensions and timelines.

Milk Way: Attunes you to the Vibrational Seed Pattern of Cosmic Manifestation fueled by the Universal Laws, Laws of Nature, and Occult Laws. This allows you to be part of the Planetary Ascension Plan

Inner Earth:  When you link it with Inner Earth you are automatically attune with the vibrational seed pattern of Inner Earth's Halls of Ameniti and Inner Earth Cities of Light that are the last strongholds of the Lemurian and Atlantis civilizations. This link allows you to review and imprint on the "Original Race Blueprint" . This Blueprint contains encodings that allow the fragmented Human soul to eventually re-evolve back into its original divine blueprint as a 12D Crystalline Being.

Sun: Attunes you with the Vibrational Seed Pattern of the Collective Consciousness for this timeline. Allows you to co-create with Mother Earth and other Lightworks through the Planetary Grid System.

Moon: Attunes you with the Vibrational Galactic Yin (Goddess) Consciousness that  re-aligns and balances your yin and yang polarities.

Click here to do Planetary Chakra Alignment

Step 2: Create Pyramid of Light to Open Stargate

After you have created a two way energy flow beween your Spiriual Source and Mother Earth, you need to raise your frequency to match the Stargates. The Pyramid of Light is a unique energy amplifier and master alignment tool.  As higher frequencies are drawn up from the base or down from the Apex of the Pyramid the Aura begins to vibrate.  Thought forms, limiting beliefs and old emotional patterns cannot maintain their structure. Negative low frequency energy is dispersed, allowing higher frequency energy to come in. Higher frequencies are drawn in from the "Head of the Dove Leyline" enhancing and strengthens the Stargate vibrational seed pattern, promoting faster opening of the Stargate. While in the Pyramid your body is constantly pulling in energy from this leyline to align you with the Stargate Vibrational Seed Pattern. To completely merge with the Stargate frequency you will be intoning and envisioning the Fire Letter Mantra:

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

In this Transmission you will also be working with two higher energy chakra centers in your Aura: The Soul Star Chakra and the Stellar Chakra. These two chakras link you with your higher dimensional self and their function is to tune you into Multi-Dimensional reality.

The Soul Star Chakra
The Soul Star is located 6-8 inches above the head. This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. The Soul Star chakra center is the gateway to your Self as it expands past the planet. Because of this, this chakra is the last energy center that holds anything human within it. It becomes the temple of human cleansing and the releasing of patterns that are lifetimes old and outdated. These patterns are the last of what holds you to the reincarnation system and your humanness that keep you from uniting with higher powers, beings, and ideas.  The 8th chakra is an energy transference chakra. It is the chakra that is the interface for our relationship with the Universe. It captures and filters Cosmic energy received from the Stellar Gateway.

The Stellar Gateway
The Stellar Gateway is situated approximately 12 inches above the head.  The Stellar Gateway’s function is to receive, filter and harmonize you with the energy from the stars, planets, universes or other dimensions. It holds your monadic energy and contains the sum total of all your experiences. Your monad is your original divine spark and is  the true essence of who you are. Two Archangels oversee this chakra – Archangel Metatron who is helping humanity to rise in frequency and Seraphina, a Seraphim, who is forming the link with your monad and Divine Spirit.  This point is intimately connected with our Body of Light and with the Divine I AM Presence.

Energy Flow Pattern:

  • Sit or stand with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Feel the weight of your feet on the floor and relax your body. Activate Spiral Pillar of Light to establish sacred ground.
  • Imagine yourself standing inside a body size four sided 3D Pyramid. The top of the Pyramid is at the level of the Stellar Gateway (12" above your head). The floor to which you have your feet grounded now becomes the square which is the Base of the Pyramid connecting to four adjacent triangular walls.
  • The base of the Pyramid sits on the Earth and the Pyramid may be one color or multi-colored. What color is it for you?

  • The Base of the Pyramid is energetically connected to the "Head of Dove Leyline" that runs under the surface of the Earth.   Imagine the Leyline flowing from Lake Titicaca, Peru to the Tikal Ruins, Guatemala  to Palenque Mexico to East Cameron County in Rio Grande Valley, Texas and ends at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas.
  • See sparkling White Gold Liquid Fire flowing in a stream through the Leyline.  Imagine this Leyline as a pathway of crystalline White Gold Fire traveling underneath the surface of the Earth.
  • Focus on the Base of the Pyramid. Imagine Rays of light generating from the Base of the Pyramid.  See these Rays like the Roots of a Tree ...pushing through the ground to meet the "Head of the Dove Leyline"  underground.
  •  See the Roots sifting through the soil, creating a pathway to the Base of the Pyramid. You might see the Roots go straight down or you might want to turn them to the right or to the left to find the Leyline. 
  • Once the Roots have found the Leyline, send the Roots into the Leyline.  You will know that the Roots have connected to the Leyline when you suddenly feel "Plugged In" or intuitively know they are rooted in.  You may feel a surge of energy, some heat, tingling or pulsating in your body.
  • Send Love and Light into the Leyline and ask the Deva of the Leyline for help in bring up the White Gold Fire of the Sirius Stargate.
  • With your breath, pull the White Gold Fire up into the Roots. In your mind's eye see the Fire flowing up through the layers of the Earth.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire of Unconditional Love flowing up into the Base of the Pyramid.  As the Fire hits the Base see it lighting it up with White Gold Fire
  • Let the White Gold Fire flow up the four sides to the top of the Pyramid.  Each of the walls of your Pyramid is radiating with divine power, charging up your Pyramid in a force field of ancient power and protection . In your mind's eye see the entire Pyramid lighting up with White Gold Fire.
  • Imagine the Pyramid you are standing in starts to beam out rays of White Gold Liquid Fire towards your body.

