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Restoring Your Life Force
Transmission T'ai Chi

All benefits of T'ai Chi plus Enhanced Spiritual Preception(ESP)
All Ages- No Experience Necessary 

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Transmission T'ai Chi 
The practice of Transmission Energy T'ai Chi is a upgrade from of T'ai Chi Chih originated by Justin Stone and based on the ancient art of T'ai Chi Chuan. This T'ai Chi gives you all the health benefits of traditional Tai Chi as well as attracting positive spiritual energy that can change a persons energy field for the better.   During Transmissions T'ai Chi  you combine the Traditional Tai Chi Chih movements with the intoning of individual Fire Letters Mantras and the visualization of specific colors. One of the most effective way to restore balance to your body, mind and spirit is through the use of Color. Individual chakras and related organs and body systems will respond to specific colors of Live Force Energy.  If their is an imbalance in your body, visualization of certain color of energy will restore homeostasis (balance) to the chakra thereby effecting all the systems related to it. This applies also to emotional and mental imbalances that cause physical problems.

Intoning of Fire Letter Matras have the destructive power of being able to shatter or repel negative energy. Mantras use the power of hebrew names of the Divine Spirit which carry power to effect changes in the mind, body, emotions or spirit of the individual.  It stimulates the energy inside of us and the energy that surrounds us. Bring them into harmony on all levels. The vibrational seed pattern of a mantra can purify your energy field and expel negative energy that is being sent to you by other people.  Visual Aids are used during the Sessions and Flash cards are provided that can be used during your home sessions... so you don't have to have a good memory.

Easy to Learn

 Like T'ai Chi Chih this method of T'ai Chi involves simpler and fewer movements for those individuals who wish to benefit from the health aspects of T'ai Chi without studying the martial arts sequences. The orginal T'ai Chi Chih was developed because Justin Stone realized that it takes many months of hard work to learn the 108 movements of T'ai Chi Chuan.  Once learned, it takes a great deal of space to practice. In addition, the elderly have a hard time doing some of the movements. Sometimes everybody has a hard time memorizing the long sequence.

Like T'ai Chi Chih, Transmission T'ai Chi  can be easily learned and memorized.  The client only needs to practice any six of the 19 movements. This means we practice each movement 36 times on the left side and 36 times on the right side. Very little space is needed. One can stand at one's desk whenever feeling drowsy and do a few of the movements.  

To get the benefit of Transmission T'ai Chi all you need to do is to practice the movements regularly, 10 or 15 minutes in the morning and 10 or 15 minutes in the late afternoon or early evening. You will feel the flow of energy and a feeling somewhat like the afterglow of an internal bath. In Transmission  T'ai Chi we only have to learn five or six of the movements in this class and do them regularly. So there is not much to learn. It is the application-constant daily practice -that gets results. The Client may choose whatever movements appeal to him or her and seem to circulate the chi.

For the martial arts student this practice has proven beneficial for the balancing and storing of Chi. This form of exercise is suitable for most everyone... males, females, disabled, and all ages. 

About the Instructors
Dr. R.E.Dahl was trained in Tai Chi under the University of Incarnate Word, Spirituality and Arts Center of the Sisters of Charity in San Antonio. Dahl has been very fortunate to have had other classes with various Master in energy meditation throughout the years. Over the years, Dahl has conducted classes at UTB/TSC's Employee Wellness Program, Brownsville Independent School District Homeless Youth Program, Brownsville Medical Center's Premiere Plus Wellness Center and at community centers throughout the States of Texas and Indiana.

Energy Tai Chi Class Outline
 During these sessions the following topics will be discussed and the Tai Chi movements will be learned and practiced.

I. General Instructions
1.  What is Chi and storing Chi
2. Healing results
3.  Body Postures for Successful Practice
4. Preliminary Movements
5. Leg Motions
6. Practice Program
7. Function and Essence
8. Additional Tips
9.  Important Points on Moving Correctly
10. Practice Session

T'ai Chi has received world wide recognition from medical professionals, as well as from the sports and recreational community as an extremely efficient healthy regime.

