![]() Fire Letter Meditation Fire Letters This language of light can be thought of as a computer software program for the evolution of your soul. These letters send out a powerful code that allows you to access very specific energies for soul correction and transformation. The Center utilizes the 72 Names of God that correspond to aspects of your life that are in need of a spiritual boost. If you are spiritual attuned, you will automatically resonate with a particular name and meaning that your soul knows is for your highest good and needs immediate attending to. Stan Tenen, physicist, states that, “the ancient Hebrew alphabet is far more than an everyday toll for everyday communication or the transmission of sacred texts, the letter forms themselves have intrinsic geometric and mathematical properties that point us to a profound knowledge of life and the nature of human consciousness.” Several individuals have researched the effect of the letters on the subconscious of individuals. Two of the popular researchers Dr. J.J. Hurtak author of The Keys of Enoch, Pistis Sophia, as well as ‘DNA and the Divine Names and prominent sound healer, Jonathan Goldman, even produced a CD on the Sacred Name/mantra of Yod Hev Shin Vod Hey, the Sacred Name of God. Fire Letters are mathematical and have a specific frequencies and vibrations that has an affect on humans and all life. Each hebrew letter has a vibrational seed pattern that affect our physical blueprint or DNA structure. The vibration of the Fire letters code human consciousness and penetrate on a cellular level. Just by staring at the fire letters, they are “unconsciously imprinting the flaming letters as Holy Codes of Highest Wisdom.” (Dr. Hurtak, Keys of Enoch.) These letters are an inter-dimensional language. Every genetic cell in your body understands this language. The usage of fire letters helps to increase our vibration seed pattern thereby changing our the DNA/RNA Matrix. Fire letters essentially help to reprogram and alter our DNA, for a higher purpose. Doctor Hurtak (also the Director of the Academy of Future Sciences) with other fellow researchers, spent several decades studying DNA structure and makeup , They found that our DNA is composed of these fire letters. They have proven that specific divine names of God effect higher states of creativity and assist rapid advancement in the DNA and in manifestation. Fire letters are the triggering mechanisms that awaken the cellular memory in our DNA, thereby allowing us to understand are true divine self and our mission . Using the Fire Letters, sound, sacred name mantras, crystals and symbols activate specific frequencies carried in our personal divine blueprint, evolving our Christ Consciousness and helping us receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Hurtak, states: “This sacred language is not primarily a language of words or letters or pronunciation (although they are words of divine power,) but the thoughts of God emanating as flame projections. These thought projections of flame carry a unique sound with the throne.” This text is from the following Website Meditation After you have identified which name you wish to meditate on, click with your computer mouse until the box expands to reveal a larger version of the holy name and spiritual intention you have chosen to meditate on. To further facilitate your meditation, you may opt to add a selection of soothing trance music or nature sounds by clicking on one of the selections provided in the audio player below the expanded box...or ignore it and do the meditation in silence.