  • Using your breath, intention and imagination draw the fire energy out from the top, sides and base of the Pyramid towards your body.
  • See the White Gold Fire forming  a Cocoon over the top of your head, under the bottom of your feet...spreading out 12 body lengths to completely enfold your aura in an energy Cocoon of swirling White Gold sparkling energy . Let the Cocoon spin around your body for 30 sec.
  •  To see if your Cocoon is working think:
    Cocoon Lights on…
    Cocoon 10% Light Boost please (Cocoon grows Brighter)
    Cocoon Lights off (Cocoon Lights Dim)
  • If your Cocoon isn't working, let it spin longer and faster
  • With your breathe, intention and imagination inhale and bring in part of the Cocoon's fire into your physical body, then your etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body.
  • The Cocoon's Fire is forming a Vortex within you.  See a Vortex of white gold fire forming along your Hara line. The Hara line is a golden tube extending downward from the Soul Star above the head, through the Higher Heart in the upper chest, through the Sacred Chakra  in the lower abdomen, and into the core of the earth.
  • This Vortex is drawing the White Gold Fire energy up through your chakras
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire from the Vortex into your the Soul Star located 6-8 inches above the head. See your Soul Star Chakra light up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Focus on your Stellar Gateway Chakra(12 ' above your head). Inhale and see this White Gold energy filling this chakra. This chakra is now sending this energy up into your higher dimensional chakras.
  • Visualize each of your 7 chakras as being empty, then each one filling up with the healing, loving White Gold Energy. Feel your body getting lighter and lighter as the White Gold frequency fills your Body.
  • Now see the White Gold fire start to spin in a counter clockwise direction inside and around your body.
  • Start to intone the Fire Letter Mantra  Vau Hey Vau, as the Cocoon spins faster and faster.
  •  Feel this Vortex spinning around you and through you. This spinning tornado is clearing all the physical, mental and emotional negative states of mind and troubling emotions that are not intune with the Stargate vibrational seed pattern.
  • See this whirlwind throwing out all the negative energy from your 4 body system (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). Visualize this negative energy as black smoke being lifted out of your body and aura. The negative energy is going up out of the top of the Pyramid into the Sky and up into the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth where it is transmuted back into positive energy.
  • Now let the White Gold Vortex change directions to spin in a clockwise direction around and through your body.
  • While continuously intoning  Vau Hey Vau bring in the White Gold Fire into your 4 body system. See and feel your body filling up with a higher frequency of White Gold Fire energy . 
  • Focus on your Crown Chakra, inhale and draw in the White Gold Fire into the top of your head and let it fill your Pineal Gland attuning it to the frequency of the Stargate . 
  • See your Pineal Gland light up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire Energy
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Pineal Gland
  • Now let the White Gold Fire spread to the rest of your brain. Focus on your Brain and see your Brain lighting  up with  Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Inhale and draw the White Gold Fire down from your Brain into the top of your Spine. Let the White Gold Fire flow down your spine stopping at the bottom three vertebrae.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire flowing through and around the bottom three vertebra, opening your Spinal Pathway to the frequency of the Stargate.  See the three vertebra lightening up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of the three vertebra at the bottom of your spine.

  • Next see White Gold Fire entering your heart, open your heart to the frequency of the Stargate
  • Focus on your Heart and see your Heart lighting up with Multi-Dimensional White Gold Fire energy.
  • Intone Vau Hey Vau and envision the Three Fire Letters written over the top of your Heart
  •  Now let the Vortex  absorb and disappear into your physical body.
  • Imagine the White Gold Fire from the Cocoon surrounding the outside of your body is being absorbed into all your chakras and aura and disappearing .
  • Take a few moments to feel the energy within you.
  •  Now inside your glowing white gold Pyramid imagine your Higher Self in a radiant shining light body.
  • Ask your Higher Self to come and stand in front of you.
  • When your Higher Self is standing in front of you, extend your hands with you’re palms facing away from your body and invite your higher self to connect with you palm to palm.
  • Allow energy from your Higher Self  to enter your body through the palms of your hands and arms. Give this energy a color. Just choose a color that feels right at this time .  Let the colored energy flow into your heart and fill up your 4 body system. Emotional, mental, physical, spiritual.
  • Now visualize the energy of Higher Self flowing up into your Third Eye Chakra and forming Triangle inside of it.
  • Imagine this Triangle as the same color as your Higher Self energy that is now running through your body. However the energy of the Triangle is intensified and electrified .  See this electric energy pulsing along the edges of the Triangle.  

