Devas & Elementals at Findhorn Click on the links below to return to a page
As word of the garden spread, it became a model community for proponents of the New Age movement. By the early 1970s, more than three hundred people lived, worked, and studied in Findhorn. Residents viewed themselves as the vanguard of a new society based on the principles of cooperation between people and the kingdom of nature. By the 1980s the plants, fruits, and vegetables had returned to normal sizes and none of the present gardeners claim direct contact with the natural world. Nevertheless, newer members of the community preserve the original spirit and ideas of the founders. Findhorn has a democratic government, a garden school, and a company to help small businesses within the community.
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Devas and the Devic Realm Devas are a hierarchical order of Intelligences that oversee almost every aspect of creation. They are omnipresent and exist in a reality connected with but not part of our own. They interact and have mutual energetic impact with us every day. The Devic Kingdom is quite immense and contains countless numbers of Intelligences. The Devas that we are working with are only a small part of the Kingdom. Traditionally, they have been responsible for creating and maintaining the blueprints for all natural forces, forms, laws and processes including solar, planetary and interplanetary. They create the architectural patterns that create order, organization, and vitality. Nothing can exist in this world of form without the direct supervision of a Deva and a Devic plan behind it. Their input is included as part of every template or form because they’re directly able to adjust the Devic plan associated with any work being done. They also insure that all work is balanced and in accordance with the natural laws of the physical dimension.
Devas and Nature Spirits are terms used to identify two different expressions and functions within the “nature consciousness." They "interface" with the human soul while in form. The Devic expression designs and actually IS the creation of the order, organization, and life vitality of that form. The Nature Spirit expression infuses the devic order and adds the dynamic of function and a working balance. It is the expert of form and is form itself. The hierarchy is explained here as a guide to help you understand how Devas organize their realm.
Historically many cultures have been aware of these beings. Some other names that Nature Spirits are known by include: elves, fairies, undines, salamanders, gnomes, sylphs, fauns, trolls, and elementals. Nature Spirits tend to be very regionally based. The Nature Spirits that live and work in Los Angeles are not the same ones that live and work in Vancouver. We have Rio Grande Valley Nature spirits attuned to Mexico and the Androgynous Chakra Pan This aspect of the Devic level serves as the architectural force that creates the physical structures found within all human healing. The order, organization, and life vitality of the human body falls within the domain of the Deva of Healing. |