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Council of Nine What is the Council of Nine Councils 9 offers us a unique opportunity to experience and receive energies and information concealed since the time of Lemuria. In addition to creating profound clearing and restructuring of the participants' energetic fields ("the subtle bodies"), The Council presents new, highly effective healing modalities for humankind. Preparing us for the refined energies making their way onto the planet, an Initiation into The High Councils always promises to be a life-changing event. ~ Receive attunements, teachings, and infusions to repattern our physical blueprints with ~ Upgrade your emotional bodies ~ Discover previously unknown healing modalities ~ Experience an expansive shift in consciousness through your spiritual bodie. The Purpose of the Council of Nine The goals of The Nine is to help you develop a thought system without a specific hierarchy or doctrine. The Council of Nine emphasizes correct thinking and knowledge, feeling good, universal toleration, and moral relativism. Its goal is to reunite humans with their "I AM Presence" . This will happen as individuals become more enlightened. The Nine are not equated with God. God is comprised of all people, including The Nine. Some characteristics of the Council Nine that have been reported over the years:
The one who wishes to connect with The Nine simply states the request: "I connect with the Pleiadian Council, please connect with me." The Nine will reveal themselves (or at least one of them will). They act to promote the Good of All, and are happy to help with whatever issue is needed – physical or emotional healing or spiritual growth. All communication occurs through telepathy, and one's goal is to "see" while in a meditative state. Note: Some believe that The Council of Nine is actually Atum, the Egyptian creator-god and the eight others form the Great Ennead (collection of nine) of Heliopolis (City of the Sun). Heliopolis was the center of worship for the sun god Ra, and Atum was closely related to Ra. This connection to Egypt extends into the Theory of New Atlantis . Dr. Hurtak of the Keys of Enoch believes that: Orion CouncilThe Council which regulates the laws administered in this part of the Universe. This is the Highest governing body for this quadrant of the universe and is subject to no laws of its own, except to the Great Divine Director. This council regulates many different star systems and planets. Why are new Atlantean centers being activated by Orion? “Technologies of Light are coming from the Galactic Command in Orion with instructions to help the Adamic race bring peace to the Earth.” Egyptian mythology actually suggests that the gods descended from the belt stars of Orion and Sirius in the form of humans, they called them Osiris and Isis, and they created the human race. Maybe the Council of Nine that help built the Great Pyramid in Giza are back to participate in an Upgrade. |