  • The Third Eye Triangle is now fully activated and charged with Higher Self Energy. The Electrified Third Eye Triangle allows you to be open to Higher Self inspiration, communication, and heightened perception and so on. 

  • Drop the hand connection with your Higher Self .  And ask it to merge with you.  At this point you should feel a wave or surge of energy move from in front of you through your body to your back. You may feel more expansive, light, peaceful, joyful, filled with love, or just a general sense of wellbeing. 
  • If there is any part of your body in which the blending seems not to be occurring. Breathe into the area and relax it until you feel an energy shift as your Higher Self is able to blend with you there.
  Step 3: Opening Stagate

To open the Stargate you will recite the Decree,  intone and visualize the three Fire Letters in your Body.

Fire Letter Mantra: Vav Hey Vav
Meaning:  Open Stargate- Return to Creation - Time Travel

See the Fire Letter Vau(Red) written over your Third Eye
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) witten over your Sacred Chakra

See the Letter Vau (Red) in Left Hand Palm
See the Fire Letter Hey(Violet) written over your Heart
See the Letter Vau (Red) in Right Hand Palm
This forms a Cross with "Hey(Violet)" as the center point.
Fold both hands over Heart.

Give Decree:
By the Authority of Vau Hey Vau,

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey,

I decree that the Sirius Stargate is open and activated through which all my higher self energy enters and leaves my Universe.   The Christ, Archangel Michael, the Sirian Council of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light including the Golden and Crystalline Dolphins are my guardians and the protectors into this Multi-Dimensional realm.  I feel their energy flowing around me and through me.

  Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades
Alignment with Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Once you have opened the Stargate, you can do an alignment with the Seven Stars of the Pleiades.  The Pleiades is hard wired into this Stargate. You do not have to open your Communication Command Center to align with this Star System.  In this session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the the Seven Stars of the Pleiades to upgrade your 4 body energy system to a 5th Dimensional Vibrational Seed Pattern.  The link up between your Chakra system and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades have been practiced in many civilization and timelines including: the Maya, the Cherokees and the ancient Egyptians. Linking the Pleiades to your chakra column The first thing that occurs with this link up is a massive increase in our capacity to hold light within our four body system.  This upgrades your  entire operating system. It's like upgrading from Human Consciousness 3.0 to Galactic Consciousness 12.0. 

The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart. In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation. Mastery over thought is a prerequisite. Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. There is no distinction between past, present or future. After you have practiced this Transmission for at least three or four times ...over several weeks you will have begun the process of attuning to a 5th Dimensional "enlightened reality".

You will be using the Fire Mantra below:


Fire Letter Mantra:Mem Ayin Chet
Meaning: Cosmic Circuitry for receiving energy from the Pleiades

Recite Decree:
By the Authority and Power of
Chet (amber) Ayin(blue)  Mem (blue)

in the name of the Christ within me,
Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey, 

I decree that I am aligning my energy system with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. This alignment has increased my capacity to hold light within my four body system.  This has upgraded my entire operating system and is attuning me into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness .
Energy Pattern

  • Envision a golden infinite symbol connecting one of your chakras to one of the planets that make up the Pleiades.

  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Maia to your Crown Chakra,
    Envision and Recite:  Chet Ayin Mem, I am connected to Maia
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Taygeta to your Third Eye
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Taygeta
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Celaeno to your Throat Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Celaeno
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Electra to your Heart Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Electra
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Alcyone to your Solar Plexus
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Alcyone
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Pleione to your Sacred Chakra
    Envision and  Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Pleione
  • Envision a golden infinity symbol connecting Merope to your Root Chakra
    Envision and Recite: Chet Ayin Mem I am connected to Merope

Now relax for at least half an hour and feel the frequencies of the Stellar bodies as they penetrate deeper into your 4 body system

  Arcturian Chakra Upgrade

In this Transmission you will be assisted by the Arcturians to attune your chakra system a 5th Dimensional Template.  The Arcturian healers in the soul room will send a series of energy balls out of the bottom of the Arcturian Mothership to raise your energy system to a 5th dimensional vibrational seed pattern and remove  negative electro-magnetic frequencies.  This process brings in the 5th dimensional template that is generating the New Earth frequencies.

You will be using the Fire Letter Mantra and the Hebrew Name of God for each chakra. During the visualization you will imagine  these Arcturian Emerald Green Fire Balls moving down your spinal column, entering each of your chakras and spinning in a counter clockwise wise direction clearing all negativity. As the Green Balls enter each chakra , you will see the three Fire Letters. written over the Chakra.  You will connect the back of your chakra with the front of the chakra with a horizontal infinity (figure eight) symbol.