  • The Cambridge Research Lab in Boston offers a class in T'ai Chi to help workers blow off steam
  • Tais Hoffman of San Clement teaches T'ai Chi in a halfway house to women who have just completed a 21 day drug/alcohol detoxification program
  • Saint Luke's Hospital in Kansas City teaches T'ai Chi to arthritic in its center of Health Enhancement to provide greater mobility, coordination and flexibility.
  • Pam Towne works with professional golfers on the Professional Golfers Association circuit to relax their body, mind and focus on their feet to get grounded before a swing
  • A recent study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging showed T'ai Chi was the only exercise/activity to show a 45% decrease in the number of falls among elderly study participants
  • Benefit for individuals who struggle with depression. 
  • Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles found in a group of 112 adults who were suffering from depression and regularly did Tai Chi , 94 percent of the participants experienced reduced symptoms and 64 percent nearly eliminated their depression. Authors of the study said its results are promising when it comes to finding non-medicinal treatments for the mental disorder, which has been shown to have more detrimental effects as a person ages."Depression can lead to serious consequences, including greater morbidity, disability, mortality and increased cost of care," said Helen Lavretsky, lead study author.
  • Philosopher Ilchi Lee has recommended mind-body-spirit practices like tai chi and yoga to improve brain potential and promote spiritual healing for years. Results of many studies support his beliefs that a strong mind-body-spirit connection has the potential to eliminate negative thought, cure ailments and lead people on their journeys toward personal growth. 

The following are a few of the possible benefits of this form of T'ai Chi:

  • Alleviates carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Tones the body
  • Relieves arthritis
  • Stimulates circulation
  • Reduces stress,
  • controls blood pressures,
  • raises the energy level,
  • improves coordination and balance
  • Alleviates stiff joint and stimulates the immune system.

Chi and Golf

Tai Chi for Golf  is a program of simple exercises and drills to help you improve your balance, maintain your flexibility and suppleness to enhance your golfing ability. Based on an ancient, oriental health form, the exercises will improve your posture, increase your striking power and help you control your mind and your temper, giving you a much more rounded and enjoyable game.   Research has shown that many golfers have found that they can drive the ball much farther after practicing T’ai Chi for only a few months. Improving the coordination of the arms, the waist and the legs during movements, relaxing muscles, and improving balance - these are the main reasons for the synergy between Tai Chi and golf.

A study published by the journal Medicine and science in sports and exercise in 2004 shows that among elderly subjects, the experienced Tai Chi practitioners and the experienced golfers both have much better joint proprioceptive acuity and dynamic standing balance control than those who do not practice either of these two activities.

Building upon such synergy, there have emerged some programs integrating Tai Chi movements into golf practice. The most prominent one among them is probably chi-power GOLF, which is used by the Professional Golfers' Association (PGA). The program was developed by Jayne Storey, a Tai Chi teacher in the U.K. who has been practicing Yang Style Tai Chi since 1987.

T'ai Chi,  ADHD and ADD

ADD and ADHD  is a growing problem not only with children, but adults as well. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorder of children, afflicting about 35% in the U.S.  ADHD, often treated by drugs such as Ritalin, oral antihypertensive or  antidepressants, is characterized by inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity.  However, the medical and educational community have begun to express concern about the sheer numbers of young children being diagnosed as ADHD and administered drug therapy. 

While these medications can at times be effective if carefully monitored, side effects are possible, and most of these drugs should not be (though sometimes are) given to children under age six because of risk of toxicity or lack of dosage information due to inadequate testing for adverse drug reactions in this population. Twenty percent of ADHD children do not respond to the first stimulant drug tried, or have a negative reaction to it.

Touch Research Institute (TRI) examined whether Tai Chi, the Chinese martial art of slow-moving, meditative exercise, would have similar effects .  During and after five weeks of tai chi lessons, adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) showed less anxiety, daydreaming, inappropriate emotions and hyperactivity, according to a study by TRI. T’ai Chi may be a wonderful adjunct therapy for treating ADHD because it augments many of the mood management techniques recommended for ADHD sufferers.

A University of Miami School of Medicine study shows T’ai Chi is a powerful therapy for ADHD and ADD. The chidren in this study saw a drop of ADD symptons nd an enhanced ability to focus, concentrate, and perform tasks. Adolescents with ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) displayed less anxiety, daydreaming behaviors, inappropriate emotions and hyperactivity, and greater improved conduct, after a five week, two day per week class. T’ai Chi meets many of the criteria for mood management techniques recommended for ADD .


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Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

Click here for Transmission Aids

Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

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