This connection is done because the subconscious parts of your chakras are located in the back of your body directly behind the conscious parts of your chakras. After the negative energy is cleared from the Chakra, it changes color indicating the vibrational seed pattern of the 5th D has been brought in.  The Transmission is used to:

  • Contain and transform your own destructive projections
  • Enhance inner strength and resolve
  • Establish balance when your feel off center
  • Expand consciousness and shifts to multi-Dimensional awareness
  • Raise frequency to connect with spiritual guides 
  • Reduce fatigue by stimulating frozen blocks of energy

About the Arcturians

Edgar Casey reported the Arcturus civilization is the most highly evolved civilization in our galaxy. They have the most highly advanced technology and are totally dedicated  to serving humanity.  Starship Athena is an Arcturian Starship that has been said to be the most advanced and feared ship in the galaxy. For this reason, Arcturians have been able to protect and prevent any invasion of our planet Earth from Grey Aliens and Reptilian Aliens. It quietly resides between the planets Jupiter and Saturn awaiting any invading armada from the Greys or Reptilians.

This Starship is fueled by crystals. These crystals have forces that can channel energy as massive as our Sun, and propel the ship for millennia. These crystals are found in a planet, in our Milky Way Galaxy, not discovered by modern man. It also has a special room, the size of a football stadium, which has the ability to take any crew member back to the Arcturian home planet in his etheric body.

Athena is also home to the most advanced databases of universal information. This database has information regarding Earth life and life throughout the other Milky Way Galaxy planets. Arcturians are able to ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities. This process is similar to ingesting food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information 100 times faster than the average human being on Earth and is the reason why they outgrew the need for using computers/electronics.

The benevolent Arcturian beings have a specific mission to assist humanity into our next level of ascension.  With this goal is mind, they have created a soul room.  The soul room is connected to the healing power of the Fohat Energy. This room can be thought of as a hospital in which Arcturians are able to assist the energy of souls in need. The soul room’s mission is to revitalize individuals for their next learning experience.  Here the Arcturians are able to assist those individuals who are ready to raise their vibrational frequencies into the next stage of development.

What are the 5th Dimensional Chakras?


In the fifth dimension, your red base chakra shimmers with Blue Green Aqua  and connects with the joy and wisdom of dolphin energy. Your material needs are automatically met. The pure white Archangel Gabriel rules this chakra, bringing clarity and confidence to your future. The identification of the Master I AM presence here on Earth. Incredibly powerful.  I am a Child of the Light , I love the Light, I serve the Light, I live in the Light, I am Protected by the Light, I am illuminated, supplied, sustained by the Light


The orange Sacred Chakra is now bright pink. This beautiful nexus point has proved the most challenging to clear and assimilate. Containing most of the modern day challenges, those still working through financial/relationship issues will be clearing through initiations held here.At fifth dimensional level, the sacral chakra is a beautiful soft pink and radiates transcendent love. Guarded by Archangel Gabriel, this chakra helps you express love through sexuality. When the frequency of this chakra is raised, you will choose romantic partners wisely. Those aware and using this chakra consciously, will now be fully aware of the complete interconnection between oneself, and all other forms of life on this planet. I activate...


Your yellow Solar Plexus is bright gold. The fifth dimensional solar plexus is the ‘feelers’ within the body. Accessing all forms of surrounding vibrations, and analysing them for the Masters perceptions. Archangel Uriel looks after this chakra, absorbing lower emotions, strengthening confidence and bringing wisdom until this centre radiates at a higher frequency. When it does, your solar plexus is a deep bright gold with rainbow flashes. I Merge...


Your Green Heart turns ..bright white…The most powerful energy centre within the sentient form. This is the point where pure love is accessed, and created. Archangel Chamuel opens your heart to its deepest levels. All archangels link into the heart centre, which radiates pure white when it transitions into the fifth dimension, helping you to see the best in everyone, everything and act with love in all you do. I Dare...


At the fifth dimensional frequency turns the sky blue throat chakra (Daath), looked after by Archangel Michael, into cobalt blue. This bright blue chakra is very powerful, taking the vibration of thought patterns into spoken manifestation. At this frequency you can safely say what you really feel, think and believe, as people will trust you. You will also be able to take mastery of your life and know who you are. I Will...


Your Indigo Third Eye..turn emerald green. This is your manifestation point. It is also the receptivity centre that puts information we receive into tangible reality.Archangel Rephael works with this chakra to help remove the veils of illusion, just like a crystal ball, enabling you to see the world from a higher perspective. I Know...


Your purple crown chakra turns bright Platinum.  This liquid Platinum chakra now receives information processed by the Higher Self, and is fed by the upper three transcendent charras. Archangel Metatron, Cosmic Being Mahatma, Archangel  Josephine helps to develop this chakra, known as the thousand petal lotus. At the fifth dimension it opens you up to the wisdom of the universe, like a blossoming flower. I Am that.. I Am


The Alta Major Chakra located in the back of the neck is an important sacred vortex of Aqua Fire It is a highly sensitive portal of energy with an antenna alerting you to negative energies, untruths and toxic influences (think hairs on the back of your neck). It’s also considered an entry point for psychic attacks. The Blue Lightening Angels and Archangel Michael works with this chakra. I Hear...


The Soul Star, six inches above the top of the head. It is magenta in colour, and contains the active blueprint for all of our spiritual gifts. The information stored in this nexus of energy will go back through every lifetime that you have existed in.This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. Archangel Marie works with this magenta chakra to enable you to understand your soul more deeply. I Manifest...

Energy Flow Pattern


Fire Letter Mantra: ← Yod(lime green)  Lamed(yellow) Kaph(violet)

Meaning: Build and Strengthen your Physical Vessel & Spiritual DNA

Recite Decree : 
By the Authority of Kaph Lamed Yod

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod-Hey-Shin-Vau-Hey, 

I now call forth the Arcturian Mothership Athena and the healing energy of the Soul Room to send a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire into my chakras. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership and moving down my chakra column, and entering my seven chakras.  This energy aligns me with my 5th Dimensional energy system.  I call to the Arcturian Advanced Technology,  to raise up my personal Light Quotient level, as much as possible, up to the 98% Ascended Master requirement.

 I  decree that this process is started at the moment. I  ask that this process continues at a speed that is deemed safe for my individual body system. I request this process does not stop until I reach the 98% Light Quotient Level.

I decree that all my chakras are functioning in the 5th dimensional frequency and this energy is building a new Vessel and activating my Star Codes and spiritual DNA.  Kaph Lamed Yod  

Tarot Keys for Meditation:
Tarot Key: Wheel of Fortune Card (Kaph)


Tarot Key: Strength Card (Lamed)


Rise up energy  to connect with God

Tarot Key: Hermit Card (Yod)



Upgrade Chakras

Recite and Visualize :

  • I see the Arcturian Mothership Athena hoovering directly above me. As I look up at the bottom of the Ship I .  see a series of Green Balls of Fohat Fire floating out of the bottom of the Ship. These Green Fire Balls are coming down from the soul room of the Arcturian Mothership. The Green Fire Balls are encoded with 5th dimensional keys and codes in the Language of Light.  I let each Ball of Green Fire enter my crown chakra and then move down my Antakarana Tube,  that runs through the center of my body, down my spinal column. I let these Fire Balls enter my seven chakras one at a time.

(Focus your attention on the Earth Star Chakra)

I let the first green ball of fire enter my earth star chakra located below my feet and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my earth star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Base Chakra)
I let the 2nd green ball of fire enter my base chakra and spin counter clockwise..
I now open and raise my base chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency.

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Adonai ha aretz  (ah-DOE-nye-Ha-Ah-retz)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra

(Focus your attention on the Sacred Chakra)
I let the 3rd green ball of fire enter my sacred chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire I see a green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my sacred chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Bright Pink

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Shaddai El Chai (Shah-dye-El-kI )
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Solar Plexus Chakra)
I let the 4th green ball of fire enter my stomach chakra and spin counter clockwise. Coming out of the green ball of fire, see an green horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the  fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from the front to back of the chakra.

I now open and raise my Solar Plexus chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright gold

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Elohim Tzabaoth Jehovah Tzabaoth (El-oh-heem tzah-bah-oth Yah-hO-v ah tzah-bah-oth)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra )
I let the 5th green ball of fire enter my heart chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

I now open and raise my heart chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a bright white

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Jehovah Aloah va Daath (Yah-ho-vah El-oh-ah Vah-Dah-th)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Throat Chakra)
I let the 6th emerald green ball of fire enter my throat chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.

 I now open and raise my throat chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency . The green fire ball has turned to a cobalt blue

Now intone: 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Elohim Gibor  El  (El-oh-hEEm Ge-boor ehl)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Third Eye Chakra)
I let the 7th green ball of fire enter my third eye chakra and spin counter clockwise. I see a green fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 

I now open and raise my third eye chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Emerald Green 

Now intone:
Kaph Lamed Yod Yah Jehovah Elohim  (Yah Yah-hO-vah El-oh-heem)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Crown Chakra)
I let the 8th green ball of fire enter my crown chakra and spin counter clock wise.
I now open and raise my crown chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a Platinum

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh (A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

(Focus your attention on the Soul Star Chakra)
I let the 9th emerald green ball of fire enter my soul star chakra located 6" above the top of my head and spin counter clock wise.

I now open and raise my soul star chakra to the 5th dimensional frequency. The green fire ball has turned to a magenta

Now intone:
Kaph  Lamed Yod Eheieh Asher Eheieh (A-hey-yah ash-er A-hey-yah)
Visualize the Fire Letters over this Chakra to active it.

Recite Decree:
I now raise my frequencies within my physical, astral, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies to the 5th dimensional frequencies. I call forth the complete stabilization of my new fifth dimensional chakra system within my entire being. I now decree that the Arcturian Emissaries of Light, send a vibrational seed pattern to each of my chakras that will perfectly balance and attune them to 5th dimensional frequencies. This process will remove any cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good.
Take 15 seconds for each chakra to be balanced.   

  • Now in your mind's eye see your chakra column lighting up like a christmas tree .
    My base chakra is now Blue Green
    My sacral chakra is now Bright Pink
    My solar plexus is now Bright Gold
    My Heart Chakra is pure White
    My throat chakra is now Cobalt Blue
    My third eye is now Emerald Green
    My crown chakra is now Platinum
    My soul star is now Magenta
  • Visualize all your chakras integrating and blending into one unified chakra of White Gold Fire ... one White Gold Fire Ray of energy running up and down your spinal column. 

Now intone:
I call forth my 5th dimensional self, to now meld it consciousness with my unified energy field and aura. 
Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

  • Visualize the Fire Letters over this unified Chakra to active it.
  • Imagine thousands of the three fire letters out of your unified chakra into your blood stream and into your Body.

Recite the following affirmations:

  •  I have now activated and accepted the Christ Consciousness program within every cell of my body, within  my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum
  • I now call forth the complete balancing of all my Karma from all my past, present and future lives within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I am now Christ living in this body, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod  Aum
  • I call forth the complete and full baptism of the Holy Spirit, within my unified energy field and aura.
    Kaph  Lamed Yod Aum

Sit and absorb these new frequencies, until you intuitively feel the process is complete. 

Intone Protection Mantra:
Click on link below to listen to mantra
Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth (Holy, Holy, Holy is the  Lord God of Host)

You should do this exercise:

  • at least once a week for a period of 40 days . 
  • when you feel scattered, ungrounded or overwhelmed 
  • need or desire spiritual expansion and connection
  Galactic Light Codes


Click here to return to Stage 8: Communication Command Center

In this Transmission you will be downloading Galactic Light Codes that contain information and wisdom from the seven primary star systems with which we most closely align: The Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra, Orion, Sirius, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda.  The codes will assist you in releasing outdated emotional, attitudinal and belief patterns so that you may bring in knowledge and wisdom from these star systems. This Star wisdom helps your new cricuitry formed in Stage 7 to connect properly.  To receive the Galactic Light Codes you will be intoning "Kaf Lamed Yod"  and envisioning the following Fire Letters :

Fire Letter MantraYod (lime green)  Lamed( yellow)  Kaf( purple) ←
Meaning: Build your new 5th dimensional vessel & awaken spiritual DNA for regeneration

The Galactic Light Codes are stored in the Earth's Grid System: the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid. Before you can bring in the Galactic Light Codes(GLC) your energy system must be attuned with the new GLC frequency. You attune to the new frequency by forming Triangular Energy Circuit between your Heart, and the two Galactic Transmitting Stations.   Each Transmitting Station condenses the GLC codes from the Sun Disc energy for a specific Hemisphere into one wave frequency. The Transmitting Station of the West is located in Moody Gardens Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston, Texas. It transmutes and transmits a unique Sun Disc GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission for the Western Hemisphere. The Transmitting Station of the East is located in the Giza Pyramid.  It transmutes and transmits a specific GLC frequency corresponding to the global mission of the of Eastern Hemisphere. When you merge your energy with these two Transmitting Stations you create an energy circuit that raises your frequency to match the GLC. This frequency creates an energy field that connects to the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid and releases the GLC.

What are the Sun Disc?

This new frequency of the GLC is being transmitted by the 12 Sun Disc located across the Planet. The vibrational seed pattern of the 12 Golden Sun Discs turns your Energy Body into a transmitting and receiving station for Galactic messages.  The 12 Golden Sun Discs are energy vortices that take in energy from the Grid and the Bermuda Triangle and then weaves it into a new energy. These Discs form a communication channel between mankind and the celestial realms. They are a perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies that are required for Earth’s ascension. The amphied energy from the Sun Disc are over riding programs and sequences from outdate morphogenetic fields and degenative gene codes. The Sun Disc energy is encoding your circuitry to substitute the new code for the old code. According to geologist and grid expert, James Tyberonn,

"These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field ~ of pure love, unconditional love ~ a light code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above. The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blueprint for the crystalline field, indeed for the Crystalline 144 Grid! Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, similar to the DNA of the Earth itself."

The Sun Discs are dimensional program stabilizers for the New Atlantis Energy. Click here to learn more about New Atlantis. Each of the 12 Disc carries a specific vibration that relates to its purpose and geographic location.  The Golden Sun Discs are for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: a composite library of the Perfection Blueprint. Each Disc contains a DNA code for the planet, and there are 12 composite frequencies that allows the Earth and mankind to regenerate itself.
Click here to learn more about the Sun Disc

All   'Sun Discs' are connected to one of two Transmitting Stations: one in Texas, the Tri-Pyramid Complex in Galveston  and one in Egypt, the Giza Pyramid .   Below are some interesting facts on the Transmitting Stations:

  • The Texas Transmitting Station is in a direct alignment to the Giza Transmitting Station. Both correlate to magnetic north and are attuned to the energies of the Yucatan Pyramids.
  • The Giza Transmitting Station is aligned to the Orion star system and the Texas Transmitting Station  is aligned to Sirius.
  • When approached with appropriate intent, the energy within these Transmitting Stations stores and transmits universal and multi-dimensional data similar to quartz. Due to how the Stations are aligned (terrestrial and celestial) they create electromagnetic anomalies that alters gravity and dimensional time.
    Click here to learn more...

The Two Transmitting Stations gather the wave frequencies of the Sun Discs in each of the respective hemisphere, steps down the energy  and transmits these coded vibrations across the planet to help us return to our original state of being. The Transmitting Stations are constantly bring in energy from the Sun Disc and stepping down the frequency. When you attune your energy system to the Sun Disc by way of both Transmitting Stations you are upgrading your vibrational Seed pattern to the divine energy field of Zero.  You take on some of the energy characteristics of the Sun Disc, a " perfect battery for both receiving and transmitting the higher dimensional energies". These characteristics allow you to release and absorb the GLC from both the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid .

Energy Flow Pattern

  • Focus your attention on the Heart Chakra. Think about some one you love, a parent, brother, friend,  a dog or cat, or some place that you love to be at. Let the feeling of love grow in your heart. 
  • See this love as a ball of fire spinning clockwise in your heart chakra. The more you think about the love you have for this person, place, object or animal, the faster the fire ball spins. Recite:
    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"  as the Ball spins.
  • When you feel you heart is completely overflowing with the emotion of Love send the energy to the Texas Transmitting Station Pyramid at Moody Gardens
  • In your mind's eye visualize the Tri-Pyramid Complex of Moody Gardens located in Galveston,Texas next to the shining blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. See each of the Pyramid's Capstones radiating a high frequency Gold White Light. This Gold White Light contains the vibrational seed pattern of the GLC for the Western Hemisphere.
  • Focus on one of the three Pyramids. It does not matter which one you pick. From your Heart send out a ray of your Love to connect to the Capstone of this one Pyramid.  
  • Feel your heart pumping love and light into the Capstone. As you send this energy recite,
    Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod,
  • Use intention and breath to keep sending a stream of Love energy into the Capstone from your heart.
    The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Pyramid. See the Pyramid glowing Brighter and Brighter with your energy. 
  • Keep pumping your Love energy into the Pyramid, reciting  Love and Light , Kaf Lamed Yod, until you intuitively feel your energy has completely blended with the Pyramid's energy. 
  • Focus on the Capstone of the Pyramid and imagine it sending a ray of this blended energy to the Capstone of the Giza Pyramid. The energy is flowing from the Capstone down into the Giza Pyramid.  See the Giza Pyramid get brighter and brighter until the Capstone explodes, sending an energy stream back to your Heart Chakra. 
  • Repeat this energy pathway until you feel a smooth and constant energy circuit flowing between your heart, the Texas Pyramid, and the Giza Pyramid. Keep reciting "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod," as the energy goes through the circuit. Every time you complete a circuit feel the energy moving a little faster with a higher vibration.
  • You have now formed a triangular energy circuit from your Heart to the Texas Pyramid the Giza Pyramid  ...back to your Heart. As you send this energy around the circuit recite, "Love and Light, Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • Keep sending energy through the Triangular energy circuit, faster and faster. Pay attention to how you feel or what you see.  Does the color of the energy change as it moves faster through the energy pathway? How does you physical body feel after repeating the circuit? How does your mind feel as you move around the Triangular circuit?
  • Imagine that the energy is traveling so faster that the circuit starts to radiate energy out into the center of the Triangular Circuit, away for you.
  • This energy is forming column of energy in the center of your Triangular Circuit.
  • The column is changing shape to form an electrified blue triangle that reaches up to touch the Unity Grid surrounding the Earth. The Base is laying on the Crystalline Grid beneath the Earth surface.


  Crystalline Grid

  • Hold your the palms of your hands so they are facing the new blue energy pyramid now directly in front of you. Send energy from your heart, down your arms and out the palms of your hands into the Pyramid. Keep sending energy and saying outloud

    "Love and Light Kaf Lamed Yod,"
  • See it growing brighter and brighter, stronger and stronger until it explodes. Sending blue energy out the Top  into the Unity Grid and out the base into the Crystalline Grid. The energy disappears into the two Grids. 
  • As the energy disappears into the two Grids visualize sacred Galactic Light Codes being released from the Unity Grid above you and the Crystalline Grid below you.  You may see these codes as light, geometrical shapes, beings of light, voices or many other things.  See all these codes floating around you.   Let these codes descend over you and around you … and infusing your entire auric field.
  • Inhale these codes into the crown of your head and let them slowly absorb into the pours of your skin. Bring in this coded information into the cells of your body.  Feel these codes absorbing into your organs. Let the symbols and codes flow through your veins like water.
  • Let the GLC travel through your physical body, writing symbols, shapes and formulas over your body internally and externally.  See these codes written over your organs ...healing and transmuting the causes of disease within these organs, reversing negative spirals of degenerating and restoring positive spirals of regeneration.
  • Feel the codes saturating your memory written over your third eye… flushing out hurtful memories, painful records that replay through our mind.
  • You feel an enormous amount of light and energy flowing through your four body system. These codes are now a part of you and will be working through your four body system…raising your light quota … opening you up to the wisdom and knowledge of your star family.
  • The second after this happens you should feel a slight tingling sensation in your nervous system. This is 5th and 6th dimensional energy pouring into your chakras and energy fields. This is a special coating of geometric forms, key codes, fire letters and colors that are being placed inside you. Whenever any aspect of your selves  get off balanced, the codes activate and automatically put’s your whole program back in balance.

Recite out loud 3x:

Kaf Lamed Yod, I AM Universal Light
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Love
Kaf Lamed Yod,  I AM Universal Harmony
Kaf Lamed Yod,I Am Universal Balance
Kaf Lamed Yod, I Am one with my 5th Dimensional Rainbow Light Body

The Planets and your four body system must be aligned with the new Planetary energy coming in. In the past,  if you are giving a presentation, you would connect to Mercury for improved communications. If you are looking for inner strength, the Sun would be a good choice. What is not commonly known is that each planet is associated with vertebra and a chakra. Plus some planets have changed their energies and their associated chakra based on the new energies that have changed the Morphic field of our solar system. Below is the standard Planet guideline.

Planet Chakra Vertebra Quality/Planetary Trait
Sun Solar Plexus T5 Enhances sense of strength and motivation, self-identity, vitality and radiance and promotes enthusiasm, assertiveness, and determination.
Moon Sacral Plexus T4 Promotes emotional tranquility, softness, intuition, enhances feelings and the feminine, and a flowing flexibility with life.
Om Cosmic Earth Root Solar Plexus Sacrum Enhances deep security and safety of Mother Earth, the cosmic sound OM, and an ability to be grounded and centered.
Mercury Throat T3, T6 Enhances ability to cooperate through understanding and sharpens communication skills through reason, writing and speaking with confidence.
Venus Heart T2, T7 Enhances ability to feel and have love and close relationships with others, sense of creativity and artistry, ability to receive and share, increases our love of pleasure, harmony and self-appreciation.
Mars Root T1 Enhances strength and desire, motivates action, brings out decision making abilities and assertiveness, gives courage and strengthens sexual nature.
Jupiter Heart T9 Enhances openness, trust, optimism, good fortune, and brings out a jovial spirit of laughter. Allows one to be receptive to grace and the adventure in life.
Saturn 3rd Eye T10 Enhances ability to be disciplined and set limits with our self and others. Helps be more structured and organized and take responsibility for completing important tasks.
Uranus Throat Crown T11 Enhances ability to make life changes through inspiration and insight and freedom of expression without self-imposed limitations.
Neptune Sacral Plexus 3rd Eye T12 Enhances spiritual experiences and brings out ability to be compassionate and open to surrendering to creativity. Helps get in touch with and support the dream life, artistic nature, music, art, dance and creativity.
Pluto T8 Enhances ability to face our deepest secrets and bring light to the darkness. Through the energetic forces of Pluto, you can let go of

In our session you will be doing a chakra alignment with the planet Sirius,  Inner Earth,  our Sun, our Moon, and the Galactic Center of the Milky Way based on the new energies that have been drawn into the Planets.   Below is a brief review of the effects of linking your consciousness to each of these planets :

Sirius: Accelerates your ability to create multi-dimensional link-ups.  Also linking your Third Eye to Sirius attunes your inner vision to the frequency of 6th dimensional sacred geometry. This enhances your ability to create your own reality, to heal yourself, and to restructure your form to move through other dimensions and timelines.

Milk Way: Attunes you to the Vibrational Seed Pattern of Cosmic Manifestation fueled by the Universal Laws, Laws of Nature, and Occult Laws. This allows you to be part of the Planetary Ascension Plan

Inner Earth:  When you link it with Inner Earth you are automatically attune with the vibrational seed pattern of Inner Earth's Halls of Ameniti and Inner Earth Cities of Light that are the last strongholds of the Lemurian and Atlantis civilizations. This link allows you to review and imprint on the "Original Race Blueprint" . This Blueprint contains encodings that allow the fragmented Human soul to eventually re-evolve back into its original divine blueprint as a 12D Crystalline Being.

Sun: Attunes you with the Vibrational Seed Pattern of the Collective Consciousness for this timeline. Allows you to co-create with Mother Earth and other Lightworks through the Planetary Grid System.

Moon: Attunes you with the Vibrational Galactic Yin (Goddess) Consciousness that  re-aligns and balances your yin and yang polarities.

Click here to do Planetary Chakra Alignment


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Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

Click here for Transmission Aids

Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

← Zayin Yod Yod ←


Your monetary gift gives us the ability to launch deeply impacting campaigns that support a World of Light, Love and Compassion..
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Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

Click here for Transmission Aids

Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

← Zayin Yod Yod ←


Click here to do Planetary Chakra Alignment


Your monetary gift gives us the ability to launch deeply impacting campaigns that support a World of Light, Love and Compassion..
Click on the Donation buttion below

Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

Click here for Transmission Aids

Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

← Zayin Yod Yod ←